May 10, 1913
fire resist¬
ing substitute for
wood and metal
lath for interior
walls and ceilings,
a non conductor
of sound, heat
and cold.
Composed of Nova
Scotia gypsum and
fibre compressed
into a solid fibrous
sheet, reinforced
on both sides with
specially prepared
J. B. King & Co.
Plans Filed, New Buildings, Bronx {Cont.)
170TH ST, s w cor Charlotte st, 1-sty brick
stores and amusement hall, slag roof, 101.7x95 ;
cost $25,000; owners, John J, Tully Co,, John
J. Tully, 1603 Boston Road, Pres.; architects,
Kreymborg Architectural Co., 163d st and So
Boulevard, Plan No. 308.
WHITE PLAINS AV, w s, 171 s 241st st,
open-air theatre, 178x26; cost, $1,000; owner,
Moses Watsky, 733 Crawford av ; architect. Geo.
Hof, Jr., 371 East ISSth st. Plan No. 289.
Freeman st, open air theatre, 50x100; cost,
$2 000; owners, Daniel Augustus Really Co,, 830
Westchester ave; architects, Goldner Si Gold¬
berg, 391 East 149th st. Plan No. 312.
ELLIS AV, s e cor Olmstead av, 1-sty frame
shed 40.6x100; cost, $700 ; owner, Max Gruber,
llSo'ciay av; architects, Tremont Architectural
Co,, 401 Tremont av. Plan No. 293.
150TH ST, s s, 238 w Exterior st, 1-sty frame
offlce and shed, 48x14.6; cost, $300; lessee,
Geo Buckham, 1S37 Park av; architects, Tre¬
mont Archt, Co,, 401 Tremont av. Plan No. 298.
DEL.AVILLE AV, w s, 275 n Hallers av,
1-sty frame shed, 25x10; cost, $200; owner,
Frank Colasurdo, on prem,; architeci, M. W.
Del Gaudio, 401 Tremont av. Plan No. 300.
Burwak Elevator Company
Elevators and Dumbw-aiters T?!..^ «i.^—„
of every description EiieVatOrS
Phone, 8463 Cort._______216 FULTON STREET
PARK PL, n s, 140 e Ralph av, two 4-sty
brick tenemenis, 50x90, gravel roof, 23 families
each; total cost, $33,000; owner, Israel Hal¬
pern 1410 Lincoln pl; architect, Chas, Infanger
Sl Son. 2634 Atlantic av. Plan No. 2418.
PARK PL, n s, 100 e Ralph av, 4-sty hrick
tenement, 40x90, gravel roof, 16 families ; cost,
$23 000; owner, Israel Halpern, 1410 Lincoln
pl;'architect, Chas, Infanger & Son, 2634 At¬
lantic av. Plan No. 2419.
EAST IOTH ST, w s, 124.10 s Caton av, four
4-sty brick tenements, 44.4x90.8, gravel roof,
16 families each; tolal cost, $128,000: owner,
Thos Corrigan Co., 456 7th av; architect. J.
Proctor Cowles, 215 Montague st. Plan No.
EAST 17TH ST, e s, 250 n Beverley rd, 4-sty
brick tenement, 50.4x88.1, slag roof, 16 families ;
cosl, $45,000 ; owner, Louisville Realty Co., ------;
architects, S. Millman & Son, 1780 Pitkin av.
Plan No. 2454.
44TH ST, s s, 99.4 w 6th av. two 4-sty brick
tenements, 50x85.10, slag root. 17 families each ;
total cost, ,$60,000 ; owner. Louis Stechen Si ano
570 46th st; architects, Eisenla & Carlson, 16
Court St. Plan No. 2472.
CATON AV, s s, 46.1 e East 17th st, 4-sty
brick tenement, 50x93,8, slag roof, 20 families ;
cost, $60,000 ; owner, Aries Realty Co., 16 Court
st: architect, D, Wortman & ano, 114 East
2Sth st. Plan No, 2459,
CATON AV, s e cor East 17th st, 4-sty brick
tenement. 47x97.7, slag root, 19 families; cost,
,$73,000; owner, Aries Realty Co,, 16 Court st;
architect, D. Wortman Si ano, 114 East 2Sth St.
Plan No, 2458,
ST, MARKS AV, n s, 125 East Kingston av,
4-stv brick tenements, 50x105, slag roof, 20
families each; total cost, $40,000; owner. Regal
Holding Co,, 113 East 114th st; architects,
Gronenberg Si Leuchtag, .303 Sth av. Plan No.
WILLIAMS AV, s w cor Newport av, 3-sty
brick tenement, 20x47, gravel roof, 3 families:
cost, $5,500 ; owner, Howard Investing Co., 1934
Prospect pl; architect, Morris Rothstein, 627
Sutter av. Plan No, 2464,
CONEY ISLAND AV, w s, 67.2 8 Seeley st,
two 4-sty brick tenements, 43,3x93.7, tin roof,
16 families each; total cost, $48,000; owners,
Wm. M, Calder Co,, 551 1st st; architects,
Cohn Bros,, 361 Stone av. Plan No. 2336.
