The Record and Guide.
September 26, 18S5
14->4_Varet st, s s, 100 w Bogart st, one two-
story framedwell'g, 2.5x28, tin roof; cost, $1,900;
ow'r and ar't, Mrs, M, Buchholz, 181 Ten Eyck
st; b'r, J. Rueger.
1405_Hi,cison av. No, 473, one flve-story brick
storage. 25x98.6, tin roof, brick cornice; cost.
$8,900; Wm. H. Bolton, 471 Hudson av; ar't, C.
F. Eisenach; b'rs, Morris & Selover.
1426—2*1 pi, n s, 25.6 e Henr}' st, .six three-story
and baseraent brown stone dweU'gs, 16.6x46, man¬
sard, slate^and gravel roofs, brick cornices; cost,
each, $4,.5O0; Mrs. M. V, Phillips, 251 Washington
av; ar't, G. L. Morse; b'r, J. J. Cody.
1437—Hamburg av, w s, 50 n Stockljolra st; one
two-story frame dweU'g, 25x28, tin roof; cost,
$1,900; ow'r aud ar't, Jacob Klett, 229 Cook st;
b'r, J. Rueger.
1428—Madison st, s s, 350 e Patchen av, six
f hree-story nnd basement, two-story and basement
and fonr-story dwell'gs, 16 8x42. tin roofs, wooden
cornices; cost, each, $4,500; A. S. Walsh; ar't and
b'r, T. MiUer.
Plan 1S4"3—Melrose av, n e cor 156th st, two story
frame extension, 12.6x25.6, tin roof; cost, Sr60();
Frank Denninger, 1.54th st, near Courtlandt av;
ar't, A, PfeilYer.
1843—Courtlandt av, s w cor 148th st, one-story
frame extensiou, 12.3x12.3. tin roof; cost, $300;
Charles Schledorn, on premises; ar't, A, Pfeiffer.
i;il44_'W'ater st, No. 237, one-story brick exten¬
sion, 17x25, tin roof; cost, $5.50; Richard Chard,
Brooklyn; b'r, C. Vittn.
184.5—3d av. No. 848, internal alterations and
new chimneys built; cost, $1,000; C, Heinrich, on
iy4(5_125th st, No. 59 E., internal alterations;
cost $25; Edward F. Corey, 30East 129th st: b'r,
J. W. B. Robinson,
lS47_3d av, No, 124, internal alterations; cost,
$200; lessee, P. McMahon, 122 3d av; ar't and b'r,
W. Reardon,
1848—Carmine st. No. 25, extension raised two
stories, tiu roof; cost, $600; Louis Demmler, 10
LeRoy st; ar't, E. W. Greis.
1849—57th st, No. 237 E.. new wall for exten¬
sion; cost, $170; The Hebrew Sheltering Guar¬
dian Soc, Mrs.'P, J. Joachimson, president, 144
East 54th st; b'rs, Eadie & Fox.
lySO—Washington st, Nos, 568 and 570, repair
damage by fire; cost, $^00; W. G. Langdon, 719
5th av; b'r, W. A. Hankinson.
1851—1st av. No. 948, new store front; cost,
$400; Rasmus Christensen, ou premises; b'rs, M.
Scbmeckenbecher's Sons.
18.52—109th st. No. 202 E., new first story front,
iron columns and beams furnished; cost, $.500;
------Grady, 151 East SOth st; ar't and b'r, J. L.
1853—Oth av. No. 603, new store front, iron
beams furnished, wall of extension rebuilt and
two irouskyUghts put in; cost, $1,600; agent, J.
R. Waterlow, 148 West 48th st; ar't, T. J. Drum¬
mond; b'rs, Drummond & Son.
1854—Av A, No. 117, one-story brick extension,
18.10x30, tin roof; ccst, $2,000; Henry VoUmar,
Staten Island.
18.5.5—46th st, No. 5.56 W., two-story brick ex¬
tensiou, 9.6x15, tin roof; cost.------; Mrs. Emma
Flynn, on premises; ar't, J. M. Forster; b'rs, Dev¬
lin & Stuart.
