April 21, 1906
19th ST.—Louis Schrag sold for Francis and Elizabeth
Mathews 5-sty tenement 232 West 19th st to a client.
21ST ST.—Randolph Guggenheimer sold to John McCarthy, a
builder, 40 Ea.st 21sL st, a 4-sty brownstone front dwelling, 25x
92, east of Broadway, The buyer will imiTiediately improve
the lol with an 11-sty mercantile building.
25TH ST.—Edgar T. Kingsley sold for Frederick Hoi to John
Clausnitzer -WS East 25th st, 3-.«ty dwelling, IS.OxOS.O.
29TH ST.-John H. Moller sold to Mrs. Julia Singer 219 East-
29th st, 4-sty tenement, 25x98.9.
34TH ST.—Chambers & Veilelr sold for the Bankers' Invest¬
ing Co. to Oppenheim, Collins & Co. 33 and 35 "West 34th st,
48x98.9, and for Potter & Brother to the same buyers 4S, 50 and
52 West 35th st, 60x98,9. Oppenheim, Collins & Co. are large
wholesale dealers in cloaks and suits at 921 Broadway, They
will erect an 11-sty store and factory on the site.
STTH ST.—Leopold Weil sold for the Long Acre Realty Co.
to Max, Henry and Albert Cohen 148 to 152 West 37th st, be¬
tween Broadway and 7th av, old dwelling.s, 67x97x irregular.
39TH ST.—The McGraw Publishing Co. bought 231 to 241
West 39th st, 126.4x98.9, on which they will buiid a 10-sty
45TH ST.—Pease & Elliman sold for Matthew Clark 15 West
45th st, 4-sty high stoop brownstone dwelling, 16.8x100.5, to
a client for occupancy.
4STH ST.—B, Henry Eckhardt sold, in connection with P.
B. Robertson, for Robert B. Moneypenny to S. Taber Bayles
242 West 48th st, 3-sty and basement brick residence, 21x90.
49TH ST,—Alfred Olenick sold for Mrs. Hannah Abraham to
Weil & Mayer 523 West 49th st, 5-sty double flat, 24.8x100,
49th ST.—Harry Sugarman sold for Mary T. Sullivan to
Maurice Gossett 428 West 49th st, 5-sty tenement, 25x100.5,
54TH ST.—Pease & Elliman, In conjunction with H. W..
Nichols, sold for Mr.?. Jessie L. *Jeilson 13 W^est 54lh st, 5-sty
limestone fj'ont modern dwelling, 25x100.5, to John D. Rocke¬
feller. Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.. will occupy this residence
after adding a sixth story and making alterations.
54th ST.—Harry N. Kohn bought from the executor of the
Bruder estate 232 East 54th st, a 5-sty brownstone apartment
house, 25x100. The building will be remodeled.
'2D AV.-M. M. Stone bought the 5-sty front and rear tene¬
ment wilh stores at 692 2d av, 25x137; also 094 2d av, a similar
property, 2,5x138. E. V, Pescia & Co, were the brokers.
2D AV.—E. V. Pescia sold lo H. M. Stone 094 2d av, 5-sty
tenement, 25x138.
Sale af the Altman Sixth Avauue Store.
6TH AV.—One of the most Important real estate transactions
closed In this eity was consummated late yesterday afternoon,
when Benjamin Altman disposed of his entire holdings, the site
of his present place of business, to Henry Morgenthau and J. B.
Greenhnt. The property has a frontage of 184 ft. on Oth av and
about 481 ft. on 18th and 19th sts, containing over 88,000 sq.
ft. of ground floor space, making it the second largest collected
retail dry goods site in thi.s city, the Siegel-Cooper property
being about 2,000 sq. ft, larger, and the third largest in the
United States, Marshall. Field & Co.'s, of Chicago, being slightly
larger than the Siegel-Cooper site. The sale includes all of lhe
buildings composed of the beautifully equipped dry goods build¬
ing now occupied by B. Altman & Co., as well as the new
granite flreproof stable on 18th st. With its large electric light
plant, pneumatic system and other machinery, it is one of the
best equipped stores in the city. Possession will be given to
the purchasers on or about September 15, when Mr. Altman
will open his new store at .34th st and 5th av. The purchasers
should have no difficulty in finding some reputable dry goods
merchant as tenant. Many have been looking to get into New
York, but the difflcuity of collecting a sufficiently large site
iinder one roof, in a desirable location, is well nigh impossible.
