Record and Gatde
Augiist 7, 1897.
Edward Jacobs to Jeanne L Taylor. Mort
$10,000- June 22. 53,500
Water st, No 45, s e s, 79.3 n e Coenties/
Elip. 30.xS5,7, 4-sty brk stores and loíí^,
Edwin Maiheson to Marion V Butler. AIl
liens- Aug 7, 1S9C. ^^ nom
4th st, No 372, s w s, 121 s e Av D, 2c.x9b.
3-sty brk tenem't. Foreclos. David Thom-
son to Margaret Ludwig. Juiy 21). 9.000
7th st, No 34, s s, 217.S w 2d av, 24.5x90.10.
/ 3-SLy brk tenem't. Henry L U Jackson,,-
Brooklyn. Henry T Purdy, â– Washington,
Honense Terry. Brooklyn. and Edwd M P
Miller Lo Julius Dreyfus. % part. Juĩy 10^'
Hiii- ai . 13.Ĩ20
Same property. Boy Lordly, San Jose, ,
Costa Rica, C A, by Edwd D 0'Brien_her -
guard to same. Ail title. Mort $2,o00.
Aug 2. 4.3 ío
Same property. all- Julius Dreyfus to Jacob
Klingenstein. Mort $12,000- July 30. nom
Sth st. Nos 3SS to 302, s s, 182.ÍÍ w Av D,
65.9x97-6, three 6-sty brk tenem'ts wuh
stores. Wm F Rohrig, Mt Vernon, N Y,
to Julian G Buckley, Geneseo, N Y. Morts
$66,500. Aug 2- 0«^°"/
lOch st, No 'l'iO. s s, 2i5 e Ist av, 2oxyb.4,_..-
5-sty brk tenem't wiLh 3-sty brk tenem't
on rear- Dora Luhrs widow to Victor Ger-
hards. Mort $15.UU0. Aug 2. -0.010.
llth st, No 642, s s, 133 w Av C, 2cix94.9,
-'' 5-sty brk tenem't with stores. Daviû
Solomon to Meyer Solomon liíe tenant and
lo Joseph. Henry, Ida and Lena Solomon,
Sarah Beniamin and Israel Soiomon, Tarry-
town N Y and Ella Hirsch, Mamaroneck,
N y' each 1-8. Morts .fH.OOU- July 30.
Suh 'to life inL of grautee- ,^.,Ä©*'™
12th st No 509, n s, 1'20 e Av A, 2oxl03-3.
5-sty brk tenem't with stores and o-sty br
tenem't on rear. Annle L Claftey, Bergen
Co N J, to Mary J Lantry. AU title. Mt_
$4000 Aug '* 2,2oQ,
14th' st. 'no 506, s s, 121 e Av A, 25x103.3,
5-sty brk tenem'ts with stores and o-sty
brk tenem't on rear. Foreclos. Francis P
Lowrey to Solomon Jacobs. July ^9-^^
14th st No 2-24. E E, 324.6 w 2d av, i6x
103.3,' 5-sty stone îront dweH'g.. Partition.
John Duer to Wm P Kirk.
ISth st, No 419, n s, 340 w
,5'30. st, Nn 2^4. s s, 287.6 e Sth av, lS.9x
]0O.5, ;J-siy brk dwell'g, Hampton D
Ewin? t'. Anna H Andrews and the heirs
of hfr bt.tĩy Frank H, Geo E, Richd H, y
Guy and Doreuee E Andrews and any
otbcr ('hĩldren whieh may hereafler be
born 10 said Anna H Audrews. Q C- Aug
4. nom
53rt st, s s, 175 w lOth av, 75x100.5, vacant.
Wm H Harailton to Wiliiam Varley. Mt
.flS.OOO- Aug 2. nom
^53d st, No 409. n s, 150 w 9th av. 25x100.5^-'
5-sty brk tenem't with stores. Foreclos.