CONEY ISL.AND AV, s w cor Seeley st, 4-sty
brick tenement. 40.11x99.9, tin roof, 17 fami¬
lies; cost. $25,000; owner, Wm. M. Calder Co.,
331 1st st; architects, Cohn Bros., 361 Stone
av. Plan No. 2537.
LINDEN AV. n s. 184.2 e Nostrand av. 4-sty
brick tenement, 42.4x94, tin root, 16 families;
cost, $25,000; owners, M, B, Smith Realty Co.,
109 Chester st: architects, Cohn Bros., 361
Stone av. Plan No. 2531.
UNION ST, n s. 100 e Nostrand av, 4-sty
brick tenements, 60x44.7, slag roof, 11 families;
cost, $30,000; owners, Shelbourne Construction
Co., 873 Nostrand av; architect, J. C, Cocker,
2017 Sth av, N. Y. Plan No. 2532.
CARROLL ST, n s, 275 w New York av, 2-sty
brick dwelling, 20x55, gravel root, 2 families;
cost, $6,S(X>: owner, John J. Kilcourse. 1467
Dean st: architect, Alex. McLean, 883 East 35th
st. Plan No. 2442.
CARROLL ST, n s, 300 w New York av, 2-sty
brick dwelling, 20x.30, gravel root, 2 families;
cost $6,300: owner, John J, Kilcourse, 1467
Dean st; architect. Alex. McLean, 883 East SSth
St. Plan No. 2443.
CONEY ISLAND AV. w s, 25 n Hlckley pl,
1-sty trame dwelling. 20x40, gravel roof; cost,
,<1,000; owner and architect, W. B. Baker, 553
Coney Island av. Plan No. 2437.
CONEY ISLAND AV w s, 25 n Hinckley
pl, 2-sty frame dwelling, 20x,50, gravel root, 2
families; cost, $3.300; owner and architect,
W. B, Baker, 553 Coney Island av. Plan No.
HAMBURG AV, s e cor Linden st, S-sty brick
dwellings, 20x35 gravel roof, 2 families; cost,
$7,000 ; owner, Bushwick Development Co., 1238
47th st; architect, Henry Dorf, 614 Kosciusko st.
Plan No. 2447.
MERMAID AV, n e cor West 32d sl, 1-sty
frame uwelling, 18x30, shingle root, 1 family;
cosl, $i,UbO; owuer, Menoit Morau, 454a 11 th
st; architect, Jas, A. McDonaia, Surt av and
West 24th si. Plan .No. 2436.
LAKE LA, s s, 42.10 e West Sth st, 2-sty
frame dwelling, 20x-i6, tin roof, '2 lamilies;
cosl, $2,4O0; owner, Jonn E. Johnson, 261 West
Oth Sl; architect, 'ihos. Bennett, bd av and
bid St. Plan .So. 2473.
WEST 3D ST, e s, 31 n Sea Breeze av, two
l-sly irame uwellings, l&x33, shingle roof, 1
tamily each; tolal cosl, $2,ttuo; owner, Louis
Siauch, --Bowery'; arcnitect, Richard Marzail,
2S1S W'est Oth St. Pian No. 2461.
EAST 15TH ST, e s, 200 n Av J, two 2-sty
brick dwellings, 20Xob, gravel rooi, 1 family
each; total cosl, ^&,U(A1; owner, John S. Diibi,
213 East Oth st; architects, John U. Wanaell
t;o., 4 Court sq. Plau No. 2479.
MERMAID AV, n s, SO w W 23lh St, 3-sty
brick awelliug, 2ux4(j, gravel roof, 1 lamily ; cost,
3,0(A1; owner, John \V. Jackson, West 24lh st
auu Kallroau av; architects, Laspia Si Salvati,
523 Grana st. Plan No. 2169.
WILLIAMS AV, w s, 290 n Hegeman av, 2-
sty brick owelling, 20x44, gravel root, 2 fami¬
lies; cosl, $2,bOU; owuer, .Nalhan Galinko, 734
WliUams av; architect. Morns Koihslein, 627
Sutler av. Plan No, 2463.
99TH ST, s s, 100 e 3d av, 2-sty Irame dwell¬
ing, 20.3x50, tin roof, 2 families; cost, $4,5UU;
owner, Herman Zltlenberg, on premises; archi¬
tect, Ernest Hanson, 230 95th sl. Plan No.
AV I, n s, 54 e Lake st, 2-sty frame dwell¬
ing, 18x35, tin roof, 1 family; cosl, $3,oOU;
owner, Wm. Magher, 208 Van Siclen st; archi¬
tect, A. T. Schaeter, 1326 Flatbush av. Plan
No. 24S6.
AV I, n e cor Lake st, 2-sty frame dwelling,
18x35, tin roof, 1 tamily; cosl, $3,500; owner,
Wm. Magher, 20S Van Siclen sl; architect, R.
