Record and Guide
August 7, 1897.
Cliuton st, e s, 50 s Madison st, 2c
25x93.7. Sub to morts $22,^^0.
Punston, Frances widow, Cornwall, N Y, to
Wm P Perry. Chryatie st, No 117, w s,
bet Grand and Broome ats, 25x100- See
Conveys. July 30, due July 31, 1898- 6,500
Ffinfaerií, Barnei and Harris Friedman to
EmiLie J Murray, Monroe sL, n s. 201.10
c Catherine st, 25x100. Aug 2, due Aug
4.-1898. 10,1)00
Feinberg, Barnet and Harris Friedman ío
Harris Mandelbaura and Fisfaer Lewine.
Sarae property. July 2i, 6 montfas. lU.uOO
Feiaberg, William and Joseph Polstein to
John T "n'illets as guard of estate of Val-
entiue M Willets, Stfa sL, No 309, n s,
214.3 e Av B. runs n 93.11 x e 18.9 x s
24.1 X e 6 X s 69.10 to sL, x w 24.9. Aug
4, 3 years, 5%. 25,000
Ferrigan, Fatk P aud Mary J Lo Edwd P
Steers. Duaue st. No SO, s s, 136.7 e
Broadway, 25.1x77-3 Lo Manhattan pĩ, x
25-7x79.2. Securea credits to mortgagor
and TwelfLfa Ward Eank. March 27- 19,000
Gerfaarûs, Lena to Anna Aisfaeimer- Av A,
w s, 42 n ISth st. Leasehold. P M. Aug
3, due Aug 1. 1902, 5%. 2,500
Gerhards, \ icior to Dora Lufars. lOth st, No
270, s s, 27o e Ist av, 25x^,6.4. P M. Aug
2, due Aug 1, 1902, 5Í4%- 5,500
Guemsey, Cathinca B lo TITLB GUARAN-
TBB AND TRUST CO. lOlsL st, No 244,
s s, 100 e WesL End av- P M. July 14, due
Aug 1, 1898, 4%. 20,000
Gillies, WrigfaL aniĩ Homer R Lo Hannah A
Higgins. 12th av, n w cor 134Lh at, ruas
n 199.10 to s s 135tfa st, x w 1-4 to lands
of N Y C & H R R R Co, x s w 201 to n a
134th st, X e 23.1 to beginning. p M.
July 29, due July 30, 1900, 5%- 4,500
GoIdsLein, Morris to Tobias SiIversLone. Rut-
gers pl, n s, 20.6 w Cliuton sL, 26x120;
. . Juĩy
.30, 3 years- 4,000
Goldstein. Samuel to Alfred N Beadleston
and ano as trustees for benefit of Helen A
Skidmore, Mary Maxwell ana Sarah N Haĩ-
lock. 117th st, s s, 9U w 4th av. P M.
July 30, 18 montbs. 5%. 14,400
Gonsenheim, Morris to Woolf Endel. 87th
st, No 128, s a, 274 w Colurabua av. P
M. July 30, 0 months, 5%. 8,434
Gunu. Chas N Lo Joha B Hubbard, MoaL-
pelier, VL. Boulevard, n e eor 90th st runs
to 97Lh sL- P M. July 21, due Jan 29,
1S99. 5%. 119,000
Garrison. Mary B widow ana susan J Leach
widow Lo Louis Frankenthaler. 102d st,
s s, 300 w Ist av. P M. Aug 1, 6 months,
5%. 475
Goff, Sophie and Chas A to Julla Muhlfelder.
