July 20, 1912
Including Contemplated G)nstructions, Bids Wanted, -Contracts
Awarded, Plans Filed and Government, State and Municipal Work,
Terminals Near Sandy Hook.
According to a dispatch to one of the
Wall street news bureaus, ilocal banking
interests have completed arrangements
with the Smithport Chemical Company
for building on the lands of that cor¬
poration at Smithport. N. J., near Sandy
Hook, an extensive shipping and railroad
terminal. The cost of the development,
it is said, will be between $10,000,000 and
$15,000,000. President Mott, of the Smith-
port Chemical Company. 42 Broadway.
New York, when interrogated for the
Record and Guide, said he would neither
deny nor confirm the report, but Inti-
rnated that particulars would be forth¬
coming later.
Central Railroad to Erect Power House.
The Central Railroad of 'New Jersey.
143 Liberty street, through J. O. Osgood,
chief engineer, is preparing plans for the
erection of a two-story brick and steel
power house. 90x200 feet, to be erected
in the railroad yards at Jersey City.
Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Company.
10 Bridge street. Manhattan, are engl^
neers and general contractors. Operations
will be started about August 1. The cost
tg 'placed at $100,000.
Contract for Harlem Theatre.
Cramp & Company, 25 East 26th street,
have received the general contract to
erect the store and theatre 'building at
245 to 259 West 125th street through to
240 to 260 West 126th street, for the Ar¬
rowhead Realty Company, in which E. J.
Stumpf and H. J. Langholt. of Milwaukee.
Wis., are interested. Hurtig & Seaman,
1547 Broadway, are lessees, and George
Keister, 17 West Slst street, architect.
Taking Bids on Choir School.
Cook & Welch, architects, 3 West 29th
street, are taking bids this week for the
new Choir School which the Cathedral
Church of St. John the Divine is to erect
on Morningside avenue, the west side, 300
feet north of UOth street, on a plot 80x100
87TH ST.—Schwartz & Gross. 347 5th av. are
preparing plans for a 14-sty apartment house
to be erected at the northwest comer of 87th
st and Central Park West, for the Owners'
Building Co.. Samuel A. Herzog. president. 43
Cedar st, owner. P. A. Burdett & Co., 16
Bast 33d st, steel engineers.
■ 85TH ST.—Schwartz & Gross. 347 5th av. arc
preparing plans tor a 12-sty apartment house.
101x115 ft. to be erected at the northwest
corner of 85th st and West End av, for the
Elkan Realty Co., Leopold Kahn, president, 357
West 118th st, owner. F. A. Burdett & Co., 16
East SSd St. steel engineers. Owner builds.
142D ST.—Wm. P. Seayer. 322 5th av. has
completed plans for the 6-sty apartment house.
15Q!x93 ft. to be erected in the south side of
142d St. 200 ft west ol Lenox av, for the
Kramer Improvement Co., 35 Nassau St. own¬
er. Cost. $^0,000.
142D ST.—Wm. P. Seaver. 322 Sth av. has
completed plans lor a 6-sty apartment house,
150x93 ft. to be erected in the south side ot
142d st, 250 ft east of 7th av, for the Kramer
Improvement Co., 35 Nassau st, owner. Cost,
WEST END AV.—J. E. R. Carpenter, Metro¬
politan Tower, has completed plans for a 12-
sty apartment house, 117.2x94 ft, to be erected
at 244 West End av. tor the A. G. M. Realty
Co., 79 Sth av, owner. Cost, $630,000.
AUDUBON AV.—Frank J. Schefcik, southeast
corner of Park av and lT6th st. has completed
plans lor a 5-sty tenement, 26.6x77 tt, to u«
erected on the east side ot Audubon av, 53.5
ft south of 185th St. for John P. Leo, agent,
770 St. Nicholas av. owner. Cost, $18,000.
BROADWAY.—Gaetan Ajello. 1 West 34th st,
has completed plans lor the 12-sty apartment,
to be erected at the northeast corner of Broad¬
way and Slst st, for Charles Brogan, Inc., north¬
east corner of Broadway and Slst st, owner.
Cost, $1,000,000.
CONVENT AV.—Nast & Springsteen, 21 West
45th st, have completed plans for a 5-sty tene¬
ment, 70x86.4 ft, to be erected on the west
side of Convent av, 1,SU8 ft north of 133d st.
for the Paterno & Son Construotka 9«., 3(J5.S
Heath st, owner. Cost, $70,000.
CHRYSTIE ST.—Gross & Kleinberger, Bible
House, have completed plans for a 6-sty ten¬
ement, 48.9x86.4 ft. to be erected at 56 Chrystie
St. for Alex Baum. 170 Chrystie St. owner.
Cost, $35,000.
5TH AV__Ogden Codman. 340 Madison av.
has completed plans for the brick and stone
residence, to be erected on the east side ot
Sth av, 70 ft north of OSth st. for Miss Helen
O. Brice. 603 Sth av. owner. No date has
been set for receiving figures.
