April 24, 1915
drew De Lorenzo, care architect, Louis A. Shein¬
art, 105 Bowery. Plan No. 142.
.3STH ST. 328-310 West, and 37th st. 329-27
West. 1-sty brick open air moving picture and
dance hall, 250x50x100; cost. $10,000; owner
Wm. D. Mann. 489 5th av; architects, Koehler.
Spyr & Farrington. 4S0 5th av. Plan No. 133.
206TH ST. 387 West. 1-sty fireproof temporary
blacksmith's shop, 30x1.â–º; cost. $200; owner,
Alexander Walker. Columbils av and 81st st,
care Colonial Bank ; architect none. Plan No.
238TH ST. n s, 50 w Review pl, 5-sty brick
tenement, slag roof. 50x88; cost, $40.000; own¬
er. 238th St. Const. Co.. Abraham Stolwein, 600
East 107th St. Pres. ; architect, Fred Hammond.
301 East 140th st. Plan No. 203.
in.^TH ST, n e cor Bryant av. two 5-sty brick
tenements. 40xS8. 70x00. slag roof ; cost, $120,-
000; owners. Bryant Av & I65th St Constn. Co..
Inc, Chas. Richardson, 1278 Bryant av. Pres. :
architect, Kreymborg Architectural Co., 1029
East 163d St. Plan No. 204.
GRAND CONCOURSE, e s, 07.02 n 182d st. 5-
sty brick tenement, 50x70.6. plastic slate roof ;
cost, $40.000; owner. Alexander Wilson, on prem¬
ises ; architect. Trenmnt Architectural Co., 401
Tremont a v. Plan No. 20fi.
WEBSTER AV, e s, 50 n 182d st. two 5-sty
brick tenements. 50x78, 50xSl. plastic slate roof;
cost, $05,000; owners, McEvoy & Koester Cont.
Co.. John M. Koester. 1002 Marmion av, Pres.;
architect, Tremont Architectural Co.. 401 Tre¬
mont av. Plan No. 205.
146TH ST. 233. 1-sty frame shed. 25x13; cost,
$200; owner, Nicola Massa, on premises; archi¬
tect. Lucian Pisciotta. 301 East 149th st. Plan
No. 202.
22D AV. s e cor 85th st, 1-sty brick syna¬
gogue. 80x60, gravel roof; cnst, $30,000; owner,
Peoples Temple. 1.33 Bay 28th st: architects,
Eisendrath S- Horowitz, 500 5th av, Manhattan.
Plan No. 2581.
MERMAID AV, n w cor West 23d st. 2-sty
brick synagogue. .50x80. tin roof; cost. $20,000;
owner. Sea Gate Sisterhood Sl Talmud T'horah.
on premises; architect, R. T. Schaeffer. 1.526
Flatbush av. Plan No. 2682.
WEST 30TH ST, w s. 260.4 s Mermaid av. 1-
sty frame dwelling. 12x27,8, gravel roof, 1 fam¬
ilv ; cost, $800; owner, Mrs. Minnie Schneider.
436 Grove st. .Tersev Citv : architect. Geo. H.
Suess, 2966 West 20th st. Plan No. 2610.
5STH ST. s s. 80 w 20th av. 2-sty brick dwell¬
ing, 20x68. gravel roof. 2 families; cost. $4,-
800: owner. Up-to-Date Bldg. Co.. 1.54 Nassau
St. Manhattan; architects, Archibald & Baily.
154 Nassau st. Manhattan. Plan Nn. 250.3.
.58TH ST. s s. 100 w 20th av. six 2-sty brick
dwellings. 13.4x45. gravel roof, 1 family each ;
total cost, $15,600; owner. Up-to-Date Bldg Co..
154 Nassau st. Manhattan: architects. Archibald
Sl Baily, 154 Nassau st, Manhattan. Plan No.
13TH AV. w s, 80 s 46th st, 2-sty frame dwell¬
ing, 24X.54. shingle roof, 2 families; cost. $6,000;
owner. Morris Wolok. 4.515 14tb av : architect,
Saml. Gardstein. 1168 4.5th st. Plan No. 2589.
EAST TTH ST e s. 100 n Av H. 2-sty frame
dwelling, 16x37. shingle roof. 1 family ; cost.
$3.000; owner, .John J. McCormack. 215 Mon¬
tague st; architect. Geo, E. Crane, 2706 Jamaica
av. Plan No. 2636.
EAST TTH ST. e s, 140 n Av H. 2-sty framo
dwelling. 17x37. shingle roof, 1 family ; cost.
.$3,000; owner. .Tohn J. McCormack. 215 Mon¬
tague st: architPct. Ceo. E. Crane, 2706 Jamaica
av. Plan No. 2635.
EAST 22D ST, w s. 220 s Av M, 2-sty frame
dwelling. 25x48, shingle roof, 1 family : cost,
$4,500; owners, Albert Parkin S: ano. .5 Canarsie
lane; architect. Emanuel Kaiser. 68 East 04th
St. Manhattan. Plan No. 2630.
AV H. n s. 100 e E Tth st, 2-sty frame dwelling,
16X.37, shingle roof. 1 family; cost, $3,000; own¬
er. John J. McCormack. 215 Montague st ; archi¬
tect. Geo. E. Crane, 2706 Jamaica av. Plan No.
