April 22, 1905
Status of New Public Work.
[ the
The following is a list of contracts i
Deptirtment of Public Works, showing the present condilion ol tne
Hall of Records, Chambers. Reade and Centre sts; ar't, John R
ThOiTias succeecled by Horgan Se Slattery, No 1 Madisoa av; b'r,
John Peirce 277 Broadway.—Exterior practically finished, work on
interior under way, marble setters, tile layers, plasterers, brouze
and iron workers employed.
Public bath, Allen st, No 133; ar'ts, York Se Sawyer.—Enclosed;
In'erior not finished.
Prblic bath, llth st. Nos 538 and 540; ar't, Arnold W Brunner.—
Enclosed; interior work under way.
Pubiic bath, 7Gth st. n s. east of Av A; ar'ts, Stoughton & Stough¬
ton—Enclosed; interior work under way.
Public bath, COtb st, Nos 232-234 West; ar'ts, Werner & Win¬
dolph.—Enclosed; interior work under way.
Public bath. 23d st and Av A; ar't. Arnold W Brunner.-Contract
let: work not begun.
Public comforl station. Battery Park.—Finished,
Public comfcrt station, Hanover Sq.—Finished.
Public comfort station, Chatham Sq.—Finished.
Public coroforl station. Greeley Sq.—Finished.
Public comfort station. Long Acre Sq.—Finished.
fjOTB—Tbe Poard of Estimate and Apportionment has appro¬
priated JfiOO.OOO for two new public baths, for which no sites or
plans have yet betn secured, „^,
Municipal Court Houre, for 13th District, Madison st, Nos 2G1-
2n(i; e.Ntensive allerations to 4-sty building; ar'ts, Bernstein Sc Bern¬
atein.—Work started; plumbing to be readvertised soon,
Fort Washington av, from Broadway at Ifillth st. to ISlst st; regu¬
lating, grading and paving witb macadam.—Work in progress.
Fort Washingtcn av, loop al ncrlhern end.—Work in progress.
Watts sl, from Sullivan st to West Broadway; regulating and grad¬
ing.—Completed; contract for repaving has been let.
Delancey st, south side, from Clinton st to the Bowery; regulating
and grading.-Nearly finished; contract for paving let; when completed
this streei will be l-'iO feet wide.
Riverside Drive Extension, from tbe north end of Manhattan av
viaduct at ISnth st to the junction of 158th st and Boulevard Lafay¬
ette.—Now under way. This is the largest contract in the depart¬
ment and when completed will have cost between three and four
million dollars.
A number of contracts have recently been let In this bureau for
paving, as follows:
]2illh st, fr^m 3d to Park av.
lloUi st, trom Lexington to otb av.
40th St. from Lexingion to 1st iv,
Kouston st, from Essex lo Ludlow st,
Lexington av, trjm T'^ld to 73d st.
l!!th st, from 2d lo 3d av.
IStb st, from Irving p_l .to East River.
Wadsworth bv. from l(3d st to llth av.
Wadsworlh av. from Audubon av to Fort George.
St Nicholas av, from lllth to 124th st.
Thp following list comprises only the large contracts now under
way for this bureau:
Academy and Hawthorne sts, from Broadway to Seaman st, etc.
Broad st, from East River to Wall st, etc.
9(llh st, from Hudson River to West End av, etc.
Battery pl. frcm Greenwich to West st.—Repair job.
West st, frrm Morris st to Battery pl.—Repair job.
Slst st, from East River to Pleasant av.—Finished.
3d av, e s, frora 22d to 23d st.^Repair job.
(iJilli St. from Central Park West to Columbus av.
Sl Nichclas av, w s, from lllJth to 153th sts,
l.S.ilh st, n aud s s. from Riverside Drive to Broadway.
9Clh sl, frrm Riverside Drive to Wesl End av.—Repair job.
Rearranging and rebuilding the se%ver system in connection with tbe
worlt of the Rapid Transit Comniission, the New York Central Rail¬
road lerminal improvements at 4th av, between 42d and 59th sts, and
tbe Fennsvlvania, New Yorli and Long Island Railroad in the territory
btundtd by 7tb and llth avs and Slst and SSd sts.
