May 27, 1S99.
Record and Guide
llOth st {Calhedral Parkway), s s, 125 e Broadway, 75x70.11, vacant.
Same to Samuel H Stone, May 12, May 19, '99. 7:1881. 34,700
IHth St. No 4S on map No 44, s s, 39G.4 e Lenox av, 17,8x100.11,
3-sty stone front dwell'g. Hattie A Campbell to Frances H Graham,
Morts $10,000. April 4. May 23, '99. 6:1397. exch
lloth st, Nos 315 and 317, n s, 200 e 2d av, 50x100.11. two 2-sty
frame tenem'ts on rear of lots with 2-sty frame store and 1-sty
frame building on front No 311. CONTRACT. Martin Schoemmell
with Louis Lese. Feb 20, May 23. '99. 6:1687. 11.000
lloth sl, n s, 75 w Lenox av, runs n — x w — to 115th st, x e 9,d,
gore. Bronk Van Loan to Elias Kempner. All title. Q C. April
20. May 23, '99. 1:1825. com
lloth st, s E, 200 e Lenox av, 125x100.11, vacant. Clinton Ogilvie
to Hartmann and Henry Schmidt, May 10. May 19, '99. 6:1598,'^
val consid and 100
116th at, No lis. s s, loo w Lexington av, 25x100.11. 5-siy stone
front flat. William Porr to Frederick Eberhardt. Morts $l8,00O,
May 23, '99. 6:1643. See 32d st. nom
117th st, s s, 90 w Madison av, 20x100,11, vacant, Joseph Oden¬
heimer to Chas M Rosenthal- May 2(i May 22, '99. 6:1622.
117th 6t, No 68, s s, 90 w Park av. 25x100,11, S-sty hrk flat. Ray
Green to Thomas J Tuomey. Correction deed. Q C. May 22, May
24 '99. 6:1622, nom
117th St. No 174, s s, 200 w 3d av, 25x100.11, S-sty brk tenem't with
stores. Michael Coffey to Mary C Gallagher. All liena. May 23,
'99. 'May 24, '99. 6:1644. nom
117lh st. No 434, s s, 257.2 w Pleasant av, 18,5x100.11, 3-sty frame
125th st. No 334. s s, 230.6 w 1st av, 21x100.11, 3-sty brk dwell'g,
125th st. No 338, s s, 187.6 w 1st av, 20.6x100.11x20,6x100.6, 3-
sty brk dweH'g,
1-3 part of all, Frances Kelly to Theo M Hill as trustee. May 11.
See Morts, May 24, '99, 6:1710-1801, nom
117th sl, No 409, n s, 276 e Amsterdam av, ISxlOO.ll, 5-sly front,
4-sty rear, brk dwell'g, Carrie S Kennedy to Michael J O'Shaugh¬
nessy, Jr. Moris $1S,000. May 25, '99. 7:1961. nom
llSth st, n s, 535 e Lenox av, otelOO.ll, vacant, Frank .A. Seita to
Max J Katz and Morris L Abelman. May 18. May 20. '99. 6:1717,
119th st. No 91, n s, 85 e Lenox av, ISxlOO.ll, S-sty stone front
dwell'g. Alfred Abraham to Theresa Abraham, All liens. May
17. May 22, '99. 6:1718. other consid and 50
i20lh st. No 542, s s, 456.3 e Pleasant av, lS.9xlOO.ll, 2-sty brk
dwell'g, Pincus Lowenfeld and William Prager to Bertha G Lyons.
May 23, '99. 6:1816. nom
120th st. No 414, E a, 175 e 1st av, 25x100.10, 2-sty frame dwell'g
with 1-sty frame building on rear. Patrick Corcoran to Albert D
Kubie, Morts $3,300. March 18. May 25, '99. 6:1807. 7,500
121st st, No 271, n s, 100 e Sth av, also 67,9'e St Nicholas av, 17x
100.11, 3-sty slone front dweH'g. Joseph H Kitchell and ano EXRS
Harriet S Ewen to Ella J Breckenridge. May 18. May 23, '99,
7:1927. nom
124th st, n s, 335 w Amsterdam av, 33x100.11. vacant. Geo F Quin¬
lan to Catherine O'Coonor, All liens. May 19, '99. 7:1979. nom
124th st, Nos 402 and 404, s s, 100 w Columbus av, 64x97.7x69.5x
124,6, two 5-sty brk flats. Edward H Pirsson to John W Pirsson.
