July 21, 1917
Broadway. (S;2229-l-4 & 51-52). nec
211th 133.llxSuxyy.11x139.3, vacant; A$37_,-
UUU-37.UUU; also 211TH ST AV (5:2229-So-
4S), ns. 150 w 10 av, 350x99.11. vacant; A
$4y.0O0-49.U00; also 211TH SH W (8:2229-
33-34), ns. luO w 10 av, 50x99.11, vacant;
A$7,000-7,UOO; also lUTH AV (8:2229-29-
32), nwc 211th, 99.11x100. vacant; A$24,-
5UO-24,5U0; Morewood Realty Holding Go,
61 Bwuy. to West Farms Constn Co. 30 E
42- B&S & CaO- AL; Julyl7; Julyl8'17.
Broadway (S:2229). nec 211th; also
211TH ST AV (8:2229), ns, 150 w 10 av;
also 211TH ST AV (8:2229). ns, 100 w 10
av also lOTH AV (8:2229), nwc 211th,
same prop- AVest Farms Constn Co to Her¬
ald Squai-e Realty Co. 30 E 42; B&S & Ca
G; Julyl7: Julyl8'17. nom
East End av (5:15S3-S1B), swc S7th (No
558), runs s20xwS4.7xs9.lxw9.7xn5.6xe6.6xn
2.Sxe5xnl6.7 to st xe34.1 to beg, with right
of way through basement hall in 556 E
87, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Belle Frank to
Belle wife. & John G Frank, 55S E 87. as
tenants by entirety: AL; JulylO; Julyl9'17;
A$5,500-7.000. nom
Lexington av, 726 (5:1313-15). ws, 40.5 n
5Sth, 20x69.11, 3-sty stn tnt & str; Emma
R Holmes of Peiham, NY, to James Bren¬
nan, 51 E 96; mtg $23,000; Julyl7: JulylS
'17; A $24,000-30.000. nom
Madison av, 741 (5:1379-521/2), es. S3.9 s
65th, 16.8x60. 5-sty stn tnt & str; Nathalie
T Stewart to Thos E Wynne & Annabelle
Treanor, 594 Park av; mtg $27,500 & AL;
Junel4; Julyl6'17: A$25,000-33,000.
O G ^- 100
Madison av, 1542 (6:1610-17), ws, 83.10 n
104th. 17.1x70. 4-sty stn tnt & str; Ger¬
trude H Calisher. by Henry C Leman,
GDN, to Belle Calisher. 544 W 157; AT;
B&S; Julyl6'17: A$S,200-11.000. 2,148.84
Pleasant av, 2S9 (6:1709-23), ws. 60.7 n
115 th. 15x74. 3-sty stn tnt; Antonio
Trezza to Crestina Trezza, both at 289
Pleasant av; AL; July7; Julyl7'17; A$4.-
000-5,000. O C & 100
Riverside dr, 450 (7:1990-61). es. 225 n
116th, 84x100. 10-sty bk tnt: Helena L G
Asinari. 465 West End av, to Olds Hold¬
ing Corpn. 217 Bway; mte: $255,000 & AL;
Junel2; JulylS'17; A$130,000-340.000.
O G & 100
St Nicliolas av. sec 133d, see ISSd, 314 W.
St Nicholas av. 1090 (8:2121-24). sec
165th, 113x84.1x105.10x123.7. 6-sty bk tnt;
Chas G AVeir, EXR &c Susan M Weir, to
Jos H Arnold. 1367 Plimpton av; mtg $159,-
500; Julyl2; Julyl3'17: A$72,000-195,000.
10,O0O over & above mtg
St Nicholas av, 1090, sec 165th; Jos H
Arnold to Helene Ahrens. 601 W 190; mtg
$159,500; Julyl2: Julyl3'17. O C & 100
St Nicholas av, 1471-5 (8:2165-63), swc
184th (No 602), 49.11x100. 5-sty bk tnt &
strs; Fredk Vagts to Gustave F Boehme,
220 Audubon av; mtg $75,000 & AL; July
14; Julyl7'17: A$45,000-85.000. O C & 100
1ST av, 775-7 (5:1336-29-30), swc 44th,
50.5x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 6-sty bk
loft & str bldg; Henry Frank et al. EXRS
&c Jacob Fleischhauer et al to Swift &
Co cor 41st & Packers av. Union Stock
Yard. Chicago. Ill: mtg $15,000 & AL; Julv
7; Julyl7'17: A$30.000-54,500. nom
1ST av, SSG-94. see 50th. 401-3 E.
