May 4, 1912
Do You Contemplate Building
Now or At Any Time ?
A private plant is expensive to install and to operate. Interest,
depreciation, and other "fixed" costs, including accident and fire insurance,
and taxes, amount to at least 15% each year. There is a waste of
valuable floor space caused by the power plant and its coal supply. The
risk of fire and explosion is not only great in itself but it makes insurance
premiums higher. And private plant power carries no assurance of con¬
stant sufficiency and reliability.
Central Station Power
By installing Central Station Power you eliminate the heavy
initial cost of a private plant and also all the incidental expense. And
Kdison power has so many advantages in the way of efficiency and effect¬
iveness, and its cost is so low, that it is by far the best and cheapest
power. Almost all of New York's new buildings buy their power from
Central Station. Do you want to know why ? Just ask for one of our
engineers. No obligation to you.
The New York Edison Company
At Your Service
55 Duane Street
Phone Worth 3000
NEWARK. N. J.—Marvin Se Davis, 303 5th
av, N. Y. C, architects, are taking bids on the
general conlract, which will close May 7, for
the 3-sty fireproof sales building, 40x100 ft.,
' and wing, 24x100 ft,, to be erected in Green,
st, between Broad and Mulberry sts, for C, B.
Smith Sc Co., wholesale drugs, 863 Broad st,
ROCHESTER, N. Y.—Gordon Bros,, of this
city, contemplate the erection ot a picture and
vaudeville theatre in Clinton st, to cost $80,000.
FULTON, N. Y,—C. M. Curtis, 301 Tallman
st, Syracuse, is preparing plans for a fire¬
proof reinforced concrete theatre to he erected
by Irving Galusha, in Cayuga st.
Contracts Awarded.
ASBURY PARK, N. J.—Sylvester Scutellaro,
Asbury Park, N. J., has received the general
contract to erect the 2-sty brick sto-re and fiats
at 1205 Springwood av for Halteo Bonamo, of
this place, owner,
MOUNT VERNON, N, Y'.—The Victoria Con¬
struction Co., Lordi Sc DeRespiris, 118 East
2Sth st, has received the mason contract for
the four 4-Ety apartments, 80x40 ft,, to he
erected at the northwest corner of North Sth
av aud Valentine av for the Manhoff Realty &
Construction Co., 13 West 314th st. Gronen¬
berg & Leuchtag, 7 West 22d st. N. Y, C,
architects. Cost, $22,000.
NEW ROCHELLE, N, Y,—George Watson. 228
Huguenot st, has received the general contract,
and J. F. New, 20 Union st, the masonry, for
alterations to the 2'/i-sty residence at Bonnie
Crest, for Richard C. Kaiser, Beechmont. New
Ro'-helle, owner, from plans by Barnard Se
Wilder, Lawton st, architects. Cost, $20,000,
ARLINGTON, N, J.-The Suburban Building
fi: Realty Co,, IGO Midland av, has received the
contract to erect the 2iji-sty frame residence.
40x.30 ft., on Linden av for Robert Hewson,
commission merchant, 143 Linden av, owner,
from plans by J. B. Warren, 22 Clinton st,
Newark. Cost, about ,$7,O0O.
SOTH ST.—John I. Cahalan, 2010 Broadway,
has received the general contract to erect the
5-sty brick and limestone residence, 20x90 ft.,
at 127 East SOth st for Allen Wardwell, 157
East 37th st, from plans hy Delano & Aldrich,
4 East 39th st.
MADISON, N, J.—Daniel M. Shea, 46 Kings
rd, has received tbe electrical contract for
the new house being built on Loantaka way
for F. H. Lovell, Jr, Also the wiring of the
buildings ou the Meeker estate at Florham
5TH AV.-Edward Corning Co., 100 William
st, N. Y. C-, has received the general contract
to erect the 12-sty office building, 84x200 ft.,
at lO 5th av for Ginn & Co. (publishers), on
premises, from plans by C. A. Rich, 320 5th av,
WASHINGTON ST.-J. G. Deisler, 105 West
40th st, is flguring the general contract and
desires bids on subs for alterations to the store
and loft for the eslate of Jane E. Edgar, care
Whitlock Sc Simonds, 59 William st, owner.
B. E. Stern, 7 West SSth st, architect. Cost,
50TH ST.-The Lincoln Steel Fleming Co..
Inc., 17 Madison av, is figuring the general
conlract for alterations to the 4-sty store, resi¬
dence and oflice at 404 West 50th st for Aaron
Buchsbaum, 729 9th av, owner. J. J, Vree¬
iand, 2010 Jerome av, architect. Cost, SS.OOO.
29TH ST.—Ravitch Bros., 1182 Broadway,
have received the structural steel work and La
Spina-Morris Cut Stone Co., 110 West 29th st.
the limestone contrast for the 12-sty mercan¬
tile huilding, 50xS8 ft., to he erected at 158-160
West 29th st for tbe 25tb Street Construction
Co., 31 East 27th st, owner. Wm. H. Birk¬
mire, 1133 Broadway, architect. Cost, $200.0(10.