Morts $55,000, Peb 25, '97. May 24. '99. 7:1964. nom
131st st, No 35, n s, 23o e Lenox av, 25x99.11, 5-aty brk flat. Wm
H 'HaU to David and Sarah Auderson. 'May IS. May 24, '99.
6:1729. _ val consid and IOO
131st st, No o76, s s, 100 e Boulevard, 25x99,11, 5-sty stone front
flat. Release mort, Caroline E Robert to James Kiipatrick. May
24, '99, 7:1985. nom
134th st, No 3, n s, 75 e 5th av, 25x99.11. 5-sty brk tenem't, Julius
Rosenfeld to Moritz Hendler. Morts $10,000. May 19, May 22,
'99. 6:17.59- 21,500
13oth st. No 114, s s, 225 w Lenox av, 25x99.11, 5-sty brk flcJ: with
stores. FORECLOS, Wilher McBride to Abby A Potter, Boston,
Mass. All liens. May 18. May 19, '99. 7:1919. 24 OOO
136th st. No 242, s s, 319.2 e Sth av, 17,6x99,11, 3-sty brk dwell'g.
Agreement not to convey, &c, Bessie A Foley to James Ever¬
ard's Breweries- May 20- May 22, '99. 7:1941. nom
138th st. No 600, s w s, IOO n w Boulevard, 16.8x99.11, 3-sty brk
dwell'g. FORECLOS. Louis Hanneman to Robt C Embree TRUS¬
TEE of and Alexis C Bowden individ. May 22, May 23 '99
,7:2086, 10,900
140th st, n s, loO w .Amsterdam av, 75x99.11, vacant, Geo H Cham¬
berlain to Jacob D Butler. C a G. May 18. May 19, '99. 7:2072,
140th Bt, s s, 100 e Amsterdam av, 25x99.11, vacant. Bridget A
Kelly to Arthur S Luria. May 19. May 24, '99. 7:2057. nom
141st.Et, No 314, s a, 183,2 w Sth av, 16,8x99.11, 3-sty brk dwell¬
ing. BiU of sale, Edwd P Henzel to Eliz C Henzel. May 21 '98
May 22. '99. nom
148th st, No 620, s a, 185 w Boulevard, 15x99.11, 3-sty brk dweU'g.
Eva Steinmetz to Joseph Strauss. AU liens. Mav 20 Mav ''''
'99. 7:2094. nom
148th st, 'Nos 614 and 616, s s. 140 w Boulevard, 30x99.11. two 3-sty
hrk dwell'gs. Eva Steinmetz to Wm H Boylan, New Brunswick
N J. Allliens. May 20. May 23, '99. 7:2094. nom
UOth st, Nos 514 to 318. s a, 20o w Amsterdam av. 45x99.11, three
3-sty stone front dweU'ga, Release mort. J Frederic Kernochan
to Patrick H Lynch. May 17, May 19, '99. 7:2080, 17,000
Same property, Palrick H Lynch lo Eben Hatfleld. B&S, May 18
May 19, '99. 7:2080. nom
Same property. Eben Hatfield to James T Barry. Morts $33 000
May 19, May 24, '99._ ' nom
148th st, No olO, s s. liS w Amsterdam av, 15x99.11, 3-sty stone
front dwell'g, Patrick H Lynch to James T Barry. Morts $V> -.
500. May IS, May 24. '99. 7:20S0, nom
ISSth st |n s. 114.1 w Boulevard Lafayette, runs n 72.9
Boulevard Lafayette! to a s Boulevard Lafayette, xnw 39,11 x s
84.9 to 158th Et, X e 38, two 3-sty brk buildings. Release mort
Chas F Ballard to Francis J Schnugg. May 17, May 19, '99. 8:2135,
ISSlh st In s, 132.1 w Boulevard Lafayette. 20x84.9 to
Boulevard Lafayette] Boulevard Lafayette, x20,10x79.1, 3-sly brk
flat. Francis J Schnugg to Harriet D Crane. May 25, '99. S:213o.