1-8.56—Leonard st, Nos, 74 and 76. openings
made in walls in each story: cost, S1..500;
lessees, Thonias Arhelis, 122 Pierrepont st, Brook¬
lyn, and others; art, S. A. Warner.
1857_15th st, Nos. 319-323 W., building on rear
raised one story; cost, $2,.500; Gilliam Seely, 323
West 15th st; ar't, J. Sexton.
lg5S—Oth av, n e cor 108th st, light^hole for
ventilating cellar; cost, $50; E. P. Steers, 4th av
cor 125th st; b'r, J. Askey.
18.59—Sedgwick av. e s, 100 n High Bridge, one-
story frarae extension, 90x30, taken down and
rebuilt; cost, abt $600-John Karl, High Bridge.
1860-3d st, No. 59 E., new chimney buUt, also
internal alterations and repairs, new galvanized
cornice and lintels on front.
1861—28th st, Nos. 417 to 421 W., walls raised
and strengthened as foundation for water tank;
cost, abt $400; C. S. Fischer, 1.52 West 28th st;
b'rs, Harkness Fire Extinguisher Co.
1802—126th st, s s, 4J0 6 Western Boulevard,
two-story brick extension on front, 19x36; cost.
$1,.500; Mary A. O'Brien, 126lh st. bet lOth and
llth avs; ar't, T. E. Thom^cn; b'r, W. Paul.
1863—Eldridge st, No. 167, attic raised to full
story, new galvanized iron cornice, and window
sills and lintels; cost, $1,600; Sophia Ringshau¬
ser, on premises; ar't, F. Ebeling.
1864—71st st, No. 525 W.. oue-story brick ex¬
tension, 16.8x6, tin roof; cost, $175; Mary W.
Leut, on premises; b'r, J. H. Steinmetz.
1865—Ibid St. No. 703 E., new foundations, rais¬
ing buUding 5 feet; cost, $1.5U; Michael O'Hara,
on premises: b'r, S. Wright.
1866—163d st. No, 690 E., raised 5 feet, cellar
walls built; cost, $200; Hugh McShane, on prem¬
ises; b"r, S. Wright.
1867—Cliflf st, s e cor Frankfort st, \ ault under
sidewalk, also iron columns aud pine girders to re¬
place wall inbosemeut;cost. $8,000; Joseph Hecht,
44 East 6sth st; ar*ts, fechwarzmann & Buchman.
1868—2Uh st, Nos. 35 and 37 E., two one-story
brick extensions, 27 and 23x 48.9 and 24 and 38.9,
tin roofs, internal alterations and new founda¬
tions for rear wall; cost,------ ; John Stephenson
Co., 27thst, bet Madison and 4th avs; ar't, M. C.
1869-Hunts Poiut road, No. 1601, one-story
frame extension, 15x25, tin roof; cost, $135; ow'r
and b'r, J. H. Hawes, on premises.
1870—12th st. No. 044 E.. front and rear alter¬
ations, iron beams furnished; cost, $600; Chas.
Fromann, Sr., 626 East 12th st; ar't, AV. Graul,
1871—5th av, e s, 50th to 51st st, stone spire on
St. Patrick's Cathedral; cost, $l90,fi00; Trustees of
St. Patrick's Cathedral. Madison av, cor 51st st;
ar't, James Renwick; b'rs, Geo, Mann & Co., Bal¬
timore, Md.
1872—5th av. No. 3, extension raised one story;
cost, $7(X); ow'r and ar't, B. F. Dawson, ou prem¬
ises; b'rs, J. Banta and J. B. Hamilton.
1873—Lexington av, No. 32, internal alteration;
cost. $1,600; Oscar D. Munn, 14 East 22d st; b'r,
C. F. Burckett.
1874—1st av, No. 334. new show windows: cost,
$100: J. R. Candler, 2:J.5 East 3::Jd st; b'r, J. Brett-
187.5—2d av. No. 10.56, internal and front alter¬
ations, iron girders furnished; cost, abt $1,200;
Philip Bernstein, on premises; ar't, C, Sidney; b'r,
P, Roberts.
