October 23, 1909
xlOO. This property has been held at $400,000, and was taken as
part ot the assets of the Washingtou Lite Insurance Co. when said
company was bought by tbe Pittsburg Life & Trust Co. of Pittsburg,
Builders Sell New Apartments.
BROADWAY.—Shaw Sl Co. have sold for the Charter Construetion
St. a 6-sty elevator apartment house, 50x100.
CL.AKEMONT AV.—The Nova Realty Co. sold the three 5-sty
apartment houses known as the Roselle, Piermont and Southerland,
at 182. 184 and 186 Claremont av. The bouses are between 12Dth
and 127th sts. each occupying a plot 40x100.
E.AST END AV.—The F. Dornberger Realty Co., in conjunction
with .\dolf Cohn, has sold for Blumenkrohu Sc Vogel to Louis Lee
W^olf the 5-sty double fUt, 82 East End av, on lot 25,3x80.
Corner vSold ou the Drive,
RIVERSIDE DRIVE.—J. Edgar Leaycraft sold to the State Realty
& Mortgage Co., Judson S. Todd, president, for Hugo S. Mack, the
northeast corner of Riverside Drive aud 113th st, with frontages of
1U4 ft. in the drive, So.3 ft. in li3th st and 112 ft. on the northerly
side. The property will not he improved by the new owners, but
will be resold to a builder.
SHERMAN AV.—Hall J. How & Co. have sold for William H. Sid-
way to R. Clarence Dorsett the plot, 150x150, on tbe west side ot
Sherman av, 100 ft. south of Emerson st,
136th ST.—Cahn & Cahn have sold for George Sauer and F. Sbober
597 East 136th st, a 4-sty flat, on lot 2.'3xl00.
169th ST.—Cahn & Cahn bave sold for M. Sticbtenoth 300 and
392 East 169th st, two 2-family houses, on plot 40x95.
ALEXANDER .4.V.—Smith & Phelps have sold for Mrs. Florence
Dunhar to Dr. J. J. Curtin a brick private dwelling, 20S Alexander
BELMONT AV.—Moses Weiss reports tbe salo of 2037 Belmont av,
a 4-Ety 50-foot flat, for the Tully Construction Co. to a Mrs. Zim¬
merman; also 2033 Belmont av, a 4-sty 50-foot flat, for the Tully
Construction Co. to a William Engel; also for Carrie Zimmerman 2
lots on Washington av, north of 183d st. to a builder for improve¬
CLINTON AV.—Louis Schjoss sold for Mrs. Annie Mahoney and
Stephen Lyons a plot 66x14^, on the east side of Clinton av, 132 ft.
north of ISlst st, to Giosup Galiani St Son.
Bread Co, Buys Bron.v Site.
SOUTHERN BOULEVARD,—The Ward Bread Company of New
Jersey took litle yesterday lo three large plots in the Bronx—the
southwest corner of Southern Boulevard aud Sl. Mary's st, 252.6x
121.S; the southeast corner of Wales av and Sl Mary's sl, 100x102,
aud an adjoining parcel, 22.1x121.3, on the east side of Wales av.
WEBB AV.—Josepb Hashm has sold 2466 Webb av, one of a row
of dwellings just completed, for E. M. Tessier to Grace E. Storm.
3D AV.—Smith Sl Phelps have sold for Adolph Becker to U. A.
Cannon the o-sty building on plot 27xl00.'( irregular, situated at the
southeast corner of 3d av and lllst st.
W. J. Rohbins has leased for a term of years 53 East 128th st, a
o-sty private dwelling.
Barnett & Co. have leased for a term of years the dwellings at
199S Lexinglon av and 103 West 132d st.
Worthington Whitehouse leased for Charles Steele to Albert Eu¬
gene Gallatin 11 East 64th at for a term of years.
Worthington Whitehouse leased for R. Livingston Beeckman S54
Slh av, a 4-sly dwelling, on a lol 30.5x120. beiween 66th and 67tb
sts, for a term of years at an auuual rental of $2.5,009.
E. A. Turner has leased tbe building 37 Wesl 28lh st for J. V.
Chalfin for a term of years lo a client; for Mrs. H. R. Hutcheson
the entire building 219 Easl 30tli sl to Otto Merss for a term of
Hill Sc Stern have leased for Brody, Adler & Koch Co. in the new
building they are erecting at 37-45 West 20lh sl. two lofts contain¬
ing 20,000 square feet of space. The leases are for a term of years
al a total rental of $40,000.
