October i6, 1909
Proposed Hackensack High Scliool.
HACKENSACK, N. J.—Plans have been
prepared by the Board of Education at
Hackensack for a modern fireproof high
school building, to contain in the base¬
ment, two classrooms, one recitation
room, manual training room with instruc¬
tor's room, storeroom, domestic science
room with kitchen and pantry, gymna¬
sium with show-er baths, locker-room with
300 steel lockers, toilets, divided for boys
and girls, pupils' lunchroom, a heating
and ventilating plant and a Janitor's
room. The main floor will provide for
seven classrooms, auditorium, stage and
ante-rooms, reception room; principal's
offices, board room, toilets. On the sec¬
ond fioor will be contained eight class¬
rooms, two recitation rooms, library,
teachers' rooms, toilets. The third floor
will consist of eight classrooms, physical
and chemical laboratories, lecture room,
instructors' room, teachers' room, store¬
rooms, toilets. The plans show a building
of briek and terra cotta with steel col¬
umns and girders to be finished witli
faced brick, stone and terra cotta. The
cost is placed at $285,000. No building
contract has yet been awarded.
Jaines Kiely Goi-don to Plan Building
for Gilsey House Site.
EROADWAY,—-James Riely Gordon, ar¬
chitect, of 402 5th av, has been commis¬
sioned to design the plans for the new
twenty-story office building, which John
E. Olson, 39 East 2Sth st, the well-known
engineer and builder, is to construct on
the site of the old Gilsey House, at the
northeast corner of Broadway and 29th
St. The hotel occupies a plot fronting 64-5
ft- on Broadway and 148.8 ft- in 29th st.
Its northerly line runs irregularly, meas¬
uring about ISG ft., while on the easterly
end it is 9S.9 ft. There are more than 14,-
000 sq. ft- or flve and three-fifths lots in
the plot, which will easily permit of the
proposed improvement. Mr. Olson will be
the general contractor, awarding all sub¬
contracts. The old 7-sty hotel structure
was erected in 1870, and has done service
for more than forty years. The amount
paid for the property is said to be $1,500,-
000. Among the recent buildings erected
by Mr. Olson is the 9-sty fireproof offlce
building at Nos. 37-39 East 28th st, and
the 12-sty elevator apartment house now
building at 35-38 Gramercy Park,
Plans for New Public Schools.
MANHATTAN.—Plans have been com¬
pleted by Architect C, B. J. Snyder, 500
Park av, for the following new school
buildings in Manhattan, Bronx and Brook¬
lyn: Public School No. 60, 5-stys, 116x
181 ft., containing 64 class rooms, gym¬
nasium, auditorium, playroom, etc., to be
erected at Manhattan, Clinton, Cherry
and Water sts, Manhattan. Estimated
cost, $450,000- School No. 74 (addition),
containing 32 classrooms, at the northeast
corner of Pleasant av and 119th st; esti¬
mated cost, $200,000. School No. 46, 5-
stys, 200x200 ft., containing 48 class¬
rooms, at 196th st, Briggs and Bainhridge
avs, Bronx, estimated cost, $350,000-
School No. 102, 5-stys, 200x100 ft., con¬
taining 44 classrooms, at Nos. 305-325
East 113th st, estimated cost, $325,000.
School No- 136 (addition) 5-sty3, contain¬
ing 32 class rooms, at 4th av, 40th and
41st sts, Brooklyn; estimated cost, $200,-
000. Bids will be advertised for in the
usual way as soon as the necessary ap¬
propriation has been granted for the
George P. Walker, secretary, 103 Park av,
is to erect at the southeast corner of Park
av and 76th st. The structure wiil be on
the co-operative plan, and will he one of
the finest in this city. .The proposed build¬
ing will not cover the whole plot, which
fronts 177.2 ft. on Park av and 100 ft. in
76th St. The present houses at Nos. 823-
825 are to remain, so as to provide a light
and air court. Th'e Metropolitan Life In¬
surance Company recently made a build¬
ing loan of $625,000 on the property. Pick¬
ering & Walker, 103 Park av are the ar¬
chitects, and R. F, Bolton, 527 5th av,
steani, electrical and sanitary engineer.
There will be apartmenls for forty-eight
The Duke House.
5th AV-—Modified plans for the house
to be erected for James B. Duke, at the
northeast corner of Fifth av and 78th st,
have been filed by the architect, Horace
Trumbauer of Philadelphia. The archi¬
tecture is to be of the Renaissance type,
with facades of ornamental brick trimmed
with granite and limestone. It wili have
a spacious central entrance and Ionic col¬
umns at the. second and third stories
crowned with a decorated pediment. It
will have tall casement windows finished
with ornamental railings at the different
stories and courts around the entrance.
The main floor will be divided by a large
central hall opening on one side to the
dining room and library and on the other
into the drawing room and music room.
The revised cost of the building is .$-365,-
000, J- T- Brady &. Co., 103 Park av, have
the general contract.
Contract for Big Apartment.
PARK AV.—Wm. J. Taylor, 5-7 East
42d st, has received the general contract to
erect the 12-sty fireproof elevator apart¬
ment house, 107x100 ft., which the Bight
Hundred and Twenty-Nine Park Avenue
Co,., Matthew K. Miller, president, and
Contract for Fiat Auto Plant.