Geo C Austin to Wra P Rooney. July 311-
..-Sarae property, Wm P Rooney to Margaret
Ryan, B & S. Aug 4. val consid and 100
Å©3d st, No 422, s s, 325 w 9th av. 25x.i.yn.5,
5-sty brk tenem't with stores. WiUiam
Murrav to Margt E Murray his wlfe. All
title. Mort -'ÍIS.OOO. Aug 21. 1S96. nom
Same property. Hiram R Becaunon and
' Margt E Murray to Frauk Koch. Mort
$15,000. Aug 3. nom
íilst Et, No 331;, s s, 190 w Ist av, 25x100.5,
5-sty brk tenem't with stores, Leopold ,
Kaufmann to Jonas Weil and Bernhard'
Mayer. Mort $12,000. Aug 5. nom
-Same property. Jonas V\'eil aud Bernhard
Taussig to Minnie Schluter. Aug 3.
/92d st, No 43, n s, 405 e Columbus av, 20x
lUD.S, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Mary A MuUins
widow and devisee of Michaeĩ Mullins to
Mary Muir- Mort $10,000, JUIy30. 1S,50U
^....'OSd st. No 326. s s, 25U w Ist av. 2Å©xluy.8,
5-sty brk tenem't. _ Mollie Erler to Anna
Nickel. Mort $12.o0n. Aug 1. nom
9t)lh.st, No 166, s s, 150 e Amsterdam av,
96ih st, No 162, s s, 19S e Amsterdam av,
â– 20x1008,
^Otfa st, No loS. s s, 256 e -imsterdam av,
Three 5-sty fark fiats.
Herman Bonner to Slgmund B Steinmann.
Morts $60,500. July 23- nom
, 96th st, s s, 274.6 e Amsterdam av, 0.6x
101.5. Katharina PoIIatschek to same.
June 13- B & S- nom
/96th st, s s, 305 e 3d av. 128.6x100.8, va-
cant- John B Cole to Bernhard Schaeffel
Re-recorded- AII licns. April S. nom
Tth st, No 28, s s. 237-6 w Central Park
West, 37.6x100.11, 5-sty Ä©irĸ ílat. David
Ricfaey to Tfaos H Macklin. Morts $36,-
000. Aug 2. See 7GLh st. exch
9Sth st, E s, 96.S w 2d av, 128.4x100.9, va-
Mayer to Leopold Kaufmaun. Aug 2. naxnX ^^'^''- Leopold Gusthal to Henry Haniein
69th st, No 300, s s, 150 w West End av, 25
xlUU.5, 5-sty brk tenem't with storeS:
Harry L Toplitz to Wm R Bronk. Mort.
' ?15,000. July 28. See llOth st. exch
OOth st, No 109 West. Agreement modify-.,-'
ing party wall agreemeni. The Bank for
Savings witfa Henry Clotz, July R. nom
73d st, No 42S, s s, 175 w Av A, 25x102.2,
5-sLy brk tenem't witfa stores. Caroline^
Larchan to Jchn Nemecek. July 29- 23,"250
75th st. Nos :jU7 to ol5, n s, 2::;3 e Av A,
125x95.7x120.8x116.5, flve -5-sty brk tene-
ments- Frank Kruger to Geo E Jordan.
July 29. All liens. C a G. nom
75th st. No 3116. s s, 1.50 e 2d av, 25x102.2,
fi-sty brk lenem't. Herraan F Mafalstadt
and ano exrs and Irustees will Catharine ^
Malilstadt to Abrafaam, Charles and Sam\,'
Brand. Mort $15,000. Aug 2.
val consid p:,'í 100
July 1. 12,000 ^ame property. Henry Mahlstadt tu sarae.
Av A, 25.x92, â– '^ Q C. C a G. Mort $15,0UU. Aug 2. nom
432 w
i,a nom
,20"h'st, No 134, s s, 429 w 6th av, 24.8x92,
/ 6-sty brk tenem't with stores. Rudolph
Gies to Hatlie C Gies. AIl liens. B & S.
