[44] Conveyances RECORD AND GUIDE
May 11, 1912
Loxlneton av, ISOO (G:1645-57',&). ws,
50.11 s 118th, lG,Sx55. 3-sty & b stn dwg;
Harrv W Mack i-ef to Mary C Stewart, 2t.
St J<.hns pi. Bklyn; FORECLOS. .MjiyK
May7; May9'I2; A37,000-8,UUO. 7,o00
Lexington av. 16S3 <1077>, (6:1633-51),
es, 80.11 3 lOeth, 20x95, o-sly bk lut, Cath
Towne to Mary A Thornton, 5JI0 >V 14-t,
mtg $11,OOU; Mays; May9'l3; A$9^u0-19,-
000. O C & lOti
Mnnhnttan «v. 121 (7:1840-52). swc
105th. 19,11x50. 3-sly & b ^k dwg-. Joa H
Trant to Robt H Burns de. 23S )V 10.-.; mtg
$13,000; Apr20; May6'13; ^^^^I'^^^'^^-^'-'o
Pnrk nv (6:1743-11-21) ws, from ns 122d
to ss 123d, 201,10x80, vacant; lerench Co,
a corpn to LJrown-Weiss Realties a '^orpn.
63 Park row; mlg $73,000 & AL Apr39
May3'12; A$37,000-37.000. O C & 100
Kiversidc dr, 145 (1:1248-59), es, 50 s
S7ih 3''-^100 4-stv & b Sin dwg, valued at
si2S:005: mts- 380,'OUO & AL; CONTRACT to
exchange ro° land at New Canaan Conn
valued at $50,000; Bessie C Kuzdo lo Elsie
Froeber at New Canaan, Conn; Apr29;
Mav3'12; AS45.000-75,000. noni
Riverside dr. 145; aan contract; Elsie
Froeber to Harry E Harris, B of Hronx
Mayl; May3'l2. "onv
St Nicholas av, 7S3 (7:2064-29), ws, 20 o
n 149th 20.5x85.4x20x89,8, 4-sly bk mt,
Madeline M Tait to Hedwig Glass o 12 W
122; mtg $12,500; May3; May3'12; A59,000-
16.000. " *- "^ „",
"West End av, 270 (4:1184-19), swc .3d
(No 300) 24.4x95, 2 .1-sty Sc b stn dwgs:
Ellie F iMoffilt to Natl Nassau Bauk ,>i.
7 Beekman; mtg $67,000; May(12, A$4o-
000-75,000. O C & 100
"Weat Bway, Sl-5, see Warren, 60-2.
2D nv, 1953 (6:1672-4), es, 75.11 " lOOth.
25X10U, 5-sty bk tnt & st-s; Louis B Was-
sei-strom to Jacob bobbins, 11?1 .^^d.
Bklvn- V> Pt; mtg $21,000 & AL, Ma> i,
Mav6"i2;'-A3i2,000-''25,000. nom
3D av, 007 (3:914-28). ws 39.7 n 33d,
19,7x75, 4-sty bk tnt & sirs, 1-stj ext, Ju¬
lia He-shlieid to Fi-^nk X Majewsk 32.>
E 79; mtg $13,000; May4; Mayb'12; A$13,--
700-16.500. "^"
4TH av, 3.-.1-5 (3:876-1), nec 20th (No
101), 69x90. 16-sty bk loft & str hld^.
