April 24, 1897.
Record and Guide
Saxe av, e s, 150 s McGraw av. Hartmann
Bros agt Mary B Springsteel aud Wm E
CampbeU. (Aug 31, 1896,).....■.........484.51
U42d st, Nos 291 and 293, n s, 100 e Sth av,
50x—. Patrick Gill agt M E and Charles
Moore. (AprU 19. 1897.)................140.00
April 20.
llth st, lot 902 map Village Wakefield. John
i,angstaff agt Salvatore Lasperges. (Oct 2S,
2d av, s e cor 112th st. Tomback Sc Dowiing
aet Henrietta Harris. Abraham and Harry
Pearlman. (March 15, 1897.)..........123.00
Allen st, Nos 156-166, e s. Rider Engine Co
agt Anna J and Wm F Lennon. (Dec 2, 1893.)
=5th av, n e cor llStU st, 100x100. Patrick ■
Reddy agt Emma C Heesemann. (March 19,
"Same property. Jacob Ringle fi; Son agt same,.
(AprU 1, 1897.)........................920.17
sSame property- Kath E Rapp agt same, (Apr
0. 1897.)...........................151.70
-Same property. Wazeter Sc Co agt same, (Jan
22, 1897.)...........................550-00
-Same property- J F Welch agt same- (Peb
20, 1897-)..........................389,33
AprU 21.
5th av, n e cor 113th st, 100.11x100. Philip
Bierschenck agt Emma and George Heese¬
mann and Lucy E Turner. (April 12, 1897-).
WhitehaU st. No 35, e s, 54.9 s Pront st, 26.8x
35- John Murphy agt David H Decker, Thos
E Sexton and Joseph and George Carroll.
(Aug 3, I806-)......................62S.30
Whitehall st. No 55. Murpliy Bros agt David
H Decker and Thos E Sexton. (Aug 5, 1896.)
13th st, Nos 4S and 50 E, s s................I
12th st. No 37 E. n s.......................I
Patrick Gallagher agt Albert Wagner- (Dec
18, 1896.).........................25,354.68
!>n4th st. No 302 W, s B. Thulia Bros agt
Treasury Corporation Co-operative Savings
and Loan Assoc and Louis C Sclilipp. (Oct 6,
April 22. _,^
North Chestnut Drive, n s, lot 93 amended map
iBronxwood Park at WiUiamsbridge- Putnam
Foundry and Machine Co agt Mary D Dor¬
land. (Jan 25. 189T.)................210.00
Webster av, e s. 209-3 n 173d st, 50x100. Skelly
Tile and Grate Co agt Louis G or Louise S G
Griess and Edwd A Reynolds. (April 8, 1S97.)
-Water st. No 630, n w cor Scammel st, 25x65.
Gilson, Collins Sc Co agt John Sullivan, (Apr
i:;, 1897-)..........................416,-t2
'Webster av, Nos 1714-1718, e s, 209 n 173d st,
50x^. Dominico A Del Donuo agt Louisa A
Friess, Arthur Niebuhr aud Edwd A Rey¬
nolds. (April 22. 1897.)..................60-00
'Same oroperty. John F Niebuhr agt-----Friese
and Edwd A Reynolds, (March 30, 1897,). 184.00
'Same property. Same agt Louis G or Louisa
F Friese and Edwd A Reynolds. (April 13.
Willis av, No 227, "W s, 75 n 137th st, 25x75.
Fredk A Pfister agt Sarah Quinn, (April 13,
139th st, s s. 275 e Boulevard, 150x99-11- F C
Zobel agt William Topping and James T Dale.
(April 10, 1897.)......................194,94
Lenox av, s e cor lloth st. Frederick Brandt
agt Wm L Hamilton and Marv A McNiece.
(AprU 20, 1897,)....................1,035.00
April 23.
