May 15, 1915
Wants and Offers
The rate for Advertising under this heading is
15cents per Hne. nonpareil measurement, with
a minimum of four lines. Copy received until
3 P. M. Friday.
12 VVest 4Uth street, on lot 25x98, to the
8 VVest 4Uin bircet Corporation, owners
of liie new iweaiy-siory structure ad¬
joining^ on the cast, ine property was
held at :f25u,UlKJ. The bCiier occupies
part ot tile building and has taken a
lease of lliree lioors.
The Civil Service Commission has ordtred an
cxaminaiion to take place soon for Deputy Tax
Commissioners, permanent city positions, sala¬
ries *1800 to $3500. Appointmenis in all boroughs.
Real Ksiate men having hve years' experience
are eligible. SpLCial expert coaching by lax
Expert of nine ytars' experience, l-unhtr par¬
ticulars call, write or phone A. J. Fancell, Civil
Service Instructor, 501 tiiih Ave. C^Jud i>l.).
Phone 5775 Murray Hill.
YOUNG MAN, 22. 8 years' experience m
the manuKtinent and collection of tene¬
ment property, knowledge of bookkeep-
JiiM, typewiiting and office routine work,
desires position. Box 574, Record & Guide.
L.OFT TO LET, 25x95, large elevator,
heal, excellent light. Telephone Murray
Hill 3121. _ ,
BROWN. 306 E. 40th St.. New York.
TU LET—riixty Wall Street, fine light
private room in law office, particularly
desirable for real estate or insurance
broker. $30 a month, also desk room, ex-
ceptionaliv private. Address S. D. JONES,
60 Wall Street.
TO RENT—Five-story building, 314
Wtst 44th street, suitable for any busi¬
ness, specially in the building line; first
floor, driveway and stalls; upper floors,
lotts. offices and apartments; cheap rent.
See agent on premises.
AUveitiser, who is now developing a
large tract at Kuton Heisrhts in tne heart
of South Norwalk, Conn., will make an
attractive proposition to responsible
builder. Demand for homes by far ex¬
ceeds the supply. WALTER SCHULZE,
1170 Broadway, New York City. Tel..
Madison Square 3879.
WANTED — Competent, experienced
broker, with good knowledge of real es¬
tate values. Salary about $50. State pre¬
vious experience. Box 5SS. Record & Guide.
WAXTEU to lease apartments. Manhat¬
tan. Bronx; also what have you for sale
cheap; $5,U00-$lO,000 cash; balance mort¬
gage. Box 590, Record & Guide.
Large corner plot on Bedford Ave. and
Crown Street, Brooklyn. Address Owner.
Box 594, Record & Guide.
WANTED—Young man (Christian) in
management department real estate of¬
fice. Management experience and knowl¬
edge of bookkeeping desirable. Address,
stating experience and salary. Box 592,
Record & Guide.
MAN, 45, desires position in real estate,
collecting, renting, repairs and office
work: furnish best references. D. WILL¬
IAM STOWESAND, 53 Arlington a v.,
Brooklyn. N Y. Telephone Franklin 2954.
If you want to know who is building, and
who, therefore, is in the market for building
materials, read the Record and Guide.
Brokers, Attention!
The Realty Associates desire to
co-operate with brokers in every way
possible. We sell property on easy
terms, paying full commissions to
We have lots, flats, dwellings,
and businese property in all parts
of Brooklyn, making a specialty of
well known Easy Housekeep¬
ing Homes in Prospect Park East,
Fifty-Fourth Street and other sec¬
tions of Brooklyn.
It will pay you to get in touch
with us.
Realty A.ssociates
Capital and Surplus $5,000,000
Telephone 6480 Main
Big Queens Project
The Ring-Oibson Company has pur¬
chased the Van Wicklen larm, contain¬
ing about 6UU lots, on Liberty avenue,
in the South Richmond Hill section of
(Jucens, lor development with two-
lainny houses. The land is along the
route of the Liberty avenue extension
of the elevated portion of the dual sub¬
way system.
Buys Tall Loft Structure.
The McMorrow Engineering & Con¬
struction Company sold to a client of
Paul Korn, the thirteen-story mercantile
building, at 131-137 West 37th street, on
plot 75 X 98.9. The building was com¬
pleted last summer.
Manhattan—South of 59th St.
