June i6, 1906
Building Operations.
T*ii-St*rr mercantile Buildiit? for 17tlt St.
17th ST.—George H. Anderson, 150 5lli av, is preparing plans
for the erection of a 10-sty higli-class.mercantile structure, 42x
92 ft., to be erected at 138 to 140 West 17th st, on a plot 30x92 ft,
John W. Stevens, of the Garfield Building Co,, 156 5th av, is the
owner. The estimated cost is about $2(X),000. Building opera¬
tions will be started as soon as plans have been approved.
Blaamiu^dKle Brolbcra' Stare PJaus.
59th ST., 3D AV,—Bloomingdale Brothers, 59lh st and 3d av,
has informecl the Record and Guide that no architect has yet
been commissioned or plans decided upon for the enlargement of
its department store building at 59lh sl, 3d and Lexington avs.
They have just purchased the property, 150-158 East OOtli st, 40x
100 ft, and with the exception of a small plot, they now control
the entire block bounded by 3d and Lexington avs, 59th and OOth
sts. It is the intention of the firm to cover the remaining por¬
tion of the block with a 10-sty building addition, which measures
420x200 ft. Of course no building contracts have been awarded.
Mini*!! D«llnr Apmrtmeiit for RlTerside Drive.
RIVERSIDE DRIVE.-^Messi-s, Rouse Sc Sloan, 11 East 43d
st, have been commissioned to prepare plans and specifications
for an S-sly high-class elevator apartment house, 149.2x110x125
ft, to be situated on Riverside Drive between 110th and lllth
sts, on a plot 149.2x120 ft. It is estimated that the structure
will cost about $1,000,000. There will be apartments for nine
families on each floor, arranged in suites for housekeeping pur¬
poses. The exterior will be of light brick, limestone, terra cotta
and fine ornamental iron work. The interior will contain electric
elevators, steam heat, marble, tile, mosaic and hardwood finish.
The Hendrick Hudson Co., 1 Madison av, is the owner. No sub¬
contract has yet been issued.
Plans for mr. Bimberg^'* TIiea,tre in Times Sq.ua.ro.
44th st—Architect George Keister, 11 West 29th st, who is
preparing plans for a theatre lo be built at 109 to 121 West 44tli
st, for Meyer R. Bimberg, 157 East 8Glh st, informs the Record
and Guide that building operations will not be commenced be¬
fore August 1, and that the structure will be completed in Sep¬
tember, 1907. No contracts have yet been awarded, and it will
be some time yet before bids will be taken. The building, which
will be of Colonial design, will be the flrst of ils kind yet erected
in this city since the revision of the laws governing the con¬
struction of theatres. On either side will be a 12-ft. alley with a
number of exits. It will have a seating capacity of from 1,400
to 1,500, 1-sty and galleries equalling 5-stys in height, and meas¬
ure 3,01x88 ft. The plot measures 125 fl frontage by 100 ft deep.
The estimated cost is about $300,000. Mr. Bimberg will also
erect another theatre, to be Itnown as the "Auditorium," at 116th
st and 3d av. These plans are now under way. He is also now
building the new Longacre Square Theatre, at Broadway, north¬
west corner 45th st.
Apaxtments, Flats and Tenement*.
103D ST—Cohen & Kraft, 171 Broadway, will build on south¬
east corner of 103d st and Park av, a O-sty flat, 39.4x90.11, cost
$40,000. M. Zipkes, 147 4th av, is architect.
48TH ST^Harris Cohen, 2 East lOSlh st, will erect on north¬
west corner 48lh st and 2d av, a O-sty fiat, 40x03.6, cost $33,000.
Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 Easl 23d st, are planning.
ILIITH ST—M. Fine Realty Co., 103 East 125th st, will build at
431-433 East llGlh sl a 6-sty fiat, 50x87.11, cost $50,000. Bern¬
stein aud Bernstein, 24 East 23d st, will make the plans.
103D ST—M. Zipkes. 147 4lh av, is also planning for a 6-sty
fiat on the south side of 103d st, 39.4 ft east of Park av, to cost
$40,000. Cohen & Kraft, 171 Broadway, are the owners.
107TH ST—Joseph & Richland, 280 Broadway, will soon build
at 13-17 West 107th st a G-sly high-class flat, 75x86.11, cost
.flOO.OOO. Geo. Fred Pelham, -503 Sth av, is making the plans.
PARK AV.—Sugarman & Gerlich, 772 Easl 17od st, will build
(m the south^vest corner of Park av and 104th st a G-sty flal, 32x
90.11; cost, .$35,000. Chas. M, Straub, 122 Bowery, is architect.
■ 139TH ST—B. W. Levitan, 20 W. 31st st, is planning for a
6-sly flat, 24.11x100, for Peck Sc Scoboloff, 19 West 112th st, on
the nortliwest corner of 139th st and Amsterdam av, cost
WEST BROADWAY.—Pasquale Lauria, 244 Mott st, will
build on the southwest corner of West Broadway and Prince st
a G-sty tenement, 47.10x91, cost $50,000. Cbas. M- Straub, 122
Bowery, is making the plans.
