July 19, 1913.
Plans Filed—Alterations, Manhattan (Cont.).
BROADW.\Y, 331, masonry and new stairs
to 1-sty brick restaurant; cost, $1,.500; owner,
Henry W. Hayden, 16 Exchange pl; architect,
Chas. I. Berg, 331 Madison av. Plan No. 2248.
BRO.\DWAY, Hi, masonry and iron to 12-sty
brick storage; cost, $1,000; owner. Elizabeth
''hesebrough, 33 Howard st; architect. J. A.
Hays, 2010 Broadway. Plan No. 2274.
BROADWAY, 10. reset store front to 15-sty
brick stores, bank and offices; cost. $1,000;
owner. New York Produce Exchange Bank, 10
Broadway; architect, H. J. Pingel, 306 Bast
59th St. Plan No. 2244.
CE.VTRAL PARK, Slst st, ws, ot Sth av, 2-sty
hrick and store extension to 2-sty mu.-.ei.ra;
cost, .$.5iK),000; owner. Metropolitan Museum ot
Art, J. Plerpont Morgan, Pres., 82d st and 5th
av ; architects, McKim, Mead & White, 101 Park
av. Plan No. 2252.
LENOX AV, 67, new vault to o-sty hrick store
and tenement; cost, $1,500; owner. Anna M.
Giesin, 67 Lenox av; architect. Frank Hausle,
81 East 12.5th st. Plan .No. 2228.
LEXINGTON AV, 1S7S. new store front to 3-
sty hrick stores and dwelling; cost, $2,500; own¬
er, Joseph Fallon, 51 East 122d st; architect,
Henry A. Koelble, 114 East 28th st. Plan No.
LEXI.NGTON AV, 570, new store fronts,
stairs and fireproofing to 5-sty brick tenement;
cost, $1,000; owners. Estate of Robert S. Brown,
20 Nassau st; architect, Henry Reglemann, 133
7th St. Plan No. 2178.
LEXINGTON AV, 747. rear extension to 4-sty
brick stores and dwelling ; cost, $l,00o; owner,
Jo-sephine Graham. 833 West End av ; architect,
Matthew W. Del Gaudio, 401 East Tremont av.
Plan No. 2218.
1ST AV, 20.5. new partitions and plumbing
to 4-sty hrick store and tenement; cost. .^500;
owner, George W. Felson. Lenox. Mass; archi¬
tect. Max Zipkes, 220 5th av. Plan No. 2202.
1ST AV, 125. reset store front to 5-sty brick
store and dwelling; cost, $250; owner, William
Kampel, 347 East 10th st; architect, M. Joseph
Harrison, 230 Grand st. Plan No. 2189.
1ST AV. 1.556, roof scuttles to 4-sty brick
moving picture theatre; cost. $100; owner,
Samuel D. Wahlfeil, 441 East 87th st; architect.
Otto L. Spannhake, 233 East 7Sth st. Plan
No. 2268.
2D AV, 5.59, new store front to 4-sty hrick
store and tenement; cost, $1,050; owners. M.
H. & Wm. Kahn, 066 2d av; architect. Otto A.
Staudt, 066 2d av. Plan No. 22.39.
2D AV, 186, masonry to 4-sty brick tenement
and store; cost, $200; owner. Caesar Millis.
186 2d av; architect. Morris Schwartz 194
Bowery. Plan No. 2213.
3D AV, 1707. sign to 2-sty brick stores and
club; cost, $100; owners. Meerg Realty Co.,
,Toseph W. Sanderford. Vice-Pres., 100 Broad¬
way ; architect, William C. Cartwrlght, 19:13
Broadway. Plan No. 2273.
STH AV, 4.36-438, extension and interior al¬
terations to 7-sty hrick stores and warehouse;
cost, $30,000; owners, Jacob & Michael Dreiserj
.500 Sth av ; architect. Henry Otis Chapman, 334
Sth av. Plan No. 2262.
.5TH AV, 570, masonry and new skylight to
7-sty brick offices and lofts; cost, $3,000; own¬
er. Byam K. Stevens, 570 Sth av; architects.
Sawyers & Murphy, 112 West 42d st. Plan No.
STH .AV, 637. small extension to 3-sty brick
IITH ST, 246-260, extension to 7-sty brick
offices ; cost, $5,000 ; owner, Otis Bldg. Co., Wm.
