Record and Guide.
October 8,1891
132d st, s 8, 460 w Sth av, two five-story brk
and stone flats, 25x76, tin roofs; cost, $'20,000
eacfa; A. L. Judge, 164 St. Nit^olas av; ar't, J.
C. Bume. Plan 1276.
17Stfa st, n s, 125 w llth av, two-story trame
dwell'g, lSx'24, tin roof; cost, $1,200; agent, C.
G. Haggerty, 244 West 148d st Flan 1266.
135th Bt, s s, 200 e 7tfa av, two flve-story brk
and stone flats, 25x85, tin roots; cost, $19,000
eacfa; R. Wfaite, 71 West 124th st; ar't, A. Spenco.
Plan 1284.
23d and 24th WARDS.
163d st, s s, Tinton and Forest avs, sixteen
tbree-and-a-faaU-story frame (Iwell'gs, 18,5 and
lSx44, tin roofs; cost, $3,8G0 each; J, W, Decker,
841 Forest av. Plan 1264,
Creston av, w s, 700 s Fordham Landing road,
one one-story frame greenhouse, 18x60, glass roof;
cost, $600; Mary E, Bixby, Fordham, N, Y,; m'n,
T, Johnston; c'r, S, H, Mapes. Plan 1278,
Forest av, e s, 47 n 161st st, two-story frame
stable, 29x26, gravel roof; cost, $550; A, Rinsch¬
ler, on premises; ar't, A, Pfeiffer, Flan 127ii.
Morris av, s w cor ISOlh st, two tfaree-story
frame dwell'gs, 25x60, tin roots; cost, $5,000 eacfa;
J. H. Westfaeimer et al., 242 West 130tfa st; ar't,
A. Pfeiffer. Plan 1271.
River av, w s, 2,50 n 150th st, two-story brk
stable, 51x38, tar and gravel root; cost, $3,500;
L. H, Mace, WiUiamsbridge, N, Y.; ar't, C, T,
Mott. Plan 1263.
Washington av, e s. 84 s 1S2d st, two-story and
basement frame dwell'g, 18x40, tin root; cost, $3,-
700; W. J Shepiard, 2427 1st av; ar't, E. N.
Unruh. Plan 1273.
Ar(mlarius pl, n s, 335 e Jerome av, two-story
and basement frame dwell'g, 20x^, tinroof; cost,
$3,000; Elizabelh McPherson, on premises; ar't,
J, Spindler, Plan l',282,
Creston av, w s, 200 n lS3d st, two-story trame
dwell'g, 16x^, shhigle roof; cost, $1,100; P,
Ryan, valentine av; ar't and c'r, C, W, Vree¬
land; m'n, T, Johnston, Flan 128L
Tiebout av, e s, SO s Highbridge road, two¬
story frame building, 17x18, tin roof; cost, $250;
ow'r anii: c'r, C. W. Vreeland, 2500 Tiebout av;
m'n, J, P, Levetch, Plan 1280,
3d av, e s, 150 s lS3d st, three-story brk shop,
S6X.S0, tin roof; cost, $8,000; B. H. Field, pres't,
21 North Madison sq: ar't, R. E. Rogers; b'r, J.
Spears. Plan 1283. (Substituted for alteraUon
Flan No. 1697 filed last week.)
Plan 1781—Ralph and Hovrard avs and Daan
and Pacific sts, one two-story and attic brk and
slate orphan asylum, 130x105, and extension, OOx
146, slate and tin root, iron cornice; cost, abt
$75,000; trustees Hebrew Orphan Asylum, by
Moses May, 500 Bedford av; ar'ts, J. B. Snix>k&
Bon; b'r, not selected.
1782—North 10th st. North llth st and Beny
st, tour one-story and one four-story brk build¬
ings for factory, pattern shop, foundry, &c., 107
z52, gravel roofs, iron comices; totel cost, $30,000;
Poulson & Egar; ar't, S. Constable; b'rs, W. &
T. Lamb and Libbey & Keese.
1783—6th av, n w cor Sth st, five four-story
brk and brown stone apartment houses, 19.10 anil
20.8x19.10 and 2L8x65 and 60. tin roots, wooden
cornices; total cost, $35,000; ow'r and b'r, L.
