July 13, 1912
Including G)ntemplated Constructions, Bids Wanted, G)ntracts
Awarded, Plans Filed and Government, State and Municipal Work.
New Building for Physicians.
A syndicate known as the "Forty East
Forty-first Street Company/' with offices
at 542 Fifth avenue, Charles M. "Warner,
president, and C. B. "Warner, secretary, in
conjunction with Charles "Weinberg, 31
West 23d street, cotemplate the erection
of a new physicians' building at the
southwest corner of Madison avenue and
48th street, covering a plot 44x100 feet.
The structure will be six stories in
height, strictly fireproof, and will be de¬
voted exclusively to physicians' offices.
No architect has yet been selected and
nothing definite has been decided when
the project will go ahead.
Gimbel Brothers Deny Building Rumor.
The reported rumor of the sale of the
Thomas Dimond property and the Penn¬
sylvania Railroad at Broadway, Seventh
Avenue, 32d and 33d streets, covering
the block front, to Gimbel Brothers for
improvement with a large annex to their
present department store, was denied on
Thursday by Bernard Gimbel, of the firm
of Gimbel Brothers. It will be recalled
that only recently Mr. Dimond increased
his holdings in 33d street.
Business Building East of Fifth Avenue.
The firm of Schanz, tailors, 18 "West 39th
street, contemplate the erection of a loft
building at 14 East 40th street, between
Sth and Madison avenues, on plot 21x98.9
feet. No architect has been selected and
nothing deflnite has been settled.
Contract for 40th Street Loft.
The E. E. Paul Company, 1 Madison
avenue, received the general contract this
week to erect the new eight-story loft
building which James H. Cruikshank, 50
Pine street, is to erect at 345-349 "West
40th street, on a plot 45x90 feet. Robert
E. Moss, 126 Liberty street is structural
EUevator Apartments in 83rd Street.
The Hennessy Realty Company, 220
Broadway, James Polstein, president,
Meyer Gendel, secretary, will soon erect
a nine-story apartment house at 37 to 41
"West 83d street, for which Schwartz &
Gross, 347 5th avenue, are preparing
plans. The plot measures 63x90 feet.
Robert W. Fulton to Build.
Ross & McNeil, 39 East 42d street, are
preparing sketches for a nine-story apart¬
ment house for Robert M. Fulton, 500 Sth
avenue, to be erected at 143 to 147 East
SSth street, on a .plot 54x100 feet. H. "W.
Otis Company, 39 East 42d street, will
have the general contract.
39TH ST.—H. W. Otis Co., 39 East) 42(1 st, has
received the general contract to erect the 9-sty
apartment house, 54x98.9 ft, at 143-147 East 39tli
Bt, for Robert Pulton, owner, care ot Ross &
McNeill, architects, 39 Bast 42d st.
LEXINGTON AV.—"Wm. A. "White & Sons
report that plans are about ready for al¬
tering the private dwellings, 805 and 807
Lexington av, near 62d st. The lower two
floors are to be occupied by the owner, Al¬
bert Klenk, for his grocery business, and the
upper floors for bachelor apartments. Mr.
Klenk has been located lor fifteen years at
352 Fourth avenue, which building he vacated
May 1. 1912, to allow the erection of a six¬
teen-story loft structure.
AMSTERDAM AV.—Schwartz & Gross. 347 5th
ay, have completed plans for lO-sty apartment
house, 80.ilxl40 tt, to be erected at the south¬
east comer of Amsterdam av and 120th st for
the Carnegie Construction Co., 420 "West 119th
st Cost. $450,000.
115TH ST.—Cantor & Livingston, 39 "West
SSth Bt, have completed plans for alterations
to two 5-sty tenements, 70-72 East 115th st,
for Ellas Schlomowitz, 55 Lenox av, owner.
Cost, $7,500.
BROADWAY.—Frederick S. Keeler, 140 Cedar
st, has completed plans tor alterations to the
6-sty tenement. 3800 BToadway, tor Marie Ho¬
guet, 152 Riverside Drive, owner. Cost, $4,000.