D. Baldwin. Pres., 2.50 11th av; architects,
Clinton & Russell, 32 Nassau st. Plan No.
clubhouse ; cost, $800 ; owner, John L.
Cadv, al.^.-
der, 40 Wall st; architect, Horace G. Knapp
111 Broadway. Plan No. 2253.
STH AV, 67, reset building front to 5-sty
brick store and lofts; cost. $500; owner, Wil¬
liam Bryce, Jr., 20 West 54th st; architect, A.
Wallace McCrea, 23 East 15th st. Plan No.
OTH AY. 706, reset show windows to 5-stv
brick stores, offices and dwelling; cost $7.50;
owner, Cyrllle Carreau. 796 6th av; architect.
Max Muller, 115 Nassau st. Plan No. 2257.
6TH AV, 632, new show window to 4-sty
brick stores and dwelling; cost, $300; owner,
John Fein, C.32 eth av; architect, John H.
Friend, 148 Alexander av. Plan No. 2100.
OTH AV, 885, 600-gallon tank to 5-sty hrick
store and tenement; cost, $1,711. owner?. .Me¬
lissa .A.. Pell et al, 77 East SSth st; architect
F. Livingston Pell, 158 East 63d st. Plan No.
6TH AV, 447. reset store front to 5-sty brick
stores; cost, $300; owner, Henry Blyn, 447 6th
av; architect, Edward J. Clark, 340 Madison
av. Plan No. 2210.
6TH AV, 1021-23, reset building front to 5-
sty hrick stores and tenement; cost, $1 200:
owner, Geo. W. Clausen, Sharon Springs. N'. Y. ;
architect, Robert H. Maynicke, 25 We'st 42d st
Plan No. 2271.
STH AV and 14TH ST. nwc, masonry to 1
and 3-sty hrick and stone hank; cost. $3.000;
owners. Trustees ot New York Savings Bank,
Sth av and 14th st; architect. Alexander M
Welch, 11 East 42d st. Plan No. 2199.
STH AV, 619, alterations to 4-sty brick
stores and tenement; cost, $175; owner, Lee
Kamoiner, 301 West 40th si, architect H U
Moore, 735 St. Mark's pl, Brooklyn. Plan No.
STH AV, 2125, reset store front to 5-sty
brick store and hotel ; cost, .$200 ; owner Aaron
Alexander, 143 West 120th st; architect,
Raffael J. Walkenstein, 1876 Belmont av. Plan
No. 2165.
STH AV, 2210. new store front and partitions
to o-sty hrick tenement; cost, $1..50O; owner
Geo. Ehret, 2.35 East 02d st; architect, Lena
Kern. 424 East 02d st. Plan No. 2231.
9TH AV, 154. reset store front to 4-sty brick
store and dwelling; cost, $600; owner Mar-
grette H. Edgar. 640 Cooper st. Camden, N. J ■
architects, R. D. Talmage, 215 7th av. Plaii
No. 2175.
DORSEY ST. n s, 9!I.3S w Hubbel st, new
show 'vindow to 3-sty frame dwelling; cost,
$Hio; owner. Guiseppe Parrlllo. on premises;
architect. Henry .Nordheim, 1087 Tremont av.
Plan -No. .3.33.
161 ST ST, n s. 21 e Jackson av, 1-sty brick
extension. 21x10, to 2-sty brick store and dwell¬
ing ; cost, .$800; owner, Samuel Kuenstler, 45
East 2d st; architect. Lucian Pisciotta, 391
East 149th St. Plan No. 332.
165TH ST, n e cor Prospect av. new dumb
waiter shaft to 4-sty brick tenement; cost. $1.50;
owner, .lohn Perthlkis on premises; architect.
Gustave Schwarz. 302 East 158th st. Plan No.
lO.STH ST. 942. new store front, new parti¬
tions to 2-sty frame store and dwelling; cost,
$1,200; owner. Morris Flasterstein, 1078 South¬
ern blvd; architect, Max Cohn, 1017 Intervale
av. Plan -No. 331.
191 ST ST. 5S0, 1-sty frame extension, 20x90,
to 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, .$400; owner,
Rosino Gellite on premises; architect, Gustav
Schwarz. .302 East 1.58th st. Plan No. .3.30.
