This tection includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"l]ntar«d at tli« Post Offle« &t N«w Tork. N. T., as ■•oond olaaa Matter.
Vol. CI
No. 2599
New York, January 5, 1918.
Borough of Manhattan.
DEC. 28, 29, 31, JAN. 2 & 3.
Beekman st, 32 (1:101-17), es, abt 60 n
William. 23x86x23.4x86, 5-sty stn loft &
str bldg; Grace M Lane, of Lewisboro, NY.
to Wm H Lane, South Orange, NJ; DeG20;
Dec29'17; A$50,000-59,000. gift
Uroome St, 2«« (2:414-62). ns, 65.1 w Or¬
chard, 22.7x75.9, 5-sty bk tnt &. strs; Fran¬
cis W Pollock, ref, to Mary E Fitts. 8 W
34. plff; FORECLOSED & drawn Dec23;
Dec29'17; An5,000-22,000 (R S $20). 20,000
Canal st, 340 183> (1:211-39), swc
Church (No 332), 25.7x46.8x25x41.6, 5-sty
bk loft & str bldg; John W Cornish Con-
stn Co, 4121 3 av, Bronx, to Anna M Jones,
2463 Valentine av, Bronx; mtg $27,500 &
AL; Octl; Oct2'17; A$19,000-25,000; corrects
error in issue of Oct6, when prop read
Canal st, 336. nom
Cannon st, 47, see Delancey, 282.
Chrystie st, 9« (1:305-12), es, 100 s Grand,
25x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Phoenix In-
graham, ref, to August Ruff, 52 W 120.
plff; FORECLOS Dec21; Dec28; Dec31'l7;
A$19.000-36.000. 32,500
Chrystie st, »6j August Ruff to Hyman
Kosberg, 1490 Crotona Park E; B&S; mtg
$30,882; Dec28; Dec31'17 (R S $3.50). nom
Chrystie st, 228 (2:422-8), es, 99.3 s Hous¬
ton, 25x75. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; John H
Rogan, ref, to Arthur D Weekes, 56 W 51,
& Cornelia W Jones 53 E 64 EXRS &c
ruur M Jones, plff; FORECLOS Decll
toDec28; Dec31'17; A$15,000-23,000 (R S
^0). 20,000
Church st, 274-6 (1:178-33), ws, 72.7 s
White, runs Wl00.3xs49.7xe34.8xs0.8xe65.8x
150.9 to beg, 6-sty stn loft & str bldg; Wm
P Schoen, ref, to Seamens Bank for Savgs
in City N Y, 76 Wall, plff; FORECLOS Dec
21; Dec24; Dec28'17; A$48.000-72,000 (R S
$85). 85,000
Church st, 332, see Canal. 346.
Columbia st, 7l (2:334-35). nwc Rivin^-
ton (No 264), 20x49.8, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
A$13,000-20,000; also COLUMBIA ST, 73-
73y2 (2:334-34), ws 20 n Rivington. 20x
49.8, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A$7,000-11.500;
Moses Scherer to Fannie Scherer, 264 Riv¬
ington; mtg $31,800; Dec27'17; Jan2'lS.
O C & 100
Columbia st, 73-73"^, see Columbia, 71.
Columbia st, 97, see Stanton, 265.
Cooper sq, 33, or 3d av or Bowery, 3S9
(2:461-5). es. 97 n 5th. 24.6x80, 2 & 3-sty
bk tnt & strs; Elted Corpn to Greenberg
Investing Co. 34 W 119; mtg $13,000 & AL;
Dec28; Dec29'17; A$16,500-18,500 (R S $10).
O C & 100
Cooper sq, 33. see Bowery, 389.
Delancey st, 282 (2:333-70), nwc Cannon
(No 47). 30x50. 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Isaac
Goodstein to Rose Israel, 722 E 9; mtg
$15,000 & AL; Decl7; Dec2S'17; A$16,000-
20,000. O C & 100
E^ssex St. 152 (2:354-11), es, 75 g"Stanton,
24.11x99.9x25x99.10, 4-sty bk tnt & strs &
4-sty bk rear tnt; Abr S Lew to Benj
Levy, 53 E 95; AL; Dec26; Dec28'l7; A
$21,000-25.500 (R S $1). nom
E.ssex St. 1G7 (2:412-69). ws, 225 s Hous¬
ton, 25x87.6. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-stv fr
rear tnt; Chas E Lydecker, ref, to N Y
State Sunday School Assn. 44 State st Al¬
bany. NY, plff; FORECLOSED & drawn
Decl9; Dec3ri7; A$19,000-25,000 (R S $25).