Bonert, 528 10th st; ar't, W. M. (3oote.
1784---3d st, n s, 290 e 7th av, five tfaree-story
and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 20x45, tin
roofs, iron comices; cost, $10,000 each; ow'r, ar't
and b'r, E. H. Mowbray, Garfleld pl, bet bth and
6tfa avs.
1785—WiUougfaby av, s s, 175 e Sumner av, one
two-story and attic brk dwell'g, 22x45, and ex¬
tension, 14x35.8. tin root, wooden cornice; cost,
$10,000; Aug, Grill, Jefferson av, near Bushwick
av; ar'ts, D. Acker & Son; b'r, W, Auer,
1788—57tb st, 8 s, 240 e 2d av, one two-story
frame dwell'g, I8x*,J5, tin roof; cost, $500; ow'r
and b'r, Jobn Ennis, S5th st and 2d av; ar'ts, M,
Freeman & Sons.
1787—6tfa av, n e cor 15th st, two four-story brk
stores and tenem'te, 27 and 28x99 and 60,6, tin
roofs, iron comices; total cost, $30,000; G, O, Van
Orden, 4'<i8 oth st,
1788—Osbom st, n s, 150 n Livonia av, three
two-story trame (brk fiUed) dwell'gs, 16.8x32, tin
roofs; cost, each, $3,000; Sam Tostevin; ar'ts, D,
Acker & Son,
1789—Stone av, e s, 240 n Dumont st, three
two-story frame (brk filled) dwell'gs, 16.8x32, tin
roofs; cost, each, $3,000; ow'r and b'r, Al. Tos¬
tevin; ar'ts, D. Acker & Son.
1790—Livonia av, s w cor Osbom st, two three¬
story frame (brk filled) stores and tenem'te, 25x
6/, tin roofs; cost, each, $6,000; ow'r and b'r, Ann
Matthews, 14B6 Broadway; ar'ts, D. Acker &
1791—Bradford av, e s, 1.50 s Liberty av, one
two-story frame dweU'g, 21x32, tin root; cost,
$2,500; Patrick Brophy, Liberty av, near Miller
av; ar't, C. Intanger.
1792—Dean st, n s, 300 e Nostrand av, five
tbree-story and tiasement brk and brown stone
dwell'gs, 20«48.8, tin roofs, iron comices; cost,
each, $6,500; ow'r and b'r, J, A. BUss, '204 Mc¬
Donougfa st; ar't, A. E, A¥hite,
1793-^Watkins st, e s, 150 n Livonia st, one
two-story brk dwell'g, 20x32, tin roof, wooden
eomice; cost. $1,500; Micfaael SulUvan, 1888 At¬
lantic av; ar't, O. E. HofEses.
1794—Dumont st, s s. 75 w Watkins st, one
two-story brk dwell'g, 20x32, tin roof, wooden
cornice; cost, $1,500; ow'r and ar't, same as last,
179.5—De Kalb av, s s, 43 e Grafaam st, one
tfaree-story brk store and tenem't, 23x50, tin
roof, tin cornice; cost, $5,000; Wm, Vaughn, 444
De Kalb av; ar't, J, Hauser.
1796—Vanderbilt av, w s, 80 s Bergen st, six
four-story brk tenem'ts, 19x50, tin roofs, wooden
cornices; cost, each, $6,000; Daniel O'Connell,
596 Dean st; ar't and b'r, T, Remson,
1797—Butler st, s s, 129 e Bedford av, one two¬
story and basement brown stone dwell'g, 20x40,
tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $3,800; Mrs. G. F.
Beatty, 745 Franklin av; ar't, I. L. t^esenbury;
b'r, G. F. Beatty.
1798—Pacific st, s s, S3.4 e TJtlca av, flve two¬
story frame dwell'gs, 17x38, tin roofs; cost, each,
$2,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Chas. D. Terry, 1694
Dean st.
1799—Lorimer st, e s, 60 s Conselyea st, one
three-story frame tenem't, ISztH), tin roof; cost,
$3,000; Jacob Hoffmann, on premises; ar't, F, J,
Berlenbach, Jr,; b'r, not selected,
1800—Rochester av, s w cor Bergen st, one
tfaree-story frame store and dweU'g, 23,9x50, tin
roof; cost, $3,000; Emst A. Grote, 62 Albany av:
b'r, not selected.