19TH ST.-Ronald H. Macdonald, 29 West
34th st, has received the general contract lo
erect the 12-sty loft building, 50x92 ft, at
112-114 East 19th st for the Nineteen Hundred
and Twelve Co, (Webster B, Mabie Sc Co.), lliS
30TH ST.—Conroy Bros,, 217 West 125th st,
have received the plastering contract for the
12-sty loft buildiug, 75x90 ft., to be erected at
151-153-155 West SOth st tor the Polo Con¬
struction Co., 11S3 Broadway. H. Williams,
president, owuer, Neville fi; Bagge, 217 Wesl
125th st, ai'chitects; Christian Jeppeson, lis
East 2Sbh st, steam engineer. Cost, $350,000.
5TH AV.-Tbe George A, Just Co., 239 Vernon
av, L. I. City, has received the sleel contract
for the 10-sty loft building, 53x100 ft., to he
erected al 59i-599 5th av for Charles Scrib¬
ner's Sons, 153 5th av, Cbarles Scribner, presi¬
dent, Ernest Flagg, 1"0 Broad st. architect;
Jobn T. Brady Co., 103 Park av, general con¬
NASSAU ST.-J. Schlesinger, 1269 Broadway,
has received the contract for installing slore
fronts at 110 Nassau st for Sarnoff Bros., from
plans by S. B. Elsendrath, architect.
PROSPECT AV.—J. Schlesinger, 1269 Broad¬
way, has received the contracl for Installing
store fronts at 1427 Prospect av for Schwartz Sc
Gross, 347 5th av,
29TH ST.-The Vogel Cabinet Co,, 535-545
East 70th st, has received the contract for in¬
lerior flttings for the new ^tore of Wallack
Bros., al 29th st and Broadway,
],30TH ST.-Irwin M. Book & Co., 1133 Broad¬
way, have received the contract to erect the
storage and lott buildiug at 617-621 West 130th
st for L, Oppenbeimer, owner. Gross Se Klein¬
berger, Bible House, archite&ts. Bids for steel,
plumbing, electric and reinforced concrete work
BEACH HAVEN, N. J.-Tbe Miller Engineer¬
ing and Contracting Co., of Cape May, has re¬
ceived the contract tor the road on Long Beach,
connecting Beach Haven with the new bridge
across the -hay at Mannahawkln, for $36,949.51.
MIDDLEPORT, N, Y.—Morris & Allen, of
Buffalo, have received tbe contract to erect
the 2-sty Odd Fellows' temple, 45xSS ft, on
the east side of Main st, on the Bidleman prop¬
erty, to cost $17,149.
Co., 535 Easl 79th sl, N, Y. C, has received
the contract for furnishing and installing trim
for the Church of the Sacred Heart on Black-
wells Island.
LONG BRANCH, N. J.—Chas. H, Peckworth,
631 Hudson st, N. Y, C, has received the con¬
tracl for the rection of an edifice for St, James
Episcopal Congregaiion, for $27,800. Brazer &
Rohh, 1133 Broadway, N. Y, C, architects.
PITTSBUiRGH, PA,—The Raymond Concrete
Pile Co., 00 West st. New Y'ork, has received
the contract for placing tlie concrete piles ior
the foundations of St, Martin's R, C, Church
at Steuben and Alexander sts, this city. John
T. Comes, 1005 51h av, this city, architect.
NEW BERLIN, N, Y.—J". C. Cummings, of
Norwich, has received tbe contract to erect the
high school for $22,340.
KEANSBURG, N, J.—William Ryers & Sou,
of South Amboy, have received the contract to
erect the new school house here.
CENTRAL PL.—J. Auer Sc Sons, 648 Lexing¬
ton av, Brooklyn, has received the mason con¬
tract, and Chris, Schneider Sc Son, 807 Flushing
av, the carpenter work, for the 5-sty brick
grocery warehouse to be erected in Ceutral pl,
near Broadway, for the H. 0, Bohack Co., on
premises. Koch & Wagner. 26 Court st. Brook¬
lyn, architects. Cost, $1)0,000.
GOTH ST.—P. T. Nesbit fi; Co., 116 Nassau sl,
have received the general contract to erect the
1-sly addition, 40x100 ft., to the 2-sly sub-sta¬
tion at 153 East 60th st, between 3d and Lex¬
ington avs, for the N. Y. Edison Co., 55 Duane
st, A, N. Brady, president. W. Weisenberger,
architect, 55 Duane st. Cost, .$25,000.
TEN EYCK ST,—J, Auer Sc Sons, G4S Lexing¬
ton av, have received the general contract to
erect the 1-sty brick garage in the north side
of Ten Eyck st, 150 ft. west of Lorimer st, for
Dietrick Kaatze, president Prudential Savings
Bank, Stuyvesant av. Walter B. Wills, ItSo
Myrtie av, architect.