March 23, 1907
BECK ST.—Robert M. Silverman, 66 West 107th st, has pur¬
chased the northeast corner of Beck st and Dongwood av, Bronx,
a plot 100x200 ft,, for improvement. Mr. Silverman informs the
Record and Guide that particulars will not be announced be¬
fore April 15. Geo. Fred Pelham, 503 Sth av, has been architect
in previous operations.
BROADWAY.—Capitol Realty Co., 525 West 13Sth st, will
erect at the southwest corner of Broadway and 134th st, a
6-sty 17-family flat. 39.11x90 ft., to cost $00000. Also on the
east side of Broadway, 39,11 ft. south of 133d st, two G-sty
flats. 40x87 ft., to cost $80,000. Neville & Bagge, 217 West
125th St. are making the plans.
PORT WASHINGTON AV.—Geo. Fred. Pelham, 503 5th av.
is preparing plans for two 6-sty elevator apartment houses,
100x99 and 82x94 ft., to be erected on tbe northwest corner of
Fort Washington av and ISOth st, to cost about $150,000. The
Pinehurst Realty Co., of which Mr. Max Marx is president, is
the owner. AU figures will be received and awarded by Max
Gratzner, 503 Sth av, who wiil also superintend the work.
Messra. Moore & Landsiedel, 3d av and 14Sth st, are pre¬
paring plans for a 3-sty and basement residence, 21x55 ft., for
Wm. Murray, 3604 Broadway, to be erected at New Rochelle,
N. T. Estimated cost, $9,000.
PERRY AV.—Plans are ready by Harry T. Howell, 3d av and
149th st, for a 2-sty and attic dwelling, to be erected on the
southwest corner Perry av and 207th st, with all improvements,
29x60 ft., to cost $0,000. Jolm H. Green, of 9S7 Tinton av,
WOODLAWN RD.—Harry T. Howell, 3d av and 149th st, is
preparing plans for a 3-sty frame dwelling, to be erected on the
southeast corner Perry av and Woodlawn road. All improve¬
ments, size 29x03. Cost, .?6,000. Morton M. Green, of 1041 Tin-
ton av, owner.
79th ST.—No contracts have j-et been awarded for $25,000
worth of improvements to the 4-sty dwelling 17 East 79th st,
for John Ross Delafield, 111 E SOth st. New plumbing, rear
extension and interior changes. Francis G. Stewart, 76 Wil¬
liam st, is architect.
MULBERRT ST.—Two buildings will he demolished for the
6-sty structure, 40x77.7 ft., \Yliich Michael Briganti. 19 Marion
st, will build â– at Nos. 280-2S2 Mulberry st, to cost $35,000.
Chas. M, Straub, 122 Bowery, is architect.
GOTH ST.—Sharlow Brothers, hardware, No 442 West 42d st,
have purchased No, 303 East GOth st, 25x100.5 ft., and will alter
the building into a store and loft structure for occupancy. Wm.
H. Klinker, 99 Nassau st, has the matter in charge.
IITH AV.—No contracts have yet been awarded for the 3-sty
store and loft building, 98x100 ft., which Fickinger & Glass, 210
East 23d st, will erect on llth av, southeast corner 22d st. to
cost about $25,000. Plans are by Cleverdon & Putzel, 41
Union SQ'.
LAFATETTE ST.—Messrs. Buchman & Fox, 11 East 59th st.
are the architects for the S-sty business structure which the
American Brass & Copper Co., No. 193 Centre st, is about to
erect at the southwest corner of Lafayette and Howard sts, to
cost about $350,000. Tlie Murphy Const. Co., 5-7 East 42d st, is
general contractor, (See isBue March 2, 1907.)
STH AV.—One building will be demolished at 712 5th av for
the 5-sty store and office building, 2S.1x115.6 ft., which the
Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church Congregation, Sth av and SSth
st, are to build from plans by Alhert S. Gottlieb, 156 Sth av.
The front will be of limestone and brick, tile and slate roof,
steara heat, and the cost is estimated at $50,000. L. Alavoine
& Co., 43 West 43d st, is lessee. No contracts let.
CANAL ST.—Messrs. Kafka & Llndenmeyer, 34 West 26th
st, have been commissioned to prepare plans for a stable build¬
ing for Frederick Hollender & Co., 123 Lafayette st, to be
erected on a plot, 37.8x101,10 ft,, at 245 Canal st. No contract
let yet.
3GTH ST.—Benjamin R. Lummis is now having extensive
alterations made to the building No. 23 West 36th st, to be used
exclusively for physician's offices,
42D ST.-—Borine Manufacturing Co., 77 W^arren st, will re¬
model 551 West 42d st, one rear and one front building, into a
loft structure. No contracts let yet.
47TH ST.—Tlie Goelet estate, 9 West 17th st, state that
nothing will be done for the present in the direction of con¬
verting the 3-sty dwelling No. 3 East 47th st into a business
structure. The property adjoins the residence of Miss Helen
M. Gould.
BATHGATE AV.—Lewis Leining, Jr., 967 Tremont av, is pre¬
paring plans for extensive alterations remodeling the private
dwelling at the southeast corner of Bathgate av and 173d st,
into a 4-sty apartment, to cost about $15,000. S, Postal is the
B. W. Morris, 5 West 31st st, Manhattan, has completed plans
for the new State Bank Building tp be erected at Hartford,
Conn. Geo. F. Hills is president,
Wilson Potter, 1-3 Union Sq.. Manhattan, architect, and A.