Chas Brogan Inc, a corp to Leo M Klein
1715 Grand av, & Saml Jackson, liOl
Grand av; mtg $595,000; Mayb; Mayrl2
A3275.000-G20.0u0. O C & 100
4TH av, 251-5; Leo M Klein et al to
Louis M Starr, 138 \:'^-^f^^^,t''i47^^
Starr at Engiewood, NJ; B&S; mtg $4i,>.-
000-75,000. O C i; lUU
STH av, SS4 (5:1384-69), sec 70th (No
2), 33.5x175, 4-sty & b stn d-(\^g, l.^J^-^-'fty
& b ext & 3-siy sin stable; Wm P D xon
BXR, Scc, Josiah M Fiske lo Prank C
schlitt. 495 Ocean av, Jersey Cuy, NJ,
AL; May7'12; A$4S0,000-O30.000. ^ ^ ^ ^^^
5TH av, SS4; Frank C Schlitt lo Philips
Realty Co, 24'Broad; mtg $560,000 & AL;
Mayri3; O C & 100
5TH nv, 2«« (3:327-41), ws, 56.5 n Soth,
98 2x113.4 to es Bway (No 1136), xaU.ix
101.1, 4-sty stn Ioft & str bldg; LOi;i,s Al
Starr et al to 2U6 5th A"v Co, at 149
Bway; B&S; AU. May3; May7 12; At2,U-
000-305.000. O C & ;00
STH av (3:861), nec Slst, —xl50, owned
by^pirty 1st part; also 31ST ST E (3:861),
ns adj above on e, —x—, owned by pai ty
•>d part; agmt as to projection ot cornice
&c- Improved Property Holding Co to
American Real Estate Co, 537 o av; -\pr
26; May8'13. "om
5TH av (5:1507-4), es, at cl blk bet Oath
& 96lh. runs e 100xs3u.2xwlOO to av xn
30 2 to beg, vacant; Al Hayman to Helen
O Brice 693 5 av; mtg $37,500; Apr22; May
S'12; A372,OO0-72,0OO. nom
STH av, 2145 (6:1756-1), nec 131st (No
1), 25x99, 5-sty bk tnt & str & l-aty bk
str iu st; Jonas Weil et al to }\ m H Jef-
lerds, 30 W 98; B&S; AL; May2; May8 12
A$23,000-43,000. O C i; 100
STH av, es, nbt 40.5 n 4Sfh, see 5 av.
es, 73.5 n 4Sth.
5TH av (5:1384), es, 73.5 n 48th. 27x100.
owned bv party 1st pt; also olH AV (».-
1284), es, adj above on s 53.oxlu0, owneu
by parties 2d pt; party wall agmt; Ida B
Flower at Waiertowu, NY, with uhas
Scribner at Morristown, NJ; Sc Arthur H
Scribner, 153 5 av; Apr24; May4'12. nom
OTH av, SIVC llth. See llth, 102-10 W.
OTH nv, 7S5, see 6 av, 783.
OTH >iv, 7S;! (4:997-32), ws, 75.0 n 44lh,
35x100, 4-sty bk tnt & strs, 3-sty ext; A
$65,000-77,000; also GTH AV, ibo (4:99i-
33), ws, 75.0 s 45th, 25x100, 4-sty bk tnt &
strs 1-sty exl; ASG5.000-77,000; also 4oTH
ST 103 VV (4:997-3614), ss, 60 w 0 av,
316x75:5. 3-sty stn tnt & strs; A342 000-
47,000; also 46TH ST, 104 U (4;99;-Jbya).
ss 81.6 w 6 av. 21.6x75.5, 3-sty Sc b stn
d"wg- AS40,000-43,000; Robt B De Camp to
De Camp Land Co, 135 Eway; 1-6 pt; Apr
26; May4'12. "om
OTH av, 503 (3;S06-35), ws. 30 n 30th,
17x46,3x36 to ns Stewart, closed Sc 41.3, 4-
sty bk tnt & strs; trust agmt & certf that
investors & Traders Realty Co holds
above interest for ^^■m L Sutphin, 3-j pl,
& Fi-edk C Gilsey & Andw F Gilsey &
Chas P H Gilbert, each l-o pt; .^UulOb,
May6-12; A$50,000-54,000. ■-----■
OTH nv, 50:{; asn 3-5 iut held in trust as
above as collateral fo^: 1?.^" '^^-„5.?''iV^ ]\^}
L Sutphin to Margt J Hall, 50.1 \\ 111,
mtg 350,000; May25'06; May6'13. nom
6TH av, S77 (4:1002), ws, 100.4 s SOth, 35
XlOO; re claims for platform extension,
&c- Max Sc Louis Stirn et al to Interboi-
oUKh Rapid Transit Co, IGo Bway et al;
Mtl $33:600; Jan25; MayS'12. 500
CTH «T, 21 (2:539-33), ws, abt 85 s
Downing, 17.6x100. 5-siy bk tnt & strs;
Rudolph Wallach Co to Wm Lustgarten,
113 Porsyth; May2; May7-12; ASH,000-
13,500. O C & 100
OTH nv, 250 (3:S1S-J). nec IGth (No 57),
29.10x65, 4-stv bk str; ASUO,000-13O,00O:
also IGTH ST, 55 E (3:818-5), ns. 65 e G
av 30x92, lu-sty bk loft Sc sir bldg; A
§56,000-125,000; Max Kurzrok to Kurzrok
Bros Co, 220 5 av; AL; AprSO; ^layS'l^-
O C & 100
STH av, 2110-S (7:1830-3-4), es. t-0,11 n
114th, 40x80, 2 5-sty bk Ints & strs; Ger¬
aldine E Boochever to Etta Kaufman. SOO
W 119; QC; OclO'lO; May7'12; A:;32,000-
44,000. "om
HITH av, 352-4 (3:728-2 & 3), es, 3o,6 n
soth, 50XIUO, 2-5-sly bk tnts Sc sirs; Wm
H Hall to Pincus Lowenfeld, lOG E 64 &
Wm Prager, 129 B 74; mtg $30,000 Sc AL;
Apr26; AIay3'l2; A524.000-39,000.