1801—Rochester av, s w cor Bergen st, one two¬
story frame stable, 15x23.9, tin roof; cost, $1,000;
ow'r, &c., same as last,
1802—Belmont av, n s, 60 w Fountain av, and
Logan st, e s, 90 n Belmont av, eight two-story
frame dweU'gs, 20x44, tinroofs; cost, eacfa, $2,500;
Richard Geary, 470 Madison st; u't and br, W.
1S03—Nichols av, w s. 225 n Sutter av, flve
two-story and attia frame dwell'gs, 16.6 ancl
20.6x28.6, shingle and tin roofs; cost, each, $2,000;
Ch. Lofarent and H. Mafna, 2921 Atlanticav;
ar'ts, Danmar & Fischer; b'r, not selected.
18()4—Evergreen av, e s, 250 s Madison st, one
two-story trame (brk fiUed) stable and dwell'g, 25
xSO, tin roof; cost, $500; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Wm,
Andi-ews, 1076 Bushwick av,
I8(i5—Arlington av, n w cor Hale nv, one tfaree-
story frame store and tenem't, 25x60, tin root;
cost, $5,500; J, Grube, 2931 Atlantic av; ar'ts,
Danmar & Fischer; b'r, uot selected.
1806—Jamaica av, n s, 200 e Barbey st, one two¬
story and attic frame dwell'g, 20x32, shingle roof;
cost. $3,000; ow'r and b'r, F. H. Solnig, 2931 At¬
lantic av; ar'ts, Danmar & Fiscfaer. *
1807—Tillary st, s w cor Adams st, one one-
story brk theatre, 99x153, gravel and metalUc tile
root, metal cornice; cost, $1()0,000; Liebman
Bros,; ar'ts, Parfltt Bros.; b'rs, Flynt Construc¬
tion and Building Co,, of Palmer, Mass.
1808—1st st, 8 s, 272.10 e 7th av, four tfaree-
story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 20x47,
tin roofs, wooden comices; total cost, $28,000;
Jofan MagilUgaii & Son, 56 Berkely pl.
1809—Ralpfa st, ses, 115 n e "Wyckoff av, two
tfaree-story trame (brk flUed) tenem'ts, 25 and
15x57, tin roofs; cost, $i;,500 and $3,.500; Dora
Miller, 116 Himrod st; ar't, R, B, Miller; c'r, J,
G. Humnel; m'n, not selected,
1810—Nortfa llth st, n s, loO w Bedtord av, one
tfaree-story frame (brk fiUeil) store and dwell'g,
25x60, tin root; cost, $5,000; ow'r aud b'r, G,
Kleinbub; ar'ts, D, Acker & Son.
1811—Broadway, es, 62 s Fairfax st, one three¬
story brk store and dwell'g, 19x45, tin roof, iron
cornice; cost, $7,000; H. W. and I. SchwaU, 205
Leonard st; ar't, J. Bums: b'r, not selected,
1812—Sheffield av. No, 167, one one-story trame
stable, 18x2'^, sbiugle roof; cost, $100; PfaiUp
Heyer, on premises; b'r, W. Heyer,
1813—Carroll st, s e cor Fiske pl, flve three¬
story and basement brk and brown stone dwell¬
ings, 20.1 and 20x50, tin roofs, iron comices; total
cost, $60,000; Wm, Irvine,395 9th st: ar't, J. C.
Bume, m'n, not selected; c'r, day's work.
1814—Jay st, e s, IOO n Willoughby st, one
five-story brk, granite and Lake Superior
stone Fire Department Headquarters, 50 and
43x103, tUe and tin roof, terra cotta and cop¬
per cornice; cost, $137,650; City of Brooklyn; ar't,
F. Freeman; b'rs, P, J. CarUn & Co, and J. Lees
& Sons,
1815—4th av, n e cor Carroll st, one one-story
brk stable, 20x35, tin root, wooden cornice; cost,
$300; Mary Hunter, 4th av and Garfleld pl.
