June I, 1907
preciation in land values in that locality, which is due primarily
to the improved transit facilities affecting the district.
J. Clarence Davies, who owms the northwest corner of 3d av
and 149th st, 2,000 sq. ft., is in receipt of an income of between
$S,000 and $9,000 per annum on a 5 years' lease from the two
stores in that building, and the ■stores at the southeast corner
of 3d av and 149th st, occupied by tbe United Cigars Stores Co.,
brings in a rental of $15,000 a year. It is known that 'many
leases in that' vicinity which as yet have some tirae to run,
could, if terminated now, be renewed at almost double the old
rate. These facts speak for themselves, .and brokers in the
Bronx say they should be sufflcient to dispel doubt with respect
to the justification of present values in tliat busy section of
the Bronx.
Prospective Building.
Annexed is a list summarizing the principal building works re¬
cently announced in Manbattan and the Bronx. The first name is
the owner's; the second, that of the architect; the third, the con¬
tractor's; the date is the date of announcement in tbe Record and
Maiden lane, Nos.-68 to 76, intersection of Liberty st, 20-sty office
buiiding; cost, $1,000,000; German-American Ins Co, Liberty and
Nassau sts; arts. Hill Sc Stout, 1123 Broadway; brs, A R Whitney
Jr & Co, 135 Broadway, Steel, American Bridge Ce, 42 Broad¬
way. Foundations. Foundation Co, 115 Broadway. Work wil! start
immediately. Nov. 17, 1906.
20th st, Nos 6 and S West, 11-sty store and loft; cost, $250,000;
Six and Eight West Twentieth Street Co, 156 Sth av; arts,
Schwarta & Gross, 35 W 21st St.
27th St. Nos 114-116 West, 12-sty store and loft; cost, $200,000;
Felt Construclion Co, 117 W 26th st; art, Wm H Birkmire, 396
Spring st, s e cor Crosby st. "32-sty loft; cost, $425,000; John E
Olson, 37 W 25th st; art, Cbas I Berg, 571 Sth av. Mr. Olson i_s
general contractor. Steel, American Bridge Co. April 20. 190r.
Walker st. No 91 |5-sty loft; cost, $325,000; Helen H Jenkins,
Lafayette st, Nos 94 to 9S| Morristown, N J; arts, Howells &
Stokes, ICiO William st. Five buildings will be demolished. No
contracts let. May 31, 1907.
Wooster st, Kos IIG and 118, 6-sty loft; cost. $90,000; Jobn B Olson,
39 W 25th st; art, Fred C Zobel, 114-116 E 2Sth st. Mr Olson is
genera! contractor.
17th St. Nos 2G-32 West, 12-sty warehouse and office building; cost.
$415,000; Philip Braender, on premises; art, Wm C Frohne, 26 E
21st st. Owner is general contractor.. April 20, 3907.
44th St. Nos 626-632 W. extensive alterations to 4-sty Ioft; cost,
$40,000; The Chas E Ellis Real Estate Co. 607 W 43d st; art and
br. The Quay Engineering Co, 1123 Broadway,
Maiden lane, Nos 15-191 20-sty office; cost $750,000; Edward Hol-
John st, Nos 18-20 | brook, 6 E 52d st; arts. Clinton Sc Russell,
32 Nassau st. No contracts let. Five buildings wil! be demolished;
the archts are tailing bids. Apr 27, 1907.
3d st. No 135-West, 12-sty loft; cost, $35,000; Mrs Louisa Gucker,
235 3d av; art, Henry H Kocb, 48 Broadway.
3d st, s s, 00.0 e Goerck st. 7-Ety loft; cost, $40,000; Moses Zim¬
merman, 31S-324 East Houston st; arts. Moore Se Landsiedel. 3d
av and ll.Sth st. Owner is general contractor. Figures are now
receivable. May 25, 1907.
Doyers st, Nos. 11-13, 3-sty store and Ioft; cost. $20,000: Voliska
Alexander, llSth st and St Nicholas av; art, M Zipkes, 147 4tb av.
2d st, Nos 214-216 East, 6-sty store, hall and left; cost. $35,000;
Solomon Henig. 88 Clinton st; arc, H Hoi'enburger. 122 Bowery.
Canal st, n w cor Allen st, 7-sty loft: cost, $40,000: Isaac Schreiber.
117 Canal st; art, Samuel Sass, 23 Park row; brs, Rosenberg &
Arenson, 54 Canal st. Feb 23, 1907.
