November i8, 1905
Standard of
Instruction in Real Estate
^HE Highest
We teacli by mail bow to buy and sell real estate. We teacb all the iihaaeB
of the real eatate business thoroughly und eshaustiTely; and our lessons will
be worth huodceda oEdollai:s to every one interested ill real estate.
Writ* for Booklet H, Tvbith. will tell you all about it
U. S. Real Estate Correspondence Institute, Hegeman Bld^;, 200 B'way
IITH AV.-The Anheuser Busch Brewing Co. (Mr. Brandt), No.
24 West st, telephone 2795 Cortlandt, is taking flgures on a new
stable building, to be erected at Nos. 425-433 list av. Messrs.
Weidman, Walsh & Boisler, of St. Louis. Mo., are the architects.
Figures are wanted by the B runs wick-BaIke-Coll ander Co.,
227 4th av, on the general contract for a 2-sty stable. lOOxSO,
which they will build in Long Island City, from plans by Mow¬
bray & Ufiinger, 95 Liberty st, IVIanhattan. The company has
a factory at No. 401 East Sth st. New Tork. A. F, Troscher,
227 4tb av. Is treasurer for the company.
SOTH ST.—Snelling & Potter, No. 1170 Broadway, have plans
under way for a new 9-sty offlce structure to be erected on a
plot 65x98.9, at Nos. 33 to 37 East SOth st. A Realty Co. is said
to be the owner. No contracts have been awarded.
No. 38 Ferry Street, Manhattan. Frank Freeman, Architect.
17TH ST.-The Domestic Realty Co.. No. 6 West 22d st, has
commissioned Messrs, Schickel & Ditmars, oth av and ISth st,
to prepare plans for a 6-sty mercantile and loft building, to be
erected on a plot, 75x92, at Nos. 125-127-129 West 17th st. No
contracts have been awarded.
72D ST.—No contracts have been awarded for Installing in¬
terior balconies, stairs, etc., in the i-sty stone church building
Nos. 153-155 East 72d st, for the Hellenic Orthodox Church, the
Rev, Methodius Curculius, southwest corner of Lexington av and
72d st, pastor, for which Nathan Langer, 81 East 125th st, is
Bids Opened.
Bids were opened by the Commissioner of Water Supply. Gas
and Electricity, for furnishing and laying water mains In Colum¬
bus and Sth avs, 62d st. Central Park West and in Central Park,
for which the F. V. Smith Contracting Co., 147 Bast 125th st,
at $450,450, was low bidder. Bids were also opened for erect¬
ing and connecting four water-tube boilers at the new Ridgewood
pumping station, for which Th» Heine Safety Boiler Co.. of No.
11 Broadway, at $28,000 was low bidder.
nil eAllftJia earn.
The Swedish Lutheran Church of East Orange, N. J., will build
a new edifice. The Rev. K. J. Brkander, 227 North Clinton st, is
A. C. Vorhees, No. 592 Brunswick av, Trenton, N, J., wants
figures for the erection of four 3-sty dwellings, 15x55, which he
will build at Trenton, N. J. William W. Slack, 18 East State st,
Trenton, is the architect.
The Borden Condensed Milk Co., IOS Hudson st. Manhattan, is
taking figures on a 3-sty fireproof milk depot, 75x100, to be
erected at 4th and Mt. Pleasant avs, Newark. N. J., from plans
by G. Howard Chamberlin, llSl Eroadway, Manhattan.
PARK PL.^No architect has yet been commissioned for the
new Broadway .Savings Institution Bauk building, 23 Park pl,
to be erected at Nos. 5-7 Park pl, on a plot 37.12x75 ft. H. S.
â– Hutchinson is president. Estimated cost, $100,000. (Bee Issue
Oct. 7, 1905.)
â– â– tlmatva ReceivKlile.
JAT ST.—Robertson & Potter, 160 5th av, are taking bids on
the general contract for a 3-sty brick fireproof addition, 25x55,
to the House of Relief at Jay and Staple sts.
Edward A. Wurth, 75 Market st, Newark, N. J., wants figures
on a 6-sty and basement storage building, 50x155, for Christian
Schmidt, 157 Sprlngfleld av, to be erected at No. 159 Springfleld
av, Newark, N. J.
George K. Fischer, Consulting Engineer, 17 Battery pl, New
Tork, is taking bids on a large addition to the copper plajit at
Perth Amboy, N. J., for the Raritan Copper Works, with offlces
at No. 42 Broadway, Manhattan.