POUGHKEEPSIE, N, Y,—The contract
for the erection of the plant of the Fiat
Automobile Co, of 1786 Broadway, Man¬
hattan, at Pouglikeepsie, has been given
to the Torrington Building and Construc¬
tion Co,, of Torrington. Conn. The work
must be completed by January 1 and the
contract calls for everything but steani
heating and the sprinkler. A number of
changes have been made in the plans.
Instead of a 2-sty structure, the buildings
have been given more ground space. How¬
ever, the walls will be made of sufiicient
strength to support two more stories when
the volume of business demands the ex¬
pansion. As it is there will be nearly
3,000 square feet more of space than orig¬
inally planned for. Messrs. Hedman &
Schoen, 25 West 42d st, Manhattan, are
the architects.
Foiu-th Avenue's Latest Skyscraper.
4TH AV,-—^The next commercial build¬
ing improvement to be added to Fourth
av, will be put up at the northeast corner
of 4th av and 20th st. The plot measures
69 ft on the avenue and 90 ft in the street,
taking in Nos. 251 to 255 4th av. The new
structure will contain sixteen stories, made
up of stores, offices and lofts and will have
side light on both street fronts, Chas-
Erogan, (Inc..) No. 27 West 20th st, is the
owner and he will erect the building from
plans which are now in preparation by
Architects Neville & Bagge, of 217 West
125th st. The cost is estimated in the
neighborhood of â– $400,000- The State
Realty & Mortgage Company, has made a
building loan of $281,500- Work is to be
undertaken immediately.
commodation of prospective buyers on the
company's property, T'he entire operation
will involve a cost of about $250,000, The
Hudson-Fulton Construciion Co-, of 1493
Broadway, will erect the buildings.
New Synagogue on Wasliing-ton Heights.
161ST ST.—The Washington Heights
Hebrew Congregation has purchased a
plot, 50x100 ft., al Nos. 508-510 West
IGlst st, now covered with two dwellings.
The buildings will be demolished and on
the site will be erected a $50,000 syna¬
gogue, the flrst structure of this type to
be built on the heights. Officers of the
congregation are Israel Kuttle, president;
Louis Maryash, vice-president; Joseph
Gottlieb, treasurer, and J. Fein, secretary.
William Weiss, Alexander Gruber and
Rudolph Baum are trustees.
Bighty-Two Bungalows for Greenport.
GREENPORT, L. I.—Plans -will soon be
completed by Louis Chas. Maurer, archi¬
tect. 1495 Broadway, Manhattan, for 82
concrete bungalows, of which ten will be
erected at once. Each building will be 22
x50 ft., six rooms and bath, large veranda,
wood porch columns with shingle roof.
The location overlooks Gardiner's Bay
and is opposite Shelter Island. A landing
dock and pier will be erected for the ac-
Big Apartment House on the Drive.
Brothers & Forshay Engineering and Con¬
struction Company, Broadway, ISOth st,
will erect a 12-sty elevator apartment
house at the northeast corner of Riverside
Drive and 93d st, on a plot measuring 114
xl52 ft. Tlie approximate cost will total
about $1,000,000. So far as could be learned
no architect has yet been selected. The
same builders have put up a building at
Broadway and ISOth st.
New York Arcliitects Commissioned to
Design New Foi-t William Henry Hotel.
LAKE GEORGE, N. Y.-The flrms of
H. J. Hardenburgli, of New York, and
Ludlow & Peabody, of New Yorii, have
been appointed in association, to design
the new fireproof hotel to take the place
of the old Ft. William Henry Hotel at
Lake George, whicli was recently destroy¬
ed by fire.
Apartments, Plats and Teuements.
WILLIAMSBURG.—The Wechsler Con¬
struction Co. of Manhattan, has purchased
a plot front of 200x100, on the west side
of Lewis av, between Willoughby and Ver¬
non av, Williamsburg. Apartment houses
will be ereeted-
NEWARK, N. J-—Alfred Peter, archi¬
tect, 238 Washington st, Newark, has
prepared plans for a 4-3ty-brick store and
flat building, to be erected at Orange and
Eagle sts, Newark, for the A. Leary Co.,
of 3 Orange place, Newark. Estimated
cost, about $20,000,
McCOMES DAM ROAD-—Plans will be
ready by October 25, for a 4-sty flat, 25x
75 ft., brick and limestone, to be erected
on McCombs Dam road, north of Ander¬
son av, by the Jerome Building & Im¬
provement Co., 28 Clark place, to cost
$20,000. Moore & Landsiedel, 3d av and
148th st, are making plans-
PROSPECT AV.—Moore & Landseidel,
3d av and 148th st, state that plans are
ready for two 4-sty brick flats, 40x67.6,
for the Frank A, Wahlig Co., 149th st and
3d av, to be erected at the southeast cor¬
ner of Prospect av and 179th st, costing
$55,000; also two 4-sty flats, 37,6x6S ft..
for the same owners, in the south side of
179th st, 67.G ft. east of Prospect av, cost¬
ing $50,000. The owner builds,
CLINTON, N. Y-—Mallison & Soucie, of
Medina, have secured the contract to erect
the Roman Catholic Church at Clinton, to
cost $50,000.
BUFFALO, N- Y.—It is reported that
an ediflce is to be erected for the members
of the St. Gerald's Church at Bailey and
Delavan avs. Rev. Wm. H- Schreck is
pastor. Estimated cost, $150,000.
BUFFALO, N. Y,—The St- Stephen's
Evangelical Church Society, of Buffalo,
Rev. Gustave Reuckert, pastor, 308
Adams st, will build a church of stone