August 9, 1919
New York City
Real Estate
RICHARD M. HURD, President
Capital, Surplus and Pr. $9,000,000
59 Liberty Street, New York
184 Montague Street, Brooklyn
Woolworth Building taken tl«-ough
Polished Wire Glass Wmdow In tlie
Western Union Building. New York City.
Why not get the bene¬
fit ot reduced insurance
rates, together with the
maximum of Fire and
Breakage Protection?
Install Mississippi Pol¬
ished Wire Glass with its
silver white wire and sur¬
face equal to any plate
glass, and save money.
Write for Catalogue
and Samples.
Room 1712
220 Fifth Ave., New York City
ti-sty loll buitil-
Tbis building is
brokers sold to
Simon bought
South of 59th Street*
BROOME ST,—J. E. Malino, J. C. Dukts and
B, JJ, Mead have formed the 406 Broome St.
Corp., to take over the ('-sty building at that
aduress. The Adams Express Co,, owner ot
record, holds title to the entire property
bounded by Broome, liafayette and Kenmare
sis, and Cleveland pl, "j-sty loft buildings, 148.y
DUANE ST,—Wm. A, White Sc Sons sold for
Mr. hi. ivi. i^arsons the property :^U1 Duane st
aud ilUT-y Washington st> This is a 4-sty
dwellingi 22.11x4y,b, and is the second sale of
this property reported by tbe same brokers
within the last two weeks. Tbe purchasers are
Charles V, timith Sc Co., wholesale dealers in
oranges and grapefruits, Tbis is the filth sale
maae during the past month by Wm, A. White
lii tions on the block on Duane st from Green¬
wich to Washington sts.
FRONT ST.—Cruikshank Co, sold for a client
60 li'ront st, a 4-scy Drick business building on
the west side of l-'ront st, distant S1.2 tt north
of Cuylers Alley, to Koss W. Weir Sc Co., Inc.,
the present tenant, lor their occupation,
FRONT ST,—Charles F, Noyes Co. sold for
Sherman lownsend to Richard S. EUiott, tbe
5-sty lolt builaing 214 Front st, adjoining tbe
nonbwest corner of Beekman st, Mr, l;lliott
is negotiating the resale ot the property through
the same brokers. Tbe transaction was all
cash, George A. Bowman represented the seller.
GREENE ST.-^Spear & Co. resold for Rob¬
ert E. bimon 22i> Greene st, a
ing, to a client for investment,
one of three which the same
bim in the last week.
GREENE ST.—Robert E,
through tipear Sc Co. from the Bank for Savings
■ii and 4y Greene st, a u-sty loft, 50xlUU; also
Irom tbe Commonwealtb Insurance Co. of N,
i., 22b Greene st, a 6-sty lott, 20x87, Brown,
Wheelock Co., Inc, were associated as brokers
in the latter sale. Last week Mr, Simon bought
^US and 210 Wooster st, aiso a 6-sty loft-
HUDSON ST.—W. E, Dean & Co. and H, J.