Frederick Fox Sc Co. have leased for the Building & Engineering
Co., for a long terms of years to William Eitington & Co., fur im¬
porters, the store and_ basement containing 20,000 square feet of
space at 4.:>-51 West 2.ith st.
The Charles F. Noyes Co. has leased for L. M. Jones St Co. lo the
Elliott-Fischer Co. the entire fifth floor and additional space in ths
new 12-sty office building 364-366 Broadway, occupying the block
front on the northerly side of Franklin St. The lease is for a term
of years at au aggregate rental of about $60,000.
Lease by Mrs. Sage
Mrs. Russell Sage leased 0.32 Fifth av to Joseph, a milliner, and
will erect a new 6-sly buildiug on the properly for his occupancy.
The properly has a frontage of 28.6 feet aud a depth of 131 feet.
The term of the lease is 18 years. Mrs. Sage has held the property
to be leased at an annual net rental of .$25,(Xl0.
Charles MinKesheimer & Co.. bankers and brokers, have leased
from Richard A. Canfield the 4-sty and basement dwelling at 9 Easl
.55th st, opposite the Holel St. Regis. One of the branch offices of
the firm is located in the hotel. This will be moved to the new
quarters after extensive alterations lo the building have been com¬
pleted. The lease was negotiated by the Taylor-Sherman Co,
The Charles P. Noyes Co, has leased the store al 361-363 Pearl
st for the McColgan Esiale to the Dunham Manufacturing Co, and
for the same estate the store 3o7 Pearl st lo Walcutt Bros. & Co.;
the entire llth floor of the new building at 124-6 White sl for the
Victor Harder Really Co. to Charles Stock & Co., and two floors
at 213 Pearl st for Cecelia Herrmann to J. Tai-antous & Co., and of¬
fices in 60 Beekman st for Mary L. Fraser to F. C. Goffe.
Heil Sl Stern have leased for Heury Corn in Ihe new building be
is erecting at 54-62 West 21st sl, the first loft comprising 11.009
ft. of space to Lewis, Hurwitz & Co. for a long term of years, which
makes over 75,000 ft. of space leased in this buiiding for Mr. Corn
through the same agents and which completes the renting of the
entire eleven lofts in this building. The same brokers have also
leased for Henry Corn in the building 476 Broadway the store, base¬
ment and first loft tor a term of years at a total rental of $60,000.
Denzer Bros, have leased for Brody, Adler & Koch a loft, 10,000
sq, ft., in the building 37-45 West 20th st, for a term of years at an
aggregate rental of .'j>35,000: for tbe Mendel Estate to a cloak con¬
cern 7,500 sq, fl. in the building 104-106 Bleecker st, southeast cor¬
ner o^ Greene sl; for the Marmac Conslruction Co. the first loft,
6,000 sq. ft., iu the buildiug al 104-lUS Wesl 27th st; for the Darl¬
ing EstaLe lo the J. Fiedelbauni Co. 5,U00 sq. fl. at 23-25 East 21st
st; for the Acme Building Co. 5,000 sq. ft. at 129-131 Wesl 22d st;
for Edward Caldwell lo Edgar S. Bibss the seventh loft in the build-
ing_al 36 West 15th st; for the Broadway Holding Co. 5,000 sq. ft.
at o43 Broadway_ to Dalsimer Bros., and for Berlin & Trosky a loft
in the building o7-61 West Houston sl, southeast corner of Woos¬
ter St.
The Charles F, Noyes Co. has leased for 21 years for Eversley
Childs the building 101 Park Row at an aggregate net rental of
$126,000. The lessees are Louis and Alfred Schloss, who, after mak¬
ing extensive improvements, will occupy the premises for their busi¬
ness. The building is a small structure, 18x67, covering a plot of
about 1,200 square feet and faces the entrance to the new Municipal
Building, now in course of construction. The lease negotiated is
subject to the lessees paying the taxes, all repairs and insurance
and is on the net basis of 5 per cent, on a valuation of $120,000,
showing a ground value of $100 per square fool, which is a new
record price for inside properly on Park Row. Mr. Childs recently
purchased the property through the same brokers witb a view of
holding as an investment puchase.
The new 4lh av section furnished another important lease in
one of ils proposed tall structures, which will probably result in the
establishment of a new center for a branch of the mercantile trade.