102d st, s s, 100 e Broadway. 19x99.11, 3-sty brk dwell'g I
162d st, s s, 281 e Broadway, 19.x99.11. 3-sly brk dweU'g. |
Release mort, Jacob D Butler to James J Hagerty. Mav 9 Mav
20, -99, 8:2120. " 13
Same property. Release mort. Citizens Saviags Bank to James J
,^.,-, Hagerty, May 17, May 22. '99, 8:2120. 20,000
"Same property. Release mechanics' lien, Bradley & Currier Co to
â– sarae. May IS. May 20, '99. 8:2120. 1000
â– l62a St. n s, 495 e llth av, 20x99.11, vacant. Albert J Wise to
: Ferdinand Forsch, B&S. C a G, Mav 24. '99. 8:21''2 nom
' Av C, No 115, w s. 78,7 n Tth st, 19,2x63x18.11x63, 3-sty brit tene
ment with stores,
Wallach. Moi
ores, Joseph Heilbrunn to Hannah wife of Samson
--.rts .$3,450 May 18. May 22. '09. 2:390. 13,2oO
Amsterdam av, s w cor SCth st, 102.2x100, vacant. E Wm Wagner
to Mark E Stevens. Morts $210,000. May 15. May 19. UJ,
4:1233. val consid and IUU
Amsterdam av. Nos 2402 and 2404, w s, 25 n 179th st, 50x100, two
o-sty brk flals with stores. John A Dutlon to Randolph Hurry.
Larchmont, N Y. Morts $26,000. Feb 16. May 23, '99. 8:21o2. nom
Broadway, s' w cor lOlsl st, 100.11x100, vacant. Jobn O Baker.
Newark, N J, and Le Grand K Pettit with Herbert Dongan. Agree¬
ment to release lands from mortgage. May 17. May 19, '99. 1 :lsi —
Broadway, s w cor 101st st, 60x100. Le Grand K Pettit to Herbert
Dongan, Morts $57,500. May 15. May 19, '99. 7:18'2, nom
Same property, Herbert Dongan to Thomas Smith and William Rotl-
ler. Mort $57,500. May 13. May 19, '99. 7:1872. See Sth av. nom
Broadway, w s, 60 s 101st st, 40x100. Agreement that building on
this parcel shall stand upon all that plot of land beginning at a point
in flrst mentioned course of lot above described, distant^in a straight,
line 35 w from Broadway, runs w 65 x s S x e 65 x n 5. Le Grand
K Pettit with Thomas Smith and WilUam Rofller, May 18. May
19, '99. 7:1872, . "0°^
Broadway, Nos 943 to 957 | being oth av, s e cor 23d st, runs s ,
othav, Nos 175 to ISS I 132,10 x e 58.3 to Broadway, x n
23d st I 144.3 to 23d st, x w 2, 2 aud 3-sty
brk buildings, Amos F Eno et al EXRS Amos R Eno to Wm P
Eno. May 5. May 22. '99. 3:851. 690,000'
Same property, Wm P Eno to Samuel and Mott I Newhouse. May
5, May 22, '99. 3:851. 800,721
Broadwayle s, extending trom SSth to SOth st, —xlOO. 1x204,4x114.6,
Boulevardl vacant, John Casey to John O Baker, Newark, N J,
SSlhst I Morts $167,500. May 19. May 23, '99. 4:1-233,
val consid and iOO
Broadway orjn e cor 125th at, 99.11x75^ vacant. John B Falk to
Boulevard | John McSweeney, Morts $oO,000, AprU 10. May 23.
â– 99- 7:1980. nom
Broadway, w a, extends from lOSlh to 109th st, 201.10x100, two
2-sty frame and one 1-sty frame buildings and vacant, Jacob D
Butler to John W Noble, Jr. Morts $107,300. .May 25, '99. 7:1S93.
Central Park West|n w cor 96th st, 100.11x200, yacant. Charlea
96Lh st I de Rham to Joseph A Jerger. May 16. -May
19, '99. 7:1832. 174,000
Same property, Joseph A Jerger to First Church of Christ Scientist,
Morts $149,000. May 16. May 19, '99. 174,000
Claremont av, w s, 150 s 122d st. '25x100, vacant, Clara C Thayer
to Alexander Carmichel, Jr. Morta $3,500, May 22, '99. 7:1991.
Convent av, e s, 125 n 141st st, 294,6x100, vacant. Jacob D Butler
to Waiter Fox, Morts $97,000. May 15. May 19, '99. 7:2050.
Lenox av, No 385, w s, 49.10 n 129th st, 25x75, 5-sty stcne front
flat with stores. Matilda wife of Chas H Mayer to Babette Regel.
Mort $15,000. May 22, '99. 7:1914. nom
Lexington av. No 1797. e s, 46,11 s 112th st, 27x73, 5-sty hrk flat.
Foreclos. John E Brodsky to Simon Epstein and Meyer Solomon.
Morts $18,500, May 18. May 24, '99. 6:1639. 750
Madison av, No 166S, w s, 20.5 s lllth st, 20x50, 3-sty brk dweU'g.
