October 20, 1917
Established 1879
192 Montague Street
Telephone Main 4390-4391
400 Nostrand Avenne
Sea Gate, New York Harbor
Brokers, Attention!
The Realty Associates desire to
co-operate with brokers in every way
possible. We sell property on easy
terms, paying full commissions to
We have lots, flats, dwellings,
and business property in all parts
of Brooklyn, making a specialty of
our well known Easy Housekeep-
ing Homes in Prospect Park East,
Fifty-Fourth Street and other sec¬
tions of Brooklyn.
It will pay you to get in touch
with us.
Realty Associates
Capital and Surplus $5,000,000
Telephone 6480 Main
Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers
C. L. Gilbert, Pres. R. E. Patterson, Secy.
Water Fronts, Factory Sites, Appraisals
Main Oflice
837 Manhattan Avenue
753 Nostrand Avenu«
Members Brooklyn Board of R. E. Brokers
Brooklyn Real Estate
Howard C. Pyle Co.
Mortgage Loans Expert Appraising
2C1 Montague Street BROOKLYN
Established 1879
William G. Morrisey
Telephone |^|5 MAIN
Tel., 837-838 Plaza 31 EAST 58tli STRBBT
J. K. MOORS leased the building at 323 West
o7tli st ior John W. Burgess, ot Newport, R. I.,
to M. Flubacher.
J. K. MOORS leased the building at 342 West
5Sth st to P, E. ReihI.
J. K. MOORS leased the building at 343 West
57th st to Helen G. Barnes.
MOORE, SCHUTTE Sl CO. rented 473 West
14lst st, a 4-sty American batiemeut dwelliug,
tor Mrs. Mary McGrame O'Brien to JJr. Nils O.
CHARLES F. NOYES CO. and White-Good¬
man have ieased the l-±th and lath floors ot the
Masonic Building, 23d st and Uth av, at a rental
ot about ¥10,UUU per annum to the New lorli
Uniiorm Manutacturing Corporation.
CHARLES F. NOYES CO. leased a floor at
433 Broadway Ior the ideal Gas 6: HJlectric Fix¬
ture Co. to the L. S. Trading Sl Premium Co. ;
a tloor at 222 Pearl st tor Caroline B. Brown to
V. Borras, and space at tiS-iU WaU st lor the
Index Realty Co. to N. A. Brown.
PEASE Sl ELLIMAN have rented apartments
at isiiy Pari! av lo Mrs. George G. Moore; at 112,
East 74th st to F. W. Gaessenhaemer; at bio
Pam av to Mrs. Halstead ; at l^o East 3ijth st
to Mrs. M. E. Osgood; and at ooU Park av to
Mrs. G. Van B. Roberts,
PEASE & ELLIMAN leased for Mrs. J. C.
Bowrou to the Fasaion Academy the 3-sty
buildmg at 6U5 Parii av, between Ooth and UOtn
sta ; also leased, lurnished, lor Henry U. Stern
the 4-sty dwelling at lol East t>2d st, between
Lexington and Park avs.
PEASE Sl elliman leased for C. J. Rivers,
as agent for the "Tower Building," at 642 oth
av, ottices lo ur. J. Frederic iluntihgton; for
Mrs. A. C. Hubbard to Mrs. Ida Hennchson the
4-sty dwelling at 53 West 54th Bt; in the
"Apthorp,"' at Broadway aud tVth st, owned
by William Waldori Astor, an apartment to
Ldward B. Camp; and one in the same build¬
ing lor Louis A. Hamilton to Inglis M.
uppercu; furnished, for H. Kingsland Macy
to liJdward W. Packard the 4-sty dwelling at 126
Kast 74th St.
PEASE & ELLIMAN leased apartments at 57
West OSth st to Madeline Dana ; at y East 10th
st to Helen Dryden ; at 755 Park av to George H.
Betts; at 15ti East "iyih st to Mrs. W. B. Frank¬
Un; at 330 Park av to John E. Dietz; at &15
Park av to John F, Lucey and Mrs. Chas.
Bulkley ; at 3'yy Park av to Carl L. Victor ; at
111: East 17th st to Mrs. Sybil Russell Bogue;
at 24 East 3Sth st to Noble F. Hoggson ; at bl5
Park av to Leo Lundihm; at lua East ii2d st
to Mrs. Sophie Perin Shipley; at 82y Park av
to Mrs. Walter Oakes; at oiU Park av to Henry
Kelly. Jr.
PEASE Sl elliman leased for R. W. Realty
Co. tho 2d floor of bO Nassau st to Mrs. E. L.
Beach, who after extensive alterations will con¬
duct a tea room ; and also leased for B. Crystal
ii Son the top floor of 47 West fat to American
Mica Works Co.