PARKER .\V, es. 100 n Lyon av, move 2-sty
frame dwelling; cost. $1,000; owner. Conrad
Dignus. on premises; architect. Henry Nord¬
heim, 10S7 Tremont av. Plan No. 329.
TRE.MONT AV, n w cor Zerega av. raise to
grade, 2-sty frame hotel ; cost, $1,500; owner,
Emma Teulner. on premises; architect Wra
Kurtzer, 192 Bowery. Plan No. 323.
VAN NEST AV, 539, move 2-sty frame dwell¬
ing ; cost, $500; owner. Helen Wegner, 887
.Tackson av ; architect. Aii^ton Pirner, 2069 West¬
chester av. Plan No. 32(.
VAN NEST AV, s e cor Van Buren st, move
two 2 & 3-sty frame stores and dwellings ; cost,
$1.0nO; owner, Louis Mazza, on premises: ar¬
chitect. Anton Pirner, 2069 Westchester av.
Plan No. 328.
VAN NEST AV. s s. 422 w Bronxdale rd,
move 2-sty frame dwelling; cost. $800; owner.
Annie Noack, on premises; architect. T. .1.
Kelly. 643 Morris Park av. Plan No. 335.
V.\N NEST .W. s s. .52 w Van Buren st. move
2-sty frame store and dwelling; cost. $1,200;
owner, .A.ngelo Marrone. 512 Van Nest av ■ archi¬
tect, T. J. Kelly, 643 Morris Park av. Plan
No 334.
W^■VSHINGTON AV, 1815. new front and
sidewalk to 1-sty stone synagogue ; cost. $2,500 ;
owners. Congregation Zerah Jacoh. on premises •
architect, Nathan Langer, 81 East 125th st!
Plan No. 325.
3D AV, e s. 92 s 172d st, new show -window
to .5-sty brick store and tenement; cost. $2.50;
owner. Marie Weindorf, 11.33 Clay av; archi¬
tect. M. W. Del Gaudio, 401 Tremont ay. Plan
No. 324.
3D AV, es, 119 s 172d st, new show windows
to 5-sty brick tenement; cost. $250; owners.
Kahn & Ernst, 2.540 Grand av; architect, M.
W. Del Gaudio, 401 Tremont av. Plan No. 326
ADAMS ST, s e cor Concord st, interior al¬
terations to school: cost, .$900; owner. City ot
New York; architect, H M. Devoe, 131 Liv¬
ingston St. Plan No. 3829.
BERGEN ST, n s, 3.35 w Vanderbilt av. exter¬
ior and interior alterations to shop; cost. $1.50;
owner. Peter F. Rielly, 614 Dean st; architect,
n. A. Lucas. 98 3d st. Plan No. 394.3.
CARROLL ST. n s, 90 e Franklin av, plumb¬
ing to 3-stv dwelling; cost, $200; owner, Jos.
Leonard. 959 Carroll st: or-hitect, Jas. F. Bly
422 St Marks av. Plan 3862.
COLUMBI.A. ST, s e cor Amity st. Interior
alterations to school; cost. $1,200; owner City
of New York ; architect. H. M. Devoe, 131 Liv¬
ingston St. Plan No. 38.31.
COLUMBIA ST, s e cor Carroll st. exterior
alterations to 2-sty store and dwelling; cost
$600; owner, Florence L. Leeds, 2249 Church
av; architect, M. A. Cantor, 39 West 38th st
N. Y. Plan No, 3915.
CRESCENT ST. e s. 50 s Glen st, exterior
and interior alterations to .3-sty dwelling; cost
$.500; owner, Robert Armet. 493 Chestnut st ■'
architect. A. Talje, 106 Van Siclen av. Plan
No. 3852.
DEAN ST. s s. 122 w Smith st. interior al¬
terations to tenement; cost, $1.50; owner Jas
Conlon, 62 Dean st; architect, W. J. Conwa7
400 Union st. Plan No. 38SS.
ELLERY ST. n s, 75 w Beaver st. exterior
and interior alterations to tenement; cost
$1.50; owner, Muir Kanler. 268 Ellery st; ar¬
chitect. Hy. M. Entlick, 29 Montrose "av. Plan
No. 3.89.5.
FRONT ST, s w cor Garrison st. exterior and
interior alterations to 4-stv store and tene¬
ment: cost. $300; owner. Nicola Molinarl 49
Main st; architect, W. J. Conway, 400 Union st.
