August 7, 1909
SOth st, n s, 14,5 e 2d av. 5-sty school, liii.xGO. Owner. Church
of Sl Gabriel, SOS E 37th st: ar't, J V Van Pelt. 3,33 4th av; cost,
$1.30,0::0: h'rs, P J Brennan & Son; work to start at once,
3Sth Et, Nos 8-14 W. 12-sty of ice aud loft. 75x88. Owner, Sth
Av & SSth St Realty Co; ar'ls, Goldwin Starrett & Van Vieck, Eve¬
rett Bldg; b'r, Geo A Fuller Co; cost, $375,000; working on
."iSlh st, Nos 2S-30 W. 12-sty loft, 50x89. Owner, Capt W H
Wheeler, (>G W olst sl; ar'ts, Goldwin Starrett & Van Vleck, Eve¬
rett Bldg: b'r, .Geo A Fuller Co; cost, $140,000; building will be
completed in about 10 days,
,S9lh st, Nos 222-220 W. 12-sly store and loft, 02,10x87. Owner,
Marmac Const Co, 316 W 30th sl; ar't, Fredk C Browne, 143 W
1.35th st; owner has contract; cost, $225,000; to go ahead al onca.
40lh st, Nos 105-111 W, 12-sly office and loft. Owner, Tilden
Investing Co, 141 Broadway: ar'ts, D'Oench & Yost, 289 4th av;
h'r, W L Crow Const Co, 2S9 4th av; cost, $400,000; now digging
trenches for foundations.
40th St. Nos 203-S W. 4-sty slore and loft. 38,0x74. Owner, John
G Wendel, 175 Broadway: ar'ts, J B Snooks Sons, 73 Nassau sl;
b'r Jas F Egan; cost, .1120,001): now excavating for foundations,
43d st, Nos lOS-16 W. 11-sty Elks Club, lOOxHiO.o. Owner. N Y
Lodge of Elks. Slh av and SOth st; ar't, Jas Riely Gordon, 402 5th
av; cost, $1,000,000; excavated; sleel contract let; work to start
43d st, Nos 3-7 E. 7-sty loft, oOx90. Owmer, Pittsburgh Const
Go, 787 Sth av; ar'ls, Delano & Aidricb. 4 E 39th st; cost, $100,-
OtlO; work to start at once.
45th st, Nos 141-147 W. 12-sty loft. 08.0x90. Owner, J E Olsen,
37 E 28th sl: ar'l, Jas Riely Gordon, 402 oth av; b'r, John E Olsen;
cost, $300,000; now excavating.
4Gth St. No tilO W. 2-sty stable and loft. Owner. John J Betz
estate: ar't. W E Ellis,_26 Broadway: h'r, John J O'Leary Co, 39
Cortlandt st: cost, $12,7.j0; now under way.
47th El, No 105 W. 4-sly loft. 2'2x72. Owner, Milton W'allen-
stein. S7 Maiden lane; ar'l, .Mberl Morris, 103 Park av; b'r, Cbas
P Feihusch, .530 W 15Gth st; cost. $10,000; uow under way.
.52d st, Nos .351-355 W. S-sty loft. 00x94.o. Owner, ar't and b'r.
Otto Straet, 214 E 23d st; cost, $70,000; work to start al once,
52d sl, s s, 150 e 7th av. Three 12-sty lofts, 50x90, Own_er.
Michael Coleman. 120 Broadway; ar'ls. Schwartz Sc Gross, 347 oth
av; cost, $000,002"); estimating, work lo go ahead at once.
55lh st, Nos 4r.2-454 W. 3-sly laundry and loft, 75x95. Own?r,
A B Emmet, Stony Brook, L I; ar't, David E Baxter, 77 Pike st;
b'r. Turner Const Co, 11 Broadway; cost, -$4S,0CO; to begin at
SGth St. Nos 140-144 E. G-sly residence. 00x87.5. Owners, E F
Parson and R. C. Slack, 147 E'SGth st; ar'ts, Lawlor & Haase, G9
Wall st; b'r. Jas T McGuire; plastering.
