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October 19, 19l2
having desirable property on which loans are
wanted can be accommodated in any amount at
prevailing rates of interest. Submit your loans
and we can take care of them promptly.
Lawyers Tide Insurance & Trust Co.
CAPITAL $4,000,000
160 Broadway, Manhattan
1425 St. Nicholas Avenue, Manhattan
600 Willis Avenue, Bronx
SURPLUS $5,500,000
188 Montague St., Brooklyn
1354 Broadway, Brooklyn
367 Fulton St., Jamaica
The Sidewalk Must Be Cleared
is the edict of the Board of Estimate
We have men trained to do this work carefully.
Write or telephone for estimate.
Jobbing and Repair Departtnent
Cornell Iron Works
Telephone, Chelsea 550 and 279
603 West 26th St., New York
J _ _-..
Real Estate Mortgages
Mortgage Loans Is Our Business
We are constantly negotiating loans for
prominent lenders and borrowers, thua Indicat¬
ing the value of our service to both.
Twenty-six years of mortgage loan experi¬
ence and a complete eQuipment enable ui to
render this service.
For efflcient service, call, write or 'phone
Remsen Darling;
Tel. 3500 Cortlandt 170 Broadway
Member Real Estate Board of Brokers^
Sale and Rental of Business
Property a Specialty
1165-1167 BROADWAY
N.W. cor. 27th Street
BAYONNE, N. J.—Isaac Wigdor and William
B. Willensky bought from William C. Farr a
plot 49x100 in the east side of Broadway, near
24th St.
JERSEY CITY. N. J—Owen J. Igoe sold to
John O'Brien 212 Harrison av, a dwelling on
plot 47x114.
Finlay Realty Co. sold to Joseph Sherman,
of the National Chamois & Sponge Co., Man¬
hattan, a plot with 210 tt frontage on the
northwest corner of West Drive and Arleigh
rd. on which the buyer will at once begin the
construction, for his own occupancy, of a
hollow tile and stucco house of Spanish arch¬
itecture, from plans by Aymar Embury, II.
WHITE PLAINS. N. Y.—The Gedney farm
on Mamaroneck av has been sold to the Gedney
Farm Co.. a new realty corporation, capitalized
at $1,500,000. Rohert E. Farley, president of
the Scarsdale Estates, is president and general
manager of the new company. The property is
to be developed immediately and the buildings
now on the place will be remodelled into a
hotel. The tract has an area of more than 300
acres, with a frontage on Mamaroneck av. North
and Ridgeway sts.
SCARSDALE.—W. Luke sold for the Piatt and
Popham estates a plot with 224 ft frontage
on Autenreith rd and Oakwood pl to a Mr.
Clark of Manhattan, who will build In the
GREAT NECK. L. I.—The McKnight Realty
Co. sold to F. C. Ward, of New York, on the
estates of Great Neck, a plot having a front¬
age of 140 ft at the corner of Ridge Drive,
East, and North Drive; a plot of 122 ft front¬
age and one of 131 ft frontage on the same
drive; a plot having a frontage of 127 ft at
the junction of Ridge Drive West and Ridge
Drive Bast, and three other plots having a
total frontage ot 340 ft on Ridge Drive West.
The cost of these seven plots is ?37,600 and
Mr. Ward intends to improve each plot with a
very fine type of residence. This property is
on the Hill Top Section of the Estates of Great
Neck and overlooks Little Neck Bay, and the
surrounding estates of Russell Eldridge and
W. Gould Brokaw.
JERSEY CITY. N. J.-The Pulvola Chemical
Co., the present tenant, bought tbe 3-sty build¬
ing on the north side of Lincoln av. 125 ft
west of Ocean av, from the estate of Stephen
L. Harvey.
WEST NEW YORK. N. J.—Alfred Bernet
bought from the Niles estate a plot 97.0x100
at the southeast corner of 17th st and Har¬
rison pl.
Finlay Realty Co. sold to Charles F. B'riddon.
with the American Sugar Refinery Co.. a plot
on the north side of Arleigh rd, 423 ft west
of the Shore rd, on which the buyer will
erect a house of Italian design, for his own
FLORAL PARK.-The Windsor Land and Im¬
provement Co. sold to M. J. Gallagher a plot
40x100 on Violet av; to W. Schwartz a plot
70x100 on Daisy av; to A. O'Loughlin a plot
40x105 on Carnation av.
VALLEY STREAM.-The 'Wandsor Land & Im¬
provement Co. sold to R Samuels and H. Kra-
hower each a plot 60x100 on Rockaway Park¬
way ; to H. Hirsch a plot 60x96 on Montgom¬
ery st; to J. Walsh a plot 40x100 on Grove
st; to J. and M. Neumann a plot 80x100 on
Oxford st: to D. Schopps a plot 40x108 on
Elmwood av ; to J. and M. Gross a plot SOxlOO
on Verona pl.
HEMPSTEAD.—The Windsor Land & Improve¬
ment Co. sold to M. Queloz a plot 40x100 on
Emery st; to A. Scholtz a plot 40x100 on
Windsor Parkway and another 120x100 on Wind¬
sor Parkway and Oceanside av; to A. C. Gal¬
lagher a plot 60x100 on Windsor and Nassau
Parkways : to J. Schumacher a plot 100x127 on
Hempstead Parkway and Bernhard st.