1876—123d st. No. 126 E., roof on boiler room;
cost, $2.50; M. & A. Schneider, 127 East 123d st;
ar'ts, Cleverdon & Putzel,
1877—Washington pl, No. 4, a range ventilating
chimney built; cost, ------; J. A. Robinson, on
preniises: b'rs, Hanna & Son.
1878—Charles st. No. 130, three-story brick ex-
teusion, 8.4x26.4x21.6^—, tin roof; cost, $3,000;
J. W. Dimick, 31 Madison av; ar't, J. H. White¬
1879—73d st. No. 227 E., intemal alteration and
new cellar opening in front; cost, $600; Fred.
Hofmann, 118 East 74th st; ar't, J. Brandt.
1880—Bowerj', No. 377, new store front; cost,
$500; Deborah A. Bailey, 424 Ea.st 84th st;
lessee, W. E. Wenigmann; ar'ts, J. Boekel & Son;
b'r, H. Vogel.
Plan 868—Jefferson st, No. 129, new store front;
cost, $200; ow'r aud ar't, Johu Hartniann, on
premises; b'rs, W. Boj-er and J. Rueger.
869—Fulton st. No. 126, iuterior alterations;
cost. $320; Mrs. Bambusch, ou iiremises; b'r, VV.
870—Oth Kt, No, 104, raised 5 feet, brick wall;
cost, $200; W. Devoy, on premises; ar't, O. Mc¬
871—Varet st, No. 244, new store front; cost,
$215; ow'r and ar't, H. Sie vert, on preraises; b'r,
J. Rueger.
872—Ash st, s s, 81 w Oakland av, two-story
brick extension, 41x51.4, gr?vel roof; cost, $3,-500;
ow'r and b'r, Church & Co., 36 Ash st; ar't, M.
R. Wood.
873—Pierrepont st. No. 101, new mansard in
front; cost, $400; John J. Spowers, Jr., on prem¬
ises; b'rs, J. Thatcher and F. Raymond.
874—Washingt-on st, e s, abt 135 n Myrtle av,
strengthen the truss; cost, $300; Demas Barnes;
ar'ts and b'rs, M. A, and H. Case,
875—Floyd st, No. 349, raised 6 feet, new walls
beneath; cost, $1,500; M. Bates, on preraises; ar't,
Th. Engelhardt; b'rs, Ulrich & Bros.
876—Fulton st. No. 1836, one-story frame exten¬
sion. 30x35, tin roof; cost, $3.50; Charles Zerrener,
on premi-ses; b'rs, C. Horn aud J. Pirrung.
877—Myrtle av, No, 523, foundation under front;
cost, $100; ow'r and ar't, B, Andrews, 227 Ber¬
keley pi; b'r, M. Spellraan.
878—Hamilton av, s e cnr Centre st, straighten
up and strengthen building; cost, $5,50; Edward
Lake, 239 Hamilton av; b'r, C, M. White.
879—Van Bui'en st, s s, 90 w Stuyvesant av, one-
story brick extension, 20x34, tin roof; cost, $400;
ow'r and c'r, Wm. Godfrey; ra'u, W. M. Gibson.
880—Flushing av, s w cor FrankUn av, one-story
brick extension, 27x23, tin roof; new store fronts;
cost, $2,00C; George Malcom, 225 Franklin av;
ar't, I, D. Reynolds; b'r, R. Payne.
881—Devoe st. No. 289, one-story frame exten¬
sion, 14x10, tin roof; cost, $110; M. Luft, on
883—Ainslie st. No. 287, one-story brick exten¬
sion, 15x13, tin roof; cost, $109; M. Friesing, on
premises; b'rs, C, Buchheit and M. Metzen.
