January 26, 1907
R. T. Lynch, Jas. A. Lynch. Richard Lee, T. J. Lonlgan, R,
H. Lea, L. Lewis, Michael Morris. Arthur McGuInness, Wm.
McCullough, Jas. Mahoney, Hon. H. A. Metz, Hon. J. A. Mc-
Cooey, J. T. Mulligan, D. A. McLaughlin, Sol. Manheimer,
James McLaughlin, Geo. McEntee. Wm. J. Moore, T. M. Mc-
Entagart, John Murray, Hon. Tlios, H. Mulry. Frank Muller,
Geo. E, Murray, Geo. H. Mount, Daniel W. McAvoy, Maurice
J. McCarthy, R. McNIchoI, J. H. McDermott, John J. Moran,
James J. Mooney, Daniel J. McCoy, Frank J. McArdle. Capt. M.
Maguire, E. McLaughlin, D. W. Moran, M. Martin, T. F.
Haguire, Dr. C. B. Murray. John McLaughlin, T, F. Mc¬
Laughlin, J. Marrin, Patrick Norton, bavid Nugent, John E.
Nagle, Jno. F. O'Rourke, Thomas O'Brien. Jos. O'Brien, Jas,
O'Brien, D. O'Brien, Patrick O'Keefe, Thos. J, O'Reilly, Miles
O'Brien, Andrew O'Neill, J. H. O'Ryan, Daniel O'Connell, John
Phelan, Joseph A. Pucci, Peter Peterson, John H. Parker, Jajs.
Plikington. Leo G, Pollock, L. C, Quinn, Cornelius J. Quinn,
John Reinbard, Hon. Jerome Reilly, Thos. J. Reilly, J, W,
Rudolph, John Revel, S. H. Robinson, Lawrence Rooney, Ben,
Rinn, Samuel Roth, Geo. E. Rodman, John W. Roddle, E. Ryan.
J. P. Renney. P. Ryan, C. E. Regelman, Patrick Reddy, P.
Reddy, Thos. F. Smith. Edward T. Schroeder, F. Vinton Smith,
Hon, G. F. Scannell. Hon. P. J. Scully, Michael Scully. Frank
W. Smith, Joseph Silverson, Max Silver, R. Shields, E. J.
Shafer, R. A. Shaler, H. C. Sanford, Mr. Sargeant, Mr.
Schnaier, Mr. Sheridan, John Slattery. H. S. Swain, Clarence
L, Smith, Thomas E. Slater. Wm. P. Scully. Wm. N. Shannon,
Harry Stevenson, W, H. Schmuck, Frederick Snare, G. F.
Smith, H, Sanders, T. H. Shanton, G. W. Sampson, Joseph
Tins, Francis D. Thorne. A. P. Tannart, Gustav Triest. Samuel
Tomback, P. J. Travis, Mr. Trenaultes, Dr. F. L. Tooley, A. P.
Volgcnan, R. Vane, Jobn Vesey, Francis M. Weeks, Ross D.
Williams, Sydney Williams, Clement S. Walker, Edward Woods,
Frederick Wagner, Fred Weis, Louis Wannemacher, Jas. Ward,
Dr. A. C. Walscheid, Henry Waddington, Jos. Waddington and
P. A, "V^liitney.
I). U. Weeks & Son to Erect the World Building Annex.
WILLIAM ST.—Tlie general contract for tbe erection of the
steel frame addition to the World Building, to cover the remain¬
ing portion of the block bounded by Park Row, Frankfort and
William sts, has been awarded to D. C. Weeks & Son, of No,
289 4th av. Messrs. Byrne & Murphy. S90 Park av, have the
plumbing contract. 'The new part will measure 100.414x103.7%x
85.314 ft., and contain 13 stories on William st, and along
Frankfort st, the same height as the present building, the
architecture and building materials harmonizing with the pres¬
ent type. The old part is to be extensively remodeled, and the
east walls will be taken out, throwing the whole structure into
one. The Park Row entrance is to be rebuilt and widened, and
an arcade will be extended through opening in William st. The
cost is estimated at about $700,000. The Press Publishing Co.,
composed of Joseph Pulitzer, president; Ralph Pulitzer, vice-
president, and J. Angus Shaw, secretary. Is the owner. Horace
Trumbauer, 1408 Land Title Building. Philadelphia, Pa., is the
architect. Contracts for the steel and structural work have not
been let.
Contracts for Joseph P. Little's Printing Plant.
24TH ST.—Messrs. Townsend, Steinle & Haskell, 2£) East I9lh
st, have awarded the structural steel and ornamental work for
the 11-sty publishing house, Io0xS9.2 ft., to be erected at
425 to 435 East 24tb st, 350 ft. east of 1st av, for Joseph J,
Little, of J. J. Little & Co., publishers, of 2 Astor pl, to Messrs.
Levering & Garrlgues Co, Iron Works, 552 West 23d st. Figures
are now receivable on the masonry and carpenter work. The
materials for the exterior will be brick, terra cotta and stone,
with marble coping, composition roof. wrought-iTon fire-escapes,
galvanized-iron skylights, low-pressure exhaust heating, electric
lights and elevators. The estimated cost Is about $450,000, (See
issue of June 24, 1005.)
Particulars of the New Y. M. C. A. Home.
