January 12, 1907
131ST ST.—G. Brettel! & Son sold the 5-sty double flat 9 West
131st st, 25x100.
133D ST.—Abe Kassel bought 9 West 133d st. a 5-sty double
fiat, 25x99.11.
134TH ST.—Mandelhaum & Lewne bought 51 East 134th st.
a 5-sty tenement, 25x99.11.
AMSTERDAM AV.—Charles S. Kohler sold for a client 783
Amsterdam av, a 5-sty double flat, 25xS0.
COLUMBUS AV.—William R. Ware sold for Mary McMahon
to a client for investment 508 Columbus av, a 5-sty apartment
house, with stores, 2.5x100.
MANHATTAN AV.—Harry Shwitaer sold 507 Manhattan av.
northwest corner of 121st st, a 3-sty dwelling, LIlxlOO.
MADISON AV.—Samuel Grossmann sold 3410 to 1414 Madison
av, southeast corner of OSth rgt. three 5-sty flats, 75.5x95.
H. Taylor Sheiman Co. Sold Madison Avenue Dwelling.
MADISON AV.—The H. Taylor Sherman Co. sold for the
Docter-Clube Realty Co. to C. Grayson Martin 527 Madison av,
a 4-sty and basement brownstone front dwelling. 20x80.
MADISON AV.—Marcus Rosenthal bought from Abraham
Kassel 1244 to 124S Madison av, three .5-sty flats, G0.SxS7.9,
adjoining the southw&st comer of 90th st.
WEST END AV.—570 West End av, a 4-sty dwelling, 20x100,
hais been sold by the Bellevue Realty Corporation through F.
R. Wood & Co. to Charles Gulden. Governor Hughes leased the
house in 1901 for a term of ten years and there are three years
of the term yet to run.
WEST END AV.—The Home Alliance Realty Co. sold for
Hicks Realty Co. 345 and 353 West End av. two 4-sty and
basement brick dwellings, 21x69.10 and 22x55.5, respectively,
west side, between 76th and 77th sts. The prices were $36,000
and $34,000 re-spectively.
WEST END AV.—The Willet Realty Co., of 170 Broadway,
sold through Jesse C. Bennett & Co. the apartment house known
as the "Carlisle Dwellings." located at southeast corner of West
End av and 82d st. The buyer is Morris K. Jessup (president
of Chamber of Commerce of New York), who takes the prop¬
erty free and clear strictly as an investment. Mr. Jessup is
now the owner of the entire block front on west side of Broad¬
way, between Slst and S2d sts. as well as the "De Witt," on
S2d st, so that the purchase of the "Carlisle Dwellings" also
gives him the entire south side of S2d st, from Broadway to
West End av, and half of east side of West End av, between
Slst and S2d sts.
WEST END AV.—Slawson & Hobbs sold for Henry M. Tilford
487 West End av. a 3-sty high stoop dwelling, 17x82. The
buyer will occupy.
AV C.—The Katzenstein estate sold Lo Morris Rosenthal 1110
Av C, a 3-sty building, 18.oxS3.
2d av.—David Henry sold for John McKee to a client of
Joseph F. A. O'Donnell the soutliwest corner of 2d av and
123d st, a 5-3ty double flat, with store. 25x62; also, for John
McKee to the same buyer 242 East 123d st, a 5-sty single flat,
IS.xSO. the seller taking in exchange 24 lots with a 40-room hotel
known as t!ie Lynwood property, in Coytesville, N. J.
2d av.—Jaffey & Mayers sold to E. Lowenthal for immediate
improvement with teneinent houses the plot, GOxlOO, on the
east side of 2d av, 40 ft. north of 123d st.
2D AV.-M. Brodlcin sold for a Mr. Zolka to A. Maurer S93
2d av, a 4-aty tenement, with store, 20x70.
Sale of Prominent Third Avenue Corner.
3d AV.—Edgar T. Kingsley sold for Gustavus, Henry and
Richard Sidenberg to an investor 1251-1253 3d av, northeast
corner 3d av and 72d st, two, 4-sty flats, with stores, 44x71.8.
The corner store is occupied by the American Express Co.
One Mile of Fifth Avenue Activity.
5TH AV.—Henry D. Winans & May report the sale of the
northeast corner of 92d st and 5th av, the size of the plot being
100.SV^xl02,3. This property is directly opposite tho new resi¬
dence of Mr. I. Townsend Burden and on the same block as the
residence of Mr. Jacob Ruppert. It is sold by the Hon. Ferry Bel¬
mont, who purchased the property in 1900 for the purpose of
a residence, but who has recently purchased a plot in Wash¬
ington, where he is to construct a permanent home. The re¬
ported price is about $500,000. There has been special activity
in the one mile on Sth av, north of 70th st, within the last si.x
or eight monthrs. Fourteen parcels have been sold in this area,
eight of them by the above Arm. Lenox Library recently pur¬
chased by Mr. Frick, on plot 200x125, this sale having been
made by Henry D. Winans & May. The Van Ingen plot, SO ft.,
between 71st and 72d sts, to Seth B. French by Taylor Brothers
and Horace S. Ely & Co. The north corner of 74th st, 27 ft.
residence, sold by Dr. E. L. Keys to Mr. S. B. Chapin. The
south corner of 75th st, 30.2x120, just sold by Mr. Otto H.
Kahn to a party who will erect a high-grade private residence.
The plot .30 ft. south of 75th st, 27x120 ft., recently sold for
Mr. Otto H. Kahn by Henry D. Winans & May. The north
corner of 75th st, 35x115, sold by Henry D. Winans & May for
the estate of John R. Ford lo Mr. Edward S. Harkness, on
which Mr, Harkness will erect a private residence. Tlie nortii
corner of 76th st, 27.2x120, sold by Henry D. Winans & May for
Mr. B. N. Duke to Mr. Benjamin Guggenheim. No. 991 Sth
av, 5-sty American basement dwelling, sold by Henry D. Winans
& May for the estate of Mary King to Mr. D. Crawford Clark.