MADISON AV.—Plans are being figured lor
alterations to the two residences at 601-603
Madison av, lor bachelor apartments, for the
Madison Chambers Co., owner, care of archi¬
tect. H. M. Baer, 21 West 45th st, architect
Cost, $25,000.
WEST END AV.—Julius Tishman. 299 Broad¬
way, owner, is taking bids on the mason and
carpenter work for the 12-8ty apartment house,
100x116 ft, to be erected at the southeast cor¬
ner of West End av and 101st st, from plans
by Blum £ Blum, 505 Sth av, architects.
Cost, $700,000.
AMSTERDAM AV.—Excavating is under way
'lor the new synod hall, 171x69 It, at Amsterdam
av and Cathedral Parkway for the Cathedral of
ISt. John the Divine, on premises. Bishop D. H.
Greer, 7 Gramercy Park, owner. Cram, Goodhue
& Ferguson, 15 Beacon st, Boston, Mass., archi¬
tects; W. Shelton Swallow Co., 507 Sth av, gen¬
eral contractors.
99TH ST.—Foundations are under way tor the
3-sty and basement rectory, 46x55 ft., at 220
West 99th st, for St. Michael's Church, 225 West
99th st, N. Y. C, owner; Rev. J. P. Peters,
pastor. Robert W. Gibson, 185 Madison av,
architect; J. Odell Whitenack, 231 West 18th bi.
general contractor; N. Greonblat & Co., 891
XInion av, masonry. Cost, $15,000.
EAST HOUSTON ST.—Lithgow & Son, 79
King St. are figuring the general contract for
the new vicerage tor St. Augustine's Chapel
to be erected in East Houston st, near the
Bowery. Bids are desired on all sub-contracts
at once. Thomas Nash, 1170 Broadway, Is the
BROADWAY.—Stephenson & "Wheeler, 2 West
45th st, have completed plans for alterations
to the 6-sty show room and manufacturing
building at 691 Broadway for Edward Tower,
Sonoma, California; Miller, King, Lane & Trat-
ford. 80 Broadway, agents. Cost, $20,000. The
architects will soon call lor figures on the
general contract.
BROOK AV—Bids will close July 13 for the
6-sty paper bag factory to be erected on B'rook
av from Southern Boulevard to East 132d st, lor
the Champion Realty Co., A. E. Schorsch, 510
East 73d st, president, owner. C. B. Com¬
stock, 23 East 26th st, architect.
ment ot Health 55th st and 6th av, Ernest J.
Lederle, Ph. D., president, is taking bids for
the extension to the nurses home, to be erected
here from plans by W. E. Austin, 46 "West
24th st, N. Y. C.
29TH ST.—Foundations are being laid for
wings I and M of the hospital In the south
side of 29th st. between 1st av and East River
for the city. McKIh, Mead & White, 160 Sth
av, architects. Albert L. Webster, 82 Wall st,
consulting engineer. John H. Parker Co., 315
4th av, general contractor. Cost, $1,750,000.
. HARLEM HOSPITAL.—Bids were rejected for
the nurses' home to be erected at the Harlem
Hospital, 136th st, 137th st and Lenox ay for
the City of New York Bellevue and Allied
Hospitals. Raymond F. Almlrall, 185 Madison
av, architect. Project will be readvertised at
once. Cost, $175,000.
BLACKWBLLS ISLAND.—Bids were rejecteu
for the extension ot the tuberculosis infirmary
and will be readvertised. Specifications are
being prepared. J. H. Freelander, 214 5th av,
architect F. A. Burdett & Co., 16 East 33d
st, steel engineer. W. C. Tucker, 156 Sth av,
sanitary engineer. Patterson Bros., 1182 Broad¬
way, steam and electrical engineers. Cost, $80,-
ceived for the extension of the nurses' home,
lor the city, from plans by W. E. Austin,
46 West 24th st, N. Y. C, architect. Frymier
& Hanna, 25 West 42d st, N. Y. C. were low
bidders at $46,469; Colon Hartnett, 81 East
125th st. N. Y. C, second low bidder, $52,299;
A. L. Guidone & Co., 162 East 23d st, N. Y. C.,
$58,750, third low bidder.