SOth sl. Nos 109-121 W. 13-sty hotel, 17.5x109. Owner, Great
Northern Co; ar'ls, Schwartz & Gross; h'rs. Milliken Bros; steel.
Jacob Zimmermann: mason work, Canavan Bros; excavations; cost.
$1,500,000; huilding enclosed; working on interior,
o8lh st, s s. mo e 4th av. 1-sly garage, 120x100. Owner, Chas
E Appleby, .^o Liberty st; ar't, Geo Provot, 104 W 42d st; h'r. H H
Vought Sl Co, 103 Park av; cost, $10,000; under way.
4th av. n w cor ISth st. 12-sty loft, 53x100. Owners, Klein &
Jackson. 30 Wall st; ar't, W L Rouse, 12 W 32d sl; h'rs. Oddie &
Stafford, 30 Church st; cost. $400,000; now excavating.
4th av. No ii2. ISth St. No lOo E. IS-sly office and loft. 102x
218. Owner, Pocono Bldg Co, GO Wall st; ar'l, R H Robertson &
Son. 160 Sth av; cost, $1,80.0,000; site clear, now excavating.
4th av, B w cor 2Sth st, IG-sty loft aud store, 98x100. Owner,
Jos Milbank, 33 Wall sl; ar'ts, Geo B Post & Sons, 347 Sth av;
h'r, A J Robinson Co, 12,3 E 2.3d st; old buildings standing, work to
go ahead at once.
4th av, n e cor 27th st. 12-sty loft. 9S.9xlG0,S. Owmer, Mrs
Ebert E Bryce, Roslyn, L I; ar'ts. Clinton & Russell. 32 Nassau st;
b'r. Thompson-Starrett Co, 49 Wall sl; cost, ,'plO!I.OUO; now
4th av, E e cor 28th st, ' 12-sty ioft, 98.9x185. Owner, Hewitt
Realty Go. 50 Church st; ar'ls, Clinton & Russell, 32 Nassau st;
b'r. Thompson-Starrett Co; cost. $500,000; now excavating.
4th av, s e cor 27th st. 10-sly loft aud office. Owner, A Fillmore
Hyde, 10 W 47th st; ar't, Chas A Valentine. 1 E 29lh st; b'r, A J
Robinson Co, 123 E 23d st; cost, $6.50,000; work under way.
4th av, n e cor SOth sl. 10-sty office and loft. Owners, Dodd,
Mead & Co, 372 Sth av; ar'ts. Babb. Cook & Welch, 3 W 29th st:
b'r, Edward Corning Co; work now under way; cost, $l!O0(:00.
4lh av, s w cor 34lh sl. l!l-sty hotel. 197x80. Owner. Gity Leas¬
ing Co. 54 Wall st; ar'ts. Warren & Wetmore. 3 E 23d st; cost. $2,-
000,000: starting to tear down old buildings; general contract not
let; renting offices from plans; to start at once.
Oth av, E e eor .54lh st, 5-sly car house. 135x300, Owner, Metro¬
politan Railw^ay Co.; ar'l, A V Porter, 021 Broadway; cost. $450,000;
nearing completion.
12th av. e s, 50 s S7th st, 4-sty loft and storage. Owners. J .\
Dwyer and P Dooley, 70 Slh av; ar'l. J A Dwyer, 70 Slh av; cost,
$â– 50,000: owners will have contract: to start al once.
Sth av. No 277. G-sty loft and store, 23x75. Owner, G Redmond,
309 Sth av; ar'ls. Hoppin £ Koen. 244 5lh av; b'r, P Gallagher;
cost. $20,000; to start foundation in a few days.
Sth av. Xos 2SG-288_. 12-sty slore and office, 34.1^x125. Owner.
Charles T Wills, 150 .oth av; ar't. James B Baker. lyO Sth av; b'r,
Chas T Wills; cost, $loO,000; laying steel beams.
Slh av. No .329. G-sty store and loft. 24.9x95. Owner, John J
Downey, 410 W 34th st; ar'l, Clarence L Sefert, 410 W 34lh; b'r,
J J Downey. 410 W 34th; just finishing inlerior_work; cost, $25,009.
