February 4, 1905
present at these banquets and their speeches have greatly en¬
couraged Ihe cause of architecture io America.
The Arahitecturat League in a quiet way, working entirely
in its own field, may be said to have done much for the public
good, and now more than ever it Is in a position to help the new
movement for city improvements, which it has espoused with
great enthusiasm. A few years ago it exhibited the remarkable
series of designs submitted in an international competition for
the University of California. Last year there v;-ere shown the
drawings of the Group Plan for Pubiic Buildings and Grounds in
Cleveland, Ohio, which were secured from the city authorities
by Mr. Arnold W. Brunner, the president of the League, who
Is one of the Commission of three architects who designed the
scheme. It was of special-importance to the profession as this
Group Plaai is now in course of execution and it was the first
of the numerous Group Plans now being considered in many
other cities in the United States. This year the public has an
opportunity to see the interesting designs that were made to
accompany the report recently, submitted to the Mayor of New
York by the City Improvement Commission.
The catalogue of the Exhibition is always '.vorthy of study
and tbe iilustrations indicate the character of the Exhibitior.,
which has unquestionably increased ;n importance from yeai
to year. The membership if the League now includes the best
men of tiie various professions and its hifluence is recognized.
Its offlcers and the members of tbe various Committees have
given then- personal time and attention, at a great sacrifice to
themselves, to make their Exhibitions and Dinners a success
and no pra;?e is too high for their unselfish efforts.
As befDre mentioned, the present President of the League is
Mr. Arnold W. Brunner, one of the best known of New York
architects. Tbe First Vice-President is Mr, Karl Bitter, the
sculptor; and the Second Vice-President is Mr, Henry V. Du
Mend, a mural painter of distinction. Among the past presi¬
dents are Mr. George B. Post, Mr. Henry J. Hardenbergh and
Mr. Russell Sturgis. EVERETT D, WAID.
Status of New Public Worl<.
The following is a list of contracts la tbe various bureaus of the
Department of Public Works, showing the present condition of tl:e
The following olots bave been acquired by the city for park pur¬
poses and appropriations have been asked for their development:
St, Nicholas Park, from 130th to 145th s!s, west of Sl. Nic-ho-
las av.
Colonial Park, from 145th to 155th st, Bradhurst and Edgecombe
John Jay Park, from 7Glh to 7Sth st. on the Bast River.
Parks upon which work is under way are: â–
St, Gabriel's Park, from 1st to 2a av, from 35th lo SGth st,
De Witt Clinton Park, from llth to 12lh av, and from 52d to
54th.-st. ._ . .
Work has just been finished on Thomas Jefferson Park, from 111th
to 114th st, Av D and the East River.
Publio Comfort Stations will be built In all of these parks. ,
Alterations and improvements are still In progress at the Aqua¬
rium, from plans by Barney Se Chapman.
A bill has passed the Senate authorizing the--appropriating of cor¬
porate stock amounting to ^^1,250.000 t6 mSeC'the 'expanses of con¬
structing an extension to the Metropolitan .Museum 9f Art, H is
proposed to. erect a wing, to the 5th av" side .of the museum to.be 350
feet long.
________. BURE.a.U QF. STREET CLE.^NING.
Rubbish incinerators,—Delancey slip, between Tompkins and East
Ets; bids for construction to be received Wednesday. Feb, 13.
Hlth st, Nos IG and IS E, 6-sty brk and concrete rear extension,
add 2 stories, rebuild walls, iuEtall flcor beams, stairs, iron columns,
to 4-sty and basement brk and stone store and loft buildine; Co¬
lumbia College, City of New York; lessees, Simon Bagovin & Co.
4f)-51 W 21st st; ar'ls, Horenburger Se Straub, 122 Bowery.—Work
not started.
16th st, n s, G07 e Av C, 6-sty brk and stone hospital; City of
N Y; ar'ts. Smith, Westerveie fc-Austin, -7 Wall st; b'rs, J R Sheehan
Sc Co>, ICO Sth av,—D. Inlerior in rough stage.
IGth st, n s, 4S5 e Av C, 7-Ety brk and stone administration build¬
ing and 7-sly brk and stone extension; Dept of Health, aoth st and
Gth av; ar'ts. Smith, Westervelt & Austin, 7 Wall st.—D.
IGth ?t. n s. 340 e Av C, 6-sty brk aud concrete dormitory and
offices; Dept of Health, 55th st and Gth av; ar'ls. Smith, Westervelt
& Austin, 7 Wall st,—C.
17lh st, s s, IGO e 1st av. 5-sty brk aud stone school; City of
N Y, City Hall; ar'l, C B J Snyder, 59th st and Park av.—Frame
work and walls up through 3 stories.
19th st, Nos 40 and 42 E, O-sty brk and concrete loft building; â–
Brody, Adler & Koch, 132 Nass; - - - - ,,- -
111 tit
brk.and stone hotel; A Van Home Stuyvf
Bruno W Berger Sc Son, 121 Bible House
12th st, Nos llj and IS E. 9-sty brk an
Middleboro Really Co, 140 Broadway; ar
Park row.—B.
"loth st I the block. 3-sty and basement
IGth st I City of N Y. City Hall;-ar't':
-Istav I 59th St.—A.
:_2dav., . ,..,-.:
Status of New Building:s.
Buildings under construction, exclusive of tenements, situated
north of Houston st and south ot 23d st, east side, showing the pres¬
ent condition of the various operations. A indicates excavating; B,
foundations; C, structural work half up; D, enclosed; E, complete,
or nearly so; N, S,, not started. The first name i.s the owner's;
"ar't" indicates architect; "b'r," builder.