-5th av, s w cor 134th st, lOOx—. Michael Don¬
elan aud Thomas Brennan agt Gunder John-
sen. (Feb 11. 1897.)..................350.00
Lenox av, Nos 525 to 533, w s, bet 130th and
l-3Tth sts. Saruya Engineering Co agt M
Levy Sc Co. (March 22, 1897,)..........434.25
47th st, No 406, s s, 100 w Oth av. 27.6x100.5.
Samuel J Hanover agt Josephine II Egan and
Jane Hylan. (Dec 10, 1895.)............17.75
St Ann's av, w s, 24,11 n 144th st, 7-1-9x99.4.
Louis Kohn agt Rufus L Rohinson, Jr. (April
15, 1S97-)............................677.00
'Discharged by deposit.
'Discharged by bond. ; ,i i
•Discharged by order ot court.
The ilrst name le tbat ot the owner; ar't stands
for architect, m'n for mason, c'r, for carpenter
and b'r for builder.
When character of roof Is not mentioned it is
to be understood that the roof is to be of tin.
Plan 355—Mott st, Nos 134-138, 7-sty brk
factory, 74,ll%x7G-6 and 83-8; cost, .$65,000;
August Mietz, 128 Mott st and 87 Elizabeth
st; ar'ts, De Lemos & Cordes, Fulton Build¬
ing. l.SO Fulton St.
358—Bowery, s e cor Hester sl, 3-sty brk
store, 24-10x67-8^ and 69.10; cost, $15,000;
R and O Goelet, 9 W 17th st; ar'ts, McKim,
Mead & White, 160 5th av; b'rs, M Reid & Co,
IS E 20th St.
359—4th st, Nos 236-240 W, bet 10th and
Charles sts, two 5-sty hrk and stone flats.
32.8V:.x7S; total cost, $55,000; Rosamond Her¬
ter, .'iOS Manhattan av; ar't, Frank W Herter,
1 Union sq.
3(55—Monroe st. No 15, bet Catharine and
Market sts, (i-sty brk stores and Eats. 25x
87.9; cost, )S22,000; Feinberg Sc Friedman, 6*>
Monroe st; ar't, Mich Bernstein, 241 East
367—Great Jones st. No 30, S-sty brick store
and lofts, 2g.ll%xl00; cost. $60,000; ow'rs
and br's. Weil Sc Mayer, 35 Nassau st; ar't,
Cleverdon & Putzel, 41 Union Square W,
■^70—Ludlow st, No 12;^, bet Delancey
and Rivington sts. G-sty brk stable, storage
and lotts, 18.8x87.6 and 18.8x83,6; cost, $10,-
000; ow'rs and b'rs. Fay & Stacom, 19 Man¬
gin st and 337 Pleasant av; ar't, Chas Rentz,
153 4th av.
372—North Moore st. Nos 61-67, bet Hud¬
son aud Greenwich sts, two 6-sty brk stores,
45x83 and 30x83; cost, $35,000-each; D P
Chesebro & Brown, 1167 1st av and 245 W
54th st; ar'ts, Buchman & Deisler, 11 East
Silth st,
'375—Murray st, Nos 11-15, 12-sty brk fac¬
tory and store, 75.7y2x95; coat, $225,000;
Natalie S Reynal, White Plains, N Y; ar'ts.
Clinton & RusseU. 32 Nassau.
371—Sth av^*? w cor 54th st, 5-sty brk and
granite club house, 140x100.5; cost, $750,000;
University Club, 32 B 26th st; Chairman of
Building CommUtee, Chas T Barney, 7 WaU
st and 101 B SSth st; ar'ts, McKim, Mead &
White, 160 Sth av.
378—5th av. No 170, s w cor 22d st, 12-sty
brk offlce, 29x110; cost, not given; Henry
Corn, 987 Madison av; ar't, Robt Maynicke,
725 Broadway.
357—73d st, s s, 33 w Park av, 16x74.6x17.6
x71.6; four 5-sty brk and stone dweU'ga; cost,
$20,000 each; ow'r and b'r, Jere C Lyons, Sl
East 125th st and 67 West 127th st; ar'ts,
Buchman Sc Deisler, 11 East 59th st.