CORNELIA ST.—Plans are being figured for
a 2-sty brick stable, 21x98 It, to be erected
at 23 Cornelia st, for Joseph Marron, 146
Waverly st, owner. C. B. Meyers, 1 Union
sq, architect. Cost, $7,000.
14TH ST.—J. B. Snooks Sons, 261 Broad¬
way, architects, are taking bids lor altera¬
tions to the store and offlce building at 105-
109 West 14th st.
GRAND ST.—-Horenburger & Bardes, 122 Bow¬
ery, are preparing plans for alterations to the
3-sty brick lott. 273-5 Grand st, tor Rose
& Norman, 63 Orchard st. owners, who will
take bids about July 15. Cost, $4,000.
3D AV.—Work is under way on fire repairs
to the loft and store at 2174 3d av, lor S. &
E. Gutman. 452 Broadway, owner. Michigan
Furniture Co., south side of 118th st. west
of 3d av, lessee ot entire building. Shire &
Kaufman. 373 4th av, architects. John H.
Deeves & Bro., 103 Park av, general contract¬
48TH ST.—Plans are being figured for alter¬
ations to the residence, 16 East 48th st, for
stores and offlce purposes, for Julia Ward, 16
East 48th st, owner. Samuel B. Gage, 340 Mad¬
ison av, architect.
5TH AV.—Foundations are being laid for the
12-sty offlce building, 84x200 ft., to be erected
at 70 Sth av lor Ginn & Co.. on premises and
29 Beacon st, Boston, Mass., owner. C. A. Rich,
320 Sth av, architect; Edward Corning Co., 100
William st, general contractor.
38TH ST.—MuUiken & Moeller. Park av and
4Kt st, are preparing plans for a 12-sty lolt
building to be erected at 5 East 38th st and
e East 39th st, lor the 6 East 39th St Co.,
Charles W. Cooley represents the leasing com¬
LEXINGTON AV.—John T. Riggs, 1482 Broad¬
way, architect, is taking bids lor alterations
to the stable at 690-692 Lexington av, for
lofts and stores. S. M. & E. Odell, on prem¬
ises, owners. Cost, $25,000.
86TH ST.—Plastering is under way tor the
restaurant, studios and offices at 58 West 36th
St. for Andrian H. Muller, 55 West 52d st,
owner. Paul Henkel, on premises, lessee.
Smith & Ross, 103 Park av, architects. Lourler
Siegel Construction Co., 102 5th av, general
contractor. Cost, $5,000.
PEARL ST.—Work Is under way lor alter¬
ations to the 5-sty brick store and loft build¬
ing. 444-445 Pearl st, for Francis Hustall,
Montclair, N. J., owner; Wm. H. Whiting, 41
Park Row, N. Y. C, agent for owner. Wm. F.
Hemstreet, 527 Sth av, architect. Hugh Getty.
Inc.. 359 West 26th st, general contractor.
Cost, $14,000.
40TH ST.—Footings are being installed for
the 24-sty offlce building. 50x75 ft, at 110-112
West 40th st, for Edward A. Browning, 18
West 75th st. owner. Buchman & Fox, 11 East
59th st, architects. Chauncey Matlock, 225
Sth av, steam engineer. Jacob A. Zimmermann,
505 Sth av, masonry.
44TH ST.—Henry B. Herts. 35 West Slst st,
architect, is taking bids on the Shubert Theatre
to be erected at 221-233 West 44th st lor the
Central Theatre Leasing Construction Co., "Win¬
throp Ames, president; Lee Shubert, vice pres¬
ident; Andrew Freedman, 1418 Broadway,
BROADWAY.—Axel Hedman, 371 Fulton st,
Brooklyn, is preparing plans lor alterations to
the theatre at Broadway and 39th st for the
Casino Theatre. John McKeefery, Broadway
and 39th st, N. Y. C, general contractor. Cost
PINEHURST AV.—George F. Pelham, 507 Sth
av, is preparing plans for a 6-sty apartment
house, to be erected at the northwest comer
ot Pinehurst av and 180th st, tor the Emmay
Realty Co., Pinehurst av and 178th st.