St Nicfaolas av, n e cor loUth st, 51.10x
100. Sub to raorts. Aug 2, 1 year. 5,500
Goepel, August H to James A aud W Emlen
Roosevelt as trustees of Marcia R Scovel
under will of Jaraes I Roosevelt. 113ih st,
n s, 1U4.6 e 3d av, 16.8x100.11. Aug 3 5
years, 4^2%. 2,000
Gregory, Mary and Margaret Sutton mort-
gagors witb Isaac Sprung. (JHerry st, No
244, beL Pelfaam aud Rutgers sts. Agree-
menl as Lo collection of renLs. &c, Lo se-
cure mortgage, inLeresL, &c. July 26. aom
Gallagher, Wm W to Thos R a and Wra H
Hall. of WiIUam Hall's Sons. 7Uth sL, No
420 Bast. AgreemenL as to division of
renís, &c. July 29. nom
Gerdes, Bernhard to Anna Stockhoff, Bver-
green- L I- Amsterdam av, e s 50-8 n
94th st, 25x82. July 15. due Aug 1 1902
4^1!%- 3.5b0
Gottbeimer, Edward Lo Braanuer G Bach
89Lh st, n s, 200 w Columbus av, 2ox
100.8. July 2U, 1 raonth. 2 290
Griflĩn, B Harrison to TITLB GUARANTBE
AND TRUST CO- llOth st, No 133 n a
535.8 w 3d av, 16,8xli;U.lĩ. Aug 3. due
July 1, 1900, 4^%, " 6.500
Heĩrasoth, WiIIiam to Haaren & Meiaken.
IStfa st, No 108 West. Saioon lease. July
29, demand. 5 qOO
Hilboru, Betty wite of Max to Louisa 'd
Simpson et al as trustees for Oswaĩd
SimpEoa under will of James Sirapson
94th st. n s. I2U w Central Park West 19
xlOU.S. July 27, due July 1, 1900 4%
Horgan, Martha W and Fannie G Slattery
ío Jaraea Bradley trustee. 33d st, n b 100
w Lexingtou av, 8S-4x80. Renewal mort
Sub to morts $110,000. July 29, demand.
Hutschen, Reulfaer, Loulse to Chas E Blgo-
low, Groton, Mass. 9ih st s s 177") e
University pî. 25x93.11. Leaseh'old. July
29, due Aug 1, 1900. 5 <foo
Hamiĩlon. Wm H to Lambert Suydam lO^d
st. D s, 100 e Columbus av, 73x100 H
Aug 2, due Sept 1. 1S98. 7 000
Hanleln, Henry and Gottfrled Oethinger 'to
Leopold Gusthal. OSth sl, s s 96 8 w 2ã
av- .P M. Aug 2. 3 years. 5%. 16.250
Howe, Sadie D to Casimlr de R Moore. 150(h
st, s s, 295 w Amsterdam av. P M Aug
2. 3 years. 5%. goia. 10,000
Same to John G Moore and Saml J Ashley.
Same property. P M. Sub to last mort.
Aug 2, 2 years- gold, 1,000
Hart, IraoEene mortgagor wlth John A Stew-
art et al as truatees of the T.IVERPOOL
ftv, e a, 20.7 n 40th st, lO.OxîK. Exten-
slon oC mort at 4^%, Jan 19, nom
Hayward, Hattie L to Joseph G Browning,
Jr, Brooklyn. 129th st, No 138, s s, 325 e
7th av, 25x99.11. July 26, 3 years. 6,000
Hutkoff, Nalhan and David Cofaen mortgag-
ors with Frederic J Mlddlebrook. Eldridge
sL, No 10, e s, beL Division and Canal Ets.
BxLenaion of morL. July 26. nom
Heller, Betty to Albert Cappelle. Madison
st, No 179, n s, 205.5 e Pike st. P iM. Sub
to mort $25,000. ,Aug 2, Ä©nstalls- ^ 1U,750
Same to same. Madison st, No 181, u_s,
289.11 e Pike st. P M. Sub to morL $2o,-
000- Aug 2, installs- 10,750
Hamm, Howard D Lo Henry B Coe and ano
as trustees under will of Ricfad L Carap-
bell. Stb av, s e cor 128th st, 24.11x110.
Aug 4, due July 27, lUUO, 5%. gold, 60,000
Haram, Lesley wife of and Howard D Lo
Bmilie Hamfaurger- 132d sL, No 244, s s,
375 e SLfa av, 16-10x99.11- Aug 5, 1 year.