Front st, 106 (1:71-35). ws, abt 30 n
Fletcher, .16.6x75.4x16.10x73.10. ws. 5-sty
bk loft & str bldg; Denison Realty Corpn
to Chas F Noyes 419 Washington av,
Bklyn; mtg $15,000; Nov26'17; Jan3'18; A
$13,000-18.000. O C & 100
Front st, KiO; Chas F Noyes to Chas Fox,
600 McDonouprh, Bklyn, &: Noberto Cueva.
287 Sterling pi. Bklyn; B.*tS; mtg $15,000;
Dec2ri7: Jan3'18 (R S $9.50). O C & 100
Greenwich st, 600 (2:601-45), es. 100.1 s
Leroy. 25.2x110.2x25.4x108.2. 1 &. 2-stv bk
shop: Rector &c of Trinity Church." 187
nL,jn, to Baker & Williams, a corpn, 512
ashington: Decl7; Dec29'17; A$9,000-10.-
0 (R S $17.50). O C & 100
Henry st, 207 (1:288-20), ns. 120 e Scam-
mel, 24x77.3x24x77.7. 3-sty bk tnt; Bridget
Conroy. 167 W 94, et al, to Broadway-
John St Corpn, 206 Bway; mtg $8,000 &
AL; Dec4'17; Ja'n2'18; A$8,000-10,000 (R S
$1-50). O C & 100
Houston st, 318-24 E (2:384-54-56), ns.
403.9 w Av C. runs n83.7xw61.3xs—xe71.9
to beg, 1-4 & 2-5-sty bk loft & str bldgs;
Bond & Mtg Guarantee Co of Bklyn to
West Mercer Corpn, 30 E 42; B&S; mtg
$50,000; Dec26; Dec31'17; A$52.000-76,000
(R S $15). O C & 100
Houston st, 26 AV (2:523-25), ns, 50 w
Mercer. 25x105. 5-sty stn loft & str bldg;
Bond & Mtg: Guarantee Co of Bklyn to
West Mercer Corpn, 30 E 42; B&S; mtg
$20,000; Dec26; Dec31'17; A$1S,000-27,000
(K S $5). O C & 100
Hudson st, 73 (50) (1:180:4), ws, abt 88
s Harrison, 25x91.11 to Staple x25x91, ns.
5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Grace M Lane,
of Lewisboro, NY, to Alice L Poor, of
South Orange, NJ, her daughter; Dec20;
Dec29'17; A$33,000-44,000. gift
Leonard st, 75-7 (1:174-7-8), ns, abt 115
e Church. 51x100, 5 & 6-sty stn loft & str
bldg; Simon Liebovitz & Fannie, his wife,
to Fannie Liebovitz all at 31 W 89; AL:
Oct20; Oct3l'17; A$80,500-104,000. nom
Madison st, 196 (1:272-27), ss, abt 100 w
Rutgers. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-
sty bk rear tnt; Jacob Wacht to Elka
Wacht, his wife, 196 Madison; AL; Feb20
'13; Dec31'17; A$15,.000-21,500. nom
Mercer st, 113 (89) (2:499-31), ws, abt
150 n Spring. 25x100. 5-sty stn loft & str
bldg; 'A$17.000-23,000; also MERCER ST,
115 (91) (2:499-30), ws. abt 175 n Spring.
25x100, 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; A$17,000-
23.000; Bond & Mtg Guarantee Co of Bklyn
to West Mercer Corpn 30 E 42; B&S; mtg
$30,000; Dec26; Dec31'i7 (R S $10).
O C & 100
Mercer st, 115. see Mercer, 113.
Orchard st, 173, see Stanton, 86-8.
Rivin^^ton st, 3, see Bowery, 209.
