^j ConveyanMs. RECORD AND GUIDE Manhattan September l8, 1909
118th st E, Nos 12G and 128, s s, 290 e Park av, 40x100,11, 6-sty
brk tenement, FORECLOS. Sept 8, 1909, Wm E Morris, ref, to
Irving S Dorf, Mort $41,000. Sept 15, 1909. 6:1645—59. A
$16,000—$48,000. 6,000
119th st B,' Xos 226 to 232, on map Nos 22G to 230, s a, 330 e 3d
av, 80x100.10, two 6-sty brk tenements and stores. Maurice
Caspe to Mary Klein. All liens. Sept 13, Sept 14, 1909.
6:1783—33 and 34, A $34,000—$98,000. nom
121st st W, No 224, s s, 250 w 7th av, 18x100,11, 5-sty brk tene¬
ment, Seventy-Eighth St Realty Co to Minnie Stern, Mort $14,-
000, Sept 10. 1909. 7:1926^14. A $8,600—$16,000,
other consid and 100
122d st E, Noa 163 and 165. n s, 266.8 w 3d av. 43,4x100.11, G-aty
brk tenement and stores. FORECLOS, Sept 15, 1909, Gustavus
A Rogers to Morris Kahn, Mort $40,000 and all liena. Sept
15, 1909. 6:1771-25. A $19,000—.$55,000.
$3,000 over and above mort 40,000
123d st W, No 207, n a, 121,11 w 7th av, 15,7x100, with all title
to strip in rear, 15,7x0,11, 3-sty and basement stone front
dwelling, Charles E Evans TRUSTEE Helena G Hoey widow
et al to John H Springer. C a G, June 11. Sept 11, 1909.
7:1929-261^. a $7.400—$10,000. nom
123d st W, No 213, n a, lOS.S w 7th av. 15.7x100, with all title to
strip on rear, 15,7x0,11, 3-sty and basement stone front dwell¬
ing. Release dower. Edith E Landon widow to John H Spriugar.
Q C. July 29. Sept 11, 1909. 7:1929—24i^. A $7,400—$10,000,
Same property. Lewia E Landon et al TRUSTEES &c Warner J
Landon to aame. Sept 10. Sept 11, 1909. 7:1929. 14,000
123d st W, No 205, n s. 106.4 w 7th av, 1.5,7x100,11. 3-sty and
, basement stone front dwelling. Guiletta R Kierated to John H
Springer. Mort $9,-500, Sept 9. Sept 11, 1909. 7:1929—27,
A $7,400—$10,000. nom
123d st W, No 201, n a, 75 w 7th av, 15.9x100, 3-sty and basement]
stone front dwelling, |
123d st W, No 209, n s, 137.6 w 7th av, 15.7x100, 3-sty aud base-l
ment stone front dwelling, with all title to strips on rear 15,9|
xO,l 1x15,7x0.11, I
Eva Phipps to John H Springer, June 11. Sept 11, 1909, 7:1929
—20 and 28'^, A $14,900—$20,000, nom
123d st W, No 211. n s, 153.1 w 7th av, 15,7x100, all title to strip
0,11 across rear, 3-sty and basement stone Iront dwelling, Jane
E Chalmers to John H Springer, Mort $8,000, Sept 10, Sept
16. 1909. 7:1929—25. A $7,400—$ 10,000. nom
125th st E, No 251, n s, 102 w 2d av, 28x99.11, 5-sty stone front
tenement and store, Charles Wynne to Stephen H Jackson. Aug
31, 1908. Rerecorded from Sept 26, 1908. Sept 11. 1909. 0:1790
—21. A $17,000—$29,000. other consid and 100
Same property, Stephen H Jackson to .4.nna Simkowitz. Mort
$30,250. Aug 25. Sept 11. 1909. 6:1790. other consid and 100
125th st E. No 251, n s, 102 w 2d av. 28x99.11, 5-sty stone front
tenement and store. Anna Simkowitz to Tony Wolf. Mort $-30,-
2.50. Sept 10. Sept 14, 1909. 6:1790—21. A $17,000—$29,-
000. other consid and 100
126th at W. No 74, s s, 160 e Lenox av, 25x99.11, 3-sty brk club
house. Hector Realty Co to The Lenox .\v Union Church in City
N Y. Mort .$20,000, Aug 24. Sept 10, 1909, 6:1723—65, A
, $15,000—$27,000. other consid and 1.000
131st st W, No 103, n s. 75 w Lenox av, IS.O.xOO.ll. 3-sty and
basement stone front dwelling. Mahnken Estates to Edward N
Roeser. Morl $10,000. Sept 15, 1909. 7:1916—28. A $8,200
$13,000. other consid and 100
1.33d st W. No 161, n s, 200 e 7th av, 25x99,11, 5-sty brk tene¬
ment, Eugenie Haybach to Edward A Sheahan. Morts $21,-
000, Sept 9. Sept 10, 1909. 7:1918—10. A $11,000—$22,000,
133d st W, Nos 1.38 to 142, s s, 324,10 e 7th av, 75x99,11, three
4-sty stone front tenements, Herman J Katz to Fredericka
Meyer. All liens. Aug 24, Sept 10, 1909. 7:1917—iS to 50.