Henry Corn has leased for a term of 21 years the store, basement
and first loft of the Importers' Exchange, a 20-sly structure, which
be is to erect on the site of the old Clarendon Hotel, at the south¬
east corner of 4th av and 18th st, and which will occupy a plot
fronting 53 ft. on the avenue and 175 ft. on the street, with an east¬
erly depth of 94 ft. The lessees are Cheney Bros., one of the largest
silk importing concerns in the United States, and lhey will pay
about $750,000 for the term. They have been located ou Broome st,
between Greene and Wooster st, for many years. They will move
to their new quarters next October, at which lime it is planned to
have the new building ready for occupancy.
Newai-k, N. J., Oity Hall Sold.
NEWARK, N. J.—The old City Hall in Newark, N. J., was sold at
auction Wednesday for $22iJ,000 to L. Bamberger of that city.
NEWARK. N. J.—Brown Really Co. bought from the Llewellyn
Realty Co, 386 Washington av North, Newark, and 10 lots in Plain¬
fleld, N. J.
Jacob Strauss bought from Mrs. Charles L, Warreu, in Edgemere,
Long Island, four houses, on lots 80x115 each, in the west side of
Grand View av; also two houses, on lots t)tJxll5 each, in the east
side of Beach av, and two plots, S0xll5 each, in the east side of
Beach av. The amount involved in the deal approximated $100,000.
East Orange Realty Sold.
EAST ORANGE, N. J.—-Edward L. Bushman, of New York, has
purchased from George T. Hatt, through Fell & Devine. of East Or¬
ange, the vacant properly al 64 Chestnut st, that city, on which he
announces that he will build a $15,000 dwelling. Arthur D. Crane,
of Newark, bought a strip of laud this week in Soulh Orange av. Bast
Orange, just east of South Clinton st. which he will develop in mod¬
erate priced real estate at au early date. Theresa Koehler was the
previous owner, and the price il is said, was $10,000. The property
is 85x645 ft. The deal was made through Oliver E. Wade, of East
Plushiug Landmark Changes Hands.
FLUSHING.-The Garretson homestead in Flushing, which has
stood on ils present site facing Main st since it was built in 1642,
has been sold to H. L, Crandell of Freeport, L. I., Vice-President of
the Bank of Long Island. The plot which has been sold wilh the
house has frontages of ISO ft. on Main st, 22o ft. on Locust st, and
about 250 ft. on Lincoln sl—in all about 20 lots. The consideration
in tbe deal is reported to have been $115,000. The homestead is
said to be the oldest house in Flushing. It was formerly owned by
Charles H. Garretson, who died two years ago, and has since been
occupied by his sister. Miss Garretson,
A Big- Jersey Watei--Pront Sale.
TUFT'S POINT, N. J.—The water-front specialist, Charles War¬
ren Trembley, has just sold for Edward S. Savage, of Rahway, N. J.,
and 150 Broadway, Manhattan, to Armour & Co. a valuable water
front at Tuft's Point, near Port Reading, a parcel 49S fl. front on
Staten Island Sound (.â– irthur Kill) 1,600 ft. deep, irx-egular, with a
tongue running back to the Central Railroad of New Jersey, giving
good frontage on same. The property has every known advantage,
including deep draught, good railroad service and an unlimited sup¬
ply of fresh water for manufacturing purposes. Ocean-going ves¬
sels may enter and ciear from this point via Perth Amboy, thua ef¬
fecting a saving of about 11 miles to Sandy Hook. This is the most
important sale that has taken place on Staten Island Sound with
the exception ot the Standard Oil purchase.
Herbert Du Puy, of Pittsburgh, chairman of the exectuive
committee of the Crucible Steel Co., who has acquired over $6,-
000,000 worth of real estate in this city, made another large ad¬
dition to his holdings this week, when he bought, through
L. J. Phillips & Co., the Hotel Langham, formerly known as
the Marseille, at the southwest corner of Broadway and J03d sl,
an 11-sty structure on plot 100.11x120. The property, which
has been held at $1,000,000. was transferred lo Mr. Du Puy
for a nominal consideration over a mortgage of $525,000. Mr.
Du Puy's other purchases in this cily. all made within the last
year and a half, have iitcluded the 12-sty National Building, at
the northeast corner of Broadway and 12th st; the Hotel Em¬
pire, at Broadway and 63d st; the Van Dyck and Severn apart¬
ment houses, covering the block front on the east side of Broad¬
way, between 72d and 73d sts; the 2-sty store and ofBce build¬
ings on the west side of Broadway, from 82d lo S3d st, and 22
lots in the Dyckman section, on the south side of 211th st. be¬
tween Broadway and 10th av. The aggregate value of Mr, Du
Puy's properties in this city is estimated al about $7,500,000.