November 26, 1904
Status of New Work.
Buildings under construction, exclusive of tenements, co^thig le.-:s
Ihan iiJO.OOO, siluated north of 72d st and south of lOHth fit, East
Side, showing the present condition of the various operafons, A in¬
dicates excavating; B, foundatioDs; C. structural work halt up; D,
enclosed; E, complete, or nearly so; N. S., not started. The first
name is the owner's; 'ar't" indicates architect; "b'r" builder.
T2d st, N'o 47 E, 4-sty and basement brk and concrete rear exten¬
sion, inslall new baths, vent shaft, skylight, to 4-sly and basement
brk and stone dwelling; Louis Marshall, 47 E T2d st; ar't, Harry A
Jacobs, 1133 Broadway; b'rs, Deisler & ?tevenEon, 113:1 Broadway.—
Work well advanced.
73d Et, No 7 B, 1-sty brk and concrete rear extension, install ne-K
elevator, flreproof partitions, iron steps, to 5-sty brk and stone
dwelling; Joseph Pulitzer, 11 E 73d st; ar'ts, Foster, Gade Sc Gra¬
ham, 2S1 4th av.—Work under way.
74th st. No 44 E, 5-sty brk and stone dwelling; Samuel Kempner,
44 B T4th st; ar't, Geo F Pelham, ."iltl! 5th av.—N. S. Old building
T5th St. No 221 E, 3-sty brk and concrete rear extension, rebuild
walls, chimney, install concrete and steel floor, stairs, skylight, to
.3-sty brk and stone fire engine house No 44: City of New York. City
Hall; ar't, Alexander Stevens, 157-359 E liTlh St.—Work iind;r way.
T.ith st, ."^os 411 and 413 E, 3-sty and attic brk and concrete
church and dwelling; Frederick Rueseler, 221 E T4th sl; ar'l, Bdwin
C Georgi, (103 E SSd st.—N. S. Old buildings standing.
Toih st. No 412 E, "l-sty brk and stone stable; John Donohue. 411
E 17tth st; ar't, Edward L Middleton, 509 W 112th st.—E
TOth Et, n s. 348 e .Vv A. 2-sty brk and stone public baths. 1-sty
trk and stone extension; City of New York, City Hall; ar'ts. Stough-
icn & Stoughton, 90 Gth av.^Steel frame complete, walls up to root
line, interior in rough stage.
_ TTth st, Nos 01 and 03 E, 10-sty brk school building; J W Finch.
1^3 and T35 Madison av; ar't, Charles A Rich, 3o Nassau st; b'r,
J C Lyons Building & Operating Co, li E 42d st.-D. Exterior com¬
plete, interior work under way.
T-Slh Sl, No 5 E, ."i-sty stone front dwelling; Reginald G Barcla\-.
+4 Stone sl; ar't, C P H Gilbert, 1123 Broadway; b'r, J C Lyons
Building Se Operating Co, 0 E 42d st.^D. Interior trim.
TSth £t, Nos 503 and 505 E, two 6-sty brk and stone teneraepts;
City Sc Suburban Horaes Co 2S1 4lh av; ar't, Percy GrifHn, 244 5th
79lh Bt, s s, 90 w Madison av, 5 and O-sly brk and stone dwelling;
.Mrs Sidney D Ripley, Hempstead, L I; ar'ts, Warren & Wetraore
3 East 33d St.-E.
TOth Et, Nos 405-413 E, add l-sty aad basement to foundations
and basement walls, brk and stone church; St Monicas Chuich, 413
E TOth st; ar'ts, Schickel Sc Ditraars, 111 5th av.—N. S.
TOlh st, Nos 502 and 504 E, two r.-sty brk and stone tenements:
City £ Suburban Homes Co, 281 4th av; ar't, Percy Griffln, 241 o-h
SOth st. No GO E, 2-sty brk and stone rear extension, build new
walls, partitions, toilets, rearrange fl.or:, to 4-sty and bas;m;nt brk
and stone dwelling: Edwin L Meyers, The Osborne, 57th st and 7th
av: ar'ts, Harry Alien Jacobs, 1133 Broadway; b'r, Harvey Murdock,
IIG Nassau st.—Front wall np, windows and doors not in, interior
In rough stage.
S2d st. No 14 E, 4-sly and baEement stone front tlwelling; Mrs
Edith A Slraleln. 4S East 72d st: ar't, C P H Gilberl, 1123 Broad¬
way; b'rs, Bunn Sc Nase, 1!2;{ Broadway.—E. Occupkd.
S4th st, n s, HO w 2d av. G'^-sty brk aud slone clubhouse; Work-
Ingmen's Educational and Home Assoc, 200 H Slith st; ar't, F A
.â– Minuth, 2S9 4th av.—N. S. Old buildings standing.