Plan No. 3S.3S.
FULTON ST, w s, 78 s Flatbush av, new
electric sign; cost, $300; owner, Desmond
Dunne. 176 Montague st; architect, Natl. Elec.
S'gn Co.. 61 Hudson st, Jersey City. Plan
1> 0. oojo.
FULTON ST. n s, 80.7 w Dresden st. ex¬
terior and interior alterations to 3-stv store
and dwelling; cost. .$3.50; owner. Robt. Stoll-
mack, 2631 Atlantic av; architect, Louis P.
Schillinger. 167 Van Siclen av. Plan No. 3902.
GREEN ST, s s, 175 w Provost st, l-sty hrick
extension. 18.2x11.6 to factory; cost. $600;
owner, Manhattan Steam Dyeing Co., 2.54 Dean
st ; architect. Gustave Erda, 826 Manhattan av
Plan No. 3860.
HARRISON ST. s s. 103.8 w Court st. interior
alterations to school; cost. $500; owner. Con¬
gregation Beth Israel, ,87 1st pl : architect W
J. Conway, 400 Union st. Plan No. 3889. ' -
HULL ST, s s, 140 w Eastern Parkway, ex¬
terior and interior alterations to tenement;
cost, $600; owner, Maria Gronfeld, 1064 Han¬
cock st; architect, Walter B. Wills, 1181 Myr¬
tle av. Plan .No. 3849.
HU.NTI.NGTON ST, s s, 100 e Hicks st, new
toilet, etc., to 3-sty dwelling; cost, $ltX); own¬
er. Realty Associates, 162 Remsen st; archi¬
tect, Benj. Driesler, 153 Montague st. Plan
.No. .3931.
LEO.NARD ST, e s, 88 n Grand st. exterior
and interior alterations to shop; cost. $500;
owner. Max Labrin, 114V2 sumner av; archi¬
tects. Brook & Rosenberg, 350 Fulton st. Plaii
No. 3887.
LEON.\RD ST, w s, 25 n Skillman av, ex¬
tension to 3-sty tenement; cost, 150; owner,
Salvatore Palazzo. 3.35 Leonard st ; architect.
C. P. Cannella, 60 Graham av. Plan No. 3845.
MILTON ST, s s, 418.6 e Franklin av, 2-sty
brick extension, 10.6x16.6, to dwelling; cost,
$2,000; owner. American Mfg. Co., West and
.Noble st: architect, Wm. Higginson, 21 Park
Row, N. Y. Plan No. :i913.
P.4CIFIC ST, s s. 375 w Carlton av, exterior
and interior alterations to stable; cost, $1.50;
owner, Abraham Tuehtel, 296 15th st; architect.
Chas. Gallo, 00 Graham av. Plan No. 3948.
S.\CKETT ST, s s, 115.6 e Hicks st, interior
alterations to 4-sty store and tenement; cost,
$2.50; owner, Salvatore Moseley, 184 Sackett st;
architects. Brook & Rosenberg, 350 Fulton st.
Plan No. 3.846.
ST. JOHN'S PL, s s, 100 w Sth av, exterior
alterations to dwelling; cost, $1,21X>; owner,
Jas. Rowland, 240 St. John's pl; architect, A.
G. Bausiner, 240 St. John's pl. Plan No. 3919.
SMITH ST, w s, 72.1 s Bergen st. extension
to store; cost, $l,OtXi; owner, Sam'l Rabinowitz,
1.54 Smith st; architect. W. J. Conway, 400
Union St. Plan No. 3949.
TE.V EYCK ST, s s, 100 e Graham av, ex¬
terior and interior alterations to 4-sty store
and tenement; cost, $700; owner, Michl. Glass¬
er, 170 Ten Eyck st; architect, E. J. Messinger,
394 Graham av. Plan No. 3930.
UNION ST, n s. 98 w Henry st, interior al¬
terations to school; cost, $850: owner.
City ot New York; architect. H. M. Devoe, 131
Livingston St. Plan No. 3832.
W.ARWICK ST, n w cor Livonia av, exterior
and interior alterations to stable; cpst, $200:
owner, Harris Wachtel, 674 Warwick st; archi¬
tect, B, Dennis, 241 Schenck av. Plan No. 3910.