The wcrk of building new sewers has been confined chiefly lo the
northern part of the borough, as it has been for some years past. In
ihat portion of this eiEy. say, south of 155lh st, the system is sub¬
stantially finished, allhcugh th«re are a few streets here and there
which are still unprovided with public sewers. In such cases it is gen¬
erally found that the buildings use privaie drains, cannecting to public
sewers in adJLining slreets. In many cases it is found tbat these
drains are located in the rear of dwellings and pass under adjoining
hLuses. Sucb methods of drainage are condemned as unsatisfactory,
and much has been done and is to be done in improving these con¬
.'Vbout 3.000 feel of sewer were built in the northern portion of Fort
Washington av, and this avenue is now entirely sewered, with the ex¬
ception of about 2.000 feel between the southerly end of present sewer
and the summit south where grade of avenue begins to descend toward
ISlst St. This portion requires an ouliet through private land, or
through streets yet to be opened, belore any drainage works can be
Two important outlets have been built, carrying sewage into deep
water, where the measure of dilution is so great that no nuisance arises
therefrom. These are Iccated ai 82d st and Harlem River and 72d st
and Hudson River, and drain large areas.
In the territory north o£ Dyckman st, the streets where outfall sewers
are lo be built, which will carry the drainage of nearly this whole terri¬
tory, viz., 211th and 211ilh sts, from Broadway to Harlem River, have
been legally cpent^d, tbat is lo say, the report of the Commission ap¬
pointed to condemn these lands was conflrmed by the Court on De¬
cember 4 last, but an appeal was laken, wbich has delayed the work.
The qufstion cf an outlet sewer at Fort George has also been revived.
For this purpose land must be acquired between Fort George avenue
riginally made for this purpose are being
Two bridges over Gowanus Canal.
Bridge over Newtown Creek, to be finished July 1st.
A bridge at Fiusbing.-Under way,
Tbese are all lift bridges with viaduct approaches.
143th St. bridge across the Harlem, extension of Lenox av to
llOib st, Bronx.—Nearing completion.
University Heights bridge.—Pivot pier completed; contract for super¬
structure let; contract for approaches let.
Pelbam Bay bridge.—Foundations under way.
Manbattan bridge.^Tower foundations completed, contract for
both anchorages let to the Williams Engineering Co. for Manhat¬
lan, and to the Kosmos Engineering Co. for Brooklyn side. Con¬
tract for superstructure, steel work, and cables to be let this sum-
Blackwpll's Island bridge.—Six piers of the main bridge are com¬
pleted, elevator shafts in anchor piers are under way; work on
superstructure about to begin, (Pennsylvania Steel Co., contractors.)
Steel falsework on which sleel superstructure will be erected is
under wav, Several thousand tons of steel members are on the site.
Status of New Buildings.
Buildings under construction, exclusive of tenements, situated
north of 72d st and south of 100th st. wost side, showing the present
condition of ths various operations, A indicaies excavating; B,
foundations; C, slrL.cLural work half up; D, enclosed; B, complete,
or nearly so; N. S., not started. The first name is the owner's;
"ar't" indicates architect; "b'r." builder,
72cl st, n s, 100 e Columbus av, two 4-sty and basement dwellings;
William E Diller, 162d sl and Mott av; ar't. G A Schellenger, 27 H
21st St.—D. Windows and doors not in; interior in rough stage.
7-ith St. Nos 2-4 W, two 4-sty and basement dwellings; W W & T
M Hall, 11 E 42d st; ar'ls. Welch, Smith & Provot, 11 E 42d st;—
S'ide walls snd beams full height; front walls through 1st story,
79tb kt. Nos 227 to 233 W, 4-sty store and office building; Robert
E Dowling, 332 W SSd st; ar't. John H Duncan, 208 5th av; b'rs,
John T Brady Se Co, 4-f> B 42d st.—D. Interior flnish under way.
TSth St. s 3, 100 w West End av, 7-sty apartment house; Abraham
M Morgenroth, 46 Bible House; ar'ts, Schneider Se Herter, 40 Bible
House.—D. Interior flnish under way.