SGlh at, Nos 157 to IGl B, 3-sty brk and stone theatre; A C &
H M Hail Realty Co, 1291 Lexington ov; ar't, Geo KelRler, 11 W
LOth St.-El, Occupied.
SOth Et, Nos 210 and 214 E, O-sty brk and stone club bouse; Mu-
Eical Mutual Protective Union. Olst Et and 3d av; ar'ts. Levitan &
Fist her, 20 W 3Ist st.—Excavation dug, foundations iaid.
STlh st, Nos 50 and 00 E, O-sty and cellar brk and slone tene¬
menls; Joseph King, 120 E SSd st; ar't. Ceo Fred Pelham. 5ft3 5tb
av.—Walls nnd beams up 4 stories; front wall through 1st stcry.
SSlh st. No 110 E, 3-sty brk and slone stable: Lewis Cass Lsdvard.
2T1 Lexington av; ar't, E Burnett, 111 ."ith av.-E.
Sllth st, s s. 135 e 5th av, 5-sty brk and stone dwellling; Edward
Thaw, 1 West 72d st; ar'ts, Israels Sc Harder, 31 W .'ilst st.—D. Ex-
lerlor complete; Interior work under way.
OOth st. No 55 E. 3-sty brk, concrete and marble auiomohile house,
2-sty concrete and brk extenEion; Andrew Carnegie. 2 East Olst st:
ar'ts, Whiineld Se King. IGO 5th av.—E.
Olst it, .\o T E. 4-Ety and basement stone front (iwelling; Mrs Jai
.\ Burden, Jr, G East TOth st: ar'ts, Warren. Welmore & Morgan 3
- E! :^3d Et: b'r, C T Wills. l.jO 5th av.-D. Intericr trim under way.
Olst El, n s, 2rO w 1st av, 4-sly brk school; Church of Our Ladv
of Good Counsel. 2::0 B OOth st; ar't. F A de Meuren, Sl Main st,
Yonkers, N Y: b'rs, Gillespie Bros, iVS'S Broadway.—D. Rocf no;.
completed; windows and doers not In; interior in rough stage.
!1.3d st, a s, 140 e 3d av, 2-sty stone and concrete rear extension,
add I-sly lo dynamo houEe, extend boiler and coal storage, lo 2-Ety
brk and .slone machine boiler and coal storage; George Ehret, 119"
Psrk av; ar't, Julius Kaainer. 1133 Broadivay.-Work under way.
U7\ih Et I n s, IT," w 1st av. 4-sty brk and stone schocl; Cily of New
llfllh Elj Ycrk: ar'l. C B J Snyder, TiflO Park av.—Up lo roof line,
lllllh !t. Nos 112 and 114 East. 3-sty brk and stone publls library:
New York Public Library, 40 Lafayette pl; ar'ts, Babb. Cook Sc
Willard. 3 West 29ih st: b'rs, Isaac A Hopper & Son. 1170 Broad¬
way.—D Exterior almost complete, windowi; and doers not in,
some rough plastering done.
OTlh Et. n w cor .Madison av. G-sty brk ane
ment; Archileels Realty Co, 1421 Madison av
ri W 21st St.—To 2d sty level.
OTth Et, n s, 100 e Madison av, G-sty aa
apartmofils; George Brown, 1031 Eroadway;
."iil3 5lh av.—N. S. Plot vacant.
OOlh St. Nos 205 and 209 E, 3-sty aad stone lott building; Fred
S .\lyer.~. INS Bra.idway; ar't, Wm C Sommerfeld, 19 Union sq.—N.
S. Old huildings torn down.
."th av, ,\o 1172, ll-sty brk and stone dwelling; Payne Whitney;
ar'ts, McKim. Mead Se White, 100 oth av.—D. Exterior complete,
windows and doors not in, interior work under way.
.'irh av, c s. 32.2 s TOth st, fi-sty brk d-welling; J C Lyons, 4-G E
4:ld st: arts, McKim, Mead & White, 100 5th av.—D. Exterior
complele; interior finish going on.
."ilti av, No 1032, 3-sty brk and concrete rear extension, install
sl tel beams, piers, to 5-sty brk and stone residence; Miss Annie
Leary, 10 E T^iih st; ar'ts. Palmer & Hornbostel, 03 Wiiiiam st.—
P"ront lorn ont. boarded up; granite basement started.
5th av. No ]01!4, o-sty brk and concrete roar extension, rebuild
fronl wall, inslall Iron beams and girders, windows, stairs, parti¬
lions, elevator, tank on rocf, to 5-sty brk aad stone dwelling; Helen
C Robbins, 71 Park av; ar'l, William Strom, 30 Cortlandt st:—D.
Windows ar.d doors not in; interior in rough stage.