' 0 C & IOO
IOTH nv. 3IS (3:726-3), ses, aht 50 n
2Slh, 24.8x100, 3-sty bk tnt Sc stra, 1-sty
ext- Wilhelm Neiheiser to Jno J Mau¬
the 450 W 44; AL; May8; May9'12: A312,-
000-15,000. O C & 100
IOTH av, Sl."*: Jno J Mauthe to Wilhelm
Neiheiser & Katharina his wife, 318 10
av tenants bv entirety; AL; MayS; May
9'12, O C & 100
IOTH nv, 330 (3:726-4). ses. abt 75 n
28th, 24.8x100, 3-sty bk tut & strs; Wil¬
helm Neiheiser to Jno J Mauthe, 450 W
44- AL; MavS; May9'12; A$13,000-14,500.
• ' ■ O C & 100
IOTH nv, 320: Jno J Mauthe to Wilhelm
Neiheiser Sc Katharina his wife, 318 10
av, tenants by entirety; AL; MayS; May
9-12. O C & 100
13TH «v, nwc 151st, see 12 av, nec 151.
12TH av (7:2098-65). nec 151st, 309.10
to 153d & 17.3 to land H R R R Co. x208.4
to 151st, xll.lO; A$150-1d0; also 13TH AV
(7:2103-41&49), nwc lolst, 209.10 to ss
152d x344.11xl99.10 to ns 151st x409 to beg
being land under water of North or Hud¬
son River, with -wharfage right, &c; A
$12,000 & exempt-13,000 & exempt.
Jessie Gillender to N Y State Realty Se
Terminal Co at G C T. 45th, swc Lex av;
B&S & C a G; AL; JilayS; May9'i2.
O C & 100
Interior lol (3:920-pt It 21). at c i blk
bet 39th & 40th. & 245 w 2 av, runs "v.-IOx
s37xel0xn37 to beg, pt 6-sty bk bldg; Nel¬
lie Barretto heir. &e, Matilda Barretto to
Rees Sc Rees, a corp, 232 E 40; QC; Apr
26; May6'12; A$------^-------. uom
All R T & I to Estate devised to Wash¬
ington I Smith by will of his father,
Washington Sinith, dated Mayl'oS, except
such parts sold or conveyed: Mary A
Smith, 311 W 88, to Mary W McLaughlin.
307 W 88; confirmation deed; Novl9'10;
May9-12. nom
130TH Bt, 241 YV (7:1942-14H). ns, 340 o
S av, 17x99.11. 3-sty bk dws-; Adolph Hey¬
mann Est; Harry Heymann. EXR, 241 W
136: attys. Fixman, Lewis & Seligsberg,
55 Libertv; A?7,400-12,000; Will or Letter
of Adm filed Aprl7'12.
143D ST, Oil "W (7:2090-24), ns, 190 e
Riverside dr. 75x100,8, 6-sty bk tnt; Sarah
A Seaman Est; Miuat W Seaman, EXR,
Catskill, N Y; atty. Louis W Stotesbury,
55 Libertv; A33O,OO0-102,00O; Will or Let¬
ter of Adm filed AprG'12.
ISOTH st, -sec Aud nv, see Aud av, 389.
Auduhon av, 280 (8:2152-38) see ISOth,
3.8x95, 5-slv bk Int; Sarah A Seaman Est:
Minat W' Seaman, EXR, Catskill, N Y;
atty. Louis W Stotesbury, 55 Liberty;
A$ 18,000-52,000; Will or Letter of Adm
liled Apr6'12.