Slh av. n e cor Slst st, 20-sty office. 5G,0.xl-oO. Owner, Fifth Av
Investment Sl Impt Co, 1 Madison av; ar'ts, Buchman & Fox, 11 E
59th st; b'r, Hedden Constr Co; cost, $.500,000; foundation started.
Sth av, n w cor 35lh st. O-sty slore and loft, 123x125. Owner,
Ball Realty Co.. 60 W 23d; ar'ts. Townsend, Steinle & Haskell, Mar-
bridge Bldg, Broadway and 34th st; b'rs. Gillies Campbell Co., 1
Madison av; cost, $300,600; site cleared, excavated, foundation un¬
der way.
Sth av. No 72G. 5-sly residence, 2Sx02.S. Owner. Mrs, Lewis T
Hoyt, 392 Slh av; ar'ts, McLellan Sc Beadel and -Arthur Dillon. Assoc,
1123 Broadway; h'r, George Sykes, 1123 Broadway; cost, .$58,000;
work under way.
Slh av, Nos 5.-^0 and oo2. S-sty store and loft, 50x90. Owner, Max
Haskell. 310 5lh av. and Mrs. .Adelaide Browning, 2,52 5th av: ar'ts
Buchman 6 Fox, 11 E ,59ih; b'rs, Hedden Constr Co; cost. .$1.50.000:
lessees, Hollamier & Co: steel work going on,
Oth av, n e cor lOlh st, 10-sty loft, 29.10x6.5. Ownai-. Max Kura-
rok. 55 W 10th sl; ar'ls, Schwartz & Gross, 347 Sth av- cost $150-
000; work to Start Oct. 3d,
Oth av, w s, 32d to S3d sts, 10-sty department store, 197.5x400.
Owners, Manhattan Hudson Realty Co. 02 Cedar st; ar'ts, D H.
Burnham & Co. R R Exchange Bldg. Chicago. HI; b'rs Thompsoa-
Slarrell Co, 40 Wall st; cost, $4,000,000; Gimbel Bros, Philadelphia.
Pa., lessees; excavating, foundation started.
Gth av, n e cor 40th st. 2-sly hank bldg, 98.9x98.11. _ Owner,
Union Dime Savings Bank: ar't, Alfred H Taylor, 1,S8 B Ooth; b'r,
W. L. Crow Const Co, 280 4ih av; cost, $22o,000; steel and stona
work under way.
Tth av, s e cor 21st st. "7-sty store and loft, 46x85. Owner, Morris
Weinstein, 19GS Broadway; ar'ts. Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 E 23d
st; b'r, Libman Conlr. Co; cost, $109,000; putting up iron work.
7th av, Nos 724 and T3S, 2-sty office, 45.7x51. Owner, Providen*
Loan Soc. of N Y, 340 4th av; ar'ts, Renwick, Aspinwall & Tucker,
320 5lh av; b'r. Chas T Wills; cost, $40,000; foundations under way
up to curb level,
Madison av. No 477, 4-sty residence, 25x80.5. Owner, Alva E Bel¬
mont, Hempstead, N Y; ar'ls. Hunt & Hunt. 2S E 2lEt st; b'r, H B
DeVoe, 515 Columbus av; cost, .$.3-5,000; work under way.
Madison av, s e cor 24th st. ,50-sty office bldg. Owner. Met Life
Ins Co; ar'ls. N. LeBrun & Sons. 1 Madison av; b'rs, Hedden Constr
Go, and Post & McCord; cost, $8,000,000; working on interior.
Madison av. No 127. 7-sty slore and loft, 23.3x00, Owner, Wood¬
bury Langdon, ISS Worth st; ar'l, Chas E Birge, 29 W^ 34th st; b'r,
R H Macdonald, 29 W 34th sl; work-under way.
Madison av, n w cor 38th st, 20-sty slore and loft, 74.4x100.
Owner, 250 Madison Av Co, 165 Broadway; ar'ts, Buchman & Fox.