24TH ST.—John Hauser, 360 West 125th st,
has completed plans for the S-sty factory ad¬
dition, 50x47 ft, at 514-516 West 24th st,
for Joseph N. Courtade, 518 West 24th st. Cost,
BLACKWELLS ISLAND.—Plans have been ap¬
proved by the Municipal Art Commission toi
alterations to the storehouse here for the De¬
partment ot Public Charities, foot of Bast 26th
st, Michael Drummond, commissioner. Frank
Helmle, 190 Montague st. Brooklyn, architect.
Cost. $57,000.
3D ST.—Jackson & Rosencranz, 1328 Broad¬
way, have completed plans for the 10-sty Y. M.
C. A. building to be erected at 6-20 East Sd
St. for the Y. M. C. A. Association, H. W. Hoot,
secretary, 153 Bowery, owner. R. D. Kimball
Co.. 15 West 38th St. steam and electrical en¬
gineer. Cost. $400,000.
BEEKMAN ST.—The Volunteer Hospital, 93
Gold st, contemplates the erection of a 5-sty
hospital at the northwest corner of Beekman
and Water sts. from plans by Adolph Mertin.
34 West 28th st, architect.
160TH ST.—Carrere & Hastings. 225 5th av.
are taking approximate bids for the 3-sty Car¬
negie library. 50x100 ft. to be erected at the
northeast corner of 160th st and St. Nicholas
av. for the New York Public Library. 5th av
and 42d st. J. S. Billings, director, 425 Lafay¬
ette st, owner.
MANHATTAN.—Bids were . received by the
Board of Education July 15, for installing elec¬
tric equipment in P. S. 61. All bids were laid
MANHATTAN.—Bids were received by the
Board of Education July 15, lor Installing
printing equipment in the school for the deaf.
P. S. 47. George Damon & Sons, low bidders.
IITH AV.—C. L. Peden, 1733 Broadway, is
preparing plans tor a 1-sty concrete or brick
testing room, 125x100 It, to be erected at the
northeast corner of 11th av and 56th st, for
the Republic Motor Co., 1733 Broadway, owner.
W. L. McElraevy. 255 West 57th St. general
27TH ST.—The St. John's Park Realty Co..
Wm. D. Kilpatrick. president; James H. Cruik¬
shank, secretary, 50 Pine st. owner. Is taking
bids on the 8-sty loft building. 91x128 ft. to
be erected at 337-347 West 27th st. Robert
E. Moss. 126 Liberty st, engineer. Cost, $75,-
32D ST.—Schwartz & Gross. 347 Sth av. are
preparing plans lor a 16-sty loft'building 75x
100 It, to be erected at 22-26 West S2d st. lor
Henry Hellman, 127-133 West 26th st, and
471 West End av, owner. F. A. Burdett & Co..
16 Bast 33d st. steel engineer. Owner builds.
24TH ST.—Foundations are being laid lor the
12-sty store and loft building. 50x85 ft. at
121-123 East 24th st, for the D. & M. Co..
Harry B. MuUiken. president; Edgar J. Moel¬
ler, vice president; B. Mordecai, treasurer, 103
Park av, owner. MuUiken & Moeller, 103 Park
av. architects. The Fullam Construction Co..
103 Park av, has the mason work. Cost. $125.-
BROAD ST.—Additional figures are being re¬
ceived for the 6-sty office building. S0xll9 ft,
to be erected at 41 Broad st. from plans by
Clinton & Russell. 32 Nassau st. architect.
44TH ST—The Libman Contracting Co., 107
West 46th st. Is figuring the general contract
for the Shubert Theatre to be erected in 44th
st, west of Broadway, from plans by Henry
B. Herts, 25 West Slst st, architect, and de¬
sires all bids on subs.
62D ST.—The Libman Contracting Co., 107
West 46th st, is figuring the general contract
for alterations to the Century Theatre. 62d st
and Central Park West, from plans by V. Hugo
Koehler. 489 Sth av, architect, and desires all
bi'Js on subs prior to July 23d.
165TH ST.—Excavating is under way for the
6-sty apartment, 76x100 ft. at the southwest
corner ot 165th st and Hoe av. for the Fox
Square Realty Co.. 773 Westchester av, Wm.
Oppenheim, president, owner, who builds and
is taking bids on subs. Goldner & Goldberg.
149th st and 3d av, architects.
BARRETTO ST.—The B. V. Construction Co..
992 East 163d st,> Samuel Behrman, president;
Julius Vogel. secretary ; Joseph Schwartz, treas¬
urer, contemplates the erection of a 5-sty apart¬
ment house at the southeast corner of Barretto
and Simpson sts. No architect has been se¬
DALY AV.—Excavating Is under way for the
5-sty tenement, 81x116 ft, on the west side ot
Daly av, 555 ft south ol 177th st, for tho
Defeiider Construction Co.. 35 Nassau st. owner.
Geo. F. Pelham, 507 Sth av. architect. The
Kramer Contracting Co.. 35 Nassau st. general
contractor. Cost. $75,000.
14TH ST.—M. W. Del Gaudio. 401 Tremont
S^'^A^ preparing plans for a 3-sty brick flat.