W Brondivay, 170 (1:176-17). es, 74.4 s
Leonard, 23.8x50.10, 3-sty bk & fr dwg;
Adam. Kramer Est; Frank A Kramer,
EXR, 1865 Mt Hope av; attys, !■' W Sc
A E Hinrichs, 76 William; A31S,000-19,-
500; Will or Letter of Adm liled Apr34-12.
2D av, 967 (5:1335-20), ws, 40.5 n 5l3t,
30x70, 4-slv bk tnt; Jno Tiedemann Est;
Augusta F -riedemann. EXR, 967 2 av;
atty. Henry W Worger. 257 Bway; A$10,-
000-14.000; Will or Letter of Adm filed
Borough of the Bronx.
Aldus st, ncc So blvd, see Hoe av, ws,
.150 s 165.
Commerce st, ns. nht ;'.00 e Newman,
see Wood, ws, 200 n 150th.
Emily st, sec Pier av, see Pier av, sec
Fov st, SSO, see Fox, 826.
Fox sf, S36 (10:2721), es, 243.4 n Long-
wood av, 33.4x100, 4-sty bk tnt; also FOX
ST, 830 (10:3721), es, 276.S n Longwood
av, 33.4x100, 4-sly bk tnt; Winnie Realty
Sc Constn Co to Carrie Boley, 117 W 141;
mtg $35,000; Apr30; May7'12. O G & 100
Fort Indepcnilcnce st, 3303 (12:3361), W
s, abt 307 s Bailey av, now Hutton, 25x
111.1x23.9x106,10. 2-sty fr dwg; Predk
Smith et al heirs, &c, Fredk Smith deed
o Alice Smith, 3393 Ft Independence; B
&S & C a G; Apr4; MayS'l2. O C & 100
Featherbed la (11:2896), ns,_233^8_e Nel-
Borough of Manhattan.
Copv of last iviJl (miscl); Marion S
Jones;" July9'09- i\ray6'l2. ------
Poivcr of alty (miscl); Angelina Cham-
plin lo Geo P Ingersoil & Ambrose S
Iiliirray, Jr; Apr22; May7'13. nom
Poivcr of atty; How-^ard S P Randolph to
Arlhur F Randolph, 315 W 98; Marl5; Alay
S'I3, .------
Poiver of alty (miacl) ; Marcus Loeiv to
David Bernatein; May7; May9'12. ——
Poivcr of ally (miscl); Martha J Coul¬
ter to Bimer D Coulter. 23 W 26; June24'
10; May9-12. -------
Poiver Of affy (mlscl); Ferdinando
MariigneLti to Graziantonio Martignetti,
both at HI Earnett pl. Bronx; May7; May
9'12. -------
Borough of Manhattan.
James sl, nivc Water, see Water. 364.
W'ater st, 304 (1:251-43), nwc James
sl, 20x30.10, 3-sty bk tnt & str; Kate
Toumey Bst; Annie C Curedale, EXTRX,
449 E 143; atty, J Wilson Bryant, 391 E
149; A$5.000-7,000; Will or Letter of Adm
filed Apr25'12.
Water st, 360 (1:351-43) -ws, 20 n James
sl. 25x60,8", 4-stv bk tnt; Kate Toumey
Est; Annie C Curedale. EXTRX, 449 E 143;
alty, J Wilson Eryant, 391 E 149; A36,500-
12,000; Will or Letter of Adm flled Apr35
63D st, 33 W) (4:1116-18), ns, 158.3 e
Bway, 37.6x100.5, 5-Sty bk tnt; % int;
Margt Everett Bst; Danl J Kenny, BXR,
33 W 68; attv, Chas H Keteham, 100 Wil¬
liam; A$45,000-60,000; Will ur Letter of
Adm flled Apr]5']2.
S7TH st, 147 W (4:1218-17), us, 376 w
Col av, 16.8x100.8,-3-sty bk dwg; Sarah A
Seaman Est; Minat W Seaman, EXR,
Catskill, N Y; atty, Louis "W Stotesbury,
55 Liberty; A$9,000-15,500; WiU or Let¬
ter of Adm filed Apr6'13.
104TH .st, 14S-.53 AV (7:1858-54), ss, 183.5
e Ams av, 87.6x100.11, 6-sty bk tnt; Sarah
A Seaman Est; Minat W, Seaman, EXR,
Catskill, NY; atty, Louis W Stotesbury,
r.5 Libertv; AS47,000-ieO,000; Will or Let¬
ter of Adm filed AprG'12.
