June 10, 1905^
Status of New Public Work.
;s in the various bureaus of the
ing lh© present condilion of the
The following is a list ot contra
Department of Public Works, sho
Brooklyn Bridge,—Plans and speciflcations have been prepared pro¬
viding tor a limited extension of the Manhatlan terminal station of the
bridge railway that, when coneummaled, will afford limited relief to
overcrowded traffic conditions prevalent at certain hours of each day,
and also permit improvement iu the desirable through-train service
over the bridge. These plans have received the approval of the Board
of Estimate and ApporLionment, the requisite authority has been
granted empowering the Department lo proceed wilh the undertaking,
aud It is hoped that contracts will be closed and the work completed
at an early date.
Williamsburg Bridge.—The plumbing, windows, doors and weather-
proofing of pipes in Comforl Stations were finished in January, The
work remaining under contract for conduit tracks was sufflcienLly com¬
pleted on February 9 to allow the operation of the New York City
Railway Co.'s cars lo begin, the llth St Crosstown Line commencing
operations on that date, and on the 15th of February the Sth St ■Cross-
town Liue commenced running, and have continued Lo do so wlLhcui
interruption. On March 6, 11105, contract was entered into with the
William Bayley Go. for the erection of a lattice railing ou tbe inner
side of the footwalks across the bridge.
Manhattan Bridge,—The work has been confined almost exclusively
to the computation and preparation of contract plans for the super¬
structure extending from anchorage to anchorage, including main
towers, cables and fastenings, and suspended stiffening trusses and
floor. These plans are now approaching the flnished stale, A con¬
siderable amount of work has been done toward the development of
approach and terminal plans on the Manhattan side, iu this office and
by Carrere & Hastings, consulting architects.
■Contracts for the construction of anchorages, bids for which were
received Dec. 22, 1904. were awarded in January, the Brooklyu anchor¬
age Lo the Kosmos Engineering Co, of Brooklyn, and Ihe Manhattan
anchorage to the Williams Engineering and Contracting Co. of Man¬
hattan. The removal of buildings from the anchorage site was begun
during March, and the excavation for the anchorage foundation was
commenced the llth of that month. The Hecker Mills al Cherry. Pike
and Waler sts, and the warehouse on Cherry st. are now being de¬
molished. It is e-Ypected that bids for the euperetructure. steel work
and cables will be advertised about July IsL, About $6,000,000 worth
of sleel will be required.
Blackwell's Island Bridge.—Six piers of the main bridge are com¬
pleted, elevator shafts in anchor piers are under way; work on
superstructure ahout to begin, (Pennsylvania Steel Co., contractors.)
Steel falsework on which steel superstructure will be erecled Is
under way. Several thousand tons of steel members are on the site.
The total amount of material rolled, inspected and delivered at shops
is 1,594 tons. 2.7S0 tons have been manufactured and 1,245 tons have
been delivered at bridge site.
The 'Consulting Architect has submitted small scale sketches for the
approaches- The Manhattan approach shows a concrete and stone
istructure. Calculations and sketches of detail are being made on a
tentative layout of an all-sLeel approach in Queeus-
Two bridges over Gowanus Canal.
Bridge over Newtown Creek, to be flnished July Ist.
A bridge at Flushing.—Under way.
These are all lift bridges wilh viaduct approaches.
145th St. bridge across the Harlem, extension of Lenox' av to
14i>th st, Bronx.—Nearing completion.
University Heights bridge.—Pivot pier completed; contract for snper-
B'tructure let; contract for approaches let.
Pelham Bay bridge,—Foundations under way,
Hall ot Records, Chambers, Reade and Centre sis; ar'l, Jobn R
Thomas, succeeded by Horgan & Slattery, No 1 Madison av; b'r,
John Peirce, 277 Broadway,—E.xterior practically finished, work on
interior under way, marble setters, tile layers, plasterers, bronze
ani iron workers employed. Alterations and eKtensions to cost
$600,000 have recently been decided on. Bide are advertised for this
week, to be received up to June 22, for "allerations in rooms on
basement, first, second, third, fourth, fifth mezzanine, sixth,
seventh, eighth and attic floors; alao for extensions to the electric
equipment, plumbing, heating, carpenter and cabinet work, and other
details made necessary hy tbe tearing out and rebuilding. Six weeks
ago the Board of Estimate allotted the floor space in the building
to the various departments intended to occupy it. Among these
were the Department of Taxes and Assessments, the Corporaiion
Counsel, Surrogate, County Clerk, Regisier, part of Controller Grout's
force, and olher minor departments. According to Borongh Presi¬
dent Ahearn, the heads of these departments were not saiisfled with
the present arrangement of rooms, and the business of their depart¬
ments made it necessary that changes should be made."
Public bath, Allen sL, No 133; ar'Ls. York Se Sawyer,—Enclosed;
interior not finished.
Piblic balh, llth st, Nos 538 and 540;
Enclosed; interior worl: under v^ay.
Public hath, 76th st, n s, east of Av A;
ton,—Enclosed; interior work under way.
Public bath, OOth sL, Nos 232-2.?4 West;
delph.—Enclosed; interior work under way.
Public bath, 23d st and Av A; ar't, Arnold W Brunner.—Contract
let lo Luke A. Burke & Sons. Work begun.
NOTE,—The Board of Estimate and Apportionment has appro¬
priated $600,000 for two new public baths, for which no sites or
plans have yet been secured.