Scheuber Sc Bro. sold 147 and 14y Hudson st,
southwest corner of Hubert st, two 5-sty build¬
ings, 28,Sx'i6, to tbe Nos. 147 and 14^ Hudson
Street Realty Co,
IRVING PL.—Wm. A, White & Sons sold for
a client of Cadwalader, Wickersham Sc Taft,
76 Irving pl, a t>-sty and elevator apartment
house ou a iot 2tixlu6,8, held at $G5,00O, The
purchaser is to alter the building, providing
Lwo apartments on a floor instead of one as at
RUTHERFORD PL.—Tbe bouse at 1 Ruther¬
ford pi, south-west corner of 17tb st, whicb
formed part of the real estate holdings of tbe
Stuyvesant family (Petersfield Farm), has been
purchased by Dr. Herman N. Appel, and will be
completely remodelled for bis office and resi¬
dence. Jobn H, Scbeier designed, and will super¬
vise the alterations. Mr, Scbeier is at present
rebuilding another old "landmark"—The Macy
Sc Jenkins Building, at 67 Liberty st, which was
purchased recently by Joseph P, Day, as a site
of tbe permanent office of the Day organization
Dr. Appel contemplates altering tbe building
into a dwelling of tbe American basement type,
with a separate entrance from 17th st, to his
ofiice on the street and parlor floors, and to his
living quarters above. The balance of the upper
portion of tbe building, according to tbe present
intentions, will be remodelled to contain small
suites for use as combination studios, or pro¬
fessional ofdces, and apartments,
VANDEWATER ST.—Cruikshank Co. sold in
conjunction witb Nicholas F, Walsh tbe 4-
sty store and tenement at 42 Vandewater and
viyrya and 399 Pearl sts. The purchaser has
bought the property for Investment,
WATER ST,—W, E. Dean & Co. sold tbe 4-sty
building at 32 Water st to Baker, Carver &
Morrell, ship chandlers. This is tbe fourth
purchase that tbis concern has made on Water
st within the last few months. After extensive
alterations they will occupy tbe premises for
their own use.
1ST ST.—Scheuermann estate sold two 5-aty
tenements, 25x77.2, at 97 1st st, through to 202
East Houston st, to tbe Foster Land and Mort¬
gage Co., through William J. Gabel,
19TH ST,—Albert L. Silberstein, president of
the Griffon Cutlery Works, bought from tbe
Mortgage Associates, Inc., tbe 12-sty loft. 47x90.
at 151 and 153 West 19th st, valued at $2^0,000,
through M, Sc L. Hess,
*^1ST ST.—Brom, Wheelock Co., Inc., sold
for tbe Petersfield Realty Co,, to Rose Fleisch¬
man tbe two 4-sty tenements, on lot uOxlOO,
at $335-7 East 21st st,
23D ST—George S, Runk sold for tbe Wes¬
tinghouse Lamp Co.. 510 to 532 West 23d st.
5-sty factory buildings, with private driveway.
Tbe property fronts 300 feet and was held at
24TH ST.—Norman S, Risenfeld bought 135
West 24tb st, a 6-sty building, 25x117, from tbe
estate of Richard N. Casey and tbe estate of B,
H, Goodman, through J, Oppenheimer,
24TH ST-—Louis Scbrag sold for the Broad
Street ILealty Co,, the property 135 West 24th
street, 6-sty tenement and store on lot 25x117,
26TH ST.—A, V, Amy & Co. sold for the
Leonard Lewisohn Estate the 7-sty store and
loft building 130 West 26tb st, plot 25x100, lo¬
cated TO the wholesale fur district and held
by tbe estate for many years under manage¬
ment by the present selling agents,
27TH ST-—Dr. Josepb Roth sold through
Julius Scott to the Union Chemical Glassware
Co, 39-43 East 27th st, an 8-sty apartment, 75x
100, opposite Madison Square Garden and ad¬
joining the French Cburcb St, Esprit.
27TH ST.—Thomas J. O^Reilly sold for tbe
Industrial Savings Bank to a syndicate the two
6-sty lofts, 120x98.9, at 132 to 142 West 27tb st,
taken in foreclosure several years ago, Tbey
rent for about $31,000. and were held at $265,000,
29TH ST,—Pease & EUiman and Moore &
Wyckoff sold for Cordelia A. Graham 48 East
29th st, a 3-sty dwelling, 22x98.9, to Sarah A.
Adams, wbo owns the adjoining corner property
at 420 and 422 4tb av and now has a plot, 43,5x
100. This is the first sale of tbe property since
31ST ST.—Max Dorf, cloaks and suits, bought
from tbe Mutual Life Insurance Co., through
Geo. R. Read & Co., 39 Bast Slst st, a 4-3ty
building and stores. 21.5x98.9. Tbe sellers re¬
cently acquired the property in a foreclosure for
36TH ST.—Treeko Realty Co, bought, through
Bleiman Sc Co.. 25 and 27 West 36th at, two
4-sty buildinga. 37,6x98.9.