Blanchard, secretary Board of Education, Norwalk, Conn., will
receive hids until March 28 for a 3-sty high school, brick, 79s
101 ft,, to be erected on West av. Norwalk. Bids will be taken
separately on heating, plumbing and electrical work.
GTH AV.—Plans for the office and banking structure which
the Greenwich Bank, 402 Hudson st, is to erect at tbe northeast
corner of Gth av and 35th st, on which the Engel chop house is
situated, are still indefinite. It was announced at the bank this
week that they had officially purchased the property. (See also
issue Feb. 23. 1907.)
VESTRY ST.—James S. Maher having purchased frora J, H.
Cruikshank the property 35 Vestry st, 25x100, which he will
improve by the erection of a G-sty stable building, which has
already been leased for 21 years to Albert Edwards & Sons.
Construction will be of brick, concrete floors, gravel roof, terra
cotta, etc. The plans are under way and will be ready for es¬
timates in about two weeks' time.
Oontracti Awarded.
7TH AV,—Schlesinger & Schlesinger, 520 West 40th st, have
obtained the contract for extensive alterations to 2194-2196 7th
av, and the northwest corner of Broadway and 28th st.
2D AV.-S. Elfin, 1S9 East 70th st, has received the contract
for extensive alterations to 2395 2d av, for John F. H. Dem¬
arest, of Nyack, N. T. Fred Ebeling, 420 East Oth st, architect.
42D ST.—John T. Brook Co,, 114 East 28th st, has the con¬
tract for $25,000 worth of alterations to the store and office
south side of 42d st, 175 ft. west of Oth av, from plans by W.
H. Orchard,
BROADWAT.—J. Odell Whitenack, 99 Vandam st, has ob¬
tained the contract for the installation of an electric passenger
elevator in the 6-sty hotel northwest corner of Broadway and
24th st, for Francis S. Kinney, 135 Broadway.
SSTH ST.—Geo. A. Fuller Co. has taken the contract to
build a 1-sty offlce building. 20x100 ft., for the Plaza Operating
Co., Ill Broadway, at No. 13 West SSth st, from plans by Henry
J. Hardenbergh, 1 West 34th st, to cost about $10,000.
48TH ST.—J. C. McGuire & Co., 26 Cortlandt st, has obtained
the general contract for extensive alterations to the 4-sty resi¬
dence No. 6 West 4Sth st for L. Stuart Wing, 57 East 54th st.
Messrs. Lawlor & Haase, 69 Wall st, are the architects,
G6TH ST.—Luke A. Burke & Son, 25 West 42d st, have ob¬
tained the general contract for remodeling the 5-sty residence of
Emanuel Moses, on the south side of 6Gth st, SO ft. east of
Madison av. to cost $25,000. Plans are by Harry Allen Jacobs,
322 Sth av.
VESET ST.—Marc Eidlitz & Son, 489 oth av, have the contract
for $8,000 worth of improvements to 26 Vesey st, for Oswald
G. Villard, of Dobbs Perry, N. T,, from plans hy Robert D.
Kohn. 170 Sth av. The new Evening Post Building, Nos. 20
to 24 Vesey st, adjoins.
Standard Bitulithic Co., 253 Broadway, Manhattan, has re¬
ceived contract for paving Lander st and Leroy place, New¬
burgh, N, T. The bid of this company was as follows: For
bitulithic on bituminous foundation, $53,SOG; bitulithic on con¬
crete foundation. $55,533. Everett Garrison is City Engr.
LAFATETTE ST.—Milliken Bros,, Inc., 11 Broadway, have
obtained the contract for furnishing 2,000 tons of steel for the
12-sty steel and reinforced concrete manufacturing building,
for the American Brass and Copper Co., to be erected at La¬
fayette and Howard sts. Further particulars are given in an¬
other column of this issue. The estimated cost is placed at
about $350,000.
Contract for the construction of the Kingston, N. Y., public
building has been awarded to Fissell & Wagner, St. James Build¬
ing, 1135 Broadway, Manhattan, at $76,773 less $4,738 for
alternates B, C, D and omission of non-conducting coverings on
hot and cold water piping of plurabing sj-stem and for boiler,
breeching and pipes and fittings of heating apparatus; time to
complete, Nov. 1, 190S.
The superintendent of Capitol huilding and grounds has
awarded the contract for passenger elevators for the oflice build¬
ing. House of Representatives, to the Otis Elevator Co., 17 Bat¬
tery pl, Manhattan, at $08,750. This company has also received
the contract for the gravity conveyors at .?7,515. The Auto¬
matic Mail Delivery Co., Times Building, has received the con¬
tract for supplying the necessary mail chutes at $2,473.
BROADWAY.—Contracts have been awarded to A. & W. Gray
Co., 237 W'est 37th st, for masonry and carpenter work, and to
M. J. O'Brien, 2142 Broadway, for plumhing work, on the 7-sty
store and apartment 1418 Broadway, for Felix Isman, of Phila¬
delphia, Pa. New walls, plastering and tile floors will be in¬
stalled. Messrs. Horgan & Slattery, 1 Madison av, are the
architects. Estimated cost is about $15,000, Vincent Martin,
Broadway an'd SGth st, is lessee.
MADISON AV.—Contract to furnish the exterior marble for
the new tower, ivhich the Metropolitan Insurance Co. is erect¬
ing on the southwest corner of 24th and Madison av, has been
awarded to the Waverly Marbl© Co., of 1 Madison av. Two hun-