."jih av, n e cor .S7!h st, 4-sty brk and slone dwelling; Henry
Phipps, Jr, 3 Bast 50th st; ar'ts, Trowbridge & Livingston, 424 Sth
Eidlitz Se Son, 4.S9 3th av.-D. Exterior complete;
work under
."ih av. s e cor 02d st. 5-sty and attic brk and stone dwelling; I
Townsend Burden, 10 Washington sq; ar't, Horace Trumbauer, Laud
Title Building. Philadelphia, Pa; b'r, Thomas J Reilly, on premises.—
1). Windows and doors not in; intericr in rough stage.
Mtdi.son av, s e ccr SOth st, 2-sty brk and concrete rear extension,
lui doors, windows, install flreprcof elevator, pariiiioas. to 4-sty
brk and Etone dwelling: Olin D Gray, The Dawlton, 71st stand Am-
Eiertiam av: ar't. Harry A Jacobs. 1133 Broadway; b'rs, Mahoney
irros, nil W 42d st.—Work well advanced.
Madison av, n e cor Olith st, O-sty and cellar brk aud stone tene-
iiitut; Arthur E Silverman, 241 W 313th sl; ar't, Geo Pred Pelham,
.".n:! 7,\h av.—B.
.\ladi;on av, n w cor 97lh st, G-!.ty and cellar brk and stsne tene-
uuni: Mannados Realty Co. l.'lu Broadway; ar't, David Stcna, Bible
House.-To 2d sly level.
.Madlsou av. n e cor 97th st, O-sty and cellar brk and stone tene¬
raent; A E Silverman. 241 W 113lh st; ar't, Geo F Pelham, 503 5th
.Madison av, s e cor 07th st, (i-sty brk and stone tenement; C M
"â– â– -erman Sc Eon, 1442 Madison av; ar'ts, Neville Sc Bagge, 217 W
'lib St.-
and I
Madison av, Nos 1454-1450. O-sty brk and Etone tenement: John
E Oisen, HIS W 2;Jd st; ar't. Adoiph Mertin, 3:j Union Eq.—A.
1 irk av I w s, the block front, 1-sty brk aad concrete side exten-
MithEt I sion, cut doors, openings, to 3-sty brk and stone Sth
ll.'ith ;i I Kegimenl armory; City of New York, City Hall; ar'ts,
I'arntl Bros, 20 Court st, Brooklyn; b'r, Thomas Buckley, 40S IOth
av.—Work started.
Park av. n w cor 9(!ih st, O-sty brk tenemeni; Wm F Rohrig, 1123
Paik av; art. Geo F Pelham, 51.13 Tith av.—Almost to roof line.
2d av, w s. 02d to 93d sis, o-sty brk and stoae refrigerating hause;
George Ehret. 2.-i5 East Olid sl; ar't, Julius Kastner, ll.i3 Broad¬
way.—D. Interior work going on.
Av A, .Vos 1405 Io 1407, .'i and 4-sty brk and stone public library;
New Ycrk Public Library, 4u Lafayelte pi; ar'ts, Babb, Coak & Wil-
h.rd, o W '2\nb St.—N. S, Old buildings standing.
Buildiiig Operations.
Will Cliange the Archbold Residence.
MADISON AV.—Howell & Stokes, 100 William st, will pre¬
pare plans for extensive alterations to the John D. Arcbbold
lesiden'ce on the southwest corner of Madison av and 37th st, for
Mrs.* Anson Phelps Stokes, who has repurchased the property
iilter fifteen years for her own occupancy.
The AssuRiption Roinan CathoIkiS, of Brooklyn, to Bnild.
YORK ST., Brooklyn.—The Hev. Dr. Willi.iiii J. Donaldson,
lu4 York st, Brooklyn, is working on plans toward realizing a
lorge fund lor lhe erection of a new church edifice, to supersede
lhe present one no-w located at the corner of Jay and Tork sts,
Brooklyn, which wiil be demolished to make way for the new
Brooklyn Bridge No. 3. Dr. Donaldson informs the Record and
fluidc thru nc iihins or lhe selection of an architect has been
Five New Flat Buildings for Ninety-eighth Street.
OSTH ST.—Plans are being prepared in the office of Bern¬
slein Sc Bernstein, 72 Trinity pl, for the erection of five 6-sty up-
iti-date flat buildings, 40x87.11, for 25 families each, for C. and
ir. Friedman, of 24 East 109th st, to be situated on the south side
of OSth st, 20fr feet west of Central Park "West, at a total cost Of
High Class Apartments for Riverside Drive.
rtlVERSIDE DRIVE.—L. A. Goldstone, 110 West 34th st, has
been commipsioned to draw plans for a. high-class apartment
house to be erected on the southeast corner of Riverside Dri've