March 29, 1902.
Wm L Raymond and Louis De W Hollub aa TRUSTEES under wiU
of Thomas McMullen to Gity Real Property Investing Go. Mar _2o.
Mar 26, 1902. R S $181.25. 1:29. 36o.O00
Stanton st. No 7, s s, abt IOO e Bo^wery, 19,2x50.5. 4-sty brk tene¬
ment and store, Pincus Lowenfeld and William Prager to Esther
Isenberg. Mar 27, 1902. R S $1,25. 2:426. nom
Thompson st, No 175, n w s, 150 n e Houston st, 22.8x100, 3-sty brk
store and tenement. Alfred T Fox to De Grasse Fox, Bar Harbor,
Maine, B&S, July 5, 1901. Mar 26, 1902, R S none. 2:d:'5,
Same property. Alice M Livingston formerly Fox to same, B&S,
Mar 11, 190L Mar 26, 1902. R S none. .r.^.°^
Same property, Herman T Fox to same, B&S, April 24, 19U1,
Mar 26, 1902, R S none. nom
Same property. Geo D and Samuel M Fox to same. B&S. May 28,
1901. Mar 26, 1902. R S none, nom
Same property, Mary A Livingston to same. B&S. April 1, 1901.
Mar 26, 1902. R S none. uom
Watts st, s s, 31,2 w Sullivan st, runs w22xs3Sxw6x — 20xn
25.6 X — 26.6 to beginning. Releaae dower. Miriam S Noah for¬
merly wife Robt P Noah to Katie F Lyons, John D, Christian H
and Chas F Plump and Annie M Burkeiman HEIRS, &c, John D
Plump. Mar 10. Mar 26. 1902, 2:477. 150
Water st. No 610, n s, abt 12o w Gouverneur st. 24.10x03.3x25x62.3,
6-sty brk store. FORECLOS. Abraham R Lawrence to Christian
Zabriskie. March 19, March 21, 1902. R S $4.T5. 1:259. 12,000
Water st, No 646, n s, 163,4 e Scammel st. 24.6x Vz block, 3-sty
frame store and tenement with 2-sty frame and 2-sty brk building
on rear. CONTRACT. Leonora H Wellbrock witb Patrick Mc¬
lnerney. Mar T. Mar 21, 1902. 1:260. T.OOO
"William st. Nos 238 and 240 | being William st, s w cor Duane st,
Duane St. Nolo | ol.11x73.11x28.3x58.11. Lucy A Buh¬
ler to Jennie S Liebmann. B&S. Mar 22. Mar 24. 1902, R 3
$31.25. 1:120. ncm
William St. Nos 238 and 240| s w cor Duane st. 51.11x73 llx2S,3x
on map Nos 236 to 240 | 58.11, 4-sty brk building witb stores,
Duane st, No 10 1 Jennie S Liebmann t'j American Mort¬
gage Co, G a G. Mar 24. _Mar 25. 1902. R S $31,25, 1:120. nom
Wooster st. No 221, n w s, 7o a w 3d st. 22x71.3, 4-sty hrk store and
tenement. FORECLOS. Augustus A Vanderpoel to Ghas E White¬
head exr Rachel T Whitehead. Mar 19. Mar 24, 1902. R S $7,75,
2:536. 18,000
2d st. No 116, n s, 242.11 e 1st av. 24.8x121.11, 6-sty brk tenement.
Louis Salzberg to Jennie Salzberg, All liens. Mar 19. Mar 21,
1902. R S $2,50. 2:430. nom
Sth st |n e s, 20 s e 1st av. 20x73.8, 4-sty brk dwelling.
St Marks pl. No 87 | Harris Mandelbaum and Fisher Lewine to Adam
Lieb. Q C and Correction deed. Mar 20. Mar 26, 1902. R S
none. 2:430. nom
llth st, No 51, n s, 333 e 6th av, 24x103.3, 3-sty brk dwelling.