RiviuKton st, 264, see Columbia, 71.
Stanton st, 86-8 (2:417-68), nwc Orchard
(No 173), runs w43.lxn52xe21.6xs2 xw (?>
21.7 to st xsoO to beg' (probable error, two
w courses), 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Harry
Hirsh et al. EXRS &c Sophie Green to
Sidney Green, 600 w 113, & Bertram Green,
505 W 124, each Va pt; AL; Decl7'17; Jan
2'IS; A$30,000-48,000. nom
Stanton st, 86-8, nwc Orchard (No 173);
Sidney & Bertram Green to 86 Stanton St
Corpn, 600 W 113; B&S; AL; Dec26'17; Jar
2'18 (R S $20). nom
Stanton st, 265 (2:334-18), ss 75 w Col¬
umbia. 25x100, 5-sty bk factory; A$16,000-
23.000; also COLUMBIA ST 97 (2:340-21),
ws. 50 s Stanton. 25x75, 5-sty bk factorv;
A$ll,500-17.500; Bond & Mtg Guarantee Co
of Bklyn to West Mercer Corpn 30 E 42-
B&S; mtg $20,000; Dec26; Dec3i"17 (R S
$5). O C & 100
Stanton st, 310 (2:330-74), ns, 75 e Lewis
22x75. 3-sty fr tnt & str, 2-sty ext; Gulick
Realty Co to Wm Rosenbaum, 300 E 2; AL-
Jan2; Jan3'18; A$8,500-10,000 (R S $S).
Staple st, es, abt 88 s Harrison, see Hud¬
son. 73.
Sullivan st. 121-3 (2:503-13), es, 59.6 .s
Prince, 41.10x75. 6-sty bk storage; Eman¬
uel B Cohen, 135 Bwav ref, to Theresa
Stern, — Pacific st, Cedarhurst, LI plff;
mtg $33,000 & AL; FORECLOS Dec26: Dec
27; Dec28'17: A$21.000-40,000 (R S $5).
3D st, 47 AV (2:538-3). ns, 42 w Wooster
32.6x104.6. 2 & 3-sty bk tnt & str; Louis
S Visintainer to Forty-Seven West 3d St
Co. at 47 W 3; mts" $22,000; Dec?!)'17; Jan
2*1S: A$21.000-23.000. nom
5TH St. 331 E (2:447-43). ns, 375 e 2 av.
25x97. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Moses Trei-
bitsch. 49 E 3. to Abr Treibitz. SO 2 av;
mtg $24,500; DeclS; Dec2S'17; A$16,000-22.-
000. O C & 100
9TH St. 738 E (2:378-26), ss, 193 w Av D,
25x93.1], 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Stella Moore
to Charlotte Moore. 560 W 192: correction
deed; AL; Septl4'17; JanS'lS; A$13,000-20.-
000. 500
llTH st, 501-5 E, see Av A. 174-6.
IITH St. 630 E (2:393-22), ss. 2S3 w Av
C, 25x94.9, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Harry
Aronson, Inc. to Max Balik, 362 Bowery;
mtg $33,000 & AL; Janl; Jan2'18; A$12,-
000-23,000 (R S $1.50). O C & 100
19TH st, 501-3 E, see Av A. 310-4.
22D St. 146-8 AV (3:797-68-69), ss, 258.4
e 7 av, 41.8x98.9, 2-3-sty & b bkdwgs; Bond
Mtg Guarantee Co of Bklyn to West Mer¬
cer Corpn, 30 E 42; B&S; mtg $25,000; Dec
26; Dec31'17; A$40,(J'00-44,000 (R S $5).
O C & 100
25TH st, 259 AV (3:775-9), ns. 193.9 e 8
av. 13.6x98.9, 4-sty bk tnt; Bond & Mtg
Guarantee Co of Bklyn to West Mercer
Corpn, 30 E 42; B&S; mtg $5,000; Dec26;
Dec31'17; A$7,000-8,000 (R S $1). O C & 100
27TH st, 158-64 AV (3:802-75), ss. 100 e
7 av. runs e88xs90xw44xsS.9xw44xn98.9 to
beg, 12-sty bk loft & str bldg; Rande
Realty Corpn to Everett Jacobs, 316 W
87; mtg $320,000; May31; Dec29'17; A$141,-
000-378,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100
37TH St. 108 E (3:892-79). ss, abt 155 e
Park av, 25x—, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Horace
W Carpentier to Barnard College in City
N Y; party 1st pt retains life estate &
right to give use of same to another for
not more than 6 yrs from & after his
death; Apr28; Dec28'17; A$40,000-57,000.