The property just sold has a full block front on Oth av, midway
between 14th and 23d sts—the greatest shopping centre in the
world. The eight large dry goods houses now located there
spend annually two millions of dollars in newspaner ndvertislng,
and, combined, do a business of ovev fifty million dollars per
annum. "The station of the Sixth Av L" is at the corner of 18th
st, in front of the property; the proposed McAdoo tunnel, now
in the course of conslruction, which will bring all the Jersey
trolleys, the Brie and Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Ry.
trains into the city, will have an entrance into the building, and
the proposed subway in Seventh avenue will also have a station
at the corner of ISth street. With the many bridges to Long
Island, proposed and in the course of erection, and the numer¬
ous tunnels both under the East and Hudson Rivers feeding
into the heart of the city, for an area covering fifty miles in
diameter, this section is destined to become greater and more
important as a retail dry goods centre with each succeeding
year. Mr. AH man began "business on this gite thirty-five years
ago, and his business grew and developed until to-day it is the
finest and largest retail dry goods store in the city. The
price at which the property was held is two ^million five hundred;
thousand dollars, i 1. .
MANHATTAN ST.—Du Bois & Taylor, in conjunction with
Max Marx, sold for Sarah C. Bodenstein et a!, the 2-sty frame
building northeast side of Manhattan st, 113.0 ft.'northwest from
Amsterdam av, 25x100.
OlST ST.—Huberth & Gabel sold for Oliver Lynn, of Brook¬
lyn, 5-sty, 4-family tenement,, ,225 West 61sl; st, to a client.
04TH''ST.—James R, Thomas and George F. Woods sold for
the Terminal Really Co. 169 West 64th st, 5-sty flat, to Francis
Morris & Co.
08TH ST.—H. E. Hayes & Co, sold for Eugene Valleris 25
West OSth st, a 4-sty box stoop dwelling, 09x102.2,
OOTH ST.—L. J. Phillips & Co. sold for Carl P. Baker 22 West
OOth st, 4-sty brownstone dwelling, 25x100,5,
TOTH ST.—Mooney & Lawrence sold for Frederick E. Himrod
to a client of Leroy Coventry 41 West TOih st, a 4-sty and base¬
ment box stoop dwelling, with a 3-sty extension, 20x100,
Sit* for a Divclling'.
TOTH ST.—Pease & Elliman sold for Henry H. HoIHster and
Henry D. Babcock 154 and 150 East 70th st, an iron structure,
40x100,5. The buyer will erect an American basement dwelling
for his own occupancy.
73D ST.—Frederick T. Barry sold for Amelia J, Douglas 59
East 73d st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, 17,6x102,2.
74TH ST.—Max Mayer sold for A. von Elten to Adolph Miller
343 East 74th st, ,5-sty tenement with stores, 25x98.
70TH ST.—The McVickar-Gaiilard Realty Co, sold for Mrs,
Ellie F. Moffitt to a client for occupancy 155 West 70th st, a
4-sty brownstone dwelling, 19x100,2,
78TH ST.—Williams & Grodginsky sold to Seplow Se Son 228
and 2.W East TSth st, old buildings, 25x102.2.
TOTH ST.—Pease & Elliman sold for Mary McGinley to a
client for occupancy 223 West T9th st, a 4^-sty American base¬
ment dwelling, 10x102.2,
S4TH ST.—Albert Booth Cohn Co. sold for Dora H. Coles 259
West 84lh st, 3-sly hrick residence, 10x75.