Israel, Hyraan Lo Frank A Otis and ano as
trustees oE Uriafa J Smith. Porsyth at, Nos
55 and 57, w a, 51.8 s Hester st, 50.\99.9x
50.1x100-7. July 26, 5 years, 4^%. 35,000
Johnson, John A, Brooklyn, to Augusta A
Roby. 142d st, s s, 100 e Lenox av, 25x
99.1L July 29, due July 30, 1899. 5%.
gold, 3,-500
Same to same, 142d st, s s, 75 e Lenox av,
25x99.11. July 29, due July 30,1899, 5%-
gold, 3.500
Sarae to Bliza N Hall. 142d st, s s. 75 9
Lenox av, 25x99.11. July 29, due Aug 1,
1900, o%- 12.500
Same to Eliza N Hall, Brooklyn- 142d st,
s s, 100 e Lenox av. 25x99.11. July 29,
due Aug 1. 1900, 5%- 12.500
Johnston, Braeline and Wm H mortgagors
with Caecilie Bttinger. Hoboken, N J.
llltfa st. n s, 245 e oih av, 2.5x100.11.
Extension of mort. July 2!). nom
Jordan, Å©eo B to Mary W Pell-Haggerty, of
North Herapstead, L I- 75th st, No 509,
n s, 248 e Av A. P M, July 29, 3 years,
5%. 12,000
Jufe. Isidor to Alexauder Pinelite. Henry
st, No 171, n s, 21.8x75. P M. Sub to
mort $6,000. Aug 4. due Peb 4, 1899. 8,250
Jacohy, Max and Julius Nitschke to Lena
Gerhards. Av A, w s, 42 n IStfa st- Lease-
hold, P M. Aug 4, installs, 5%. 1,650
Kaufmaun, Leopold to Therese H Schram,
61st st, s s, 190 w Ist av, 25x100.5- P M-
Aug 2, due Aug 5. 1900, 5%, 12,000
Kivlen, Cfaas H to Martfaa H Campbell. S4th
st. n s, 468 w West End av, Ĩ7xiu2.2-
July 15, 3 years, 5%. 2U,000
Same to Mary M Baldwiu. Newport, R I.
S4tfa at, n s, 485 w West Bnd av, 16x
102.2. JuIylS, Syears. 5%. 19,000
Sarae Lo Josepfaine Brooks aud ano as trustees
uuder will of Emraa L Higgins for benefit
of Reginald Brooks and remaindermen.
S4th st, n s, 501 w Wesfc End av, 16x102.2.
Juĩy 15. 3 years, 5%. 19,000
Same to John Duer and ano as trustees un-
der will of John Haggerty ror benefit of
EIiz A Draper and remainderraen. S4th
st, n s, 517 w West Eud av. 16x102.2,
July 15, 3 years. 5%. 19,000
Same to Clemence H Crafts, Lewisborough
N Y. S4th st n s. 533 w West Bud av,
17x11)2.2. July 15, 3 years, ô%, 20,000
Karr. Bliza B to Warren B Smith, Yonkers,
N Y. 46th st. 3 s. 190 e 6th av, 20xl00,ô.
July 31, 3 years, 4^^%- 9.000
Krug, Florian to Francis W E Beyrich.
419th st, n s, 320 e 3d av, 20x100.10 Juiy
28. 3 years, 5%. 6.000
Kerrigan, Thomas to THB MUTUAL LIFB
INS CO. Oliver st. No 96. e s. 115 n
South st, 20x50. Aug 2, 1 year. 5%. 3,000
Same to Benjarain Steinhardt. Oiiver st, e s,
95 a South st, 40x50. Aug -z. 1 year. 2.000
Kucher, Joseoh to TÄ©TLB GUARANTBE
AND TRUST CO. 60th st, No 32. s s. 220
e Madison av, 20x100.5- Aug 2. due Aue 1,
1900,4^4%. 18,000
Kempler, Joseph to Jacob Ruppert. Alleo st,
No 76. bet Grand and Broome sts. Lease.