A $33,000—$54,000. other eonsid and 100
1.33d st W, No 157, n s. 250 e 7th av. 2.5x90,11. 5-sty brk tene¬
ment and store, Eva E Weber to Wilhelm Lauter, Mort $38,-
000, Sept 10, Sept 14, 1909, 7:1918—12, A $11,000-$21.-
000, other consid and 100
1.33d st W. No 124, s s, 262.6 w Lenox av, 12,G.x99.11. 3-sty and
basement slone front dwelling, Jessie Q Fara to Patrick A Mc¬
Manus, Mort $5,000, Sept 1, Sept 16, 1909, 7:1917^4, A
-$5,500-$7,000. 2,000
134th st E, No 60, s s, 177,6 w Park av, 37.6x99.11, G-sty brk
tenement, Henry H Jackson to Annie Strauss, Mort $39,100,
Sept 13. Sept 16, 1909. 6:1758^5. A .$9,.500—$44,000.
other consid and 100
134th st W, No 21. n s, 195,9 w 5th av, 17.10.x99,ll, 3-sty and
basement stone front dwelling, Herbert S Ogden EXR &c Ann
Mapelsden to Cornelius W McDougald. Sept 14, 1909, 6:17.32
—29, A $7,000-$8,000, 0,000
157th st W, s s, 20O e Broadway, 7.5x99,11, vacant. James C
Picken to Alex Gamble, All liens. Aug 26. Sept 11, 1909,
8:211:5—part of lot No 5. other cousid and 100
liOth st W. No 652. s s. 533.11 w Broadway, 17x90, 3-sty and
basement brk dwelling. Egan & Hallecv Construction Co to
James C Meyers. Mort $9,-500. Sept 11. Sept 13, 1909, 8:2138
-part lot 140. .K $-------$------. other consid and lOti
173d st W, No 552, s s, 17 w Audubon av, 16.6x.50, 4-sty brk dwell¬
ing. North Side Bank of Brooklvn to Rosa Kruger, B & S.
Aug 9, Sept 15, 1909. 8:2129—16, A $3,400—.$9,000, nom
.\v .4 No 1434 In e cor 76th st. 25,0x98. 5-sty brk tenement and
7f;th St. No 501 1 store. FORECLOS, Aug 12, 1909. Mark G
Holstein referee to Marks Rosenberg. All liens. Sept 13, 1909.
5:1488-1. A $13,000—$33,000.
16,600 over and above 1st mort of 17,000
.A.msterdam av. No 2400[ n w cor 179th st, 2.5x100, 5-sty brk ten-
179th st. No 501 1 ement and store, John Robertson to
William Gammie, All title, Mort .$35,000. June 1. Sept 16.
1909. 8:2152—53, A $17,000—,$26,000, nom
Amsterdam av, No 2400| n w cor 179th st. 25x100, 5-sty brk ten-
179th st, No ,501 I ement and store. Wm Gammie to Eliz¬
abeth Donnelly. Mort $.35,000. Sept 1.5. Sept 16, 1909. 8:2152
—:53. A $17,000—$26,000- nom
Audubon av. No ■360|n w cor lS3d st, 74,11x25, vacant, John H
183d st, No 551 | Springer to John H Springer Realty Co.
Mort $4,500, Sept 9, Sept 10. 1900. 8:21.54—88. A $10,000-
$19,000. 18,090
Audubon av. No SSOIn w cor 184th st, 18x60, 2-sty brk dwelliug.
lS4th st, No 551 I John H Springer to John H Springer Realty
Co. Sept 9. Sept 10, 1909. 8:2157-25^, A .$3,200-$6,009.
