Hemlwr AJlled Real Estate Interasta
Member B'klyn Board of Real Bstate Brokera
Money to Loan on First Mortgages
Joseph T. McMahon
Telephone: Mmin tU
Woolworth Building taken througb
Pullshrd Wire Gl:i.sx Window In the
Weslrrii Union Building. New York City
Why not get the bene¬
fit of reduced insurance
rates, together with the
maximum of Fire and
Breakage Protection?
Install Mississippi Pol¬
ished Wire Glass with its
silver white 'wire and sur¬
face equal to any plate
glass, and save money.
Write for Catalogue
and Samples.
Room 1712
220 Fifth Ave., New York City
58th street, adjoining the rear of tbe main
building. Is a 5-story brownstone building cov¬
ering a lot 21x50.5, while 306 West SSth street.
Is a 4-story and basement brownstone dwelling,
on a lot 21x100.5. The other 58th street numbers
form part of the site of the main building. It
is understood tbat "Reisenweber's" desired to
sell because the neighborhood Is fast changing
into an automobile center.
May IS. 1920
street and 74 teet in Lafayette street, and was
built hi 1910 by the sellers.
Celntral Union Trust Buys.
Gilbert & Kramer sold to the Central Union
Tmst Co. 786-787 Fifth avenue, at the south
corner of East 60th street, a 10-story huilding,
on a plot 50.10x125. The buyer occupies the
ground floor as an uptown branch of its busi¬
ness. The sellers bought the property from the
estate of Henry Phipps several months ago.
City Buys Police Station Site.
Negotiations are about concluded by the City
of New York for the purchase from the Rhona
Realty Co. of 111 to 117 West 133d street, four
3-story and basement brownstone dwellings, each
on a lot 16.8x99.11, or a total street frontage of
61.2 feet, between Lenox and Seventh avenues,
Tbe purpose of the purchase is to provide a site
tor a new station for tbe Thirty-flrst Precinct,
now housed In a building in West 135th street,
between Lenox and Seventh avenues. The Rhona
Realty Co. only recently bought the properties.
Hoffman Estate Sells Comer.
The estate of E. A. Hoffman sold through
bpear & Co., in conjunction with Edward J
Crawford, to W. D. Kilpatrick the southwest
corner of Greenwich and Murray streets, a 5-
sty commerclai building, on a lot 27.2x78x34.
Henry Street Settlement Buys.
M. .Morgenthau. jr.. Co., sold for Dr. Samuel
11. Douglas s Pitt street, a 5-story building, on
the east side of the street, just north of Grand
street, on a lot 'A-.xliNi. The purchaser Is the
Henry btreet Sptticnient, which already con¬
trols the building as tenant, and uses it in con¬
junction with the adjoining property, 466-468
Orand street, known as the Neighborhood Play-
housi-. The building 8 Pitt street Is used for
various settlement activities, and in connection
with the .Neighl'orhood Playhouse.
Seville Buys Annex Leasehold.
Cruikshank Co. sold for the Almy Realty
Corporation to the Hotel Seville. Louis C
Raegner. president, the four lots of property
l..-]i East 2Sth street and 18-20 East 2flth
street. .-,iixJ(K). and being the portion of the
proii'Tty covcrod by tli.- ann?x of the Hotel
Joseph Paterno Buys Mansion.
-Mrs. F"anny Rftckwood, wife of Judge Nash
Rockwood, sold her large Colonial residence,
with plot l,2x.'!n4. at the northeast corner of
Independence avenue and . West 252d street
Iliy.-rdalp to .loseph Paterno. the west side
buildt-r. It was held at $100,000. Mr. Paterno
has also i.ur; ha.«p1 from the estate of Samuel
D. Babcock an adjoining plot on Independence
avenue, containing about 1% acres.
Good Sale in Silk Zone.
nilboa Realty fn., .Morris Polsky. president
bought from the Pelhamback Realty Co 117-
119 East 24tb street, a 12-story loft building
on a plot 46x98.9. ^'
West S7th St. Plot Assembled.
neniard Smyth & Sons sold for Miss Louise B
Scott 2.S West .-)7th street, a 4-story and base¬
ment brick dwelling, on a lot 25x100,5, and for
Cbarles T. Mathews .30 West 57th street a 4-
V:S!^ and hasement brick dwelling, on a lot L>.-,x
11)0.0. Tho buyer of both parcels is Abraham
H. Brown.
Dunham Co. Buys in Leonard St.
, R- Vollhart, who recently bought the 7-story
oft building at 14 Leonard street, at the Juil¬
liard Estate auctton sale for Jf'J.SOO, has resold
the property at a substantial proflt to the James
H. Dunham Co.. of 340 Broadway, dry goods
merchants. The buliding is on a lot 25x100.
I he buyers also own 16 Leonard street, adjoin¬
ing, and wili use both buildings for warehouse
Upper Broadway Parcel Sold.