373—77th st, s s. 145 e Madison av, three 5-
sty brk flats. 33.4x102.2; cost, $32,000 each;
ow'r and b'r, Wm Horne, 245 W 26th st; ar'ts,
Israels Sc Harder, 194 Broadway; Mason,
Smith Sc Collins, 245 W 26th st.
379—3d av. No 1629, n e cor 91st st, 5-sty
brk oflices, 25,7x98; cost, $25,000; J Ruppert,
1639 3d av and 1116 Sth av; ar'ts, Schickel
& Ditmars, 111 Sth av.
356—Boulevard, w s. 100 s 108t_h st, 5-sty
brk and stone stores and flats, 2ox87; cost,
$20,000; Thos Baldwin, 150 5lh av and 144
West 122d st; ar't, Fredk Jacobsen, 1539
363—West End av, e s, 75.6^^ n 93d st, two
4-sty and basement brk and slone dwell'gs,
22 and 21x56; cost, $22,000 and $20,000 re¬
spectively; Geo A Fisher, 695 E 141st st; ar't,
G Fred Pelham, 503 Sth av.
368—SSth st, n s, 175 w Columbus av, three
4-sty hrk and stone dwell'gs, 16-8x51; cost,
$10,000 each; Antonio Payliaro, 120y2 Ist av;
ar'l, Peter M Coco, 591 Bartow st, L I City.
369—104th st, s s, 490 w Columbus av, S-
sty brk flats, 34,6x88.10; cost, $30,000; W G
Massarene, 152 W 23d st; ar'ts. Angell &
Higginson, 108 Fulton sl.
374—Manhattan av, n w cor 117th st, two
5-sty brk stores and flats, 50-11x50 and 50x50;
cost. $37,500 corner, $32,500 interior house;
ow'r and b'r, Alex McDowell, 279 W 128th st;
, ar't, G A ScheUenger. 128 Broadway.
362—118th Bt, n 3, 210 w Sth av. five S-sty
brk and stone flats, 20x87.11; cost, $20,000
each; Virginia BraguiUi, 2 Bradhurst av; ar't,
J C Cavinato, 317 W 142d st,
377—114th st, n s, 100 w Lenox av. four 5-
sty and basemeut brk flals, 31x82; cost, $30,-
000 each; BmUio Vignaz, 348 B 114th sl;
ar't, Sol D Cohen, 203 Broadway.
360—Edgecombe av. e s, 66 s 140th st, two
4-sty brk and stone dwell'gs, 17.6x50 and S3;
total cost, $30,000; Chas H Bliss, 115 Broad¬
way; ar't Arthur De Saldern, 115 Broadway.
361—ISSth st, s s, 97 e Kingsbridge road,
3-sty and hasement brk tenem't. 21x45; cost,
$S,000; M J and Eliaabeth Daly, 185th st and
Kingsbridge road; ar't, Geo H Griebel, 247 W
125th St.
364—Kingsbridge av, s e cor Terrace View
av, 1-sty and basement frame church, 70.10x
91; cost, $18,000; N Y Church Extension and
Missionary Society, M E Church. 150 5th av;
ar't, A M Welch, 503 5th av,
366—183d st, s s, 149.1 e Audubon av, three
2-sty and basement brk dweU'gs. 16x48;
cost, $6,000; JacobOIess, 100 Broadway, N Y.
Newtown, Queens Co, L I; ar't, P E Glasser,
521 W 131st st; b'r, Jno Batton, 217 W 125th
376—llth av, n w cor 132d st, three 4-aty
hrk stores and flats, 25x95 one, 25x86 two;
total cost, $78,000; D B Hornton, 131 Colum¬
bus av; ar'ta. Angell & Higginson. 109 Fulton
380—Amsterdam av, s e cor 146th st. 5-sly
brk atore and flats, 25x95; cost, .$-----■; ow'rs
and br's, Daily & Carlson, 594 B 135th st;
ar'ts, NevUle Sr. Bagge, 217 W 125th st,
23d and 24th WARDS.