July 29. noi"
29th st. n s, 150 w 5lh av. Agreement as to
encroacfament. The MÄ©nister, &c, of Re-
formed Prot Dutch Church with Bdwd H^
Van Ingen. April 20. 1897. noiíi
32d st, No 11, n s, Iwô w Madison av, 2ox
98.9, 4-sty stoue front dwell'g- Henry S, ^
Bdwd A and Frank B Gillespie to Mary A,
Bodiey generally kuowu as ívunie G wife
of Harry I Bodley, Topeka, Kan. 3-4 parts.
AII int. July 12. 37,500
Same properiy. David B Duncan. Brooklyn,./
to Anuie G Bodley. B íi S. Omission. Jan y^-stn si, ino ^uí', u k, j.iÅ© '
lo^Anuie u noiii^i 6,00^1/ 24x192.2x27x402.2, 5-sty brk
.32d st, No 309, n s, lUU w Sth av. 20x98.9,'
/ 3-sty brk dwell'g. David Iviamĸer to Bar-
/ hara Scfaoenenberger. July 31. nom
Sd st, Nos 135 to 139, n s, 100 w Lexing-
ton av, 88.4x80. three 5-sty brk llats. Joha /
H Kearns 10 Mariha W Horgau and Fan-/
nie G Slatlery- AU liens. July 29. nom
,7Lh st, No 411. n s. 15U w 9tfa av, 25x98.H,
Ô-sLy stone front tenem't. Henry R Levi
to Katharine Boehra. Mort $18,O0O. July
30. _ 00°^
SOlû st, No 551. n s, 125 e llth av, 2ox98.y.
1-scy frarae builoings. 1-3 part- Mary
Smith to James ana William Wiison. Juiy
29. 'noiíi
43d 'st, No 153, n s, 105.6 e Broadway, 20x
ltKJ.5, 4-sty stone îront dwellg. Noima
H Barrett and Thos D Leahy lo Thoraas
Daly, Correction deed. Juiy 1. nom
Sarae properiy. Thomas Daly to RoberL and'^
Ogden Goelet, Mort $15,000. July 31.
1 i, 45,000
44th st, No 30. s s, 450 w 5th av, 25xl(jU.o,
1-sty brk stable wiih 3-sty írame dweil'g
oa rear. Westmoreland D Davis, Tuxedo,
N Y, Lo Abraham MLern aud Isidore Jack-
son. Mort ^.ilô.UOO. June 25. nom
49Lh st, No 310, s s, 150 e 2d av. 25x100.5,
4-siy brk Lenem't. Kosalia KasLeu, Kock-
away, N Y, 10 Max Kasten, Kockaway, L
L Mort $y,750. July 27. nom
51st 31, No 555, n s, 100 e lllfa av, 25x—,
4-sLy brk Lenem't witfa 2-sty íi-ame build-,.-
ing on rear, Ihomas Dowdall to Henry E
J Davin. MorL $6,tKJU- Juiy 30- nom
.52d st. Nos 244 and 246. s s, lOO w 2d av,
50x100.5, 3-sty brk building, Lincolu
Academy- German-American Schooi So-
ciety of the lyih Ward Lo Jacob and Julius
Fleischhauer and German Kahn. Mort
$15,5UO July 2S. 20.000/
52d st, No 419, n s, 250.6 e Ist av, 20-iOx
77-15x21.4xSl-3, 4-sty stone front tenem'l.
John Murray to Johanna Levy. MorL Í^S,-
000. July 31. See lOlid st. _ exch
52d st, Nos 513 to 5.17, n s, 17o w lOth av.
75^:100.5, three 5-sty brk tenem'ts wĩLh
stores. Henry W Foote to Fredk S Foote.
AU liena. Aug 4, nom
See 97 th st.
76th st, No 365, n s, 100 w Ist av, l^ox
102.2, 4-sty brk Lenera't with stores.
Blizabeth Muller to Richard Cain. Morts
.S10..500. July 30. 12,S0O
77th st, Nos 233 and 235, n s, 305 e 3d av.