107TH st, 311 YV (7:1893-411^), ns_ iS2 e
Riverside dr, 20x100.11, 5-sty bk dwg;
Edw Steindler Est; Regi F Steindler,
EXR. 311 W 107; atty, Horwita & Wiener,
346 Bway; A314.400-31,000; Will or Letter
of Adm filed Aprla'12.
Nelson av, 50x100: also NELSON AV (11:-
2S76), es. 310 n 175th, 50x113x52.6x97.4,
vacant; Jos A "Wasserman to Barry Bros,
a corp, 2804 3 av; mtg $12,625; Apr30; May
4'12. O C & 100
Garden pl ("), es, being lot 434 map
Washingtonville, 34-7xl42x—xl47, sws;
Eliz Lefer to Jno Rotando. 4643 White
Plains av; JanS'll; May6'12.
O C & 100
Hnll pl, mvc lC5th, see 165 E, ns, 100 e.
Stebbins av.
Highbridge st, 110 (9:2519), sec Nelson
av, 70.6x133x102.6x122, 1-sly & a fr dwg
Sc 1-sty fr stable; Elek J Ludvigh ref to
Isabella A Macbride at Greenburg, NY;
FORECLOS, Apr22; May6; May8-12. 1,200
Horton sf ('), as, 204 e Main, or City
Island av, 219.6xl35x—xl37,3; Lyttleton
Fox-ref to Merchants Lloyd Realty Co. 44
Court, Eklvn; PARTITION, Feo 28; May
8; May9'13. 6,000
Kelly st (10:2703), ws, 165.5 a Westches¬
ter av, 87.6x100. 2-5-aty bk tnts; Broadway
Sc Cathedral Park"way Co to 182d St Realty
Co, 230 Bway; AL; May3'12. O C & 100
Keliy st (10:2703), ws. 125 s Westchester
av, 40.5x100, 5-sty bk tnt; Eurnett-Weil
Consln Co to Hugo Helburn, 74s E 17o;
E&S; Mayl; May3'12, nom
Lymitn pl. 1304-0 (11:2970). es, 252 s
Freeman, runs c9 0.llxse9.2xsw25xael4.10x
sw20.2xwS0 to pl. xn50 to beg, 1-sty fr
rear shed & vacant; Delia F McEvoy to
E Loewenthal Sc Sou Inc, a corp, 134/
Boston rd; mtg $700 & AL; Apr24; MayG
'12. 5,000
Oid Bulternuf st, closed, es, 131.7 se
105111, see Grand blvd Sc Concourse, ws,
127.7 s 165.
Pnrker sf, sec Westchester av,. see
Westchester av, ses, 280.8 sw /Zerega av.
Rochelle or East st (•), ns, at es lands
of \Veaver & Darling, runs nl37.3xe— to
land of 1-Iorton, xsl35 to st, xw214.6 to
beg. City Island; Lyttleton Fox ref lo
Root W Freestone. 3105 Eeverley rd,
B'klyn; PARTITION, Feb2S; MayS; May'J
'12. 4,900
Simpson st, 10S5 (10:2726), ws, 284.7 s
16Tth, 37,6x100, 5-sty bk tnt; J C Gaffney
Cousin Co to Katie Hartman. 818 10 av;
mtg $34,000; Apr29; May6'12. nom
Sinip.son st (10:2724), ws, 163,8 S Weat¬
chcster av, runs s206xwl05.llxnlS4.5xnw
4uxe7U.4 to st, at beg, vacant! Hendrik
Hudson Co to Chas Riiey, 112 W 121; May
l; May4'12, O C & 100
Tiffnny st (10:2718). es, 167.1 n 167th,
30x113,2, vacant; re judgt; Passman Se
Dauere Co a corp to Ada M Beers, at
"Washington, Conn; May6; May 8'12
O C & 150
Wood sl, cs, 325 n 150, see Wood, ws,
200 n 150th.
Wood at (*>, ws, 200 n 150th, 100x111.6;
also WOOD ST (*), es, 225 n 150th, 75x
111,6; also WHITE PLAINS RD (•). es,
150 n 151St 50x—; also COMMERCB ST
;*), ns, abt 300 e Newman abt 9ijxl60x—
xlaO; Porter Realty & Development Co to
David B Porter. 12G4 Eway; AL; Apr29;
May3'12. O C & 100
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