Bsanch offlce of Building Department, 277S 8d
avenue, Junction Courtlandt avenue, where plans
for building to be erected In 23d and 24th Wards
may bo filed,
322a—Bergen av, n w cor Westchester av, 1
and 2-sty hrk dweli'g, 159-7x27-6; cost, $10.-
000; Franklin A Wilcox. 1 Broadway; ar'ts, A
Arclander. 561 B 139th st and C A MUlner,
81 B 125th at.
323a—169tli st, e s, 200 s Boston road, 3-
sty frame flat, 18-9x57; cost, $6,000; Anna
Wright, 599 B 141st st; ar't, W C Dickerson,
149th st and 3d av-
324a—134th st, n s, 475 e St Anns av, six 3
and 4-sty brk flats. 25x70; cost, each. $13,-
000; Muller & Kraho, 499 E 146th st; ar't,
Theo G Steiu, 2 W llth st.
;:i25a—Popham av, e s, 3S7 s Palisade pl, 2Yi-
sty frame dwell'g, 20x49, shingle root; cost,
.'f!3.000; Michael Gorman, 206 E 7Sth st; ar't,
Chas S Clark, 719 E 177th st.
326a—Summit av, w s, 200 n 161st st, two
2V^-sty frame dwell'gs, 20x40.6, shingle or
sla"te roof; cost, each, $2,.500; John P Levins,
7S9 Amsterdam av; ar't, James Ireland, 203
327a—Locust av, e s, 180 s 138th st, 1-sty
frame storehouse and workshop, 35x36; cost,
$400; asphalt roofing paper; The De La
Vergne Refrigerating Machine Co, on prem¬
ises; ar't, Wm Langton, 73S E ISSth st.
32Sa—Bergen av, w s, 150 n Rose st, two 4-
sty brk flals. 25x66,6; cost, each, .i;i3,000;
Schmuck & Montag, 833 Southern Boulevard;
ar't, Bdward Wenz, 1491 3d av.
.329a—Forest av, w s, 1S8.7 n 163d at, 3-sty
frame flat, 21x50; cost, $5,{K)0; Mary Fraw¬
ley, 961 Forest av; ar't, Niels Toelberg, Home
st and Southern Boulevard,
330a—Prospect st, foot of, and Long Island
Sound, 1-sty frame boiler shed, 2ox35, gravel
roof; cost. $G00; Chas W Smilh, 110 E S6th
st; ar't, A C Schielinger, 53 W 112th st.
331a—Dawson st, n e cor 156th st, two 214-
sty brk dweU'gs. 20x50, slate roof; cost, each,
$7,000; Geo F Johnson & Sons, on premises;
ar't, W C Dickerson, 149th st and 3d av-
332a—Kelly st, n w cor 156th st, two 2Yi-
sty brk dwell'gs, 20x50, slate root; cost, each,
$7,000; ow'r aud ar't, same as last.
333a—Courtlandt av, n w cor 154th st, two
5-sty brk flats, 25x81.11x100; cost. $21,000
and $34,000; John Bannon, 1404 Park av;
ar't, Harry T Howell, 74S E ISSth st.
334a—Kappock st, w s, 320 n Johnson av.
2V>-sty frame dweU'g, 24x44. shingle roof;
cost, .$350; G M Roden, Spuyten Duyvil, N
Y City; ar'ts, Ahneman & Younkheere, Kings-
bridge, N Y City-
33oa—Bailey av, w s, 349 n Albany av. 21^-
sty frame dweU'g, 20x22, shingle roof; cost,
$1,300; Alfred and Sarah Spry, Kingsbridge.