2.jxl()2-2. two 3-sty brk dwell'gs. Tenea
Herzog to Anuie F Vreeiand. Morts $12,-
000. July 29. 18,000
,í!lst st, No 131, n s, 262 w 9th av, 17x102,2,
'-â– â– \4-sly hrk dwell'g. Burtis W Van Hennik
to Mary C Browu- Morts $30,OUO, June
29. noni
Íí2d st, No 108, s s. 100 e 4th av, 25x102.2,
3-sty brk dwell'g. Abraham Stern to Chas
H Dugliss. July 3. Morts $10.000. nom
S4'th st, No 2^9, n s, 173 w Amsterdam av,
flat. Fore-
clos. Jacob P Solomon to Cath M Scott.
Mort $28,000. Correctĩon deed. July 30.
S4th Et, No 450, s s. 99 w Av A, 20x102.2,
5-sty hrk flat. Sophia Weinel widow Pbil-
ipp Weinel now wife of Stephen Baumann
to Karoline Ebel. AII lĩens. july 31. nom
Same property. Karoline Bbel to Sophia
wife of aud Stephen Baumann. AIl liens.
July 31. nom
84th st, Nos 339 to 347, n s, 46S w West
Bnd av, 82x102.2, five 5 and 4-sty brk
dwell'gs. Frank ís' Gili, Astoria, L I, to
Chas H Kivlen, Mort $7S,000. July 15.
Sar.r j-roperty. Chas H Kivlen to Frank N
GiII, Asloria, L I. Mort $97,000- Aug 5.
â– ^7th st, No 12S, s s, 274 w Columbus av,
ISxlOO.S, 3-sty brk. dwell'g. Woolf Endel
to Morris Gonsenheim. Mort .'S12,000. July
30. 21,434
S9th st, s s, 400 w Columbus av, SOîClOO.S,
vacant- Geo S Hasbrouck to Mayor, &c,
of City of New York. June 11. 23,000
S9th st, s E, 350 w Colurabus av, 50x100.8,
vacant- Price W Hasfarouck to same. jũne
30. 23.00tl
J^9th st, s s. 200 e .4.msterdara av, 15Ux
100,8, vacant. Thos H O'Connor to same.
July 1- 63,000
9tfa st. No 446, s s, 107 w Av A, 2oxlOO.S.
4-sty stone frout flat- Hlrsch Eber to Cae-
cilie Sternglanz- Mort .fl2,000. July 2.
S9th st. No 117, u s, 275 w Columbus av,'
2jx100.S, 5-sly brk flat. Frances Blumen-
thal to Jacob Leitner. r.iorts $23.o00.
July 28. val consid and lUU
-SOifa st, Nos 123 aud 125, n s, .100 e Am-
sterdara av, 50x100.8, 5-sty brk boarding
stahle. Chas A Goff to Thos J McGuire,
Mort $32,000. Aug 2. See St Nicholas
av. nom
S9th st. No 303. n s, 110 w West -End av,
20x100, 3-sty stone front dwelPg, Caro-
liue S Rogers to Frances L W Manners,
Mort $18,000, July 31. nom
9-lst st, Nos 312 and 314, s s, 21)0 e 2d av,
' 50x100.8, 2-stv brk buiiding. Gustav F
and Gottfried Oethinger- Aug 2. See lOOth
st- nom
.Olst st, No 16S, s s, 75 e Amsterdam av,
2-1x100.11, 5-sty brk tlat. Comelia A At-
will to Sarai J Luckings and Jane B his
wife, tenants by tfae enLirety. C a G. July
20- val coasid and lOO
/lOlst st, No 244. s s, 100 e West Bnd av,
25x100-11, o-sty brk flat. Frank E Wise
to Cathinca B Guerasey. July 14.
val consid and 100
Í02d st, No 73, n s, 146 e Columbus av,
27x100.11, 5-sty stone front flat. Mary E
Cox to Wm H Hamilton. Morls .f2S,O0û-
Aug 2- val consid
/J.\-2A st. No 173, n s, 156.6 w 3d av. 27x
100-11, 5-sty stone front teuem't, Johanna
Lievy to John Murray. Mort .$17,000. Aug
2- See 52d st- exch and lUO
102d st, No 320, s s, 300 w Ist av, 25x
100.11, 5-sty brk tenem't. Louis Frankén-
thaler to Mary E Garrison and Susan J
Leach. Mort_$15.0UU. Aug 1. 18.475
102d st, Nos 7o aud 77, u s, 100 e Coiumbus
av, 46x100,11, two 5-sty stoue front flats.