1816—Stt Marks av. No. 691, one two-story brk
stable, &c,, 40 and 25,4x46.6, slate root; cost, $7,-
500; A, Scbwarzmaim, 600 St, Marks av; ar't, J,
A, Sinclair; b'r, A. W. Blazo,
1817—Central av, e s, 50 n Woodbine st, one
tfaree-story frame (brk flUed) store and tenem't,
25x57, tin roof; cost, $4,000; ow'r and b'r, Chas.
Welcher. 65 Grove st; ar't, H, VoUweUer,
ISIS—Grand st, Nos, 1197-1203, being 5 e of
Stewart av, one one-story coal shed, 61.6x112,
gravel root; cost, $700; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Chas.
H. Reynolds, 810 Bushwick av.
1819—Van Voorhis st, s s, IOO e Bushwick av,
five three-story trame (brk filled) tenem'te, 35x63,
lin roots; cost, $4,500 each; ow'r and br, Cfa. A.
Wefar, Busbwick av, cor Covert st; ar't, B. Fink¬
183"—McKibben st. No. 65, one four-story
frame (brk flUed) tailor shop, 25x33, tin roof;
cost. $3,000; J. Greenblat, 119 Boerum st; ar't,
H. VoUweiler; b'r, not selected.
1821—Moore st. No. 103, one twostory frame
(brk filled) tailor shop, 35x30, tin root; cost,
$1,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last; c'rs, Rosen-
herg & Fineberg.
Plan 1721—Liberty st. No. 21, roof raised 3.6,
new iron aud brk front; cost, $3,000; agent, W.
B. Nichols, 16 East 74th st; ar'ts, MacGregor &
Son; m'n, J. J. Cody; c'r, G. McKenzie; iron,
Cook & Radley.
1722—Sist st, s s, 100 e West End av, walls
altered; cost, abt $350: Dr. C. F. Hoffman. 51
West SSd st; ar'ts. Snook & Sons; m'n, C. T.
17a3—10th st, Nos, 46,5-475 E., rear, two-story
extension, 19,6x34,8, and walls altered; cost, not
given; W. E. Uptegrove, IISO Dean st, Brooklyn;
ar't, J. W. Moulton.
1724—117tfa st. No. 535 E., repaired: cost, $300;
Crotty & Lally, on premises; c'r, J. Regan.
1725—12th 'av, w s, 260 n 132d st, portion of
building raised one story, two-story extension, 34
x46; cost, $1,500; T. H. Wheeler, prest, 43 West
95th st; ar't, J, T, Penny cork; b'rs. Smith & Co,
1726-—Lexington av. s e cor 57th st. raised one
story, four-story and basement extension, 30.Sz
23.5, interior alterations and walls altered; cost,
$15,000; T. Kieley, 11 West 13th st; ar't, L, C.
1727—Reade st, Nos, 2-10, interior alterations;
cost, $1,350; agente, W. A, White & Sons, 115
Broadw..y; at't, H, O, Chapman; m'ns, Darragh
1728—Greene st, Nos. 204 and 306, raind one
story, one-story extension, 24.6x24, new elevator
and shaft, walls altered and new front; cost, $18,-
000; L. Schultz, 34 West 19th st; ar't, H. Gil¬
1729—33d st. No, 18 W,. interior alterations,
walls altered and root changed; cost, $7,500; W,
W, Astor, 8 East 33d st; ar't, H, J. Hardenbergh;
b'r, J. Downey,
1730—SSth st. No. 133 E., interior alterations;
cost, $700: Rev. Dr. C. H, Parkhurst, on prem¬
ises; ar't, H, J, Hardenbergh; b'rs, Jeans & Tay¬
1731—Oth av. No. 74, new front and doors; cost,
$300; lessee, G. Leiebberger, on premises; b'r, J.
L. Lown.y.
1732—Broad st, Nos. I'l and 113, interior alter¬
ations and walls altered; cost, $3,000; L. N. & J,
M. Levy, 66 East 34th st; ar't, C, H, Israels,
1733—Mth st. No, 5'20E., interior alterations,
new front and doors; cost, $ 1,200; Bridget GKilden,
on premises; ar't, P, Wandelt; b'r, P, J, Connor,
1734—22d st, Nos, 523 and 535, W„ interior al¬
terations; cost, abt $300; F. S. Kinney, Butler,
N. J.; ar't, W. W. Howe; c'r, A. Ravekes.
1735—Elm st. No. 194, roof altered, rear raised
one story; cost, $1,600; C. M. Boland, Wood-
bridge, N. J.; ar't, I. Cammeau;c'r, T. Cam-
17:56—2d av. No. 190, one-story extension, 21x
,5,S; cost, $1,000; F. C, Hahn, on premises; b'r, C.