Anna C Stephens EXTRX Walter W Conckiin to Charles L Green¬
hall. Mar 25. Mar 26, 1902. R S $11.25. 2:575, nom
Same property. Chas L Greenhall to Wm E Finn, Mort $li,O0O.
Mar 26, 1962. R S $2,75. nom
16th sl. No 235, n s, 363 e 8th av, 20x100. 4-sty brk dwelling, Jos¬
eph Granger to Wm D Udell and Mary E his wife. Mort $8,000.
April 25. 1901. Mar 24. 1902. R S $9. 3:766. 17.009
17th sl, No 346, s s, 250 e 9th av, 25x91.9, 3-sty brk building with
2-sty brk building on rear. Wm E Good to New York Telephone
Co. Mort $8,000. Feb 28, Mar 24, 1902. R S $2. 3:740. 14,250
17th st. No 348, s s, 225 e 9th av, 25x91.0. 4-sty frame (brk tront)
tenement. Emma D wife James I Barr to New York Telephone Co.
Mar 1, Mar 24, 1902. R S $0. 3:740. 14,250
17th sl. No 348, s s, 225 e Oth av, 25x91.9, 4-st7 frame (brk front)
tenement with 2-sty extension. Edmund T and W^m H Storms lo
John Grese. Q C. April 1, 1885. Rerecorded from Aug 3, ISSo,
Mar 25, 1902_. 3:740^ _ nom
17tb St. Nos 3oO and 3£i2, s s, 175 e Otb av. runs s w 92 x e 2.3 x s
wl2xse2oxne 104 to s s 17ib st x n w 50 to beginning, 3-Ety
hrk tenement witb 3-sty brk and frame tenem't on rear of No 350
and 3-sty frame building on No 352. Emily A Buruham lo Samuel
M_Greer. B & S and all title. Mar 24. Mar 25. 1902, R S none.
3:740. nom
Same property. Arline P and Reginald L Burnham infants by Trust
Company of America special GUARDIAN to New York Telephone
Co. All title. Mar 24. Mar 25, 1902, R S $12.75. 28.000
Same property. Samuel M Greer to same. All title, &c. B&S and
C a G. Mar 24. Mar 23. 1902. R S none, nom
17lli st. No 419, n s, abt 225 w 9tb av, —x—. Reassignment ol
rents. Benjamin Scheer to Benjamin Weissman. Feb 28. Rere¬
corded from Mar 12, 1902. Mar 24. 1902. 3:715, nom
17th st, Nos, 206 and 208, s s, 100 e 3d av ,44x92, fwo 3-sty brk
dwellings. Pincus Lowenfeld and William Prager to Isidor Mish¬
kind and William Feinberg. Mort $33,000, Mar 14. Mar 21.
1902. R S $4.25. 3:897. nom
20th El, Nos 346 to 350, s s, 80 w 1st av, 60x92, three 4-stv brk
tenements, store in No 346. George PBster to' Max Gold and Max
Lipman, Moris $24,083. Mar 19. Mar 24, 1902. R S $9.25.
3:925. nom
24th st .No 24. s a, SO w 4th av, 20x49.4, 3-sty brk dwelling with
stores, Wm A Main to Henry C Copeland. CaG. Morts $21,000.
Mar 25. Mar 26, 1902. R S none. 3:853. nom
27th st, No 132, a s, 380 w Oth av, 20x98.9, 4-sty brk dwelling.
Patrick W Cremin to Michael Coleman. Feb 26, 1902. R S $11.25.
3:b02. nom
27th El, No 528, s s, 352,9 w 10th av. 19.5x98.9, 4-sty hrk tene¬
ment, Elizabeth Muller, Margaret Rohde and Mary Zimmermann
only children and HEIRS at law of John Muller to Israel W Lyon,
Englewood, N J. Mar 27, 1902, R S $2.25. 3:698. nom
27th St. Nos 520 and 522, s s, 275 w 10th av. 38,10x98.9, two 4-Ety
brk tenements, store in No 522. Pincus Lowenfeld and William
Prager to Israel W Lyon. Englewood, N J. Mort $8,000. Mar 27.