SOth it, Nos 251 and 253 W, 4-sty and basement parish house;
Corporation of All Angels Church, 240 W SOth st; ar't. H J Harden¬
bergh, 1 W 34th st; b'r, John J Downey, 410-12 W 34th st.—D. In¬
terior flnish under way.
S3d st, n s, 16l'.8 w West End av, 6-sty apartment house; Samuel
Mandel, 302 Broadway; ar'ts. Rouse & Sloan, 11 E 4Sd st.—N. S.
Plot vacant.
S5th St. Nos 13 to 47 W, fifteen 4-Bty and basement dwellings; Cariew Construciion Co, 17 W 122d St; ar't, L A Goldstone,
110 W 34th St.—A.
SOth st, s s, 302 w Central Park West, four 5-sty dwellings; W W
ATM Hall, 11 E 42d st; ar'ts, Welch, Smith & Provol, 11 E 42d st,
SOth st, s s, 450 ft w of Central Park West, two 5-sty dwellings; W H
Hall. Jr, of 39 E 42d sl; ar'ts, Welch, Smilh & Provot, 11 East 42d st,
—N, S.
90Lh st, n s, 60 e Columbus av, 3-sty baths; Samuel Bloch, 462
Columbus av; ar't, Henry Andersen. 1183 Broadway.—E. Occupied.
90th st, 3 3, 150 6 Amsterdam av, o-sty and basement stable; Mat¬
thew Sheedy, 32 Broadway; ar't, John A Hamilton, S2 Broadway,—
D. Windows and doors not in; interior in rough stage.
92d st, No 309 W, 4-Ety dwelling; C T Root, 200 Greene et; ar't,
Chas A Rich, 255 W Olst st.—B.
93d st, s s, 117.3 e Riverside Drive, two 6-sty and cellar apartment
houses; West Side Construction Co, 840 West End av; ar't, Geo Fred
Pelham, 503 5th av.—B.
96lh &t, No 7 W, 3-sly and basement dwelling; Augusta E Stetson,
3S5 Central Park West; ar'ts, Hunt & Hunt, 2S E 21st st; b'rs. A R
Whitney, Jr, & Co, 135 Broadway.—A and B.
96lh st, Nos 4G and 4S W. 6-sty apartments; Leon A Liebeskind,
34S W llSth Et; ar't, Geo P Pelham, 503 Sth av.—Exterior complete;
interior finish under way,
97th st, s s, 112 w Amsterdam av, 4-sty dwelling; Holy Name
•■ts, Elliott, Lynch & Orchard, 1 W Slth st;
Parish, 207 W 96th st;
-h'rs, M Reid Se Co, IS 1
Central Park West, w
73d st
74th st
ith tier of beams and s
Central Park West, t
20tb st.-
[ the block front, 12-sty apartment hotel;
I Eoehm Se Coon, 31 Nassau st; ar'la,
I Clinton & Russell, 32 Nassau St.-
Qe concrete flooring.
'Cth to 77th sts. 2 and 3-Ety muEeum and
" k & Sawyer,
dation walla
library; N Y Historical Society, 170 2d av
156 otb av; b'rs, A J Robinson Co, 123 E 2Sd st.
and Isl tier of beams.
Central Park West, s w cor S9th st, 12-sty apartment house; Peter
Banner, 2 West 72d sl; ar't, Robert T Lyons, 31 Union sq; b'r, Jacob
A Zimmermann, 3Gth st and Broadway.-D. Windows and doors not
in; inlerior in rough stage,
Amslerdam av, s w cor OTth 3t, 4-sty school; Holy Name Parish.
Rev John J Kean, 207 W 96ih st; ar'ts. Lynch & Orchard, 1 W Slth
st; b'rs, M Reid Se Co, IS Bast 20th St.—D. Windows and doors not
in; interior in rough stage.
Broadway, No 2253, 3-sty and basement store and office building;
Morris K Jesup, 195 Madison av; ar't. Charles Volz, 160 Sth av.—E.
Broadway, s w cor 96th ai, 2-Bty and baaement casino; Klein &