EDGECOMBE AV.—J. C. Cocker, 103 East 125th st, wants
bids on all lines for the two 6-sty flat buildings which Murray
& Hid, 617 West 130th st, will build on Edgecombe av, near
150th st, at a cost of $42,000 each.
The Green Motor Car Co., 776 Broad st, Newark, N. J., are tak¬
ing figures for the erection of a 2-sty garage building, 50x150,
to be erected by them at Nos. 88-90 Washington st, Newark,
from plans by William Kennedy 7 East 42d st, Manhattan.
6STH ST,—Figures are wanted on electric wiring by Messrs.
Heins & La Farge, 39 East 2lBt st, for the new 6-sty residence
of Mrs. G. T. Bliss, 37 West 25th st. In course of erection at No.
9 East OSth st, at a cost of $150,000. Fountain & Choate, 114
East 23d st, have the carpenter contract.
31ST ST.—G. A. Schellenger, 27 East 21st st, has plans ready
for $25,000 worth of improvements to the 4-sty residence No. 9
West Slst st, for Alfred Nelson, 261 5th av, on which no con¬
tracts have been awarded. Plans provide for a 7-sty front ex¬
tension, 25x7.11x30, 2 stys will be added to the main building,
new front, elevator, etc.
53D ST.—No contracts have been awarded for extensive im¬
provements to the 4-3ty residence No. 12 East 53d st, for Mary
L. Fisk, 671 5th av, estimated to cost $25,000. R. C. Gildersleeve,
150 Sth av. Is architect. Plans specify a 4-sty front extension,
37.6x8.6, 1-sty added to the rear, new stairs, electric elevator,
girders, columns, new front, etc.
Contracts Airarded.
2d ST.—j. Hoffman, of Jamaica, L. I., haa received the general
contract to build a 2-sty and basement orphan asylum, 75x125,
for the Ottilie Orphan Asylum, of No. 78 2d st, Manhattan. Will¬
iam Debus. SOS Broadway, Brooklyn, is the architect.
TTH AV.—Herbert P. Hutchings, 1123 Broadway, has obtained
the contract for alterations to the S-sty building, 7th av, south¬
west corner of 122d st, for the Estate of R. C. Browning, 99
Chambers st. Messrs. Hill & Stout, 1123 Broadway, are thi-
43D ST,—James D. McBntee, 710 Columbus av, has taken the
contract for $10,000 worth of improvem_ents to the 12-sty hotel,
Nos, 127-135 West 43d st, for the Metropolitan Life Insurance
Co., No. 1 Madison av, from plans by D. Everett W^aid, 156 Sth
av. The alterations consist of new baths, plumbing, etc.
The contract for electric wiring the new telephone buiiding
in course of erection at Park av and 7th st, Hoboken, N. J., has
been awarded to the J. P. Hughes Co., of 28 Elm st, Manhattan.
The N. T. & N. J. Telephone Co. is the owner. Eidlitz & Mac¬
kenzie, 1123 Broadway, architects, and D. C. Weeks & Son, 2S9
4th av, general contractors. The heating and ventilating has
not been awarded.
BROADWAY.—John T. Brady &. Co., 4 Bast 42d st, has ob¬
tained the general contract for $40,000 worth of improvements
to the 4-sty hotel, northwest corner of Broadway and 46th st,
facing Longacre square, for Jolm B. Mantel, 22 William st,
and Mrs. Emily T,-ood. 39 Gramercy Park, for which H. C. Pitt-
man, 156 5th av, is architect, and ex-Police Sergeant James J.
Churchiir the lessee. Plans provide for a 3-sty side extension,
23.11x94x100.3, baths, partitions, new plumbing, etc.
STH AV.—C. P. H. Gilbert, No. 1123 Broadway, has awarded
the contract for the foundation work of the building operations
on property at 5th av, between 76th and 77th sts, to Messrs.
Eunn & Nase, of No. 1123 Broadway. It has been decided that
two houses will be built, one of which will be 30 ft and the
other 32 ft 6 ins. Mrs. James H. Harding, of Monmouth Beach,
N. J,, is the owner. All contracts will be awarded directly by
the architect. The buildings wili be fireproof and thoroughly
modern and up to date in every particular. (See issue Oct. 28,
—Only about six per cent, of the rooms in the Metropolitan
Building, No. 1 Madison av, are ofhclally reported as vacant,
though several of the stores on the ground floor of the new part
are still untenanted. Sixty per cent, of the whole space in the
building is occupied by the company. The average charge for
office space Is $1.79 per sq, ft. V. J. Hedden Sons Co. received
a percentage on the net cost for erecting the building, which
was 4 per cent. The Madison Square property altogether is