1902. R S $1.25. 3:698. nom
27lh St. No 524, s s. 313.10 w 10th av, 19.5x98,9. 4-sty brk tene¬
ment. Augustus Stoner to Israel W Lyon, of Englewood. N J, Mrt
$0,000. 'Mar 27, 1902, R S none. 3:098, nom
27tb 3t, No 526, s s. 333.4 w 10th av, 19,5x98,9, 4-sty hrk store aud
tenement. Cornelius Callaghan to Israel W Lyon, of Englewood,
N J. Mar 27, 1902. R S $2.25. 3:698, nom
30th st. No 2.-^&. s s, 60 e Sth av. 20x63.5. 4-sty brlt store and tene¬
ment. Louisa wife Edward .A Wessel to Margaret Wendt. 1-6
part_. Mort 1-0 of $5,000. Mar 21. Mar 26, 1902. R S none.
3:779. nom
31st st, No 337. n s, 230 ■n 1st av, 20x98.9, 4-sty brk tenement with
atores. Dora Goldstein to Max Helfere. i^ part. Mort $6,500.
Mar 18. Mar 25, 1902. R S none. 3:937. nom
Same property. Max Helfere to Pelix J Bernstein. Vs part and all
title. Morl $6,500. Mar 20. Mar 25. 1902. R S none. nam
Slst St. No 341, n s. 190 w 1st av, 20x98.9, 4-sty hrk tenement.
Dora Goldstein to Max Helfere. y. part. Mort-$6,500. Mar 18,
Mar 25, 1902. R S none. 3:937. " nom
Same property. Max Helfere to Felix J Bernstein. '^ part. All
title. Mort $6,500, Mar 20. Mar 2o. 1902. R S none. nom
32d st, No 321, n b, 216,8 w Sth av, 16,8x98.9, 4-sty brk dwelling.
Peler Malone to The Stuyvesant Real Estate Co. Morts $7,500.
Mar 20, Mar 22, 1902. R S $4,25, 3:736. nom
32d st. No 323, n s, 233.4 w Sth av, 16.8x98.9, 4-sty brk dweiliog.
Hattie M Ambler lo The Stuyvesant Real Estate Co. B&S and
CaG. Mort $6,000. Mar 7, Mar 21, 1902. R S none. 3:756.
other consid and 100
32d st. No 361, n s. 175 e Otb av. 18.9x98.9, 4-sty stone front dwell¬
ing. Julia C Lawlor to Stuyvesant R^al Estate Co, B&S. Mar
10. Mar 21, 1902. R S none. 3:7o6. other consid and 100
32d st, No 377, n s, 19 e 9th av, 19x67.6. 3-aty brk dwelling. Hattie
M Ambler to Stuyvesant Real Eatate Co. B&S. Mort $7,500.
Mar 19. Mar 21, 1902. R S none. 3:7o6. other consid and 100
32d St. No 347, n s. 400 w Sth av. 20x98.9, 4-Ety brk_dweUing,
Esther A Savage to bertha A Davia, Brooklyn, Mort $2,o00. Mar
26. Mar 27. 1902. R S $8.23. 3:756. other consid and 100
Same properly. Bertha A Davis to The Stuyvesant Real Estate Co.