38TH St. 236 AV (3:787-62). ss, 310.8 w
7 av, 17.10x98.9, 3-sty bk tnt & str; L Na¬
poleon Levy to Seton Falls Realty Corpn,
128 Bway; B&S & CaG; AL; Dec20'17; Jan
2'18; A$25,000-26,000. nom
38TH st, 327 AV (3:762-19), ns, 425 e 9
av. 25x98.9, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm G
Schmittberger et al to Louis K Steets. 492
9 av; B&S; mtg $10,000; Dec29'17; JanS'lS;
A$15,000-20,500 (R S $10). nom
40TH st, 120 E (3:895-80), ss, 105 w Lex
av, 20x98.9, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Eliz A Un-
derhill to Wm B Underhill, both at 140 B
56; AL; Dec29'17; Jan2'lS; A$33,300-38,000.
O C & 100
43D st, 113-23 AV (4:996-21-25), ns. 175 w
6 av, 125x100.5. 1-4 & 5-3-sty bk tnts &
strs; Chas H Jones, at Cold Spring Har¬
bor. LI. to Societies Realty Co, 17 W 44;
mtg $250,000; OctS; Dec28'17; A$339,OO0-
348.500 (R S $175). O C & 100
44TH st, 557 AV (4:1073-5), ns, 100 e 11
av. 25x100.4, 4-sty bk tnt & 2-sty bk rear
tnt; John L O'Brien ref, to Rose Gorman,
233 E 67; FORECLOS Nov30; Jan3'18; A
$10,000-13.000 (R S $11). 10,520
47TH st, 401 E, see 1 av, 844.
4STH st, 205-7 E (5:1322-5-6), ns. 95 e
3 av. 50x115.8x50.6x108.2, 2-5-sty bk tnts;
Nathan Koppel, of Bklyn. to German
Kahn 70 E 77: Saml Kahn, 850 Park av, &
Jacob Adler, 70 E 77; mtg $44,600; Decll
'17; Jan3'18; A$22,000-54,000 (R S $20).
O C & 100
4STH st, 335 AV (4:1039-17). ns, 368 W 8
av, 18x100.5, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Wm H
Tompkins, of Rochester. NY, & ano, EXRS
Harriet E Price, to Dennis Ryan. 335 W
48: Decl5'17; Jan3'18; A$12.000-13,500 (R a
$10). 10,000
4STH .st, 444 AV (4:1057-56)" ss, 200 e 10
av. 25x100. 5-sty stn tnt; Fredk Zimmer-
mann Jr. et al, to Crucible Realty Co. 724
8 av; mtg $10,000: Dec3"l'17; Jan3'18; A$12.-
000-20.000 (R S $2). 2,000
49TH st, 137 E (5:1304-23), ns, 331.3 w
3 av, 18.9x100.5, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Robt
M Kurtz, of Englewood. NJ, to Bible
Teachers' Training School. 541 Lex av;
CaG: mtg $7,000; Apr27; Dec29*17; A$13,-
500-17,000. nom
49TH st, 141 E (5:1304-24), ns, 293.9 w
3 av, 18.9x100.5, 3-sty & b stn dwg: Don¬
ald MacColl to Bible Teachers' Training
School. 541 Lex av; AL; Decl9'10; Dec29
'17: A$13.500-16.500. nom
49TH St. 117 AV (4:1003^23), ns. 237.6 w
6 av 20.10x100.5. 4-sty stn tnt; Isidor
Nincr, as TRSTE in bankruptcy of Chas A
Nones, bankrupt to G O3|:ood Andrews.
393-5 Canal: AT; Dec28'17; Jan3'17; A$30,-
500-34.r>00 (R S 50c). ^ l3o
40TH st, 210-4 AV, see Bway, :\611.
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