N Y City; ar't, same as last.
-S30a—Locust av, n e cor 138th st, 2-sty brk
offlce building, 27x7S, slate roof; cost, $6,-
OOO; Central Gas Light Go, 350 Alexander av;
ar't, Henry S Ihnen, 874 Broadway.
337a—183d st, s s, 125 w Washingtou av;
1-sty frame store, 18x30; cost, $500; Geo L
Collins, 696 East lS3d st; ar't Wm Guggolz,
2305 Bathgate av.
33Sa—St Lawrence av, e s, 100 s MerrUl st,
2-sty frame dweU'g, 21x40, zinc roof; cost,
$3.-500; Christ Sorensen, 1437 Menstord pl;
ar't, Andrew Bbsen, Southern Boulevard and
147th St.
339a^St Lawrence av, e s, 125 e Merrill st,
2-sty frame dwell'g, 21x40, zinc roof; cost,
.$3,500; Nils Pellersan, 849 E 161st st; ar't,
same as last.
340a—Briggs av, s e cor White Plains road,
(rear), l^/fj-sty frame stable, 60x60, gravel
roof; cost, $2,000; Francis Crawford, 18th st,
near White Plains road; lessee, James A Va¬
rian, White Plains road, near Becker av; ar'ts,
Lawrence & Ringrose, Mt Vernon, N Y.
341a—Cedar pi, n s, 100 w Forest av, 3-sty
frame flat, 20x55; cost, $5,000; Louisa Malber^
568 E 135th st; ar't, Louis Falk, 2769 3d av.
(Withdraws application, 26Sa N B of 1897.)
342a—Barlier av, e s, 233 n Elizabeth st,
WUliamsbridge, l^A-sty frame stable and shed,
27x16, shingle and gravel roof; cost, $350; Jo¬
seph Buhier, Williamsbridge; ar'ts. Lawrence
Sc Ringrose, ML Vernon, N Y,
343a—Pelham Bay, w s, adjoining Pelham
Park, 2-sty brk library, 47x71. tile roof; cost,
$26,500; ow'r and ar't, A M Huntington,
Westchester, N Y City,
344a—Tinton av, w s, 210 a 169th st. 2-Ety
frame dwell'g, 22x45; cost, $4,000; Chas. H.
Phillips, 69 East 125th st; ar't, James M B
Robinson, 107 East 126th st.
345a—Valentine av, e s, 4U6 n 179th st, two
2-sty frame dwell'gs, 18x46; cost, each, $3,-
000; John Metzler, 1072 Tremont av; ar't, W
C Dickerson. 149th st and 3d av.
346a—Unionport road, w s, 274 s Morris
Park av, 3-sty frame dwell'g aud store, 25x45;
cost, $4,500; Hy P Pipp, Unionport road, near
Morris Park av; ar't, same as last.
347a—Eagle av, w 3, 112 s 161st st, 2-sty
brk refrigerating building, 80.10x70; Ehreis
slag roof; cost, $20,000; A Hupfela Sons
Brewery, on premises; ar't, J Kastner, 744
34Sa—Fordham av, s a. 117.4 w Fordham
at. City Island, 2-sty frame water closet and
pumphouse, 63x32.6; cost. $18,000; Mayor
Aldermen, etc, Cily Hall; ar't, C B J Snyder,
Supt of School Buildings, 585-7 Broadway.
349a—176th st, 3 s, 200 w Boston av, rear
1-sty brk storehouse, 9x18; cost, $500; Union
Railway Co, 3d av and 129th st; ar'ts. G Bax¬
ter Sc Son, 2580 3d av.
3S0a—Washington av, w s, 125 n 164th st
3-sly frame Hat 21.6x00; cost. $6,500; John
Ward, 909 E 104th st; ar't, W C Dickeraon
149th Et and 3d av.
351a—Jackson av, e e, 400 q lS7th at 1-