W. White.
1737—37th st. No. 18 W., two-story extension,-
lt)z7, and interior alterations; cost, $10,000; Anna
C. McCreery, Victoria Hotel; ar't, J. B. Ljrd;
b'rs. Smith & bell.
1738—Canal St. No. 41, interior alterations and
new front; cost, $1,200; L. Cahen, 129 East 92d
st; ar't, M, MuUer,
1739—Charles st, Nos. 98-104, raised one story
in part, one and two-story extension, 64.4x81 and
30, and walls altered; cost, $15,000; C. HaU, 111
East 64th st; ar't, F. Baylies.
1740—lOStb st, 8 s, 330 w 9th av, interior alterar
tions; cost, $1,000; Bernbeimer & Scfamid, 107
Wbst 57lh .st; ar't, Lederle & Co.
1741—3d av. No. 1251, interior alterations and
walls altered; cost, $8.50; H. S. Strauss, 155 West
57th st; ar't. G. Huttmann.
IT42—7th av, s e cor 26th st, walls altered and
new front; cost, $3,800; P. Hynes, 108 West 86th
st; ttr't, G. G. Youngs; b'rs. Spearing & Son,
1743—Greenwich st, s e cor Vandam st, interior
alteiations; cost, $750; E. May, 236 East 67tfa st;
ar't, J. Munckowitz; m'n, J. C. Lyons.
1744—Nassau st. No. 85, repair damage by fire;
cost,i$7,600; agent, J. Birchett, 341 West 3'3d st;
ar't, M. F. Finney; c'r, J. W. Clark.
1746—.50th st, Nos. 138 and 140 E., one-story
and basement extension, 40x58, interior altera¬
tions and walls altered; cost, $'.20,000; D. Metz¬
ger, pres't, 1044 '2d av; ar't. L. F. Heinecke.
I7«—Wall st, Nos. 49 and 51, walls repaired;
cost, $18,000; Atlantic Mutual Ins, Co,, on prem¬
ises; [ar't, J. Sexton; m'n, C, Callahan,
174(—'iOth st, Nos. 165 and 167 W., interior al-
terattons and walls altered; cost, $5,000; The
Geo, C, FUnt Co., 104 West llth st; ar't, F, C,
174fe—Lexington av, s e cor 60th st, five-story
extenEion, 21.6x41.5, roof changed, interior alter¬
ation!, walls altered and new front: cost, $20,000;
H. B.lBtein, 143 East 49th st; ar't, T. 8, Godwin.
1749—Broadway, No. l'lA\, front alterations;
cost, B90; C. D. Shepard, on premises; c'r, J,
17.5(1—147 th st, s 8, 200 w Brook av, raised to
gradej Bridget Lennon, on premises,
175lf-5th st. No. 816, new boiler stack; cost,
$300; Mary A. Youog, 607 Carlton av, Brooklyn;
m'ns. Van Riper & Co.
1752v-Eldridge st, Nos. 209 and 211, walls al¬
tered; cost, abt $1,000; Emily R. Kipp, Mt. Ver¬
non, i. Y.: ar't, J. W. Moulton,
1753-37th st, No. 502 W., interior alterations,
waUs iltered; cost, $1,200; A, Schaefie, 323 10th
av; ar ts, "Thorn & Wilson.
1754-47tb St. Nos. 243 and 245 W., two-story
extenson, 50x22; cost, Sl,.500; G. Bickelhoupt,
747 W.st End av; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson.
1755- -German pl, e s, 3,50 n Westchester av,
moved to new foundation; cost, $500; G. Dure, 627
Courtlindtav; ar't, F. J. Miller.
1756-1-16yth st, s 8, 42 w Vanderbilt av, moved
8X ft, r^s^ to "®" foundation, three-story and
cellar fxtension, 30x15, interior alterations and
walls a tered; cost, $3,500; J, Pfeiffer, on prem¬
ises; ai t, F. J. MiUer,