F. Schaeier, 1326 Flatbush av. Plan No. 2484.
AV I, n s, 36 e Lake st, 2-sly frame dwelling,
18x33, tin root, 1 family; cosl, $3,500; owner,
Wm iMagher, 2US Van Siclen sl; architect, K.
F. Schaeier, 1526 Flatbush av. Plan No. 2486.
AV I, n s, IS e Lake st, 2-sty frame dwelling,
18x35, lin roof, 1 tamily; cost, $3,o00; owner,
Wm. Magher, 208 Van Siclen st; architect, R.
F. Schaeier, 1520 FlatDush av. Plan No. 2485.
L.AKE ST, e s, 78.3 n Av T, 2-sly frame
dwelling, lsx:i5, tin roof, 1 family; cosl, $3,500;
owner, Wm, Magher, 208 Van Sicklen st; arch¬
itect, R, T. Schaefer, 1326 Flatbush av. Plan
No. 2515.
74TH ST, s s, 210 w 17th av, flve 2-sty brick
dwellings, 18x38 each, gravel roof, 1 lamlly;
cost, $4,UOO each; owner, John A, Jones, 6601
loth av ; architect, J. C. Wandell, 4-5 Court sq.
Plan No. 2327.
FORBELL AV, s w cor Glen st, two 2-sty
brick dwellings, 20x53, gravel roof, 2 families
each; total cosl, $4,000 ; owner. Magenta Dev'I.
Co., 99 Forbell av; architect, Harry Rock¬
more, 1331 48th St. Plan No. 2547.
DUCK ST, w s, 232 n Paidge av, 6-sty brick
factory, 124.2x150.6, iron roof; cosl, $43,000;
owner, Sicilian Asphalt Co., 41 Park Bow. N.
Y.; architect, Felber Engineering Works, 103
Park av, N. Y. Plan No. 2409.
STONE AV, s e cor Dumont av, 2-sty brick
library, 90x63.4, tar and gravel roof : cost, $90,-
000; owner, Brooklyn Public Library, 26 Bre¬
voort pl; architect, W. B. Tubby, 81 Fulton
sl, N. Y. Plan No. 2441.
DUPONT ST, s s, 225 w Provost st, 1-sty
brick factory, 25x13, gravel roof; cost, $1,000;
owner, Margaret McGrath, 1101 Lawrence st;
architect, Gustave Erda, 826 Manhattan av.
Plan No. 2511.
DUPONT ST, s s, 225 w Provost st, 2-sty
brick work shop, 23x60, gravel roof; cost, $3,-
000; owner, Margt. McGrath, 1101 Lorimer st;
architect, Gustave Erda, S26 Manhattan av. Plan
No. 2512.
ROCK ST, s s, 184,11 e Bogart st, 4-sty brick
stock house, 28.6x70, gravel root; cost, $25,000 ;
owner, Adolph Gobel, Morgan av, and Rock st;
architect, Louis Allmendinger, 926 Broadway.
Plan Na. 2548.
TIFFANY PL, n s, 339.7 e Harrison st, 4-sty
brick factory, 20x44, gravel roof; cost, $5,0(X);
owner, F. O. Pierce, on premises ; architect, Wm.
J. Conway, 400 Union st. Plan No. 2557.
CLARKSON ST, s s, 330.1 e Nostrand av, 1-
sty steel garage, 16.8x19, Iron roof; cost, $166;
owner and architect, Jeannette Kassman, 367
Fulton st. Plan No. 2431.
DIT.MAS AV, n w cor East 19th st, 1-sty
frame garage, 12xlS, shingle roof; cost, $350;
owner, Geo, Bauer, 2946 Bedford av; architect,
Benj. Dreisler, 153 Remsen st Plan No. 2501.
OCE-AN AV, e s, 235 s Dorchester rd, 1-sty
frame garage, 14x18, shingle root; cost, $.300:
owner, H, G, Taylor, on premises; architect,
Michael Twiss, 49 Prospect sl. Plan No, 2335.
DOUGLASS ST, w s, 90 s Dumont av, 1-sty
brick stable, 14,6x16, tar roof ; cosl, $300; own¬
er, S, Bernstein, 124 Blake av; architects, S.
Millman & Son, 1780 Pitkin av. Plan No. 2529.
RICHARDSON ST, s s, 100 e Manhattan av,
1-sty frame stable, 16x16, gravel roof; cost,
$250; owner, Marx Lewis, 129 Lenox rd ; archi¬
tect, E. J. Messinger, 394 Graham av. Plan
No. 2364.
AV G, n w cor East 18th st, 1-sty frame
garage, 15x23, shingle roof; cost, $250; owner,
John A, Campbell, 618 McDonough st; archi¬
tect, G, W, Gregory, 1463 East 4th st. Plan
No. 2538.
NEPTUNE AV. s s, 140 w Sea Gate av, 1-sty
brick garage, ,34x22, tile roof; cost, $830;
owner, Georgie B. Stuter, on premises; archi¬
tect, G. H. Suess, 2966 West 29th st. Plan
No. 2560.