Audubon av, No 382. w s. IS n ISlth st, 17x00, 2-sty brk dwelling,
John H Springer to John H Springer Realty Co. Sept 9. Sept
10, 1909. 8:2157—24. A $2,500—$5,200, 12,000
Audubon av. No 392, w s, 54 s lS5th st, 18x50, 2-sty brk dwell¬
ing. John H Springer to John H Springer Realty Co. Sept 9.
Sept 10, 1909. 8:2157—19. A $2.200—$5,900. 10,000
Broadwayls e cor 165th st, 110.11x100x101.6x100.5, vacant. Chris-
lG5th st I tian Trinks to Ecallaw Co, Sept 7. SepL 13, 1909.
8:2122-74 to 77. A .$62,.500^02,500. 100
Broadwayls w cor 163d st. 157.5x101.1x142.4x100, vacant. Wau-
163d st I negan Realty Co to Henry T Bulman Co. Mort $20,-
142.86. Aug 31. Sept 14, 1909. 8:2137—part lot 80. A
.$------$------. nom
Broadway |s w cor IGlth st. 99.11x125, 6-sty brk tenement.
164th St. No 600[ Henry T Bulman Co to Waunegan Realty Co.
Mort $185,000. Sept 13. Sept 14, 1909. 8:2137—part lot
110. A .$------.$------. other consid and 100
Broadway, Nos 3840 to 3846 I n e cor 100th st. 99,11x100. 6-sty
160th st I brk tenement and store. Crystal
Realty and Construction Co to Joachim S Van Wezel. Mort
$175,000. Sept 15. Sept 16, 1909. 8:2119—1. A $63,000—P
$158,000. other consid and 100
Claremont av. No 188. e s, 220 n 125th st, 40x100, 5-sty brk tene¬
ment. Nova Realtv Co to Jos J Mackeown. Mort $50,500. July
15. Sept 13, 1909, 7:1993—105. A $22,400—.$50,000,
other consid and 100
Columbus av, Nos 269 to 275|s e cor 73d st, 102,2x160, 6 and 7-sty
73d st, Nos 46 and 48 | brk tenement and stores, Isaac
Mayer et al to Jennie Huretsky. Mort $230,000. Sept 14', Sept
15. 1909, 4:1125—61 and 62. A $1.50,000—$285,000.
other consid and 100
Columbus av, No 55|s e cor 62d st, 25,2x100. 5-sty brk tenement
62d st, No 46 I and store, Mort $22,000.
131st st W, No 103, n s, 75 w Lenox av. 18.9x99,11, 3-sty and
basement stone front dwelling. Mori $10,000.
Caroline M Greve et al HEIRS, &c. Cord Mahnken to Mahnken
Estates, a corpn. B & S. May 28. 1908. (Rerecorded from June
2. 190S.) Sept 15, 1909. 4:1114-01. A $45,000—$75,000;
7:1916-28. A $8,200—$13,006, other consid and 100
Fort Washington avis w cor 181st st, 160x107.5x106.3x100.7, G-sty
ISlst st I brk tenement and store. Pinehurst Realty
Co to Christian Abele. Mort $150,000. Sept 1. Sept 13, 1909.
8:2177—100. A $-----$-^- other consid and 100
Haven av. e s, 129,1 s 170th st, 51.8x114.9x50x127.9. vacant.
John H Springer lo John H Springer Really Co. Sept 9. Sept
10. 1909. 8:2139—142. A $7.600—$7,600. 25,000
Madison av. No 2003, e s. 25 s 132d st, 25x9G. 5-sty brk tene¬
ment and store. Louis Goodman to .\rnold Adler. Morts $25.-
000. Sept 9, Sept 10, 1909, 6:17.511—.50, A $12.000—.$25,000,
other consid and 109
Manhattan av. No 125, w s, 34.2 n 105th st, 16.8x75, 3-sly and
basement brk dwelling. Susan E Laytin to Kate E Hume, Mort
.$9,000, Sept 15. 1900. 7:1841-13y2. A $7,390—$11,.500.
other consid and 109
Naegle avj n s, 200 e Hawthorne st, runs n IGO x e 100 x s 120.2
10th av I to 10th av, xsw 69,5 to av, x w 43,1 to beginning,
vacant. Thomas Rosevear et al to Nagle Avenue Realty Co.