CEDAR ST.—Euphemia S. Coffin sold the Lib¬
erty Building, a 5-sty structure, at the north
corner of Cedar and West sts, to Frederick
lirown, who took it in part payment for ■"Kuguy
Hall" and "Eton Hall" apartments 2'o-'6b Clare¬
mont av, recently reported sold.
DOWNING ST.—Kurz & Uren (Inc.) sold
for the Hubener-Escher Co. the 7-sty lott
building 24-:^S Downing st, on plot G0x7b, to the
Benenson Realty Co., which took it in part pay¬
ment for the block Iront in the south side of
Itjnth st, from Teller to Clay av.
GREENE ST.—E. H. Ludlow & Co., sold for
the No. (iu Cliff Street Co. to Joseph Hamblin
G'.) and 71 Greene st, a 5-sty building, on plot
WATER ST.—Morris Weinstein sold to M.
Benevento 383 Water st, a 3-sty building, on
lot :iux80.
WAVERLY PL. — The Fogliasso-Clement
Building Co., which recently purchased the plot
44.X1I7, at 7y-Sl Washington pl, for an 8-sty
apartment house improvement is reported to
have purchased a plot 44x18 in the rear of tht*
abutting buildings at 118-120 Waverly pl to
provide a greater depth.
17TH ST.—Annie Rubin sold 347 East 17th st,
a O-sty tenement, on lot J:2xli-'.
2STH ST.—J. S. Maxwell sold for Emma J.
Egan to the Nason Realty Co., Max N. Nathan¬
son, president, the 5-sty stores, on plot .^^UxHn),
at 13G and 138 West 28th st, which has been
held at $100,000.
31ST ST.—Harrie S. Lines sold for Mrs.
Amelia S. Lansing 210 East 31st st, a 3-sty
house, on lot 17x08.11.
4GTH ST.—John W. Condit is reported to
have sold 352-356 West -16th st, a 5-sty apart¬
ment house, on plot 75x100.5.
American Real Estate Company
Founded 188S
Owner of
Harriman National Bank Build¬
ing, 44th St. and Fifth Ave.
Stockton Building, 5-9 E. 31st St.
Arena Building, 39-41 W. 31st St.
Hendrik Hudson Apartments,
Broadway, HOth Street, River¬
side Drive.
Developer of A-R-E-CO dis¬
tricts, The Bronx, and Park
Hill, Yonkers.
On these types of properties are based
its 6% Bonds, offered to investors in
Coupon form for direct investment, and
in Accumulative form purchasable by
Correspondence invited.
Amrrifan Ural JEBtatr QIom^ny_
Capital and Surplus, W,247,7S9.13
527 Fifth Avenue, New York
4UT11 ST.—George W. Mercer & Son sold for
the New York County National Bank, tbe two
factory builaings, 440 and 442 West 4Uth st, on
plot 50x100.
57TH ST.—Hall-Berwln Corporation and H.
Nelson Flanagan sold for the Wilmurt Realty
Co., 103 West 57th st, a 4-sty dwelling on lot
lUxlOU.5, to Louis H. Chalif, who recently pur¬
chased adjoining propeity at No. 105 and now
controls a frontage of 30.10 ft.
Manhattan—North of 59th St.
72D ST.—Frank G. Burke. Jr.. so'd 247 West
72d st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 25x102.2, to Mrs.
Alice C. Wiliams, who owns the aujoining house
at 240 and now controls a frontage of 50 ft.
The buyer gave fn part payment the 5-sty flat,
00 East 122d st. The brokers were Spear & Co.
and E. H. Ludlow & Co.
74TH ST.—William B. May & Co. sold for
Bertha Lewy, the 3-sty dwelling, 128 East 74th
st, on lot 18.0x102.2.
82D ST.—John Seeley Ward bought from
Solomon Tim, 10 East 82d st, a 4-sty dwelling,
on lot 20.6x102.2. The broker was John J.
S2D ST.—Pease & Elliman sold for the Ess
Eff Realty Co., Solon L. Frank, president, lUii-
111 East 82d st the plot 50x100, and now oc¬
cupied by a livery stable under lease to the Car¬
negie Hill Livery Co. The buyer is Edward
S. Black. .
80TH ST.—The GOl West End Corporation,
Albert Saxe, president, purchased from Dr.