883—South 3d st, No. 259, one-story and base¬
ment brick extension, 8.6x16, tm roof; cost, $450;
Henry Dusenbury, 359 South 3d st; ar't, W.
SchoU; b'rs, J. Jones and W. Donaldson.
8S4—Middagh st, No. 27, flat tin roof, front
windows altered; cost, $700; W. L. Cook, 46
Sandst; b'r, W. Laird.
S85—Moffatt st, n s, 150 w Knickerbocker av,
raised 2.6, brick wall beneath, two-story front and
one-story rear extension, 5.6 and 14x23 and 9.6,
lin roof, new doors and windows; cost, $750; Mr.
John Morrow, 1279 De Kalb av; ar't, E, Dennis;
b'r. F. Bertram.
886—Devoe st. No. 268, two-story brick exten¬
sion, 25x26, tin roof; cost, $800; Juliana Schrei¬
ber, 18 Judge st; b'rs, J, Brendle and A. Araann.
887—Com't st, s e cor Degraw st, new store
front and interior alteratiims; cost, $1,000; J, Cal¬
vert, Court st aud 2d pl; b'r, G. R. Truraan.
888-Boerum st, n e cor Humboldt st, rear
foundation waU; cost, $150; ow'r aud b'r, W. B.
A. Jurgens, on premises; ar't, Th. Engelhardt.
889—Johnson av, No. 260, interior alterations,
rear wall studded and boarded over; cost, $100;
Christ. Keppler, 360 Johnson av; art, Th. Engel¬
hardt; b'r. uot selected.
890—Noble st. No. 100, two-story and basement
frame extension, 14x18, tin roof; cost, $1,250; Mrs.
Stephen L. Merchant, Astoria, L. I.; ar't, M.
Randel; b"rs, J. B. AVoodruff and S. F. Bartlett,
891—Tillary st. No. 217. add one story, flat tin
roof, new weather boards and windows; cost,
$850; P. J. Dooley, 36 Flint st; b'r, W. Josiah.
^ 892—South 4th st. No. 324, two-story brick ex-
£en&ion, 9x15, tin roof; cost, $200; G, W. Ilu'ig,
S12 South 4th st; b'r, M. Donkea.
893—Park pl, No. 1154, flat tin roof; cost, $200;
ow'r, ar't and m'n, Daniel Storms, on premises;
c'r, J. Mahon.
894—Hope st. No. 23, flat tin roof; cost. $600;
William J. GiUmore, 227 Division av; b'rs, M.
Smith aud GiUmore & Trevor.
895—Degraw st, n s, 350 w Nostrand av, raised
12 feet, brick story beneath, also one-story
brick extension 20x11, tin roof; cost, $.500; James
Pattigan, 943 Douglass st; ar't, W. McCracken;
b'r, J. Duncan.
896—3d av, n w cor Warren st, new store front,
iron and gloss: cost, $1,000; John Harrigan, 454
Warren st; ar't, I. D. Reynolds.
897—Wallabout st, No.":i09, raised 3 feet, brick
wall beneath; cost, $300; Jos. BulfermuUer, on
premises; ar't, H. VoUweiler: b'r, J. Fuchs,
898—Grove st, No. 12.5, cellar and foundation;
cost, $300; Charles Schwartz, on preraises; ar't
and c'r, T. C. PhiUips; m'n, not selected.
899—Scholes st, ISo. 46, store doorway and in¬
terior alterations; cost, $7.50; Achaz Manz, on
premises; ar't, Th. Engelhardt; b'r. J. Frisfe.
900—Suvdani st, No. 27, twostoj-y frame exten¬
sion, 18 aiid 20x5.6 and 4.6. lin roof; cost, $.500;
WiUiam Wahler, on premises;ar't, H. VoUweUer;
b'rs. H. Ochs & Son.
901—34th st, No. 219, raised 8 feet, frame story
beneath; cost, $200; C. Duffy, on premises; ar't,
O, McDonald.