27TH ST.—Messrs, Parish & Schroeder, 5 West Slst st, archi¬
tects for the new central building for the International Com¬
mittee of tbe Young Men's Christian Association, to be erected
at 125-127 East 27th st and 122-124 East 2Sth st, are now
ready for estimates on the genera! contract. Tlie structure will
be 12-stj's in heiglit, fronting 40 ft. on each street, with a total
deptli of 19G.0 ft. It will be large enough to accommodate all
of the committee's offices in this country, and will include all
conveniences necessary for the society's work. The estimated
cost is placed at about $400,000. The offices of tbe conrmittee
are at 3 West 29th st. (See issue of Sept. 13, lOOC)
Broadway and J44th Street Imp^ovenient.
BROADWAY.—The Geo. A. Fisher Co., New Rochelle, N. Y.,
will soon begin the erection at the northwest corner of Broad¬
way and 144th st, a high-class 6-sty apartment house. 99.11x90
ft. There will be apartments for 34 families, tbe exterior will
be in light brick, limestone and terra cotta. The interior will
contain electric lights, steam heat, marble, tile, mosaic and
hardwood finish. Geo. Pred Pelham, 503 Sth av. is making the
plans. The project, he estimates, will cost about $200,000.
Apartments, Flats and Tenements.
43d ST.—Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 East 23d st, are planning
for a 6-sty 17-family flat, 25x87 ft., for Julius Weinstein, 110
Nassau st, to be erected at No. 417 West 43d st, to cost $25,000.
JAMBS ST.-—John Palmieri, World Building, will erect on the
southwest corner of James and Oak sts, a G-sty 35-famIly tene¬
ment. 53.7x67.4 ft., to cost ?5'5,000. E. A. Meyers, 1 Union sq.,
is preparing plans.
lOTH ST,^—Mayfteld Construction Co., 2G Cortlandt st, will
build at Nos 13-19 East lOth st, a 6-sty 25-family fiat buUding,
97.0x81.6 ft., to cost $125,000. Messrs, Lawlor & Haase. G9
Wall st, will prepare tbe plans.
BLEECKER ST.—John Ph, Voelker. 079 3d av. is preparing
plans for two 6-sty flats for John L. Fogliasso, John Raffa
and Joseph Gerbarino to be erected at NosI 189 to 105 Bleecker
st, northwest corner of Macdougal st.
1S3D ST.—White Construction Co., 2214 Broadway, will erect
on the south side of lS3d st, 10l> ft. east of St. Nicholas av, a
G-sty 25-family flat, 75x87.11 ft., to cost .fgO.OOO, Neville &
Bagge, 217 West l'25lh st, are making plans.
85TH ST.—Geo. Fred Pelham, 503 5th av, is making plana
for a 6-sty S-famlly flat. 25x86 ft,, for Arthur E. Silverman,
1401 Madison av, to be erected on the south side of S3th st, 375
ft. west of West End av. Estimated cost is $50,000.
CLINTON AV., BROOKLYN.—Bruce Price &. de Sibour, 1133
Broadway, Manhattan, are taking estimates on a high-class
residence to be erected at 373 Clinton av, Brooklyn, for J. E.
PULASKI ST, BKLYN.—Christian Schneider, 716 Greene av,
Brooklyn, is owner, and wants flgures for a 3-sty brick dwell¬
ing, 27x75 ft., to be erected on Pulaski st. south side 125 ft.
west of Reid av, Brooklyn, to cost $8,000. T. Engelhardt, 905
Broadway, Brooklyn, is architect.
VjTH AV..—The Board of Home and Foreign Missions, No. 156
5th av, will make improvements to the 12iA-sty olflce building
Nos. 154 to 15S 5th av, to cost about $20,000. New fioors. iron
beams, etc. James B. Ealver is architect, and Chas. T. Wills,
150 5th av, is general contractor,
EAST BROADWAY.—No contracts have yet been awarded
for the 6-sty store and ioft building, 49.11x70x20 ft., which
Joseph H. Cohen, 81 East Broadway, will build at 35-37 East
Broadway, to cost $30,000. Max Muller, 3 Chambers st, is
architect. Brick exterior, tin roof, steam heat, and two build¬
ings will be demolished.
Joseph Broome, engineer, 123 Liberty st, is preparing plans
for a brick mill construction 2-sty factory building, 207x140
ft. In isize, to be erected in the Bronx. Plans Mill be ready for
estimates about Feb. 15,
The Gardner Valve Manufacturing Co., 95 Liberty st, Man¬
hattan, will soon take figures on two new factory buildings, to
be erected at Hampton Junction, New Jereey. John L. Haly-
burton, 95 Liberty st, is engineer.
WATER ST.—A. G. Stone, 44 Court st, Brooklyn, who has-
the general contract to build an 8-sty flreproof factory and
warehouse, 51x100 ft., at the southwest corner of Water and
Pearl sts, Brooklyn, for Messrs. Jones Bros,, is about ready
for flgures on sub-contracts. E. N. Stone, 260 East Court st,
Brooklyn, is architect.
45TH ST.—Dr. A. B. Norton. 16 West 45th st, will make
improvements to tbe two 4^sty buildings, 8 to 10 West 45th st,
to cost $30,000. Five-sty extension, 33,7x.30, electric elevator,
partitions, vent shaft, etc, Erwin Rossbach. 1947 Broadway,
IB architect. No contracts let.
Messrs. Janes & Leo, 124 West 45th .st, have completed plans
and are taking figures on a 2'A and 3-sty settlement house,
brick, stone., steel and frame, to be erected at Stamford, Conn,
Albert R, Ross. No. 542 Sth av, Manhattan, has prepared plans