John J. Moorehead the 3-sty dwelling 301 West
SlJth st, on lot 20x100.8, to protect the westerly
light of the 13-sty apartment house to be erected
at the northwest corner of West End av and
8!Jth St.
OOTH ST.—Thomas I. McKeon sold, through
Joseph P. Day the 4-sty dwelling, 67 West OOth
st, on lot 18.9x108.8, to H. R. Roeder, who
will alter for business.
IISTH ST.—Lawyers" Mortgage Co. sold 313-
315 East 118th st, a 6-sty tenement, on plot 50x
118TH ST.—Charles R. Protze has sold 306-
308 East 118th st, a 6-sty tenement, on plot
i;i.5TH ST.—Speedway Realty Co., Klein &
Jackson sold the 6 lots in the south side of West
1.35th st, 115 ft. east of Broadway, IGOxOO.ll,
adjoining the Claremont Theatre. Tbe buyer
will erect a garage. The brokers were Wm. A.
White & Sons.
143D ST.—Hermine Debrovsky sold 25G West
143d st, a G-sty tenement on lot 25x1*0.11, to
the Normal Construction Co., Brown & Lapin,
which gave in exchange the new G-sty apart¬
ment house, at the southeast corner of Av St.
John and Fox st, on plot 75x100.
148TH ST.—J. S. Maxwell resold for (Teorge
F. Tighe the 5-sty apartment house 514 West
14Sth St. on plot 41.Sxlu0.
IGOTH ST.—Adolph Lewisohn bought through
L. J. Phillips Sl Co., from the Markey estate,
the lot 25x100 in the north side of West IfiOth
st, 143 ft. west of Broadway. Mr. Lewisohn
owns the entire westerly Broadway block front
from IGOth to 175th st, with the exception of the
IGOth st corner.
170TH ST.—Mrs. Margaret Cameron is re¬
ported to have re-sold the "Bright," a G-sty
apartment house, at 555 West 170th st, on plot
i80TH ST.—John M. Thompson and C. WaUer
Cushier have sold for Mrs. Elizabeth C. Schnei¬
der the 5-sty apartment house GIO West l80th
st, on lot 25x100. The house was built 5 years
ago by John B. Berry, this being the 2d sale
since its completion. The property has been
held at $45,000.
187TH ST.—Isidor Crayhead sold the plot, 100
x200, in the nirth side of West 187th st. 125 ft.
east of St. Nicholas av, to Joseph Reiss, who
gave in exchange the 5-sty new-law flat at the
southeast corner of Bryant av and 170th st. on
plot 45x100. The Manhattan plot was later re¬
sold to David Zipkin, the builder.
AMSTERDAM AV.—Joseph P. Day sold for
Lewine & Kempner, 71 Amsterdam av, a 5-sty
tenement, on plot 26.0x100.
AUDUBON AV.—Value Realty Co. sold the 2-
sty building at the northeast corner of Au¬
dubon av and lS3d st, on lot 25x75, to Edwin
A. Castor.
BROADWAY.—Valentine Diedrich sold to the
Donovan estate, through Hall J. How & Co.. the
lot 25x150. on the east side of Broadway, 150 ft.
north of 207th st. The seller now controls a
plot fronting 175 ft. on Broadway and 133 ft. In
207th St.
LEXINGTON AV.—Lawyers' Mortgage Co. sold
1045 and 1047 Lexington av, two 3-sty dwellings,
each on lot 17x55.
WADSWORTH AV.—Ennis & Sinnot bought
from the Belford Realty Co.. through McDowell
Sl McMahon. the 5-sty flat. 143 Wadsworth av,
on plot 37.GxlOO. The brokers report it a cash
1ST AV.—Ernest N. Adler sold for Amelia S.
and Charles E. Lansing to Elias Rosenbaum
14!K) 1st av, a 4-sty tenement, on plot 25.0x05.Gx
irreg. The new owner will alter it into a store
FOX ST.—Joseph Reich bought from Mrs.
Emma Breckendorf the 5-sty apartment house
681 Fox st, on plot 40x100.
FOX ST.—The J. W. Cornish Construction Co.
has sold the southwest corner of Fox st and
Av St John, a new 5-sty apartment house, on
plot .~Oxl(X>.
181ST ST.—G. Ernst sold to Frank Eberhart,
Bryant Court, a 5-sty apartment house. 35x100,
at the northeast corner of 181st st and Bry¬
ant av.