170TH ST—I, Se L, Shapiro, 112 West 117th st, will erect on
the northwest corner of 170th st and Amsterdam av, two G-sty
flats, 50x90, to cost $100,000. Bernstein Sc Bernstein, 24 East
2;;d st, are moking fhe plans.
n8TH STr-Furman, Weltfiscb & Gertner, 280 Broadway, will
bui'.d on south side of 118th st, 194.10 ft west of Pleasant av,
tt.ree O-sty flat buildings, 41.SxS7.ll, cosl $135,000, Geo, Fred
Ptliiam, 5(.S 5th av, is planning.
GOERCK ST—Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 East 23d st, are mak-
irir: plans fijr a O-sty, 35-family tenement for the M. Fine Realty
Co. 103 East 125th st, lo be erected on the northeast corner of
Goerck and Houston sts, cost .$45,000.
T. I. Lacey & Son, Kilmer Building. Binghamton,' N. T., will
take flgures oh a $50,000 residence to be erected by John M,
Davidge, 131 Walnut st, Binghamton, at that place.
L. A. Cramer, 1133 Broadway, is taking figures on separate
contracts for a 2^-sty residence, 30x55, lo be erected at Staats-
burg, N. Y.. for George Beatty, of 49 Wall st. Manhallan. No
contracts have been let,
GSTH ST—Adams Sc Warren, 20 West 34th st, are taking new
figures on the general conlract for a 6-sly flreproof residence, 25x
75, for Mrs. Ruth H. Beard, 43 East 61st st, to be erected at 47
East 6Sth St. No contract let.
75TH ST.—G. Atterbury and J. A. Tompkins, 20 West 43d
st, associate architects, have plans ready for figures for .'p20,000
worth of improvements to the 4^sty residence 18 East 75th st
for Geo. T. Bonner, of 115 East 21st st. No contract let. A
front and rear extension will be erected, with general interior
Schickel & Ditmars. Ill 5tb av, Manhattan, have completed
plans and awarded to E M Waidron &.Co., Newark. N. J., the
general contract to build for the Church of Immaculate Con¬
ception, at Montclair, N. J., a new church ediflce, to cost $75,000.
No sub-contract has been awarded.
D, H. Burnham & Co., architects, of Chicago, 111., have plans
under way for a hotel to be erected on Michigan av, between
Hubbard and Peck Courts, Chicago, to cost $5,000,000,
Work on the new Plaza Hotel, at Sth av, 5Sth and 59th sts, is
now well under way. The upper flfteen stories are to be built
of enameled cream-white brick, with Vermont marble for the
exterior of the first three floors. It is now expected that the
building will be completed within another year's time. The
Geo. A. Fuller Co. is the general contractor, and Henry J, Har¬
denbergh, 1 West 34th sl, the architect. The total cost is esti¬
mated at about $5,000,000.
PORT GEORGE AV—Mortensen & Co.,' 1123 Broadway, have
obtained the general contract to build for Chas. T. Barney, 71
Broadway, on the nortli side of Fort George av, 609.5 ft east of
St. Nicholas av, a 1-sty concrete and frame amusement building,
90x45 ft, to cost $21,000. John Clausnitzer, 157 East 21st st, is
architect, and the Brighton Amusement & Vending Co., of which
Wm. Knobloch, .541 West loSth st, is president, are the lessees,
42D st—No architect has been chosen or plans drawn for the
new music hall which a syndicate, headed by Edward B. Kin¬
sila, represented by the McVicker-Gaillard Realty Co., is to build
in West 42d st (117 West and 106 to 118 West 43d st), wilh a
frontage in 42d st of 25 ft. and 144 ft. in 43d st. The main en¬
trance is lo open in 42d st, and a carriage entrance on 43d st.
There will be a roof garden and a large restaurant in the build¬
ing. It is the intention of the company to begin "preparations for
building as soon as the leases on the property expire, about Oc¬
tober 1.
COLUMBIA ST.—James A. Stevenson, Long Island City, bas
obtained the general contract to build for H. Kohnstamm & Co.,
of 87 Park pl, Manhatian, at Columbia and Hicks sts, Brooklyn,
a new factory building, from plans by Wm. Higginson, 13 Pftrk
row. No sub-contracts have been let.
LENOX AV,—Rothschild & Kallman, Oil Park av, will erect
on the east side of Lenox av, 50.11 ft. north of 116th st, a mer¬
cantile building, 50x80 ft., lo cost $10,000. Geo. Fred, Pelbam,
503 5th av, is architect. No contract let.
.^6TH ST.—Plans are ready by James J. F. Gavigan, 1123
Broadway, for the erection of a 6-sty store and loft building.