11 E SOth sl; cost, $500,000; expected lo go ahead at once.
Madison av, n e cor 34th st. 16-sty office bldg, 49,4x109. Owner,
Margaret S E Cameron, Clifton, S I; ar'ls, Clinton Sl Russell, 52
Nassau; b'rs, Whilney-Steen Co; nearing completion; working on
interior; cost, $300,000.
Madison av, n w cor 4Glh sl. 21-sty holel (known as Ritz-Car!-
lon). Owner, Robert Walton Goelet; ar'ts, Warren Sl W^etmore. 3 E
SSd; b'r, M Reid & Co., Inc; cost, .'?2,OUO,000; on 47lh sl side, mason
work up to ISth sty; on 4Gth sl side, steel work finished.
Gramercy Park, No 24. 12-sly elevator bachelors' studio and
apartment. Owner, Gramercy Park Co; ar'l, Herhert Lucas, 5 and 7
E 42d: b'r, Thompson-Starrett Co; cost, $3.50,000; nearing comple¬
tion; now trimming and plastering. '
Gramercy Park. Nos 3, 5 and 3S. 12-sty bachelors' studio and
apartment. 83.4x03.10. Owner. Gramercy Park Constr Co.. 39 W
2oth st; ar'l, James Reily Gordon, 402 otb av; cost, $400,000;
stonework up to Slh sly; steel work completed.
Irving pl. n w cor 16th sl. ll-sty loft bldg, 225x77x140. Owner,
Irving Corner Co, 320 Sth av; ar'ts, James Reily Gordon, 402 Sth
av; cost. ,$900,000; steel work nearly up. George Borgfeldt & Co,
lessees; b'r, Irving Corner Constr Co; briclvwork to 3d sty floor.
Irving pl. s w cor 16th st. 20-sty office and loft, 231.9x100.
Owner, 118 E lOlh Sl Co. 135 Broadwav; ar'ts, Goldwin Starrett &
Van Vleck, Everett Bldg., 17th st and 4th av; cost, $liOO,O0O; excava¬
ted; foundation and steelwork under way.
Irving pl, e s, bet IGth and ITth sts, block front, Washington Ir¬
ving High School, Owner, City ot New York; ar't, C B J Snyder, 509
Park av; site excavated; contracts about to be awarded.
42d st, DePew pl and Vanderbilt av. New Grand Central Station;
ar'ls, Warren & Wetmore and Reed & Stem, 314 Madison av; b'rs.
John Peirce Co. 90 West sl, stonework, and Terry & Tench, steel;
section on 41st st, 1st sty floor beams in place; estimated cost, bet
,$4,000,000 and $5,000,000. Various other contracts to be awarded.
All Automatically Locking Gascock.
It has been said that while electricity is making steady
progress, gas is holding its own. Tliinkers are bringing out
new electrical inventions daily, but as fast as they appear on
the markel, other thinkers and inventors are producing equally
valuable appliances to render gas more useful, cheaper and,
of far greater importance, safer. Everybody knows the danger
from a loose gascoclv in the sleeping or living-room. Tbe news¬
papers chronicle each day incidents of death by the accidental
turning of a gas stop by a child or infirm person, followed fre¬
quently by fatal consequences.
At Nos. 20 to 30 Morton st, Brooklyn, and at No. 67 Centre
st, this city, are tbe factory and salesroom, respectively, of
Shapiro & Aronson, manufacturers of gas and electric fixtures.
This is the company that has brought out another of those
"long felt wants" in the shape of an absolutely safe gascock.
Tbe illustration shows the device, which is known as the "S.
& A. Safety Cocks." In brief, when the gas is turned off the
key is locked and cannot be turned on again accidentally. To
open it a lever must be pressed to unlock it. They can be
fitted to any chandelier, bracket, pendant or any other kind of
gas-fixture, whether it be already installed or not. In addition
to the safety locking features, the device has a safety jam
nut wilh oval lock that prevents the screw and washer from
becoming loose. Tbe safety-cocks have a quarter-turn instead
of tbe usual half-turn, and the stop pin is screwed in, thus
preventing the pin from falling out.