PEASE Sl elliman leased for Dr. Virgil
P. Gibney to Miss Urania Woodman the 4-sty
dwelling at 44 East 35th st, adjoining the resi¬
dence of Dr. Gibney at the southwest corner of
Park av; also for Mrs. S. M. Sedgwick to C.
E. ives the furnished 3-sty dwelling at 12U East
22d st; furnished, for Mrs. E. B. Mallon her
apartment in tilO West 115th st to Leonard H.
Wood; for Dr. Louis Neuman to Dr. W. P.
Williams the 4-sty dwelling at 31 West tJSth st.
S. OSGOOD PELL & CO. leased to the Peer¬
less Motor Car Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, about
14,000 sq. ft. of space, as salesrooms for the
Peerless cars, at the southeast corner of Broad¬
way and 03d st.
PEPE & BRO. leased apartments la 146 West
4th st, the new studio building that has just
been completed, to Hon. D. A. Verenikis, Mini-
stre Resident de Grace acting for the Greek
Government, Cyrus S. Brown, Roderic C. Pen-
field and Cleo Bracken; also leased tbe Little
Duplex Studio that is now being finished at 183
West 4th st to Edward Cammilli; and rented
for Mrs. Thompson an apartment at 47 Wash¬
ington sq to A. Smith.
GEO. R. READ Sl CO. made leases in Em¬
pire Court, 311 West 95th st, which entirely fills
the house, to Mrs. NeUie Kurtz, Patrick T. Mc-
Vey, Mrs. Mary Gallo, Mrs. Emma L. Stanley,
Louis Jacobson and Lieut. Roger Wisner; also
the following leases in the Chiselhurst, 455-9
Fort Washington av, to Mrs. Mary L. Stark,
Andrew Kidd, Jr., H. Wilson, Frederick A.
Ardagh and Miss Emma E. Gould.
GEO. R. READ & CO. leased for the Broad¬
way Building Co. offlces on the 2d floor of 170
Broadway to the Security Bond & Investment
GEO. R. READ & CO. leased space in the
Johnston Building, 1170 Broadway, to Jeffs
Fashion Co. and M. Shapiro ; in the Constable
Building, 111 5th av, to Matthew Gottlib; and
121!-1L'4 East 25th st to Ferdinand Hasters.
JOSEPH F. SEITZ leased an apartment in
7S9 Lexington av to Sal Sardo Fontana ; in 809
Lexington av to F. E. Nixon and Annabelle
Treanor, and in 827 Lexington av to H. Couni-
hau and Emma Maloof.
EVERETT M. SEIXAS CO. leased for 1067
Fifth Avenue Company a furnished apartment
in that building to Hormon August.
EVERETT M. SEIXAS CO. leased for C. M.
Berthel his apartment, furnished, 536 West
lllth st to Herman Baum, aud in conjunction
with E. K. Van Winkle the furnished apart¬
ment of G. Mumford, 36 Gramercy Park.
EVERETT M. SEIXAS CO. leased for Dr,
Herbert Russell his furnished apartment at 116
Riverside dr, and 163 West SOth st apartments
to Miss Elizabeth Porter and J. W. Nelligan ;
at the Towers, Morningside av, apartments to
Mrs. Grant and Thomas G. Lawsen.
SHAW & CO. leased the store in 23 West
125th st to William Truehart, who will conduct
a tailoring establishment.
SLAWSON & HOBBS rented for James Mc¬
Elhinney the dwelling 165 West Olst st to Dr.
A. Berghaus; also lor Brenen estate to Harris
Parr the dwelling 2 West 75th st; for John J.
Sweeney the dwelling 242 West 72d st to M. E.
and A. Wickware.
SLAWSON & HOBBS rented for F. K. Kraet-
zer, Jr., the dwelling 253 West 70th st to Mrs,
R. A. Du Fourcq; also the dwelling 639 West
142d st lor the estate of M. Wilbur Dyer to
Edwin F. R. Lent; for the Brennen estate 3
West 74th st to Eliza Hill.
SLAWSON & HOBBS rented for Frederick
Schultz the dwelling 127 West 85th st to Fran¬
ces E. MagiuD ; also 322 West 88th st for Miss
A. C. Dillingham to Annie B. Dexter; also
have leased lor John J. Dillon the dwelling 312
West STth st to Rosa Gibbs.
SLAWSON Sl HOBBS rented for Dr. A. C. Mc¬
lntyre the dwelling 162 West 73d st to Helen
Stem ; also the dwelling 329 West 7Sth st for
W. E. D. Stokes to E. C. Johntiton; and the
dwelling 15 West 82d st for the receivers of the
American Real Estate Co. to Mrs. R. C. Mc-
Lence. ^^j
SLAWSON & HOBBS rented for Anna Fill-
man the dwelling 19 West 87th st to F. W.