902—Grove st. No. 143, raised 10 ft, frame story
beneath; cost, $400; ow'r and m'n. Thos. Mahar,
143 Grove st; ar't and c'r, T. C, Phillips.
903~Livingston st. No. 6!, flat roof, front,
brick front removed and new brown stone front
aud interior alterations; cost, $10,CK)0; H. Strohm,
266 Atlantic av; ar't, C. Werner; b'rs, J. J.
Bentzen and Th, Brown.
904—Floyd st, No. 249, one-story brick exten¬
sion, 1.5.6x10; cost, $100; M. Bates, ou premises;
ar't, Th. Engelhardt; b'rs, Eich & Bro.
905—Cook st, No. 10, opening in walks front
and rear for wagon way; cost, $400; Mr. Schnei¬
der, on i>reniises; ar't, H, VoUweiler; b'r, J.
906—Bridge st. No. 198, front alt^^rntion; cost,
$2.50; John Muller,';! Main st; b'r, W. Walsh.
907—5th av. No. ().54, two-story brick extension,
17.4x20, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost. $800; Mr.';.
H. HauiJiu, on preniises; b'rs, J. Crouch and
Spencer Bros.
908—Myrtle av, Nos. 197 and 199, new store
front in No. 199, and interior alterations; cost,
$1,000; Robert J. McManannj^ on preuUses; ar't,
R. C. Dwight; m'n, not selected; c'rs, F. & J.
Widnian; iron work, Cheney &, Hewlett.
Schedule of assets and UabiUties filed for Ihe week
ending September 25:
Brooke & Co., E. B.....
.... $18,823
Donohoe. Ed. J.......
Green, Wm............
Herold, J. G., Jr......
Lowrey, T H........
.... 11,077
Marx. Kossuth & Co..
.... t)23,94G
.... 12,701
21 Bischoff, Wigand G., and Edward F. Mulry (firra of
Bischoff & Mulry, Rrocers. 3d av and ]20th st), to
James H. Shiels; preferences. $2,200.
21 Cochrane, John K. (grocer, 652 Oth nv), to Henry
Killner; preferences. $-125.
21 Hoole, Josie W., and Edward S.>Tucker (firm of
Hoole c*;; Co., tailors, 116 West 23d stj, to Henry L.
Armstrong; preferences, $1,237.
22 McClave, Stephen P. (412 West 47th st), to
22 Siecke, Charles A., and Jacob Hammel (firm of
Siecke & Co.), to David Neumark; preferences,
24 Vao Winkle, Daniel (bookseller and publisher. 88
Chambers st), to Wm. R. Barricklo; prefer¬
ences, $2,200.
September general assignments.
25 Ross, Sarah R.. to Albert Howe.
* Under the different headings indicates that a reso¬
lution has been introduced and referred to the appro¬
priate committee. + Indicates that the resolution has
passed and has been sent to the Mayor for approval.
X Passed over the Ma.vor's veto.
New York, September 18. 1SS5.
regulating, grading, etc.
161st St. from east curb North 3d av to Gerard av.t
CURB and gutter STONES SET.
Forest av, bet w line AVestchester av to s line Home st.t
Forest av. w line Westchester av to s line Home st.t
Depew pl, from 42d to 45th st: pas.*
Hotfman st, from Pelham av to CoUeee st. I i-'mfnn +
College st, from Hoffman st to Arthur st, i '-'^-"'■'"■t
STth st, both sides, from 8th av to Grand Boulevard:
OOth St. from Sth to Oth av: pas.*
106th St. from 9th to 10th av; gas.t
116th st, from New av abt loO ft; Croton.t
14^th st, from 8th av to 9th av: water.t
UOth st, from Sth to Oth av: gas t
154th st, from 8th to 9th av; gas.t
157th st, from 10th av to Boulevard: gas.t
175th st, bet Kingsbridge road and 10th av: gas.t
Columbia av, from Kingsbridge road to Monroe av;
Lexmgton av, from 95th to 07th st; gas.*