41ST ST,—Theodore Ortmann sold for Estelle
L. Marzoff aud Amelia M, Bauchle tbe 5-sty
tenement, 25x98.9, at 243 West 41st st, to J,
Harry Riker.
55TH ST.—Brown Wheelock Co, sold for
Mrs. Josephine H. Bissell tbe 5-aty dwelling,
30x100.8, at 46 West 55tb st, to a physician
for occupancy.
PARK AV.^William Cburcb Osborn has en¬
larged his holdings at the southwest corner of
Park av and 36tb st. through tbe purchase of
36 Park av from Harry Harkness Flagler, a 4-
sty dwelling, 25x100. Mr. Osborn owns, in ad¬
dition to bis 28 foot home at the corner, the
dwelling at 38 East 36th at, opposite the Morgan
residence, and now baa a plot fronting 53 ft
in Park av and 130 ft in 35th st. Brown.
Wheelock Co, was the broker, Mr. Flagler
owns and wUl occupy 34, adjoining.
PARK AV.—William B. May Sc Co, sold for
Arthur B. Emmons, 60 Park av, a 5-sty dwell¬
ing, 17x80,
IITH AV,—William S, and Henry Coffin pur¬
chased from the Daly estate and others 388 to
394 llth av, southwest corner of 34tb st,a
group of old buildings, lOOxlSO, whicb will be
replaced with a garage to cost about $100,000-
The Franklin-Rocks Co. has the general con¬
North of 59th Street.
ARDEN ST,—Joseph Greenwald bought 23
Arden st, a 5-sty apartment, 27x110, from Fred¬
erick Brown through Butler Sc Baldwin.
61ST ST.—Payson McL. Merrill Co. sold for
S. P. Hinckley the 4-sty dwelling. 20x100, at
166 East Olst st,
63D ST.—Douglas L. Elliman Sc Co. resold for
Frederick J. Sterner two more of tbe five dwell¬
ings recently acquired by him in the north side
of 63d St. between Lexington and 3d avs, from
the Gallatin estate. He has sold 163 and 165
East G3d St. two 3-sty buildings, 40x100, to a
merchant, wbo has commissioned Mr, Sterner to
remodel them into one dwelling for his own oc¬
70TH ST.—Sonn Bros, resold tbe private
dwelUng 43 West 70tb st, which tbey recently
purchased from tbe New York Life Insurance
and Trust Co.. as trustees, Tbis dwelling is
on a lot 20xl00.8V2» and It bas been sold to
a client of L. J. Phillips & Co. for occupancy.
Both transactions were negotiated through tbe
same brokers,
71ST ST.—Tbe 4-sty dwelling, on a plot 20
xl02.2, at 119 East 71st st. between Park and
Lexington avs, is reported to have been sold.
Catherine C. Johnston is the owner of record-
71ST ST.—Howard Le C. Roome, president ot
William J, Roome Sc Co., sold for the Clark
estates, the 5-sty dwelling at 136 East 71at at
to William C, Langiey, bead of W. C. Langiey
Sc Co., bankers, who now Uvea at East Wil¬
liston, Long Island, Mr, Langiey bought tbe
bouse as a gift to bis wife. The Clark estates
recently sold tbe adjoining dwelling to Leon
H. Krontha! of Speyer Sc Co.
7oTH ST.—F. R. Wood Sc Co. sold for E. G.
Willing to H. Blum. 108 West 75tb at, a 5-
sty dwelling, 20x102.2.
76TH ST,—Mrs. Franklin V. Lordsold 15
East 76tb st, a 5-sty dwelling, 19x102.2, through
Pease & Elliman, who also sold for Harry Con¬
tent 17, adjoining, a 4y2-sty dwelling. 20x102.2,
Tbe combined properties will be altered into
one bouse, measuring 39x102.2. Mr. Lord re¬
cently made a gift of tbe property to bis wife.
76TH ST—Jobn A, Aaron sold to a Dr. Ber-
ringer. 112 East 76tb st, a 3-sty dwelling.