5th av. No 62S, G-sty office; cost, $30,000; Thomas R A Hall, 39
E 42d st, owr of building: Columbia University, 03 Wall st, owr
of land; art, Alexander M Welch, 11 E 42d st. One building will
be demolished; no contracts have been placed. Mar 2. 1907.
3d av, n e cor 306th st. 3-sty bank, store and office; cost, $30,000;
W^m A Rodgers, 3 W 120th st; art, Chas B Meyers, 1 Union sq,
SOth st. No 311 West, 3-sty store, ofl'ice and studio; cost, $13,000;
Ely J Reiser, 2Sth st and 3st av; art, Thomas W Lamb, 224 Sth
Broadway, Nos 1195-1203- Extensive alterations to two 4-sty store
and office buildings; cost, .?50,000; Lucy Gilsey, 1265 Broadway;
arts, Israels Sc Harder, 31 W Slst st.
Broad st, Nos 54-56, extensive alterations to S-sty store and of¬
flce; cost, $35,000; Franklin Pettit, 2 Wall st; arts, Townsend,
Steinle & Haskell, 29-33 E 19th st-
Amsterdam av. Nos 3926-192S, 6-sty storage warehouse; cost. •?75.-
000; Ocemore Bldg Co, 435 W 147th st; arts, Moore & Landsiedel,
14Sth st and 3d av. Owner is general contractor.
71st st, Nos 502-504 East. 3-sty storehouse; cost. $35,000; The
Americau Tobacco Co, 133 Sth av; arts, Schickel & Ditmars, 111
5th av.
Blackwells Island, east side, opposite East !54th st, 2-sty storage;
cost, $30,000; Dept of Correction, 148 E 20th st; art, Chas Jamer,
14S E 20th St. Plans wili be advertised.
Westchester av, s s. 220.7 w St Anns av. Extensive alterations to
warehouse; cost, $15,000; Arcbibald D Russell, 52 Wall st; art, L
C Holden, 1133 Broadway.
62d st, n s. 160 e 2d av, 6-sty factory; cost, $60,000; Benito Rovira,
209 E 37th st; arts, Buchman & Fox, 31 E SOth st.
136th st, s w cor W'illow av, 6-sty factory; cost, $120,000; Miss
A E Ericsson,* 96S Southern Boulevard; art, Herman Horenburger,
682 E 159th St.
79th st. No 123 East, 4-sty dwelling; cost, $45,000; Emma L W'es-
son and Eufrasia Leland, 1 W 37th st: arts. Faster, Gade &
Graham. 281 4th av; br, Geo Vassar's Sons & Co, 1170 Broadway,
Two buildings wlil be demolished. May 4, 1007.
OSth st, s s, SO w West End av. 4-sty dwelling; cost, $15,000; Leo
Loewenlhal, 1460 Bryant av, Bronx; art, F W Herter, S03 Man¬
hattan av-
107th st. s s, 100 w West End av. four 5-sty residences; total cost,
$160,000; William J Casey, 1953 7tb av; arts, Neville & Bagge,
237 W 125th St. Owner is general contractor.
81st st. No 3 East, extcusive alterations to 5-sty residence; cost.
$50,000; Tbe City Real Estate Co, 170 Broadway; arts, Hunt &
Hunt, 2d E 21st st.
81st st. No IG East, extensive alterations to 4-sty residence; cost,
$30,000; Paul M Warburg, 3 E 82d st; art, Harry Allen Jacobs,
322 5th av,
Olst st. No 11 East, extensive alterations to 4-sty dwelling; cost,
$lo,000; John T Pratt, 11 E 61st st; art, C P H Gilbert, 1123
SOth st, Nob 222-224 W, S-sty studios, office and apartments; cost,
$300,000; Gainsborough Studios, 307 Stb av; art, Chas W Buck¬
ham, 307 Sth av. Ko contracts let. One building will be demolish¬
ed. May 2.5, 1907.
Park av. No 925. 34-sty apartment house; cost, $600,000; 925 Park
Avenue Co, Inc, 27 WiUiam st: arts, Delano & Aldrich, 4 E 39th
st, and Pollard & Steinam, 234 Sth av, associate arts. April
20, 1907.
St Nicholas av. s w cor 130th st, G-sty apartment house; cost,
$225,000; Central Building Impt & Investment Co, 149 Church
st; arts, Rouse & Sloan, 11 E 43d st. May 4, 1907.
l.SSth st, n s, 100 w Broadwayltwo 6-sty apartment houses; total cost,
139th st, s s. 100 w Broadway! $180,000; Burlington Realty Sc Const
Co, 511 W 134th st; arts, Schwartz & Gross, 35 W 21st st.