June 18, demand. 1 .'íOO
BANK- 49tfa st, s s. 263.4 e 2d av 19.2\
100.5. Aug 3, due Dec 1. 1900, 41^%. 5.000
Kinnpy, George to George Ehret. 2d av. No
1283, n w cor 67th st. Store lease. Aug
2. demand. 2.500
Kluber, Jofan C and Catb M and John 'p
and Kath M Ryan to THE GANSEVOORT
BANK, N T. 4th st, No 338. a w cor Ho-
ratio at. 22x74. July 17. secures uote. 4.800
Lowenfeld, Pincus and William Prager to
Agnes V Hobart. Bast Orange, N J. Houa-
ton st. No 312, n s. 141.2 e Av B. 24.Sx
91.4x25x93. July 21, due Aug 2, 1902
5?;. 28,000
Lindeman, Helena M B mortgagor wlth MU-
87th st, No 342, s s. 4S0 w West Bnd av,
20x100.11. Agreement reducing int on re-
duced mort. May 1, 1897- nom
Levlne, Edward to Samuel Stiner. Orchard
st. No 18. bet Canal and Hester sts 25x
87. July 30. due Aug 1. 1900, 5%. S.OOO
Ltndenhelm, Hulda wlfe of Guaiav to TITLE
No 629, w a, 603 u 44th st, 20.1x80- July
30, due Aug 1. 1900. 4^%- 11..500
Lowden, John, Morrlstown, N J to THB
s e cor 93d st, 26x100. Aug 2, 3 yeara
4%%. 19,000
Same to same. 2d av, e s, 26 s 933 st, 3 lots,
each 2oxlU0- 3 morts, each $14,000, Aug
2. 3 years, 41/2%, 42,U0O
Same to same- 2d av, e s, 101 s 93d st, 25.0
xlOO. Aug 2, 3 years, 4V2%. 14,000
Same to Cfaarlotte F and Susaa J Sraith. 2d
av, s e cor 93d st, 26x100. Aug 2, due
Aug 1, 1899. 4,400
Luckings, Sarauel J aad Jane B to Cornelia
A Atwill, lUlsL st, s s, 75 e Amsterdam
av, 25x100.11. P M. July 20. due Aug
2, 1S9S, 4^!%. 15,000
Luhrs, Geo H mortgagor with Valentine and
Pfailip Weber. Bldridge st, No 177, bet
Delancey aad Ríviugtoa sts. Bxtension of
mort. June 4, 1896. nom
Logau, Aodrew to Louisa Minturn aa general
guard of Jofan W Minturn. 2tíifa st, s s, 425
e 9th av, 25x98.9. Aug 4, due May 15,
1900. 5%. 1,500
Le Gendre, t\'m C to Wro R Walker efc al as
trusteea under will of Thomas Lewis. 29th
st, No 53S. 3 s, 249.6 e lltfa av, runs s
60 X e 0-6 X s 3S.9 x e 25 x n 98.9 to
29th st, X w 25-6. Aug 4, 3 years, 5%.
Mandelbaum. Harris and Fisher Lewine to
Henry Klingensiein. 45th st, n s, 260 w
Sth av, 20x100.5. Leasehold. July 31, 3
years, 5%. 3,500
-Mandelstein, Morris to GBRMAN-AMBRI-
TEE 00. 9Sth st, s 3, 100 e 4th av, lOOx
100.11, July 29, demand- 66,500
Moore. lûa B aud H Morton to August Op-
psnheimer- 7th av, n w cor lllth st,
100-11x100. P M. July 26. due Aug l,
1S9S. 25,000
Same to same. Same property. Building
ĩoan. Juĩy 26, due Aug ĩ, 1898. 60,U0O
Moore, Elizabeth wife of Chas B to Marx
and Moses Ottinger. Morningside av East
or Columfaus av, n e cor 12Uth st. P M-
July 29, due May 1, 1S9S, 5%- 60,000
Sameto same. Same property. Building
loan. July 29, due May 1, 1898. 55.000
Mulfaolland. Chas C to Willard B HoyL_.