August Vahlen to Cyrille Carreau. Re-recorded, Mort $6,000, Jan
6, '93. May 24, '99. 0:1616. 9,500
'Madison av, No 1841, e s, 17.9 n 120th st, 16x83. 3-sty stone front
dwell'g. Mary P Crandall to Sarah L Lamb. 'Morts $12,000. Aug
24, 'Ob. May 24, '99. 6:1747. nom
Madison av. No 1753, n e cor 115th st, 25,10x84, 5-sty brk store
and flat. Diedrich Huneke to Jobn D Hake. Mort $3,000. May
22. '99, 0:1621, nom
Madison av, n e cor 89th st, 100.8x88, 4-sty brk home. St Luke's
Home for Indigent Christian Females to Maximilian Morgenthau.
Sub to encroachments. May 22. May 25, '99. 5:1501.
val consid and 100
Madison av. No 1629, e s, 25.6 s 109th st, 25x85, 5-sly brk flat with
stores. Bertha and Philip Levy to George Levy. Q C and correction
deed. May 20. May 25, '99. 6:1614, nom
Manhattan av, e s, 4,2 n 116th st, 36.S-x82, probable error, see Morta.
Regine Dinkelspiel widow to Louis W Dinkelspiel. Morts $25,000,
Q C. May 23, '99. 7:1943, nom
Old Broadway, bet Lawrence and Manhattan sts, deed reads Bloom¬
ingdale road, lot 09 map of Manhattanville, 25x111.4x25x108,9,
indeft Henry H Nott to Charles Heissenbuttel. All title. May
15. May 22, '99. 7:1982. 1,000
Park av. No 71, e s, 81.9 n 38th sl, 17x115, 4-sty stone fronl dwell'g,
Anna F Myers wife of and Charles Myers to Antoinette L Edwards,
Bar Harbor Me. Morts $35,000. May 15. May 19, '99. 3:894.
West End av. No 232, e s, 80.3 s 71st st. 20.2x80, 3-sty brk dwell'g.
Richd H L Townsend to The New York Investment and Improve¬
ment Co. C a G. May 22, _ May 23, '99, 4:1162. val consid and 100
1st av n e oor 109th st, 2o,11x95, 1-sty frame building. Patrick
Brady to Nicola SivigUa. AU Hens. April 27. May 23, '99,
6:1703. „ _ 9,500
1st av, No 689, w s, 123,5 s 40th st, 24,8x10, o-sty brk tenem't wilh
stores Amelia Robison to Leopold Freudenthal. .4.11 Hens. Feb
15. May 24, '99. 3:945. 3,500
Ist av [n e cor 107th sl, 100.9x113, vacant. Cyrille Carreau to
i07th Et| Simon Adler, Henry S, Herman and Louis Lese. Mort $27,-
000. May 19, May 24, '99. 6:1701, nom
1st av, No 276, e s, abt 25 n 16th st, 23x94, 4-sty brk building with
4-sty brk tenem't cn rear. Eleanor McCart to Pincus Lowenfeld
and William Prager. Morts $6,000, April 28, '99. May 2, "99.-
3:948. 14,2S0
Ist av, No 2292, e s, 18,11 s llSth st, 18,11x75. 4-sty bik store and
tenem't, John Weber to Johanna Weber, Morts $8.0CO. May 25,
'09, 6:1711, nom
2d av. No l(i47, w s, 76,10 n SSth st. 25.4x75, 4-sty stone froot tene¬
ment with slores. Henry and Margarelba Engel lo Herman Baii¬
mann, Mort $8,500. May 22, May 23, '99, 5:1331, 20,750
2d av, No 2302, n e cor 118th st. 27x80, 5-sty brk tenem't with stores.
Hieronymus Breunich to George Ehret. All liens. March 9. May
23, '99, 0:1795. nom
2d av, No 2070, e s. 75.9 a 106th st, 25x75, 4-Ety brk tenem't with
stores, Babette wife of Vietor A Levor and Flora Lang to Simon
, Michel, Morts $8,500. May 17. May 19, '99. 6:1678. 14,251
3d av, Nos 1517 and 1519, e s, 76-7 n 85lh sc, 51,1x100. 2 and 3-stv
frame stores and tenem'ts. James, Wm T and Richard Lahey t=
Pincus Lowenfeld and William Prager. Morts $24,000. Mav 6.
May 25, '99. 5:1531, 44.750
Sth av. No 683, e s, 2S.5 s 54th st, 30x125, 4-sty stcne front dwell-I
ing, I
Also right of way over strip 8 feet on rear of lot adj above. I
S4th St. No .108, a s,-175 w Gth av. 25x100.5, 2-sty brk hullding. |
Deed of substitution of new trustee. Roger A Pryor, Jr, individ