B & S. Morl $5,000. Sept 11, Sept 15, 1909. 8:2219—32, A
.$20,000—$20,000. nom
Riverside av | s e cor 103d st, 160,11x125, 2 and 3-Ety brk
103d St. No 3221 dwelling and 2-sty brk stable. Harry Schiff to
Brookfield Construction Co. Mort $227,500, Sept 15, Sept 16,
1909, 7:1890-35 to 3i), A $149,000—$180,000, nom
St. Nicholas av,u w cor 190th st, runs w 300 to e s Wadsworth av,
Wadsworth av j x n 25 x e 100 x n 48.7 x e 200 to w s St Nich-
lOOib st jolas av, x s 83.6 to beginning, vacant, John L
Hobson to Andrew J Cobe, B & S, Mort .$25,000 and all liena.
Sept 13. Sept 15, 1909. 8:2109—1 and 53, A $98,000—.$98,000.
other consid and 109
Same property, Andrew J Cobe to Utility Realty Co, Morts $.50,-
000 and all liens. Sept 14. Sept 15, 1909. 8:2169.
other consid and 100
Same property. Utility Realty Co to Morgenthau Realty Co, B
& S, Mort $50,000. Sept 14, Sept 15, 1909, 8:2169,
other consid and 100
St Nicholas av. No 147, w s. 90 n 117th st, 28,4x70,11x24.2x85,9,
5-sty brk tenement. Amelia McCord to The Catholic Church
of St Thomas the Apostle. Mort $20,(KX), Aug 9, Sept 10,
1009, 7:1923—22, A $12,000—$21,000, 100
St Nicholas av. No 720, e s, 2G2,4 n 145th st, 18.6x100. 3 and
4-sty stone front dweUing. Jos J Mackeown to Nova Realty Co.
Mort $15,000. July 14, Sept 13, 1909, 7:2053—71. A $7,400
—$18,000, other consid and 100
West End av. No 755, w s, 42,4 s 97th st, IG.SxlOO, 3-sty and base¬
ment brk dwelling. John C Cassidy to Adele R Ahrens, Mort
$12,001). Sept 16, 1009. 7:1887—23. A $11,500-$ 19,000, 100
1st av. No 114.5, .w s. 50,5 s 03d st, 25.xS0, 5-sty brk tenement^nd
store, Wm E Appelbaum to Chas M Kaufmann. Mort $26,000.
Sept 10. Sept 11, 1909. 5:1437-28, A $11,000-$22,000.
other consid and 500
2d av. No 566, e s, 22,3 n 31st st, 25,6x72. 4-aty brk tenement
and store. Hvman RuSenstein to Celia wife Hvman Ruhenstein.
y part. All liena. May 26. 1908, Sept 15, 1909. 3:937—2. A
.$11.006-$15,000, nom
3d av. No 1497, e s. 76.7 n Slth at. 25.6x100, 5-sty brk tenement
and store. Karl Maas to Sarah wife Karl Mass, ^ part. Mort
.$28,000. Jan 2, 1997, Sept 11. 1909. 5:1,5.30—1. A .$23,000
—$35,000. nom
Sth av. e s. S2.2 n 78th at, 20x100. vacant. James B Duke, of
Somerville, N J, to Payne Whitney, Sept 15, 1909. 5:1393—
part lot 1. A $-----$^------, other consid and 100
5th av. No 2156. w s, 18 s 132d st, 17x75, 4-sty and basement stone
front tenement. Edward L Montgomery. Jr, to Eliz G Frooka.
Mort $11,000. Sept 15. Sept 16, 1909. 6:1729—391^. A $9,500
$13,000. other consid and 100
7th av, Nos 2062 to 2070jn w cor 123d st, 100.11x75. five 5-sty
123d st 1 stone front tenements and stores. Anna
L Daly to John H Springer. Mort .$87..50O, June 10, Sept 11,
1909 7'1929—29 to 31." A $72,000—$116,000, 185,000
llth av, Nos .306 to 310, s e s, 49.4 n e 29th st, 74x100, 4-sty brk|
mill. I
29th st W. No 557, n e s, 100 s e llth av, 25x98,9, 4-sty brk|
mill. - I
Stephen J McArdle et al to Geo G Kane, of Mt Vernon, N Y,
Mcrt $35,000 and all liens. Sept 14. Sept Ir,. 1>909. 3:701—
3 and 7. A $44,000—.$50,000. other consid and 100
Plot begins 100 e Broadway and 100 n 164th st. runs n 17.1 x e SO
x s 17.1 X w SO to beginning, vacant. Geo F Picken to Alexan^jr
Duff. Operating Co, Sept 4. Sept 10. 1909. 8:2122—82V^. A
$1.000—$1,000. other consid and 100
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