St Nicholas av, s e cor 165lh st. 6-sty apartment house; cost. $175,-
000; Henry T Bulman, Ft W'ashington av and IGOth st; arts,
Schwartz Se Gross, and B N Marcus, 35 W 21st st.
Riverside Drive, e s, 332.2 s 127th st, 6-sty apartment house; cost,
$180,000; Bergen Realty Co, 539 Riverside av; art, Geo Keister,
11 W 29lh St.
Broadway, s e cor 149th st, 6-sty apartment house; cost, $175.CK)0;
Robert Wallace, 320 W 70th st; art, Geo Fred Pelham, 503 Sth
96lh st, n s, 307 e Columbus av. S-sty apartment house; cost, $150,-
000; Waytisek Construction Co, 322 B 69th st; arts, Lawlor &
Haase, 69 Wall st.
Oak st, s s, bet James and Oliver sts, 4-sty school; cost, $450,0(X);
City of New York, City Hall; art, G B J Snyder, 500 Park av. Bids
will he received in the usual way.
lS7lh st, n w eor Belmont av, 1-sty church; cost, $20,(K)0; Rev D
Burke, D D, Grand Concourse and 202d st; art, Anthony F A
Schmitt, C04 Courtlandt av.
Morris av. s w cor 166th st, 2-sty synagogue; cost, $20,000; Congre¬
gation Judah Haleni. 1045 Morris av; art, E Wilbur, 22 William st.
26th St. Nos 348-350 West, extensive alterations to 3-sty chapel;
cost, $42,800; South Church, Madison av; art, S E Gage, 3 Union sq.
124tb st, Nos 9-11 West, 31^-sty public library; cost, $70,000; N Y
Public Library, Astor, Tilden & Lenox Foundations, N Y; arts,
McKim, Mead Sc White, 160 5th av. No contracts let. May 11,
115th St. Nos 201-203 West, 6%-sty public library; cost, $70,000;
New York Public Library, Astor. Tilden & Lenox Foundations,
N Y; arts, McKim, Mead & White, 160 oth_av; brs, Isaac A Hopper
Se Son, Inc, 1170 Broadway, May 11, 190(.
Bank st, Nos 123-127, 4-sty stable; cost. $70,000; The Meade Trans¬
fer Co, Pier 1, North River; arts. Dodge & Morrison, S2 Wall st;
br, Thompson-Starrett Co, 49 Wall st. Five buildings wiil be de¬
molished. Sept 29, 1906.
Jay st. No 9. 3-sty stable and laundry; cost, $40,000; New York
Hospital. West luth si; arts, Robertson & Potter, 100 Sth av;
builders, Geo Vassar's Son & Co, 1170 Broadway.
Hamilton st, Nos 14-lG E, 6-sty stable; cost, $30,000; Joseph Gold¬
flne, -76 Mangin st; arts. Sbampan & Shampan, 772 Broadway,
Brooklyu. No coutracts let.
Canal st. No 245, 5-sty stable and loft; cost, $40,000; Frederick
Hollender, W'annsee, Germany; arts, Kafka & Lindenmeyr, 34 W
26th st. Mar 23, 1907.
Horatio st, Nos 72-74, 4-sty stable; cost, $40,000; John J Bradley,
19 Hudson st; art, A G Rechlin, 235 Sth av. Two buildings will
be demolished. May 11, 1907.
Gouverneur st. w s, 40 s Cherry st, 7-sty stable; cost, $25,000; Mrs
5 Horowitz, 130 Monroe st; arts, Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 East
23d St.
GGth st, n s, 100 w West End av, l-sty garage; cost, §15,000; Junc¬
tion Realty Co, 204 W 70th st; art, Oscar Lowinson, lS-20 East
42d St. No contracts let. May 25, 1907.
105th st. No 125 W^est. 3-siv home; cost, $40,000; Home for Aged
6 Inflrm Hebrews. 125 W 105th st; art, Albert S Gottlieb. 156 Sth
av, br. Fleischmann Realty & Const Co, 170 Broadway. Excava¬
ting started. May 18, 1907,
123d st. No 259 W'est, 2-sty and pent house power bouse; cost, $70,-
000; N Y Edison Co, 55 Duane st; art, Chas F Hoppe, 55 Duane st.
May 18, 1907.