December 29, 1917
Send Us Your Estimate!
How Much?
Will These Improved Free and Clear
Properties Brine at the
of the
Martin Grossman Estate
By Order of
GEORGE J. and ( Execotora
GUSTAV GROSSMAN \ and Trustees
191-193 Canal St.—Two 5-Story and Basement
Business Uuildinys, wiili Elycirlc Elevator. Size,
80-82 Clinton St. and 97 to 103 Attorney St.—.
Thealle. Stores, Lodye Uooins, and Dwellings.
Size, 50.\1Q0 on Ciiiitoa SL and SOilUO oo
Attorney St.
86-88 Clinton St.—5-Story Flat and Stores and
Lofts Buildijujs, witu Electric Elevator. Size.
3I>33>35 East 4th St.—J-Story Moylng ricture
Theatre, suitable tor Uara«e, with eutrauce and
exit to Cooper Square. Sl/e, 7r>xlii2.
3762-64 Park Ave.. Bronx.—Two 3-Story Frame
DnelJings. Sine. 40x150.
2157 Crotona Ave., Bronx.—Ncw-Law Apart¬
ments. 4-Slory and Ifasemfiit. JSize. aux2:;5.
60% may remain on Morteages at 5V^%
Note.—Estinmtes must reucli us at our oilice,
25 Pine St.. not later than llie day prior to Uay
or sale, Tuesday. Jan. 8lli, 1018.
Only one answer accejitcd from each person.
We will award tlie pift to you If you aie the
nearest appraiser of the a^uiesate amount wliiih
the proi)erlie8 will brint,' rltiht after the sale al the
Exchaui^e Salesiooiu. Xo. 1-1 Wscy St.
Send for hoolilut with diagrams aud particulars.
vacate beautiful apartment houses ou account
of Vermin.
Apartments that are infested with Rats. Bugs,
Roaches, Ants. Fleas, etc., are costly lo the
owner. Rats destroy woodwork and walls—
they gnaw away water and gas pipes—and
frighten away tenants.
Let us help you keep your apartment houses
We will destroy all Vermin by our successful
scientific—positive process—no odor—no incon¬
venience—35 years of Knowing How.
108 Broadway. N. Y. Phone 730 Cortlandt
Real Estate Experts
Mortgages—Appraisals —Insurance
Down Town Office, 156 Broadway
Tel., 837-838 Plaza 31 EAST SSth STREET
New York City
Management of Estates a Specialty
Member of Uoard of Brokers
John F. Doyle John F. Doyle. Jr. Alfred L. Doyle
74 Wall Street
Real Estate and Insurance
Broker and Appraiser
Above STth St.
Murray Hill 5994
DOUGLAS L._ ELLIMAN & CO. leased an
apartment in 2t0 Park av to William Dewey
Loucks; an apartment at 5U5 Park av, tur-
nlshed, to Mrs. L. F. Day, and at 114 East
S4th st, furnished, to Judge Martin T. Manton.
JOHN N. GOLDING leased to Atlantic and
Pacitic Tea Co. for a term ot years trom Will¬
iam J. DanieU tlie store and basement at 1481
St. Nicholas av.
GOODWIN Sl GOODWIN rented to S. Rud¬
ner a ioft at 2{}2 Lenox av.
HEIL & STERN leased to Webster Aaron &
Co. lli.UUO sq. It. at '6'd liast. 3od st.
M. & L. HESS, INC., leased the 2d floor at 7
and 1> West Ibth st to llic Warner Shade &
Novelty Co., Inc., and the 4th floor at l'6b and
140 West 17th st to Shapiro, Silverman & Ros-
sof. Inc.
M. Sl L. HESS, INC., leased for Bayner and
Helen Clarkson the C-sty building, auxl30, at
Ui8 iiroadway to the Broadway Bargain House.
M. & L. HESS, INC., leased 4th floor at 27
to 6'6 West liUth st, containing lU.UUO sq. ft.,
to the Import Sales Co., Inc.; also the 4th
floor at 244 5th av to Sonnehill & Co., cor¬
setiers; tenant being represented by Carstein
Sl Linnekin; also the 3d flour at 24 aud 20
Wooster st to J. Josephson Sl Son; tenant being
represented by White-Goodman Co.
HENRY HOF leased for Jacob Adler the
stable buildiug at 323 East 3blli st to Klee,
Ihomson Co.
KOHN & CO. leased, through the M. Rosen¬
thal Co.. the store and basement at 25 to 27
West 32d St.
MICHAEL E. LIPSET leased Ior the County
Holding Co. space in the buildins 2U lo 30 VViiSl
3oth st to Laay Duff Gordon, iuc, for a tena
of years. This concern disposed of a leace in
Chicago in order to locate here aud are moving
their entire plant.
PAYSON McL. MERRILL CO. leased lofts In
30 East 2Uth Sl lo Samuul Yasuer, Cresses, and
B. Hagopian, engraver.
furnished apartment in 20 We=t 52d st to
Washington K. Bogardus, and a lurnished apart¬
menl iu 112 West 4iih st to Eugene Schaaf-
a loit at 30 East 2Uth st to Nadra J. Geha.