B & S and C a G. Mort $2,500. Mar 27, 1902. R S ncne.
other consid and 100
33d st, Nos 507 to 525 | n s, 125 w 10th av, runs n 98,9 x w SO x n
34th st, Nos 514 to 522 |, 9S,9 to s s 34th st x w 145 x s 191.6 to n
s 33d st X e 225 to beginning. No 307, 4-sty brk tenement with
siores: Nos 509 to 525. 4 and 5-aty brk lard refinery, &c; Nos 514
and 51(i, vacant; Nos 518 to 522, 2-sty brk buildings, frame sheds,
lard tanks, &c. Henry Heywood to Heywood Brothers & Wakefleld
Co. B & S and C a G, Mar 22. Mar 27, 1902. R S none. 3:705,
other consid and 100
33d st, No 204, s s, 85 e 3d av, 25x9S,9. 2-sty brk store, &c. Charlea
R Flint to Flint & Co, a (iorporation. B&S and CaG, Mort
$11,750, Mar 15. Mar 24, 1902. R S 25 cts. 3:913. nom
Same property, Flint & Co, a corporation, to Woodward Babcock.
B & S and G a G. Mort $11,730. Mar 15. Mar 24, 1902. R S
23 cts. nom
SSd st, No 141, n s, 223 e 7th av, 25x98,9. 2-aty brk store, &c. Wm
J Underwood as ASSIGNEE for Wm H Scheper to Mary W Scheper.
Q C, Mar 19, Mar 24, 1902. R S 50 cts. 3:S09. 400
34th st. No 203, n s, 75 w 7th av, 17x98.9. 3-sty stone front dwell¬
ing. Robert J Cohn to Waiter J Cobn and Mary Ehrmann, Mts
.'r;35,0OO, March G. R S none. Mar 22, 1902. 3:784. nom
SSth st. No 352, s w s, 300 s e 9tb av, 25x98.9, 4-sty brk ball with
2-sty brk building on rear. John McCann and ano EXRS and
TRUSTEES Jchn Sullivan to Ellen Donovan. Mar 24, 1902, R S
$6.30. 3:758. 15,000
35th st. No 225, n s, 231,5 w Tth av, 20.11x98.9, 4-sty brk tenement
with stores. Louis H Muller to The Childrens Aid Society, Mar
20. Mar 27. 1902. R S $9.50. 3:785. 21,333
33th Et, No 227, n s, 252.4 w 7th av, 21,4x98.9, 4-sty brk tenement
with stores, 'Martin T Hart to The Childrens Aid Society. Mar
26. Mar 27. 1902. R S $9.50, 3:785, 21,333
36th st, Nos 257 and 259, n s, 201.5 e Sth av, 33.8x98,9. 5-sty brk
flat. John N Moore to Don A Gaylord, CaG. Mar 11. Mar 25,
1902. R S none. 3:786, nom
Same property, Don .A Gaylord to Wm G McCrea, Yz part. B &
5 and C a G. Mar 24, Mar 25. 1902, R S none, nom
37th St. No 134, s s, 194,S w Broadway, 21x98.9. CONTRACT.
Richard Cullen with James W Henning. Feb 15. Rerecorded
from Mar 19, 1902. Mar 27. 1902. 3:812. 33,000
38tb st. No 64 s s. 141,S e 6th av, 20.10x98.9, 4-sty stone front
dwelling, James S and Julian H Barclay to Mary A Quinlin.
Mar 17, Mar 25. 1902. R S $23.75, 3:839. -50.000
42d st. No 213 1 begins 42d st, n s, 200 w 7tb av, runs n
43d st, Nos 21S to 2221 200.10 to s s 43d st, x w 50 x s 100.5 x e
30 X s 100,5 to 42d st. x e 20 to beginning, 5-sty stone front
store and dwelling on 42d st. and three 4-sty brk dwellings on 43d
St. Anna M Somerville to Eugene C 'Potter, Moris $110,000.
Feb. 28. Mar 21, 1902. R S $18.75, 4:1014, nom
43d st, Nos 209 and 211, n s, 155 e 3d av, 50x100.5, two 5-sty brk
tenements, stores in No 209. Marie Klemann to Elizabeth G
Schmid. Morta $18,600. Mar 24. Mar 25. 1902: R S $10.