ACADEMY ST.—Sommerfeld & Steckler, 31
Union sq, are preparing plans for three 5-sty
apartments, 50x88 ft, to be erected at the
southwest corner ol Academy st and Sherman
av. for the Dyckman Construction Co., John
Katzman, president, 156th st and Riverside
Drive, owner. Total cost. $80,000.
DECATUR AV.—Excavating is under way for
the 5-sty brick tenement, 67x68 ft, to be erected
on the west side ot Decatur av, 24 ft north
of Fordham rd, for the Wedgewood Co., 401
East 163d st. owner. Andrew Thomas, Fordham
rd and Westchester av, architect. Pauletto Co.,
at site, contractor for foundations. Joseph
Holmes. 17 West 17Sth st, has the mason work.
Cost, $50,000.
CROTONA AV.—Moore & Landsiedel, 148th st
and 3d av, have completed plans for two 5-
sty brick apartments with stores, 37x83 ft. to
be erected on the west side of Crotona av,' 80
ft south ot 189th st, for the D'Andrea Con¬
struction Co., 1719 Garfield st, Antonio D'An¬
drea, president; Victoria D'Andrea, secretary,
owner. Cost, $70,000.
HOB AV—Harry T. Howell, 3d av and 149th
st has completed plans for the 5-sty tenement,
50x88 ft, to be erected 'aJt^the west side of Hoe
av, 27 ft north of JennJags st, for the TuUy
Realty Co., 810 East 173* St., owner. Cost
WALTON AV.—Work on the 5-sty brick ten¬
ement on the west side ot Walton av, 150 ft
north ot 177th st, is up to the 1st tier. Adolph
Wexler, 39 East 42d st, owner and general
contractor. Charles Schaefer, Jr., 401 Tremont
av, architect. Cost. $40,000.
BERGEN AV.—Additional figures are being
received for three 5-sty brick apartments and
stores to be erected at the southwest corner
of Bergen av and 152d st for the Conron Bros.
Co., 10th av and 13th st, owner. Charles
Schaefer, Jr., 401 Tremont av, architect. Cost.
WEBSTER AV—Franz Wolfgang, 533 East
177th st, has completed plans lor two 5-sty
brick apartments, 32x96 ft, to be erected at
the southeast corner of Webster av and 176th
st, for the Roscobel Building Co., Henry Gund-
lach, president, 2689 Heath av, owner. Total
cost, $56,000.
WESTCHESTER AV—George A. Summer, 989
Southern Boulevard, architect, and the AJner-
Ican Real Estate Co.. 989 Southern Boulevard,
owner, Edward B. Boynton, 527 Sth av, presi¬
dent; Francis H. SIsson, secretary; Richard "T.
Lingley, treasurer, are taking bids on two 5-
sty brick tenements, 39x67 ft, to be erected
on the north side of Westchester av, 80 ft east
of Elder av. Total cost, $56,000.
ELSMERE PL.—The Kramer Construction Co-,
35 Nassau st, has received the general con¬
tract to erect the 5-sty brick tenement, 75x88
ft. on Elsmere pi, 213 ft east ot Marmion av
lor the Defender Construction Co., 35 Nassau
st, owner. Abraham Berres, 35 Nassau st, arch¬
itect Cost, $60,000.
165TH ST.—Goldner & Goldberg, 149th st and
3d av, have prepared plans tor a 6-sty tene¬
ment to be erected at the southwest comer
ot 165th st and Hoe av, for the Fox Square
Realty Co., 773 Westchester av, owner, Wm.
Oppenhelm, president.
163D ST.—The three 5-sty flats being erected
in the north side ot 163d st from Tiffany to
Kelly Bts, are advancing rapidly, being up to