2D av, 2085 (6:1657-24). ws. 101.7 s 108th.
25x73. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Michele Giacini,
2085 2 av. to Carmelo La Via. 2089 2 av;
mtg $12,500 & AL; JulylS; Julyl9'17; A$8,-
500-14.500. O C & 100
2D av, 2291 (6:1667-24), ws. 75.8 n 117th.
25.3x110. 1-stv fr str & stable; Jno J Brady.
Jr, ref. to Citv N Y, plff: sub to all taxes
&c: FORECLOS Junel4: Julyl2; Julyl3'17;
A$10.000-10.500. 500
4TH av. 437 (3:885-90). es. 39.6 s 30th.
19.9x60. 4-stv stn tnt & str; Etagioc Hold¬
ing Co to John Rogers. 102 E 30: B&S &
CaG; mtg $30,000; June2S: Julyl7'17: A
$50,000-54.000. nom
STH av, 049 (5:1287-69). sec 52d (No 2).
50.5x100. 5-sty stn str; Morton F Plant,
of Grot on. Conn, to Louis J Cartier. at
Paris. France. & Pierre C Cartier. 701 5
av AL- JanS: Julyl4'17: A$800.000-925.000.
O C & 100
.5TH av, 1449 (6:1623-72). es. 75.11 s
llSth. 25x85, 5-stv bk tnt &. strs; Richd A
Farrelly to Sidem Building Co, 30 E 42;
B&S & CaG; mtg $16,500; Julyl6'17: A$18.-
000-27,500. O C & 100
OTH av, 21 (2:589-33). ws. abt 200 n
Carmine. 17.6x100. 4-sty bk tnt & str; Wm
Lustgarten & Co to Realty Redemption
Co of N Y. 68 William; JulyS; Julyl6'17;
A$9.50ft-12,000. nom
OTH av. nwe. 33d. see Bwav. 1293-1311.
OTH av, swe 34th, see Bway. 1293-1311.
7TH av. 1S07-15 (7:1820-61). sec 111th
(No 154). 100.11x110. 6-stv bk tnt; Duluth
Keaity Corpn to D H Jackson Co. 135
Bway: mtg $230,000 & AL; Julyl7: JulvlS
•17: A$120,000-235.000. O C & 100
7TH av, 2432-S (7:2027-34-36). swc 142d
(No 200). 74.11x75x74.10x75. 3-5-sty stn
tnts & strs; Emanuel Kanarvogel to City
Real Estate Co. 176 Bwav; B&S & CaG: A
L: June2S: Julv7'17: A$42.400-74.000. (Cor¬
rects error in last issue when grantor was
Em^inuel Kanaroerel.) O C & 100
STH nv. 2n05-7 (7:2047-12). ws. 37.6 s
154th. 37.6x100. 6-stv bk tnt & strs: Louts
Hanck to Morland Mtg Co. 120 Bwav: B&S-
mtfr $33,500; JulylO; JulylS'17- A$13.500-
40.0ft0. nom
OTH av. 204 (3:746-4). ses. abt 75 n
22d. 24.8x100. 6-stv bk tnt & strs; An-
tonetta. wife .lohn Pnlmer. individ & EXR
& hPir Fortunnta Palmer to John Palmer
Bealtv Cornn. 205 8 avr mrs- $26,000- Julv
13- Jnlvl7'17: A$15.000-32.000. norn
lOTH av, nwc 211th, see Bway. nec 211.
Borough of Manhattan.
13TH st E. nwc 1 av, see 1 av, 219-21.
SOTH st, 150-2 W, see 7 av. 529-35.
43D st, 504 W (4:1071-37), ss, 100 w 10
av, 25x100.5, 5-sty stn tnt; re mfg; Rudolph
Pfeiffer to Martha E Brenner, 840 West
End av; 2-5 of h^ pt; QC; JulylO; JulylS
'17; A$10,000-19,000. 2,400
45TH st, 2S-30 E, see Mad av. 347-55.
SOTH st E, swc 2 av, see 2 av, 1121.