0:1317. _ nom
45tb sl. No 106, s 3. 103 w Oth av, runs s 7o,5 se3xs25xw25
X n 100,5 to s s 45th st, x e 22 to beginning, 4-sty stone front
dwelling. Jose Maria de Bermingham to Emily de Bermingham
his wife. Mort $25,000. Mar 21. Mar 22, 1902. R S none.
4:997, gift
46th st. No 67, n s, 127 e 6th av, 18x100.5, 4-sly stone front dwell¬
ing. Frederick S Battershall to Henry McAleenan. Mort $25,000.
Mar 25, 1902. R S .'?T,50. 5:1262. nom
4t!lh St. No 120, s s, 117 w Lexington av, 17x100.5. 3-3ty stone front
dwelling. Lucy E While widow et al to Rollin C Newton. N Y, and
Nalhaniel D Putnam. Jr. and Joseph R Slipper, both of Brooklyn,
joint tenants. Mar 27, 1902. R S $6.50. 5:1300. nom
Same property. Hannah M White by Fredk G Ashley guardian to
same. Mar 27. 1902. R S 25 cts. 2,665
47tb st. No 153. n s, 260 e 7th av, 20x100,5, 4-sty stone front dwell¬
ing, Mary H Nicholson widow to Longacre Realty Co, Mar 22,
Mar 25. 1902, R S $16.25. 4:1000, ether consid and IOO
47th Et, Nos 15.3 to 159, n s. 200 e 7th av, 00x100.5. three 4-sty
stone front dwellings, Eugene C Potter to Longacre Realty Co,
Morts $83,060. Mar 24, Mar 25, 1902. R S .$12,25. 4:1000. nom
49th st. No 354. s s, 175 e Oth av, 25x100.5, 5-sty brk tenement.
Kate Johnsen to Henry F Doscher. Mort $20,000, March 22,
1902. R S $2.25, 4:1039. nom
51st st, No 208, s s. 105.e e 3d av, 19.6x100.5. 4-sty stone front
Av D. No 113, n w cor Sth st. runs n 14,1 x w — x n 0.5i^ x w 51 x s
14,6 lo st_x e 50,10, 3-sty brk tenement with stores.
2d av, Nos d93 and 595. w s, 74 s SSd sl, 49.4x100, two 4-sty brk
stores and tenements with two 4-sty hrk tenements on rear, all
title to above; also
Cherry at, Nos 324 and 326, n s, abt 13S e Clinton st, 46.2x99x
46.2x99,0, two 5-sty hrk tenements, % part. Mort $7,000,
Michael McNally to Mary Fitzsimmons and Mary L Cassidy, B
6 S. Mar 24. Mar 25, 1902, R S $8. 5:1324. 2:378, 3:913 and
1:258. _ nom
53d st, No o2, s s, 190 e Otb av, 21.2x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwell¬
ing, Paul Outerbridge to Rose Outerbridge. i,^ part of all title,
Morts $33,000. Mar 21, Mar 22, 1902. R S $6.25. 5:1268. nom
53d st, No 21, n s, 437 w oth av. 23x100.5. 4-aty stone front dwell¬
ing, Clara Bryce to Eugene M Clarke. Mar 27, 1902, R S $43.75.
5:1269. nom
Same property. Eugene M Glarke to Harry M Austin, Borough of
Queens, Mar 27. 1902. R S $44.75. nom
55th St. No 46, s s, 355 e 6th av, 20x100,5, 4-sty stone front dwell¬
ing, G Willett Van Nest to Sadie S Dearborn. Mar 25. Mar 27,
1902. R S $22,25. 5:1270, nom
5(jth St. No 113, n s, 130 e Park av, 20x100.5. 4-sty stone front
dwelling. Joseph Veith to Antoinette W Montgomery, Portland,
Ore. Mar 25, Mar 27, 1902. R S $12.75. 5:1311. nom