2d st, No 223 E, 5-sty and basement brk and stone dwelling and
bath house; Harris Lustgarten, 250 E 2d st; ar'ts, Sass Se Small¬
heiser, 23 Park row,—D. Inlerior work under way.
3d st, Nos 53 and 55 E, l-sty and basement stone and ron-^rete rear
extension, install steel gird rs, columns, par Itions, to 3-Etv- and ta^e-
menl brk and stone Settlement House; Society of Music School Set¬
tlement, 21 W SGth st; ar't, G Atterbury, 20 W 43a Et.—E, Ocsu-
4th st I s s, 212.11 e 1st av, 4-sty brk and stone school building;
3dst I City of New York. City Hall; ar't, C B J Snyder, 50th £t
and Park av.—Framework and walls up through 3 stories.
;4th st, n s, 256 w Av D. 5-sty brk and stone school; City of New
York, City Hall; ar't, C E J Snyder, SOth st and Park av,—Three
tiers of beams in place, exterior walls up lo 2d £ty.
ICth st, Nos 331 and 333 E, 3-sty snd basement brk and stone
public library; New York Public Libiary, John J KenT:edy, chairman
40 Lafayette pl; ar'ls, McKim. Mead & White 160 5th av b'rs M
Rtid & Co, IS E 20th St.—E. OccuplEd.
lOlh Et, s s, 03 e Av B, 5-sty brk and atone school C t\ of Nl
York, City Hall; ar't, C B J Snyder, Park a\ and jJth st —Fo nia
tion walls and some 1st tier beams.
â– llth st, .No 53S and 540 E, 2-sty concrete trk and =tone n il li
bath; City of New York, City Hall; ar't, Ari o d TV Brunner d Lni â–¡
sq; b'rs, John H Parker Co, 225 4ih av —D E ttr or one woi c
finished, windows and doors not all in, interior n ro gh
12th st, n w cor 3d av, install windows chimntv fl
store fronts, stairs, shaft, rearrange frrnt n s btim.
21st st, Nos 33-39 East, 10-sty brk and stone side extension. SO.fix
-ElS.9. io 10-sty brk nnd stone storage buirding; cost, ^^250,000; Jere¬
miah W McDonald, 3i E 21st st, and Geo D Wick, Youngstown, Ohio;
ar'ts, D H Burnliam & Co, Chicago, 111.—A.
21st St. s e cor Gramercy Park, 9-sty brk and stone apartment
hoiel; Charles Buek, 5tK) 5th av; ar'ts, Charles Brendon Se Co, 500
5lh av.—N. S, Old buildings standing.
22d st, No IS E, erect new front, stoop, piers, partitions, girders, to
4-siy and basement brk and stone office huilding; Geo R S:hieffeliu.
S E 45th Et; ar't, Augustus N Allen, 371 5th av; b'r, Robt C Gillies,
IIG B 23d sl,—Work under way,
22d st, Nos 214 and 224 E, 4-sty brk and stone stable; Mutual
Milk and Cream Co. 322 and 326 E 103d st; ar'ts, E & J P Walther,
147 E 125th st,—2d tier beams, with brick side, rear and partition
22d st, Nos 217-221 El, G-sty brk ;
Realty Co, 54 E.SOth st; ar'ts, P Herter
daticns laid.
23d st. No 34 E, 5-sty and pent house rear brk extension, re¬
arrange fronl and rear walls', partitions, install new stairs, ele¬
vators, plumbing, to 5-sly brk and stcne dwelling; Alfred E Scher-
racrhoin, 7 East 42d sl; ar't, Chas I Berg, 5(1 5th av.—B.
liroadway. No nS4, 12-sty brk and stone store and loft building; â–
Philip Braender, 143 West 125th st; ar't, Frederick C Browne, 143
\V 125th st,—Demolishing.
Sroadvay I 11-tly Ijrk ar.d atone building; John Wanamaker. Pbil-
Olh st I adclphla. Pa; ar'ts, D H Burnham Se Co, on premises;
Slh st i —D, Int'-rjor work under way.
Hebrew Tcchuic
and E
. ol i^.nd 3G, add 1 sty to 5-sty brk and stone .
chool; Hebrew Technical Institute, 34 and 36
Buchman & Fox, 11 E 59th St.-Work well ad- -
I av, s e cor 15th st, '
1 School, 2U7 Henry i
Geo \ a= ai <^on S. <
-sty brk and stone school; Hebrew Tech-
;; ar'ts, Buchman & Fox, 11 B 59th at;
111 Jth av.—Frame work and walls up
0 1 m t, pitcl Comjni sion appointed to select plans
i\ ->t te ^ I I 1 t Madison, Wis., has made a report:
qi Ktuie It inneiiding that the plans and speciflca-
11 ttel I -, C s cm eit oi 79 Wall street, New Tork, be
Tie bu n n T\ II cost about $5,500,000 and will re--
M n =ft cipt I It has a main building with a
1 in tie Lciitie nd t o wings that project from the
il " %\ S r ni s of St, Louis, president of the
1 LI I \ h t cts Lonsulted with the commission.
1 t of tbe new Custom House: in New'
tcuts of the Union Club .:at'Sth'avenufe-
s et ^\ v\ s cne ot the a530ciate:areWtects-S0t'"4.lfg!
I Pyjcjiase ExRositicfli held:last Srimiaen:i(H:'Sit(;L«H^9>'i."f