75TH st, 4-0 E (5:1389-65), ss, 160 e 5
av, runs e50.Sxs7.2 xw ,05J^xs60.1 xe .OS^^xs
34.9xw50.3xnlO2.2 to beg. 4-sty & b stn
dwg, 1-sty ext; re mtg; Saml D Collins, of
Plalnfield, NJ. to Nathaniel L McCready,
4 E 75; Julyl2; Julyl3'17; A$160.000-230,-
000. nom
SOTH st, 520 E (5:1585-42). ss, 250 e Av
A. IS.9x100.8, 2-sty & b stn dwg; court
order reforming & correcting deeds; re¬
corded JanS. 1S90. & Janl5, 1S92, & that
defts have no right, title, &c, therein; Liz¬
zie M Schappert, plff, agt John A Schap-
pert, individ & EXR Theresa Schappert. &
et al; Julyl2; Julyl8'17: A$5,500-6,500.
court order
lllTH st, 154 W, see 7 av, 1807-15.
Madison av, 347-55 (5:1279-48), sec 45th
(Nos 28-30), 125.5x125. 7-sty bk loft & str
bldg; sobrn of Ls to mtgs for $1,500,000;
August Heckscher, of Huntington, LI,
owner, & Todd & Robertson, Inc, lessee,
with Prudential Ins Co of America, 763
Broad st. Newark, NJ; May28; Julyl3'17;
A$l,000.000-1.100,000. nom
Riverside dr. S34-6 (8:2136), ns. 288.1 n
15Sth, runs nl47.1 to pt 125 s 160th xw50x
S126.5 to ns of dr xe54.2 to beg; asn rents
to secure $7,000; Gustavius Constn Co. 834
Riverside dr, to Chas A Eberhardt, 413 E
137. Bronx; Dec21'16: Julyl4"17. nom
1ST av, 210-21 (2:455). nwc 13th, 43.Sx
SO; consent to Sd track; Nellie L Roedels.
of Palisade, NJ, & ano, EXTRXCES &c
Mary A Larkin et al. to Manhattan Rail¬
way Co; Junel2: JulylS'17. 7S9.92
2D av, 1121 (5:1332). swc 59th, 20.5x65;
consent to Sd track: Josephine del Drago
(Schmid) to Manhattan Railway Co; June
15; Julyl3'17. 1.925.25
2D av, 1441 (5:1430). nwc 75th, 25.6x105;
consent to 3d track; Henry Schneider, 139
E 16, to Manhattan Railway Co; mtg $25,-
000; Junel5; Julyl8'17. 352.47
2D av, 1441; consent to 3d track; Geo F
Droste. mtgee, to same: mtg $25,000; June
26; JulylS'17. nom
2D av. 2330 (6:1796), es, 20.11 s 120th. 20
xSO, owned by party 1st pt, & land adj
above on e, owned by party 2d pt; agmt
as to encroachment. &c: Jacob Hirsch, 411
E 51. with Chas C Watkins Jr, 417 E 122;
Mayl7'16: Julvl6'17. nom
3D av, 1565 (5:1533); consent to 3d
track; Helen A Green, mtgee, to Manhat¬
tan Railway Co; mtg $5,000; Janl8; Julv
17'17. nom
3D av, 18S3 (6:1654). nec 104th. 20x100;
consent to Sd track; Flow Realty Co, 764
West End av, to Manhattan Railway Co;
mtg $20,000; AprlO; Julvl8*17. 131.60
3D av, 1SS3: consent to Sd track; Emi¬
grant Indust Savgs Bank, mtgee, to same;
mtg $20,000: Junel; Julyl8"17. nom
3D av. 1S80 (6:1632). ws. 22 n 104th. 28x
72; consent to 3d track; Henry L Wolff. 764
West End av, to Manhattan Railway Co;
mts: $12,500: Aprl4: Julvl8'17. 203
3D av, 1S86; consent to 3d track; Emi¬
grant Indust Savgs Bank, mtgee, to same;
mtg $12,500; Junel; JulvlS'17. nom
3D av. 2.37e-S (6:1777); consent to 3d
track; Isabel A Wall. 150 W 122. et al.
mtgees. to Manhattan- Railway Co; mtg
$5,000: Jan2: Julyl7'17. nom
7TH av. .';20-.'<5 (3:814). sec 39th (Nos
150-2). 100x50. 3-sty bk strs & lofts: as¬
sign rents; Carol Schllo. 146 W 39. to Isaac
Oestreicher. 1409 Bwav; JulvS; JulylS'17.
7TH av. 1807-15 (7:1820-61), sec 111th
(No 154). 100.11x110. 6-sty bk tnt: re mtg:
Edw Bendheim & ano. EXRS Adolph M
Bendheim. to Duluth Realtv Corpn. 280
Mad av; Julyl7: Julyl8'17: A$120.000-235.-
000. 11.000
7TH av. 1807-15 (7:1820-61), sec 111th
mo 154). 100.11x110; asn rents: D H Jack¬
son Co to Jacob Rosenthal, 340 W 86; mtg
J------: Julyl7: Julyl8'17. nom
STH av. 2012 (7:2040); consent to 3d
track: Adele R Wolff, mtgee to Manhattan
R R Co: mtg $5,000; May24: Julyl8'17.