Sixty ft. north of S3d st, plot 30x100, sold by the Garland es¬
tate to General Lloyd Bryce, who is erecting a residence on
the site. The south corner of S6th st, 47x100. recently sold by
Mr. Clias. C. Marshall to William Starr Miller, on which he will
erect a high-grade private dwelling. No. 1053 Sth av, 5-sty
high stoop residence, modern, which was sold by Mr. Frederick
Lewisohn to Mi-s. Sarah W. Clark. Nos. 1054-1055 Sth av, sold
by Henry I?. Winans & May to Mr. Benjamin Thaw, on which
he is re-constructing a large 3S-ft. residence. The plot on Sth
av, GO ft. south of SOth st, 35x100 recently sold by Henry D.
Winans & May for William B. Leeds, Esq. Mr Leeds is about
to construct a residence to cost $1,000,000 on the adjoining cor¬
ner. Mr. John Russell Pope, architect. This gentleman also
designed the celebrated William L. Stowe property on Long
Much Activity on Upper 5tli Avenue.
STH AV.—Eloodgood, de Saulles & Talbot sold for Otto H.
Kahn, of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the plot, 30.2x120, at the south¬
east corner of Sth av and 75th st. The buyer will erect a
liandsome residence for his own occupancy. Mr. Kahn ateo
sold to an investor the adjoining plot on Sth av, 27x120. Mr.
Kahn's plot, thus disposed of, leaves no Sth av corner in the
market south of 75th st. as the Gould and Stillman plots are
the only vacant corners remaining, neitlier of wiiom will sell.
STH AV.-M. H. Meyer and A. Ohayon sold for M. L. & C.
Ernst Nos. 2593 to 2599 Sth av. two 5-sty flats, with stores,
lOTH AV.—Jno. J. Talbot sold for George Schoenecker to
Francisco Yaccarino the S-sty double flat, with store, 642 10th
av, 23x75.
13oTH ST.—Harry L. Rosen bought from the John V. Signell
Building and Construction Co. the Ridgefleld, a G-sty elevator
apartment house, 75x100, at 025, 627 and 629 West 13Sth st,
adjoining the corner of-Riverside Drive.
13GTH ST.—Isaac Schlesinger sold to Edgar A. Levy 619 and
621 West 136th st, a 5-sty flat, 54x99.11.
145TH ST.—W. J. Huston & Son sold for the estate of Ursula
E. Menair io a client of W. C. Lester 417 West 145lh st a 3-sty
high-stoop dwelling, lSx90.ll.
151ST ST.—Harry Shwitzer sold 517 West 151st st, a 5-sty
triple flat, 35x90.11.
WEST 15STH ST.-The Gem Realty Co. sold a plot, 25x199 10
running through from 15Sth lo 159lh st, 100 ft east of Broad¬
way. The buyers are the Huri Construction Co.. which re¬
cently bought the adjoining Broadway block front. David
Stewart was the broker in the deal.
1G6TH ST.—G. Harvers bought from J. B. Gartelman 555 West
lOGth st, northeast corner of St. Nicholas av, a 3-sty building
with stores, 57.7x2G.2x65.Gx2S. J. P. & E. J. Murray were the
AMSTERDAM AV.-C. M. Silverman & Son sold to George
Vendien the southwest corner of Amsterdam av and 144th st,
a 6-sty flat, with stores, 40x100.
AMSTERDAM AV.—The William Rosenzweig Realty Operating
Co. bought from Louis Bernstein the southwest corner of Am¬
sterdam av and LSOth st, 25x100, adjoining the post office.
BROADWAY.—Crystal Realty and Construction Co. sold to
H. Rosenthal the 6-sty Lenement house, 40x100, on the west side
of Broadway, 39.11 ft. north of ISSth st.
BRADHURST AV.—The Breslauer Realty Co. sold through
Irving D. Steinhardt and Edwin A. Wallis to Mrs. Kate W.
Young 22 and 24 Bradlrurst av, two 5-sty double flats, with
stores, each 2GxS2. In part payment Mi^. Young gives her
summer residence at 91 Highland av, Orange, N. J., 103.5x200.
JUMEL PL.—Ferdinand Nagel sold to Theodore H. Friend
plot 50x100 in the west side of Jumel pl, about 350 ft north of
IGTth St.
NORTH RIVER.—Richtmyer &. Irving sold for Edward H.
Landon to a Western lumber corporation for dockage purposes
the river front between 137th and l.SSth sts. The deal covers
all the land west of the New York Central tracks between these
two streets, as well as the land under water out to the United
States Government line, a distance of about 300 ft. on the
Hudson River. The name of the purchaser is withheld. This
is the only piece of dock property sold in this section for
Entire Block Sold.
ST. NICHOLAS AV.-F. V. Calder sold for J. Romaine Brown
to George Schmidt the block bounded by St. Nicholas and Am¬
sterdam avs, 160th and 161st sts, 199.10x50x203.3x87.4, partly
covered by 2 and 3-sty brick and old frame buildings. Mr.
Brown has owned the northerly part of this block for about
twenty years. The southerly end he bought about three years
And TIk'u Resold.
ST. NICHOLAS AV.—Jno. N. Gokling resold the block bounded
by St. Nicholas and Amsterdam avs. IGOth to 161st sts, for
George Schmidt to Frank W. Woolworth as described in sale
preceding. Mr. Woolworth now controls practically all of the
property facing the junction of Amsterdam and St. Nicholas
avs and Broadway, and also owns the southwest corner of St.