STTH ST.^Dexter Really Co. bought through Wm. and Henry
Folsom and Leon L, Altmaj'er 74 East STth st.
S,STH ST.—Arthur G. Muhlker sold for the Immanuel Lutheran
Clmrch the 3-sty frame building 120 East SSth st, 25x100, to a
client of Oscar Baumann.
92p ST.^—Simon C. Bernstein bought from Dr. Arnold .Sturm-
dorf 5-sty apartment 156 East 92d st, between 3d and Lexing¬
tons avs, 25x100. The purchaser will remodel,
92D ST.—Simon C, Bernstein bought from Ida Elbe 158 East
92d st, O-sty flat, 2.5x100.8.
94TH ST.—Arthur G. Muhlker sold for Frank' Eherhart to
a client the 5-sty double flat 338 East 94th st, 25x100.
lOlST ST.—Goldenberg & Co. sold for Clara Steirman 64 West
lOIst st, 5-sty triple flat, 25x100.
IOSTH ST.—Gibbs & Kirby sold for Sol, Weinhandler 326 West
108th st, 22x100, 5-sty and basement dwelling.
nSTH ST.—Joseph P. A. O'Donneli .sold for Henry J. Gomer
308 West nsth st, a 5-sty triple flat, 25x100,
119TH ST,—Lowenfeid & Prager sold to Abraham Lazinski
.341 and 343 East 119th st, two 3-sty buildings, 50x100.11.
120TH ST.—George Brettel & Son sold for a client to Louis
Lese 429 East 120th st, a 3-sty brick dwelling, 18,9x100,
Neiv 0\vn«r f*r Harleiu Ruildiug'.
121ST ST.—Joseph P, Day sold for former Mayor Thomas F.
Gilroy to Dr. Robert; Kunster 7 West 121s,t st, a 4-sty brown¬
stone dwelling, 21x100,11,
122D ST.—Osorio, Klee & Co. resold for a client 339 to 343
East J22d .^t. old buildings, 75x100,11.
127TH ST.—Shaw & Co. sold for Hattie Daily 12 West 127th
st, 3-sty and basement dwelling, 18.9x100.
12STH ST.—Albert Zimmerman sold for Nathan and Edward
Marx, through Bert G. Faulhaber & Co, 71 and 73 East 128th
st, two 5-sty double flats, 70x100.
loOTH ST.—Shaw & Co. sold for Jas. Knowles 166 ^est 130th
st, 3-sty and basepient dwelling, 20x100.
131ST ST.—Edward C. H. Vogler sold for Louis Celler 156
West lolst st, 5-sty apartment, 25x100, to an investor.
131ST ST.—Edward C. H. Vogler sold for Louis Celler south¬
east corner 131st stand 7th av, a 5-sty apartment, with stores,
46x100, to an investor.
140TH ST.—Adolph Hollander Tjought from the McKinley
Realty and Construction Co, 24, 26 and 28 "West 140th st, three
6-sty new iaw apartment houses, each 41.8x99.11, C. L. Hal¬
berstadt was the broker! '
140TH ST.—Duff & Brown sold for the T. J, McGuire Con¬
struction Co. 540 and 542 West 146th st the "Rosario," 6-sty
elevator apartment house, 75x100.
151ST ST.—Herjnaiv Rabe sold to the Louis Meyer Realty Co.
525 West 151at st, 6-sty new-law- apartment house, 40x100.
AMSTERDAM AV.^—Henry H, Drayer sold for the Reliance
Construction Co. to William Moller, for cash, one of the new
buildings in course of construction at the southwest corner of
Amaterdam av and lQ9th st.
AUDUBON AV.—Thomas & Son sold for Harry W. Wood to
a client the,5-sty fifteen-family, flat 189 Audubon av, 32x100.
BROADWAT.—J. Romaine Brown & Co., in conjunction with
,j6;sse :C.'.^.enn^tt Sc. Co^ ;^oJd lor Alexander Walker,: president