Municipal Court House, tor 13th DislricL. Madison st. Nos 264-
206; extensive alterations to 4-sty building; ar'ts, Bernstein & Bern¬
stein.—Work starled; plumbing let Lo Joseph W. O'Brien,
Fort Washington av, from Broadway at 159th st. to ISlst st; regu¬
lating, grading and paving with macadam,—Work iu progress.
Fort Washington av. loop at norlhern end.—Work in progress.
Watts St. from Sullivan st to West Broadway; regulating and grad¬
ing.—Completed; repaving under way.
Delancey st, south side, Irom Clinton st to the Bowery; regulating
nr't, Arnold W Brunner.—
ir'ts, Stoughton & Stough-
r'ts, Werner
aud grading,—Nearly finiehed; contract for paving let; work under
way; when completed this street will be 150 feet wide.
Riverside Drive Extension, from the north end of ManhaLtan av
viaduct at 135th st to the junction ot 15Sth sl and Boulevard Lafay¬
ette,__Now under way. Tbis is the largest contracL in the depart¬
ment, and when completed -will have cost belween three and tour
million dollars-
A number of contracts have recently been let in this bureau for
paving, but on which work has not begun, as follows:
129Lh sL, from 3d lo Park av.
115th st, from Lexington to Sth av.
40th ^t, from Lexingion to l_st iv.
Lexington av, from 12d to 73d st.
.\udubou av, from 173d st to llth av.
Wadsworlh av, from Audubon av to Fort George,
St Nicholas av, from lllth to 124lh st.
Work has begun on the following:
IOtb st, Irom 2d to 3d avs,
ISth st, from Irviug pl to East River,
The following has been flnished:
Houston sl, from Essex to Ludlow sts. ________
The following are Lhe most recent large contracts let in this depart¬
ment, and worli upon them has not yet begun:
Flagging the sidewalk on both sides of Broadway, from 143d to
lOoih sts; Thomas Callanan, contractor.
Regulating and grading 167th st from Edgecombe Lo Amslerdam av;
Holbock & Co., contractors.
Regulatiug and grading 140th st, from Edgecombe to St Nicholas
bureau for
■Paving with asphalt blocks the streets sui
Hospilal; Harlem Conlraeting Co,, contractors,
rounding Gouverneur
inprises only the large
The following list
way for this bureau
Academy and Hawthorne sts, from Broadway to Seama
Broad st, from East River lo Wall st, etc.
atith sl, from Hudson River lo West End av, etc.
Baltery pi, from Greenwich lo West st.—rRepair job.
West st, frcm Morris st to Battery pi,—Repair joh,
3d av, e s, from 22d to 23d sl.—Repair job; finished,
liotb st, from Central Park West lo Columhus av.
Sf Nicholas av, w s, from HOth to ISath sts,
ISoth st, n and s s, from Riverside Drive lo Broadway,
06th st, from Riverside Drive to West End av.—Repa:
6Sth st, from West End av to Amsterdam av.
69th st, from Wesl End av to Amsterdam av.
Broadway, from Park pi to Barclay st.
tracts now under
Building Operations.
(See also Page VI,)
GTeat Niiin'bcr at Alter^Iions.
Plans were filed with the Tenenient House Department in
the entire year of 1904, for 1532 alterations- From the beginning
of the year 1905 up to the present date, June 7th the total num¬
ber of alterations on record is 2,100. Of these improvements 60
per cenl are for school sink allerations.
IVeailierley Mausc Estimates.
5TH AV.—Paul R, Allen, 1133 Broadway, has plans ready for
figures for extensive alterations to the 4-sty residence, 592 5th
av, for Mrs. Charlotte Weatherley, of 18 West 39th st, to cost
about $15,000. Among the improvements w^ill be an electric ele¬
vator, new stone front, slairs, partitions, etc. No contracts have
been awarded.
Flaimiiig- Tiventy OncBD-ivelliiigs.
VYSE AV,—Moore & Landsiedel, 14Sth sl and Third av, are
drawing plans for twenty-one 3-sty, 2-family houses, each 20x
55 ft, to be built on the west side of Vyse av, 100 ft north of
167th st, Bronx, for the Trans-Harlem Land & Improvement
Co., of 430 Broome st, at an estimated total cost of $168,000,
Two-family houses are the sort of improvement that the Bronx
most desires. ---------
Priiitiug: Mouse for tlie Scriliiiers.
43d ST.—Charles Scribner's Sons, of 153 Fifth av. will build a
12-sty printing and publishing house on a plot 125x100.5 in the
norlh side of 43d st. 150 ft west of Eighth av. being Nos. 311 to
319, from the plans of Ernest Flagg, of 33 Wall st. The new
owners will not get possession of the property until the Fall,
Particulars of the building have not yet been determined. Scrib¬
ner will occupy but part of the structure, leasing the remainder
for uses similar to their own. Mr. Flagg designed the Scribner
Building on Fifth av.
For a ITIiiTble Front.
CEDAR ST,—Messrs. Clinton & Russell. 32 Nassau st, inform
the Record and Guide that they will submit plans and specifica¬
tions to bidders in a week or two for the S-sty offlce structure,
39-9Vix70-3, to toe erecled at 56-60 Cedar st, by the Mutual Life
Insurance Company. Tbe exterior will be of white marble with
marble coping, stone cornices, copper and wire glass skylights,
steam and hot air heat, tile roof, etc. The estimated cost is placed
at $140,000, Harvey Fisk Se Sons, are tbe lessees, (See also
Record and Guide October 29, 1904.)
(For plans flled see page 1,313.)