NEHRING BROTHERS leased tbe corner
store in 121G Sl. Nicholas av, souiheast cor¬
ner ITlst Sl and St. Nicholas av.
CHARLES F. NOYES CO. leased for the
City Heal Estate Co. the Tth floor al SU Fulton
st to Guiliermo Audiuo, and this lease com-
p-etes the renting ot this 7-bty lott building.
CHARLES F. NOYES CO. leased a portion of
the I4ih floor of the Masonic Building, 2-iih st
aud Olh av, to the American Fur Dealers' As¬
sociation ; also omces at 124 Frout st lor Max
Marks to Alphonse H. Thomas.
CHARLES F. NOYES CO. leased the store
477 and 4i'J Broadway, exltudiug through the
block to 5U and o2 Mercer st, sue OUx-uo. lor
L. Loewy & Son to Gold Hosiery Co. lor a term
OI years.
M. C. O'BRIEN leased for four years for
$GU,UUU loiai rent the 1-sty brick building in
the south side of AUantic av, luU it. east of
Kingston av, loUxlUU, for a Chevrolet Motor
Co. service statiou.
J. FRED PEARSON, JR., leased his residence
at IT West 40ib st, between Olh aud titU avrf,
furnished, lo Rudolph Kissel.
PEASE & ELLIMAN leased at 130 East GGth
st a furuished apartment to E. H. Graham
for W. blrulhers Jones; also al lluO Park av
a furuished apartmeut for Ogden Hammoud
to Mis. bluyvebant LeRoy.
PEASE & ELLIMAN leased, furnished, for
Mrs. J. G. McLoughlin her residence, the 20-
fl. 5-sty American basement dwelliug, al
East OUlh st, between Madisou and Parli avs,
to A. S. Richaddbon. of RidgeJield, Conn.
PEASE & ELLIMAN leased, furnished, for
Lewis A. Knott the 3-sly, li-ft. dwelliug in
322 West Tlst st lo Eduardo Parsons.
PEASE & ELLIMAN leased the following
apartments ; at 15 West OOth st to F. C. Have¬
meyer ; also 45 East G2d st to Mrs. F. B.
Yuille a furnished apartment tor Mrs. Day;
also 107 West 07ih st a furnished apartment lo
Walter S. Benedict 030 Park av to Winston
Churchill; and 020 and 927 5th av apartment
to Alexander Alexander.
PEASE & ELLIMAN leased for Mrs. Robert
Appleton the O-sty, IG-ft. dwelling at 30i West
Tlbt st, adjoining the West Eud av corner, to
C B. Perlaia; al^o for J. Fred Pierson, Jr.,
his 4-sty, 2o-ft. dwelling at 17 West 4mh st,
between 5 and Gth avs, to Rudolph H. Kissell;
and for F. F. French Manufacturing Co. an
apartment at 370 Central Park West to Mrs.
Lucieu Antoine.
L. J. PHILLIPS & CO. leased to James But¬
ler, Inc., a store at 373 Amsterdam av.
FREDERICK POFFET leased to Hotel Ga¬
rage Co. the new 2-sly garage, on plot 40.8x101,
at 240 and 251 West 28lh st for one year from
Jan. 1, at a rental of $0,000.
LEWIS B. PRESTON, INC., rented space nt
377 Broadway lo Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe
Railroad Co.; H. Hiller & Co.; S. Herrmann. N.
J. Richman & Co.; W. M. Wadsworth ; Erjgar
Healy ; Barth Sl Gutman; Conant, Hough'on St
Co.; Taylor Atkins Co.; W. P. Dykes; C. C.
Dilts; Northern Feather Works and Produce
Co.; S. M. Middle & Co., and J. Branner.
GEO R. READ & CO. subleased space in the
Corn Exchange Bank Building. 15 William Rt,
for Frank B, Hall & Co. to Irish & Maulson,
Ltd. marine insurance brokers of Toronto,
Canada, to be used as their New York offlce;
for W. Taylor to A. Amaral ; for the Krajewskl-
Pesant Corporation to T. G. R. Pterson & Co.,
Inc. to Julius M. Altman, the Sheba Trading
Co. : for the estate of R. Gough to Pragjee.
Soorjee & Co.. and for Jules Schulman to Max
G SchwarU; also offlces in the Morris Build¬
ing. GS Broad sl, lo Otto H. Hiuck, Joseph M.
de La Paz, William Uwen, and the American
Coal Exporting Co. ; at 12U Liberty sl to George
E. Aflleck, Nagib Sahyoum, Construction Pub¬
lishing Co., Michatl Khoury and Frank Van
Anden, and at 31 Nassau st tor Doremus &
Morse to the South Tuxpam Oil Co., Inc., and
Wandell & Tienken.