.NORTH 1ST ST, ns, 413 w Bedford av. new
ele^-ator; cost, $300; owner, Wright Cake Co..
i4( North 1st st; architect. Otis Elevator Co.,
2.50 11th St. Plan No. 3940.
42D ST, n s. 100 e 16 av, 2-sty brick exten¬
sion. 17x10 to dwelling; cost. $350; owner and
architect, Walter C. Burton, 1611 42d st. Plan
OOTH ST, n s, 300 e 11th av, 1-sty frame ex¬
tension, 20x8, to store and dwelling ; cost, $350;
owner, Jos. Peterson, 67th st & 11th av; archi¬
tect, C. M. Detlefsen, 6 Sullivan st. Plan No.
3S37. I 4
EAST 94TH ST, e s, 120.7 n Skidmore lane,
exterior and interior alterations to 3-sty dwell¬
ing; cost, $:jOO; owner, Solomon Sehufeith, on
premises; architect, Frank P. Smith, 992 East
U5th St. Plan No. 3S34.
ATLA.NTIC AV, s s, 193.6 w Smith st, interior
alterations to tenement; cost, $3.50; owner,
Barnet Levy, 2.58 Atlantic av ; architect, W. J.
Conway, 400 Union st. Plan No. 3897.
ATL.ANTIC AV, n e cor Nevins st. exterior
alterations to 3-sty store and dwelling; cost.
$1.000; owner, Welz & Zerweck, Myrtle and
Wyckoff avs; architects, Shampan & Shampan,
772 Eway. Plan No. 3958.
.ATLANTIC AV, s s, 134 e Henry st, plumbing
to factory; cost, $3,500; owner, Gasan Thomp¬
son Co., 124 Atlantic av ; architect, Hy Entlich,
29 Montrose av. Plan No. 3056.
BEDFORD AV, e s, 62.11 n Prospect pi, new
electric sign; cost, $200; owner, I. Clark, 351
Franklin av; architect, Jas. B. Crowley, 302
West 122d st, N. Y. Plan No. 3871.
CHESTER AV, es, 100 n Sutter av, exterior
and interior alterations to 3-sty dwelling; cost,
$800: owner, .Abe Silkherg, 179 Chester st; ar¬
chitect. Max Hirsch, 391 Fulton st. Plan No.
CHRISTOPHER AV, e s, 100 s Pitkin av,
pluiubtng and interior alterations to syna¬
gogue; cost, $1,100; owner, Jacob Loffen, 141
Christopher av; architect, E. M. Adelsohn,
1776 Pitkin av. Plan No. 3914.
CHURCH AV, n s, 214 w Bedford av, Interior
alterations to fire house ; cost, $500 ; owner, City
of New York ; architect, Jas. P. Ruhill, 157 East
67th st, N. Y. Plan No. 3827.
CL.ASSON -AV, w s, S5 n Bergen st, exterior
and interior alterations to tenement; cost, $250;
owner, Vito Competiello, on premises; archi¬
tects. Brook & Rosenberg, 350 Fulton st. Plan
No. 3847.
DE KALB AV, s s, 216.4 e Myrtje av, ex¬
tension to 3-sty dwelling; cost, $1.3o0; owner,
C. H. Arne, 1352 DeKalb av; architect, E. J.
Messinger, 394 Graham av. Plan No. 3928.
DE KALB AV. — —, 205 e Nostrand av.
plumbing to 3-sty dwelling; cost. $150; owner,
J. E. Henry, Bedford av and Fulton st; archi¬
tect, Wm. Thunda, 412 Tompkins av. Plan No.
FLATBUSH AV. e s. 86 s Fulton st, new
electric sign: cost, $:300; owner, Desmond
Dunne, 176 Montague st; architect, Natl. Elec.
Sign Co., 61 Hudson st, Jersey City. Plan No.
GRAHAM AV, e s, 50 s Devoe st. extension to
3-sty store and dwelling; cost, $1,000; owner,
Cath. Schmidt, 320 GVaham av; architect,
Louis Allmendlnger, 926 Broadway. Plan No.
GRAVESEND AV, w s, 81.10 s Av S, plumb¬
ing to 2-sty dwelling; cost, $125; owner, Mary
E. Dooley, 2086 Gravesend av; architect, S. H.
O'Connor, 2472 Gravesend av. Plan No. 3892.