2ox60 ft. to be erected in the south side of
East 14th St. 75 ft west o( Barnes av Bronx,
for A. De Luccia. 3550 Holland av. owner.
Cost, $8,500.
MORRIS AV.—Carrere & Hastings. 225 5th av
architects, are taking approximate bids on the
3-sty Carnegie library. 65x86 ft. to be erected
at the northeast corner of Morris av and Bast
ie2d St. for the N. Y. Public Library, oth
av and 42d st. J. B. Billings, director 425
Lafayette st, owner.
BRONX—Bids were received by the Board ot
Education July 15 for installing electric equip¬
ment in P. S. 43. Irving A. Began, low bidder,
LINWOOD ST.—L. Danancher, 7 Glenmore av
has completed plans for a 3-sty brick tene¬
ment. 20x35 ft, to be erected in the east
side of Linwood st, 125 ft south of Sutter av,
for Ester Dunalf, 206 Osborne st, owner who
builds. Cost. .$5,500.
LINCOLN AV.—R. T. SchaeJfer, 1524 Flat¬
bush av, has completed plans for three 2-sty
frame residences, 16x31 ft, to be erected on the
east side of Lincoln av. 140 ft south of Mer¬
maid av, for Geo. Mayhew, Ocean av and Av
N, owner, who builds. Cost. $3,000 each.
83D ST.—E. S. Child. 29 B'roadway. N. Y. C,
has completed plans for a 2H-sty frame resi¬
dence, 24x32 ft. In the north side of 83d
St. 100 ft west of 24th av, lor the Stucoo
House Building Co., O. J. & W. L. Perfect,
84th St, Bensonhurst, L. I. Cost, $5,000.
18TH ST.—Harold Dangler, 215 Montague st,
is preparing plans for two 2-sty trame and
stucco residences, 20x42 ft. to be erected In
the east side of East 18th st, 14 ft south of
Av K. for Jessie C. Dennison, 816 Bast 15th
st, owner. Charles Dennison. 816 East 15th
St. general contractor. Cost, $4,000 each.
PRESIDENT ST.—Excavating Is under way
for the 2-sty brick factory, 60x100 tt, in the
west side ol President st, 190 ft east of Hoyt st.
for Mathew Belford, 323 Smith st. owner. Hol¬
land Laundry. 373 President st. lessee. Wm.
Higginson, 21 Park Row, N. Y. C. architect
George F. Driscoll Co.. 548 Union st. general
contractor. Cost, $22,000.
RYERSON ST.—Excavating is under way for
the addition to the 8-sty factory in Ryerson
st near Park av, tor the Mergenthaler Lino¬
type Co.. 154 Nassau st. N. Y. C., owner. Al¬
bert Kahn, Trussed Concrete Building, De¬
troit, Mich., architect. Herman Fougner, 25
Madison sq. North, N. Y. C, local architect.
P. R. Moses. 366 Sth av, N. Y. c. consulting en¬
gineer. M. W. Moorehouse. at site, super¬
intendent in charge lor owner. The Indus¬
trial Engineering Co.. 30 Church st N. T. C,
general contractor. Cost, $100,000.
THATFORD ST.—Adelsohn & Feinberg, 1774
Pitkin av, are preparing plans tor a 1-sty
factory. 20x30 ft. at the southeast comer of
Thatford and Riverdale av. lor Mr. Oxenburg,
338 Osborne st. Cost. $3,500.
CONSELYEA ST.—The J. P. Cogan Co.. 6703
2d av. Brooklyn, was low bidder. $480,642, tor
the installation of sewers in Conselyea st, for
the City of New York. Alfred B. Steers, pres¬
ident Borough of Brooklyn. Room 2, Borough
BROOKLYN.—Bids were received by the Board
of Education July 15 tor fire protection work,
fireproof stairs, etc.. in P. S. 40 P. S. 65. P.
S. 72. P. S. 76 and P. S. 77. All bids were
laid over.
BROOKLYN.—Bids were received by the Board
of Education July 15 for the general construc¬
tion of P. S. 175, T. A. Clarke Co., low bid¬
der, $233,385; tor plumbing and drainage A.
J. Ormond Co., $16,930.
NEW LOTS RD.—Wortmann & Braun. 22 East
21st St. N. Y. C. are preparing plans for a
1-sty moving picture theatre with stores to
be erected on New Lota rd, for Benj. T. Reis-
ner, 682 New Jersey ay. owner. Bids will be
taken about July 25. Cost. $8,000.
HOPKINS AV.—Foundations have been com¬
pleted lor the 4-sty brick theatre. 55x75x100
ft, at 482-488 Hopkins av, for the Samuel
Howe Amusement Co.. Columbia Theatre Build¬
ing. 701 7th av. N. Y. C. owner. Thomas
Lamb. 501 Sth av, N. Y. C, architect. Wm.
Henderson, 516 Sth av. N. Y. C. general con¬
tractor. Cost. $50,000.
MANHASSETT. L. L—Funds are being raised
by the Manhassett R. C. Church Rev. Father
Dwyer, pastor, for the construction of a new
church here. No architect has been selected
and It Is indefinite when the project will go