CO. leased part of the Oth floor at 8 Bridge et
to Pettit, Marshall & Co., Inc., and space at
111 Broadway to Alien Property Custodian ; at
IGO Broadway lo Watler A. Luderwood, and at
40 Wall Sl to Carrahar & Co.
floor in the Puck Bnildiug, 205 lo 305 Latayette
st, taking in the entire block of East Houston,
Mulberry and Jersey sts, and containing 10,000
sq. ft., to the newly formed Puulus-Uliman
Printing Corporation lor a term trom February
1, 1018, at an aggregate rental of about $5u,U0t>.
M. ROSENTHAL CO. leased to G. B. Goid-
berg space al 10 East 23d st.
M. ROSENTHAL CO. leased for J. J. Geraty
floor at 14 to 18 East 32d st to Woiil &
M. ROSENTHAL CO. leased for B. Raff the
store and basement, for a lerm of years, at
450 Gth av lo J. Weinstein.
M. ROSENTHAL CO. leased for the Life
Publishing Co. for a term of yean* to E. Ham¬
burger Sl Co. the store and basement at 17
West 31st St.
D. A. SCHULTE, INC., leased the store and
basement at 201 Gth av to Jacob Braunstein
and Albert A. Winkler.
THE VAN NORDEN residence at 8 East
62d st, a O-sty stone frout structure, 70 ft.
east of tbe Knickerbocker Club, at the south
corner of 5th av, has been leased, lurnished, to
George E. Kent, ot Oyster Bay. It occupies a
lot 25x1110. The asking rental is said to have
been $7,500, Pease & Elliman were ibe brokers.
WEBSTER-AARON Sl CO. leased 12.000 -.q.
ft. in 33 to 43 East 3od st, ior a term of years.
Hell & Stern were the brokers iu the trauoac-
CHARLES E. WILLIAMS leased fcr Cross &
Brown Co. the store 40 West 30th st to Mar¬
guerite Tea Room.
ROBERTSON-COLE CO. rented its only un¬
occupied warehouse at 130th st aud East River
for machinery storage.
CECELIA A. COFFIN is the purchaser of 34
West 3Tlh St.
NEHRING BROTHERS have been appointed
agents of 522 to 52G West 174 th st.
been appomted agents of apartments 471 Park
MOORE, SCHUTTE & CO. have been appoint¬
ed agents ot the 5-sty apartmeut house al 1U02
Amsterdam av.
HARRY SUGARMAN secured a :i-...^.000 5\4
per cent. loan on the 5-sty flat and stores
1543 3d av from the New York Title Insurance
FREDERICK BROWN is the purchaser of
1003, 1007 and 1017 Simpson bt. three 5-sty
apartment houses reported sold in the Record
and Guide last week.
PORTER & CO. were the brokers who nego¬
tiated the sale of the 3-sty dwelling in 75 West
12Gth st for the Jobn B. Haskin Estates, Inc..
to Maude E. Scofield.
AMES Si CO. have been appointed agents of
25 and 27 West 5Glb st, two buildings which
have been altered into stores aud apartments
frjm plans of Adolf E. Nast.
JOHN J. KAVANAGH was the broker in the
recently reported lease lo I. Townsend Burden
for the estate of Sarah Hermann the O-sty
dwelling 2U East SOth st. on lot 25x102.2 .
EDWARD C. SCHAEFER. second vice presi¬
dent of the German Savings Bank, liansfcrred
to his wile their home. 7 East S8th st, a 5-sty
dwelling, 24.Gxlu0, between Oth and Madison
avs, as a gift.
ROBERT T. STERLING, of Philadelphia. Is
the buyer of the former home of Mrs. Sidney
Turner Dyer, at 37 West utJth st, sold recently
by Edward J. Hogan. The property is assessed
at $125,000.
WILLIAM A. WHITE Sl SONS negotiated the
sale of 1G2 5th av. ine buyer, who is in¬
terested in shipbuilding, will imiirove the site
with a business building to cost about $25,0UU
for investment.
AT A MEETING of the Alliance Realty Co.
and the Broad-Exchange Co. Robert A. Chese¬
brough was elected a director to fill the vacan¬
cies caused by the death of his son, WiUiam
H. Chesebrough.
LOTON H. SLAWSON CO. announce 'hat T.
Herbert Files, for the past four years with Ihe
Cross Sl Brown Co.. is now associated wit*! this
company as vice-president, in charge of .mild-
ing management.
AT A MEETING of the Board of Directors of
David Porter, Inc.. held at 215 Montague st.
Brooklyn, a 10 per cent, bonus was decl[:rea
to all employees, iu appreciation of their strv-
ices for the year.
sented as a gift to her dnughter. Mrs. Emily
Coddington Williams, the 4-sty resideuce at ^4
West 5Sth St. on a lot 25x100.5. The house is
assessed at $87,000.
the Twelfth and Nineteenth Wards has elected
the following offlcers for next year "
Henry Bloch ; 1st vice-president.
Charles W.