Samuel Sweetingto Wm H Hamilton. June
30. nom
102d st, No 101, n e cor Parls-av, 27x100-11,
5-sty brk tenem't with siores. Martin
Ficken to George Bhret. Mort Íí2-4,000. Aug
3. 1.20(1
104th st, No 57. n s, LSO w 4th av. 2.5x
luO-11, 5-sty stone front flat. Morris S
Cohn Lo David Friedraan. Morts S20.900.
July 30. 28,000
,106th st, No 60. s s. 170.3 e Columbus av,
27xlU0.11, 5-sty brk flat. Henry and
Henry, Jr, Hanleiu aud Gottfried Oeth-
inger, firm Haniein & Co, lo Leopold Gus-
thal. Mort $2o,oOO. Aug 2. See 98th st.
JOlĩth st, s s, 135 e Amsterdam av, 60x
100.11, vacant, two Å©-sty brk flats pro-
jecLed. Amauda McMaun to James Mcln-
tosh and Johu Paterno- July 26. 31.200
lOOth st, No Oi, n s, 24-9.1(1 e Madison av,
2o,2xl00.11. 5-sty brk flat. Peter VoII-
mer to Louis Werner. Mort $Ĩ6,ÔU0. Aug
5. nom
107lh st, n s, 125 w Amsterdam av, 2-5x
100.11, vacant. Maria L Mount to Wm J
Casey- July 31. 8.000
107ih st, n s, lOU e Riverside Dríve, 175x
lUO.ll. Agreeraent as to light and air.
ALIas Improvement Co wiLh Perez M Stew-
art aud H Ives Smith. .\iay 2S. nom
lUSnfa st, No _124, s s, 375 w Columbus av.
2oxlUU.ll, o-sty brk flat. David Chrystie
to Augustus B, George anû Wendel V
Bieser. Morts $19,U00. Julv 30. nom
109ifa st, Nos 126 and 12S, s s, 400 w" Co-
lumbus av, 5Uxl00.ll, Iwo 5-sty brk flats.
Same to Hannah Lasser. Morts .'^38,000.
July 30. â– .-â– nom
Ĩ13th st, Xo 107, u s. 52 e Park av, lOx
lOtl.ll, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Margaret O'Con-
nor to Jere J Grifau. Mort -S5,000. Aug 2.
llOth sl, No 133, n s, 40.8 w Lexingtoa av,
' deed reads 5-^5.8 w 3d av, 16.8x100.11. 3-
sty brk ûweU'g. Winifred wife of Geo J
Cooke devisee and heir Josepfa H Tooker
to Bdwin H Grifiin. Mort .'Ä©;(5,0UO. July 21.
val coasid and ÍOIl
117lh st, s s. 90 w 4tfa av, lUUxlOO.ll. 1-sty
frame buildings and vacant. Alfred N
Beadleston and ano trustees for Helen A
Skidmore, Mary Maxwell and Sarah N
Hallock to Samuel Goldsteiu. B & S. May
25. 1S,000
Ii7th st, s s, 9(1 w 4th av, 100x100.11. 1-siy
frame buildings aud vacaut. Samuel
Goldslein to Blakeslee Barnes atid Louis
L-ise. Mort $14,-I0U. July 30. uom
119Lh st, No 329, n s, 305 e 2d av. 20x100.10.
4-BLy brk tenem'L. Frauces L Williams.
Irvington, N J, Lo David Rosenfĩeld. July
30- nom
Same propertv- David Rosenfleld to Moses
Seewald. MorL $6,000. July 30. nom
lliHh sL, No 104, s s, 125 w Ä©.enox av, ISx
100.11, 3-Bty brk dweU'g. Wm R Bronk