Clem Realty Co. sold 1699 Broadway, a 3-
story brick building with store, on a lot 25 Ix
62x25x59.4. adjoining the Hotel Cumberland at
the southwest comer of West 54th street. The
selling company Is a holder for some of the
heirs of the estate of Richard E. Mount, which
had owned the parcel many years.
Buys Big Loft Building.
Benjamin Winter bought from the Thompson-
Starrett Construction Co. the 12-story store and
loft building, 692-694 Bradway, through to 384-
.â– 588 Lafayette street, and extending the block on
the south side of Fourth street. The building
fronts 45.4 feet in Broadway, 275 feet in Fourth
More Co-operative Buying.
Pease & Elliman sold for the City Real Estate
Co. a 9-story apartment house, on a plot 60x100,
at 152-156 West 58th street, to a number of
tenants, who will take over its management on
a co-operative plan. Pease £ Elliman have been
appointed agents for a period of years. There
are 36 families in the house and the estimated
rentals are $110,000 a year.
Water-South Street Deal.
William H. Whiting & Co. sold for Harold V.
and Sterling P. Story 178-179 South street, ex¬
tending through to and including 335-337 Water
street, the South street end being covered with
a 4-story building, on a plot 41.9x76.10, and tbe
Water street end by a 3-story garage, on a plot
37.4x75. The purchaser will occupy.
Brodie's Old Quarters Sold.
Estate of W. J. OUiof sold through Hiram
Rlnaldo to Rudorter Bros. 114 and 114^ Boweiy,
an old 2-sotry brick building, on a lot 25x100.
Tbe late Steve Brodie, who became faimous by
jumping from tbe Brooklyn bridge successfully,
long ran a saloon in the building. The site will
be reimproved with a modern building.
Washington PI. Corner Sold.
Spear & Co. sold for Joseph J, Asch 23 to 29
Washington place, at the northwest corner of
Greens street, a 10-story loft building known as
the Asch building, on a plot 100.8x100.
Sells Royal Court Apartments;
Catharine Danker sold to the Ed-Gerald Realty
Co. the 6-story apartment house, known as
Royal Court, on a plot 49.11x106.10, covering
the block front on the east side ot 160th street,
from Amsterdam to St. Nicholas avenues.
Harlem Corner Changes Hands.
City Real Estate Co. sold to Irving Bachrach
and Ira Rosenstock 2432 to 2436 Seventh avenile,
three 5-story brownstone apartment houses with
stores. Tbe last-mentioned building is at the
southwest comer of West 142d street, on a plot
34.5x75; 2434 is on a plot 20x75, and 2432 is on
a plot 20.6x75.
Remodeled Building Sold.
William A. White & Sons sold for Frank Roe
and others the 5-story store and apartment
building, 174 West 72d street, on a lot 23.4x
102.2, whicb adjoins the southeast corner of
Broadway and 72d street. The buyer purchases
for investment. The property has been In tbe
ownership of the Roe family since 1886 and was
occupied as their residence until about a year
ago when it was altered.
Sell to Surrogate Cohalan.
Surrogate John P. Cohalan, who, as tenant,
had long occupied tbe 4-sty. and basement Owell-
ing. 706 St. Nicholas avenue, on a lot 19.8x100,
has bought it from Ennis & Sinnott, who had
bougbt It a week before over tbe Surrogate's head
from Justice Samuel Greenbaum of the Supreme
Sale of Dyckman Tract Corner.
Emma Gabren sold to the C. W. S. Realty Co.
the southwest corner of Tenth avenue and 213tli
street, two ."i-sty. apartment houses, on a plot 90x
Buy a Franklin St. Leasehold.
RoethlTSberger A Co., dealers in cheese, who
have been occupying 178 and 180 Franklin street
for a number of years as owners of the lease¬
hold, have purchased the land- from St. Mark's '
Protestant Episcopal Church for about $31,000.
The building is 6 stories and the plot 33.3z87.10.
Caledonian Club Sells Its Home.
Members of the New York Caledonian Club.
one of the oldest Scottish societies in the United
States, at a special meeting on April 27 voted to
consider the possible sale of their clubhouse at
846 Seventh avenue, near 54th street. Conslder-
able discussion centred upon an offer of $100,000
made by an automobile company, now located
on West 59th street. The clubhouse has been
occupied by the Caledonians since 1898. It is
three storjes in height and covers a lot 25x100
New Home for Amateur Comedy.
Douglas L. Elliman & Co. sold for Mrs. Anna
H. Braillard and Mrs. Harriett H. Smith, repre¬
sented by Joseph F. Seitz, 122 and 124 East Slst
street two 4-sty. flate, adjoining St. Barthole-
mew Church in the rear, on a plot 50x100.5. The
buyer Is the Amateur Comedy Clhb. Oswald C
Hering, president, who now have a small theatre
ifi,^ "-emodeled stable in Snlffln Court, at East
.36th street. It is expected that they will erect
a clubhouse with auditorium and apartments on
the site just purchased.