MIDWOOD ST, n s, 263.5 e Flatbush av.
seven 2-sty brick dwellings. 20x56, gravel roof,
1 family each; total cost. $35,000: owner, F. B.
Norris Co., 188 Fennimore st; architects, Slee &
Bryson, 154 Montague st. Plan No. 2741.
UNION ST, s s, 100 w Bedford av. twelve 2-
sty hrick dwellings. 16.8x66, gravel roof; 1 fam¬
ily each: total cost, $54,000; owner. Chas A.
Chase. 470 Franklin av ; architects. Slee Sl Bry¬
son, 154 Montague st. Plan No. 2730.
EAST 40TH ST. e s. 137.6 n Av J, two 2-sty
frame dwellings, 17x42, slag roof, 1 family each :
total cost, $500; owner. Gustave A. Johnson,
TOth st and ITth av ; architect, Hy Vollmeilla
606 Bushwick av. Plan No. 2T33.
73D ST, n s.lOO w 15th av. two 2-sty brick
dwellings, 20x45, gravel roof, 1 family each ;
total cost, $6,000 ; owner, Michael Di Pietro, 1138
40th st; architects, De Rosa & Sairgano. 1.50
Nassau st. Manhattan. Plan No. 2723.
WYONA ST. w s. 80 s Belmont av. 2-stv brick
dwelling, 20x55. gravel roof, 2 families"; cost.
$3,500; owner, Max Miller, 326 Wyona st; archi¬
tect. Chas. Infanger, 2634 Atlantic av. Plan No.
EAST 15TH ST. w s, 300 n Av F, six 2-sty
brick dwellings, 16x40. gravel roof. 1 familv
each ; total cost, $15,000: owner. Hy Somerfield.
2337 East Uth st; architect. Fredk. J. Dassau,
1373 Broadway. Plan No. 2675.
EAST 15TH ST. w s, 400 n Av X, six 2-sty
brick dwellings, 16x40, gravel roof. 1 family
each ; total cost, $15,000; owner, Hy. Somer¬
field, 2337 East llth st: architect, F. J. Dassau,
1373 Broadway. Plan No. 2676.
BUSHWICK AV. w s, 72.2 n Linden st. 2-sty
brick dwelling. 23x.5!l.6. tile roof, 1 family ; cost,
.fS.OOU; owner. Richard Webber. 46 Sumner av ;
architect. Walter B. Wills, 1181 Myrtle av. Plan
No. 2674.
14TH AV, n e cor 4.5th st. five .3-sty brick
stores and dwellings. 20x55. gravel roof, 2 fam¬
ilies each; total cost, $21,500; owner. R. Van-
derveen Co., 901 52d st; architect. R. Vander-
veen Co.. 061 52d st. Plan No. 2600.
82D ST, n e cor Shore rd, 2-sty brick dwell¬
ing, 40.10x44, shingle roof, 1 family; cost. $14.-
000; owuer, Edw. W. Clark, 321 Chestnut st,
Philadelphia; architects, Slee & Bryson, 154
Montague st. Plan No. 2773.
8;^D ST. n s. 220 w llth av. 2-sty frame dwell¬
ing. 20.4x38.8. slate roof, 1 family ; cost, $4.-
500; owner. A. E. Parfitt. 1066 .82d st: archi¬
tect, A. E. Parfitt, 1066 S2d st. Plan No. 277T.
BUSHWICK AV, e s, 40.2 s Suydam st, three
3-sty brick garages and dwellings, 20.8x48.6,
gravel roof, 2 families each; total cost, $13,500;
owner, John G. Paul, 29 Bushwick av; archi¬
tect, Louis Allmendinger. 926 Broadway. Plan
Xo. 2758.
BUSHWICK AV, w s, 108.1 n Linden st, 2-sty
brick dwelling. 23x48.6. tile roof, 1 family; cost.
$8.fM:)0; owner. Anna H. Huss, 46 Sumner av;
architect, W. B. Wills. 1181 Myrtle av. Plan
Xo. *2T84.
15TH AV. w s, 360 s Bath av, 2-sty brick
dwelling. 30x32, slag roof, 1 family; cost. $4,-
IHM): owner. Anna Damian. 232 East 56th st.
Manhattan ; architects, Glucroft & Glucroft, 671
Broadway. Plan No. 2TT6.
COLERIDGE ST, w s. IM) s Oriental blvd.
2sty brick dwelling, ;^2x53. tile roof, 1 family ;
cost, $6,000; owner, Wm. H. Tanner, 804 East
Oth st; architect, Lindsay Architectural Co.,
Sikeston, Mo. Plan No. 2833.
EASTERN PKWAY, s s. 446.5 e Buffalo av.
2-sty brick dwelling, 18x60, slag roof, 2 fami¬
lies : cost, $5,0(X>; owner. Herman Shapiro, 112
Dumont av ; architect, E. M. Adelsohn, 1776
Pitkin av. Plan No. 2818.
H;TH ST. s s, 224.7 w Oth av. 1-sty brick
shop. 32.10x35. slate roof; cost, .$000; owner,
Saml. Ritzer, 2TT Prospect av ; architects, Thode
& Harvey, 406 Oth st. Plan No. 2T15.
DEGRAW ST. n s, 75 w Van Brunt st, 4-sty
brick packing house. 2.5x100, gravel roof; cost,
.$30,000; owner. International Provision Co., ,33
Degraw st; architect, Chas. Weiner, 6T Berkely
pl. Plan No. 2739.
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