STH nv. 2012; consent to 3d track: Helen
S Marlatt & ano. TRSTES will Ellen E
Ward, for Virginia S Mackay-Smith. mt-
s-ees. to same; mtg $28,000; June2S; July
18'17. nom
All ricrht. title & int of party 1st pt
under deed of trust dnted Dec27'05. bet
Eliz N Blake et al & Reginald Ronalds
et nl. & between same narties & Bertha P.
wife Pierre L Ronalds. Jr. & bv agmt
dated Dec9*05. recited in declaration of
trust. &c: Reginald Ronalds to Mildred
Combs, at Elm Point. Great Neck. LI- AT-
JulylS: Julyl4'17. O C & 100
Interior jrore or strip (4:1081). begins
149.6 s 53d & 250 e 11 av. runs se— to nt
275 e n av & 47.S n 52d xsO.Sxnw— to betr:
re mter: Guaranty Trust Co of N Y. EXR
Amelia Macrlonn. to Warren Leslie, 110 W
69- Julyll- JulvlS'17. nom
PoTTer of atty (miscl); Henry B O'Dono-
hu<^ to Jos .T O'Donohue. Jr. 262 W 7S-
Julvl2: Julvlfi'17. O r K' lOfi
PoTvor of atty (misol): Bridrrpt O'Reinv.
23 Addison rd. Fnirview. Dublin, Ireland,
to McLaughlin, Russell. Coe & Sprague.
165 Bway: JuneS: Julyl7'17. ------
Power of atty (miscl); J Cohen Barn-
styn, manager & owner of "the British &
Continental Trading Co of the Hague, the
Netherlands, to J R Goldberg, of NY: May
24; Julyl7'17. ------
Exemplilied copy will of Roland D
Jones; June25'07: Julyl4'17. will
Borough of Manhattan.
87TH st, 107 E (5:1516-27). ns. abt 170 e
Lex av. —x—, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A$15,-
500-27,000; also MADISON AV. 1778 (6:-
1622-57), ws, abt 50 s 117th. —x—, 5-sty
bk tnt & strs; A$16,500-28,500; Geo A Ger¬
man Est. Emily Schlemmer, 242 E 5. EX¬
TRX; (A) Edw G Pringle, 30 Church. Will
hied June27'17.
Madison av, 1778, see S7th, 167 E.
Borough of the Bronx.
Austin pl. 482 (10:2601), sec 147th, 37.5x
100. 2-sty bk factory: Louis Fabricant,
ref. to Bronx Development Co, 391 E 149;
mtg $2,000: FORECLOS June21; JulylS
17. 500
Arthur st (*), ns. 100 w Elwood pi. SOx
100; River Realty Co, 1005 E 180. to Min¬
nie Issacsun, 952 E 156; Julyl6; JulylS"17.
O C & 100
Bartholdl st (*). ns, 50.8 e Wallace av,
25x95.1; Edw D Dowling, ref. to Dora
Pines, 822 Eastern Pkway. Bklyn, plff;
FORECLOS tax lien Oct30'16; June29; July
18-17. 100
Bartholdl st (*); same prop; Dora Pine^,
Kklyn, to Lillian C Schwartzman, 1455
Carroll, Bklyn; QC; Julyl6; JulylS'17. nom
Beek st, 681 (10:2685), ns, 274.11 e Av
St John. 33.4x125. 4-sty bk tnt: Systell
Holding Co to Harsin Bldg Corpn, 1478
A'yse av; mtg $14,000; Julyl6; Julyl7'17.
O C & 100
Beech ter, 003 (10:2555). ns. 125 w Beek¬
man av, 25x100, 2-sty & a fr dwg; Mary
McNally to Eliz F McNally, 605 Beech ter;
JunelS; JulylG'17. O C & 100
Chisholm st (11:2970). ws, 165.3 s Free¬
man, runs wl20xsll.llxel5xsl7.1xs91.2 to
ws Stebbins av (No 1279) xn54.1 to Chis¬
holm xn47.3 to beg, 5-stv bk tnt: Jonas
Blatt, Yonkers, NY, to Esther Friedman,
317 E 4; mtg $45,000; Julyll; JulylS-17.
^.^. ^ nom
Chisholiu st, nwc Stebbins av, see Chis¬
holm, ws, 165.S s Freeman.