Kautman ; also 143 West 73d st for West 73d
Assc. (Inc.) to Anna Kinnear; and 72 River¬
side dr for the estate of Leonard Lewisohn to
W. E. C. Jones.
SPEAR Sl CO. rented for the DeVinne Press
the Gth loft at 393-9 Lafayette st to Streep &
Hill for a long term at an aggregate rental of
about $30,000; for the United States Insurance
Co. the 5th floor at 99-101 Sth av to A. Dembitz
& Co.
SPEAR & CO. rented, with Horace S. Ely
Co., the 10th loft at 133-141 West 21st st to
Frank Spica,
SPEAR Sl CO. rented for Michael Cole¬
man the 9th loft at 43-51 West 36th st to
Messrs. Kneale & Rohrs (Inc.).
JAMES H. STRYKER leased for Walter J.
Salomon to D. H. Schwartzman the store and
basement at 103 West 42d st; for Carstein &
Linnekin the store and basement in the Ban¬
croft Building, at 7 West 29th st, to the Nugent
Electrical Supply Co.; for Paul Shetland the
3d floor at 17 West 24th st to Mr. Strieker;
for M. & L. Hess (Inc.) the roof floor at 12-14
West o:^d st to B. M. Hekman, commercial
VAN VLIET & PLACE rented for Conron
Brothers Co., which has improved the block
front at 9th av aud 14th st, the corner for ten
years to the United Cigar Stores Co. of America,
and the store at 63 4th av to the United Vul¬
canizing Co.
EDWARD C. H. VOGLER has leased the
store at 955 West End av to Levine Tailoring
Co.; at 5SS Amsterdam av to Andrew Davey
(Inc.), and at 642 Columbus av to S. Kawai.
CHARLES B. WALKER leased the store and
basement at 2o9 Centre st to Samuel Friedas;
for the estate of John R. Graham space in 174
Centre st to the Kling Calendar Co,; for Emil
Bommer space in Sl Walker st to John O.
Buckelew; in 207-20i ^ Centre st to the
American Chain Ladder Co. ; for Woehr Bros.
in 180 Lafayette st to the Heseltine Motor Cor¬
poration; for R. Leerburger in 69 West Hous¬
ton st to James A. Walton ; and in 207 Centre
st to Wunsch & Washburn.
WERTHEIM Sl CLEAR leased a store in the
building at the southeast corner of Lexington
av and 44th st for Patrick J. Flannery to John
De Scenza.
WHITE-GOODMAN leased the store and
basement at 17 East 17th st to Karl Guggen¬
heim ; also large space at 24-26 East 21st st to
the Metropolitan Hospital Supply Co.
WM. H. WHITING & CO. leased for the
Shepard estate the building at 74-78 Cliff st.
comprising the northeast corner of Ferry st, to
the Allison Storage & Transfer Co.
WM. H. WHITING & CO. leased for the Pro¬
testant Reformed Dutch Church for a long term
of years the buildings 9-11 Dutch st. The lessee
is the R-W Realty Co., which will make exten¬
sive alterations and use the premises in con¬
nection with the building they already occupy
at 80 Nassau st, which adjoins the leased prem¬
E. T. NEWMAN leased the duplex dwellings
626A 3d st to Edgar M. Shaw ; 622A 3d st to J.
Butler, aud 396A 9th st to J. Copland.
JAMES H. STRYKER leased for the Vlemeis-
ter estate the store and basement at 1765 Broad¬
THE LEWIS H. MAY CO. leased cottages at
Far Rockaway, L. I., for Dr, Julius L Metzger
on Neilson av to Dr. I, Moses Friedman; at
Arverne, L. I., for Excelsior Brewing Realty
Co. on Carlton av to S. L. Unger; at Rockaway,
L. I., for Rose M. Halstead on S. Columbus
av to Leon Isaacson ; at Belle Harbor, L. I., for
Phyllis Rappelje on Suffolk av to Mrs. Richard
Out of Town,
J. STERLING DRAKE leased the suburban
home of Captain C. W. Lawson, furnished, at
24 Tallman av, Nyack, N, Y., to Joseph M.
Keatinge, lawyer, at 149 Broadway, New York
City. It is one of the show places of the city,
a property 168x219, commanding flne Hudson
River views.
the Carstensen residence in the village of
Scarsdale, N. Y., to A. Frankenberg.
FEIST Sl FEIST (INC.) leased for the
Charlotte Realty Co. the upper part of the
building at the southeast corner of Prince st
and Springfield av, Newark, to De Paola &
FISH & MARVIN rented to Mrs. Philip Jones,
of Shippan Point, Stamford, the residence of
Professor Algernon S. Tassin on Stamford av.