lOULb sL. s s, 375 w ArasLerdaro av, 15-o
x99.ll. July 30. 3 years. 5%- gold, 9,000
Same to same. ItíÔLh st, s b, ii9.ll w Am-
sterdam av, 14-9x99.11. Juiy 30, 3 years,
5%. gotd, 9,000
Same to same. lOOth st, s s, 434-8 w Am-
sterdara av, 15.4x99.11- July 30, 3 years,
5%. gold, 9,000
Same to Jacob A Zimmermann- Same prop-
erfcy. Sub to mort $9,000. July 30. de-
mand. 2.000
Sarae to same. lOOth st, s s, 419.11 w Am-
sterdam av, 14.9x99-11. Sun to mort $9.-
000. July 30, demand. 2,000
Sarae to same. lOOifa st, s s, 375 'w Amster-
dam av, 15.5x99.11- Sub to morts $9.000.
Juĩy 30, demand. 1,650
Same to Randolph Hermann, August Heil
and WiIIiam Storz, of Heil, Brothers &
Storz. Same property. Sub to morLs $10,-
650- July 30, due Dec 1. 1897. 1.500
Same Lo Henry W Baton. lOOlh sL, s s, 375
w Amslerdam av, 15.5x99.11; lOOLfa sL, s
a, 419.11 w Amsterdara av. 30.1x99.11.
Sub Lo morts $33,150- July 30. demand.
Marks, Constance to Anna L Haas et al exrs
Leopold Haas- Allen sL, No 122, beL De-
laacey and RivingLon sLs. 25x87.6.1 Aug
2, 3 years, 41^;%. 25,000
Murray, Jofan Lo Jofaanaa Levy. 102d sL, n
s, 156,6 w 3d av. P M. Aug 2, due Aug.
1898,5%- gold. 500
Moloney, Tfaomas to Ann O'Connor. 133d
st. n s. 300 w Lenox av. 3.3.3x99.11. July
.30, 3 mouths- 4,000
Morris. Julia fco THB MUTUAL LIFB INS
CO. 7th av. n w cor 150th st, runs w 535
X n 50 X w 113 to Macombs Dam road, x
n e 170.1 to Ä©51sL st. x e 565-4 to av, x
199.10- Aug 3. 1 year, 5%. 125,000
Mittnachfc, Hearietta A to BAST RIVBR SAV-
INGS INST. Spring st, No 50, s s. 26 w
Mulberry st, 25-4x104.6x24.10x99.6. Aug
4, 18*97, due Aug 4, 1S9S. 4H.
McGurk. John H to Mary E Brinckerhofí-
Bowery, No 332, w s, 2l5 a Bond sL, 26x
96.8x25x104.5. P M. April 28, 5 yeara,
5%. 25,000
McCarLby, Mary A and MargL J mortgagors
ASSOC. 15th st, n s, 250 e 7th av. 20x
103.3. Agreement reducing rate of int on
niort- May 1, 1897. â– nom
McDonnaia. Joseph to UNITBD STATES
TRUST CO. 27tfa st, n s. 200 e llth av,
75x197.6 to 2Sth st. July 30, due Aug 1,
1902. 5%- 40,000
MeCaffrey, Catb T to Geo B Cbriatman.
131st st. s 3. 330 w 5th av, 30x99.11.
Sub to morts $25,000- Aug 2, 5 months-
Same to Annie W O'Connor, Brooklyn- 131st
st. 3 3. 310 w 5th av, 20.x99-ll. July 30,
due June 4. 1900. 5%- 18,000
Same to Davld Schoenfeld- Saroe property-
June 3, 3 years, 4íA%. 25,000
Sarae to James K Hoîmes and John A Phll-
brick. Same property. Morts $18,000,
Aug 2, 5 months. â– â– 1,880
Same to Geo B Christman. ISlst >t, s s. 310
w 5th av. 50x99,11. Sub to morta $48,880.
Aug 2, 5 months. 5,461
Mcĩntosh, James and John Paterno to
Amanãa McMann. 106th st, % s, 136 •