Crotona Park N, 383 (11:2957). ws. 93.10 S
175th, 46.2x198.4x45.4x193.6, vacant; John J
Kuhn, ref. to Edgar N Sidman, 640 West
End av; mtg $7,200; FORECLOS Junel5;
Julyl6; Julyl7'17. 50
Ditntars st, 81 (*). ns, 363.6 w Main, SOx
100; City Island Homes, Inc, to Frank E
F^ehr, 440 Hancock. Bklyn; Julyl6: July
^'^'l'^' nom
Fort Independence st (12:3258), ses, lot
76, 75x123.9 to Cannon pl x75xl24.5; Albt
H Vitale, ref, to City N Y, plff- FORE¬
CLOS June20; Julyl2: Julyl7'17 250
Hoffman st, 2457 (11:3058), ws, 146.9 s
189th, 16.8x97.5, 2-stv. & b fr dwg- Edw
Spitznagel, Sll 33d, Woodcliff, NJ, to
Philip A Johann, 1147 Stebbins av mtg
$2,500; Nov26'lS; Julyie'17. O C & S 700
Manida st, 658 (10:2764 & 2768). es, 191 8
s Spofford av, r5x67.11 to ws Old Huncs
Point rd xl5.2x65.9, S-stv bk dwg; Sophia
J Diener. 882 Prospect av. to Sophie JefCa.
Seagate Casino, 33d & Surf av, Seagate,
NY; JulylO: Julyl9'17. nom
Minford pl, 15.-i3-5 (11:2967 & 2977), ws.
173.10 s Boston rd. 75x100. 2-5-sty bk tnts;
Nicholas Serracino to Morris Van Buren
Realty Co. 1170 Bway; mtg $28,000- July
10; Julyl4'17. O C & 100
Odell st, es, abt 105 n AVestchester av,
see Purdy. ws, abt 105 n Westchester av.
Pnrdy st (*), ws, abt 105 n Westchester
av, 50x216 to Odell. except part for Odell;
Mary Delaney, widow, to Fredk Muhlhan.
1316 Odell; Julyl6; Julyl9'17. 1,000
Randall st (•). ss, 200 e Carlisle pl, ?5
xl45; Rose Barbera, 46 W 116. to Frank
Cossa. 768 E 218. & Jos Derienzo. 221 E 97
JulylS: Julyl9'17. nom
Seddon st, es, — a Walker av, see St
Peters av. ws, 175.3 se Walker av.
Terrace point (*), ws, at ns Citv Island
Bridge. 89.1x109 to Eastchester Bay x—x
SI: Ferdinand Rosenberger, 566 Brook av,
to Edw Rosenberger, 663 City Island av
JulylG; Julyl7'17. O C & 100
Tiffany st. 1142 (10:271S). es, 2S7.1 n
167th, 30x113.2. 2-sty fr dwg; Levi M Sco¬
ville. 209 W 121. to Stephen H Jackson.
151 W 121; mtg $4,000; July9; Julyl3'17.
AVnIdo pi (*). ws. 134.3 n Middleto-^vn rd.
50x100; Ravos Realtv Co, Poughkeepsie. N
Y. to Chas W Kirchhof. 536 E 89; mtg $3.-
750: JunelO: Julvl3'17. nom
2D st (*). ss, 200 e Mad av, runs slOOxe
lOS.S to rd from Westchester landing to
Bear Swamp xs44.5xswSS.9xwl 05.8xn 4 to
beg. except part for West Farms rd.
Walker av; Eugene L Brisach to Fredk H
Stilwell. 75 N Trenchard. Yonkers. NY;
mtg $6,500: JulyS; Julyl4'17. O C & 100
13.5TH St. 440 E (9:2279). ss. 466.6 e Wil¬
lis av. 16x100. 3-stv bk tnt & strs; Geo
Bockhaus Co. 546 Grove. Jersev Citv. NJ,
to Hv Firleke 46 Fleet, Jersey (jity, NJ:
JulylS: Julyl8'17. nom
135TH St. .%20 E (9:2262). ss. 275 w St
Anns av. 25x100. 4-sty bk tnt; Jos P Mor¬
rissey. ref. to Gustav T Kaestner. 2216
Starlinq: av. & Frank Mnrktrraf. 1659 Mor¬
ris av. EXRS Emma M K Hagelweide.
nlffs; FORECLOS June28: June29: Julvl3
•17. 12,000
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