ROCKVILLE CENTRE.—The Windsor Land &
Improvement Co. sold to M. Lanzano a plot 3Sx
103 on Yale av; to J. P. Glazlk a plot 40x120
on Cornell av ; to A. Faggello a plot 20x141 on
Lake View av.
LYNBROOK.—The Windsor Land & Improve¬
ment Co. sold a plot 40x100 on Edmund st to
H. Leorne.
OCEANSIDE.—The Windsor Land & Improve¬
ment Co. sold to C. B. Reiners a plot 40x100,
to S. Murray and W. and M. Talbert each a
plot 80x100 on Ebert av; to G. Durisch a
plot 40x100 on Merrifield av; to S. Murray
a plot 40x111 on Hoke av.
JERSEY CITY, N. J.—Erhart M. Diehr sold
to Marie Dubreuil 92 to 94A Boyd av. four
one-family houses, on plot 50x168.
MYER BONDY leased the 4th loft in the
Puck Building, corner Houston and Lafayette
sts, to the Manhattan Ladies' Hat Co.. ot 133
Wooster st; also the 2d loft in 30 to 34 Uni¬
versity place to S. Wieder. of 222 Greene st;
also the IOth loft in 144 to 150 West 27th st
to Heilbron & Engelhardt, of 149 Spring st, and
the Sth loft in 122 to 126 West 26th st to
Denbosky Brothers, of 149 Wooster st.
BENJAMIN ENGLANDER leased to N. Levine
& Co. the IOth and lltb lofts in the building
under construction at 31 and 33 East 32d st.
containing 10,000 sq ft.
LOWENFELD & PFEIFFER leased the store
at the southwest corner of Madison av and 97th
st , I
GEORGE W. MERCER & SO.V leased the
store and basement in 166 Sth av to I. Green¬
berg and the store and basement in 213 West
ISth st to J. Boyle and in 327 West 29th st
to H. Goetze.
MOORE & WYCKOFF leased the 12th floor
in 440 4th av to Richardson. Sons and Owden:
also space to C. Schoolherr & Co., of i:jS Spring
PEASE & ELLIMAN.V leased for the Weeks
estate 136 and 138 East 41st st to John Kil¬
common, for business purposes for a term of
WILLIAM A. WHITB & SONS leased for B.
Crystal & Sons In 47 and 49 West st the Sth
floor to the Lachman Manufacturing Co.. of 2
Rector st and the 6th floor to the Universal
Electric Welding Co., of 2 Rector st: also the
store in .50 West st to the Interstate News
Co.. of lis East 16th st, and, temporarily, the
store and basement in .5.33 to 541 Canal st
to the Motor Traction and Engineering Co., ot
394 Greenwich St.
BONWIT. TELLER & CO. rented the Sth loft
in their new building. Sth av and 3.8th st. to
the Hewlitt Robin Co. for ten years' lease at
an aggregate rental of about $160,000.
DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN & CO. leased for the
76th St & Park Av Co.. a large duplex apart¬
ment In 8.30 Park av. to Arthur K. Bourne, of
the Singer Manufacturing Co. ; also a large
apartment in 960 Park av to Gardiner D. Jones.
HEIL & STERN leased for the Jacoh New
Realty Co. the store, basement, sub-basement
and 1st loft in 688 Broadway to Morris Katz.
PEASE & ELLIMAN leased for a term of 10
years to a client for A. Butler Duncan, the
building at 195 Oth av. a 3-sty building. Tho
lessee will after alterations occupy it as a res¬
S. R. TOBIN leased for the Schulte Realty
Co- the building, 1941 Madison av. with an
"L" of SO ft frontage in East 125th st; also
adjacent buildings in Bast 125th st. to Rudolph
Landauer. After extensive alterations the build¬
ing will be operated as a branch*of the Mad¬
ison Square Roof Garden.
THB H. M. WEILL CO. leased the entire
front and rear buildings at 36.', 7th av for a
long term of years for Maurice Myers and
Samuel Harris to T. Dacosta and Louis San-
tero who, after extensive alterations, will open
this place as a first-class cafe and restaurant;
also the store in 781 Sth av for T. Leonard's
Sons, of 687 Sth av. to Samuel W. Carmack-
SPEAR & CO. rented for Henry C. Lytton.
of Chicago, lOoiKi sq ft in IS to 22 West 20th
st to the Waldorf Waist Co. of 138 West
21st st, and for the Waldorf Waist Co. a loft
in 136 to 140 West 21st St to the Unique
Cloak & Suit Co., of SO East Oth st.
PEASE & ELLIMAN leased 39 East OSth st
for KHUen Van Rensslaer to F. T. Bedford:
also 19 Bast 6fith st for John G. Agar to
Mrs. R. L. Stevens; also apartments in the
Schermerhom. at 21 East 82d st. tor F. A-
Zittel. agent, to William G. Kaufman; in 820
Park av to John Russell Pope; in 104 East
40th st to Mrs. Virginia Dahlgren; in ,56 West
nth st to James G. Piede. and in 105 East
15th st to Mathilde Burgeon.
AUGUST BELMONT. JR.. leased his residence
at 46 East 34th st through. Pease & Elli¬
man to William G. Bates. The house is a
4-sty dwelling, on a lot 18.8x98.9. just east
of Madison av.
the dwelling 6-58 Lexington av at the north¬
west corner of SSth st, to the flrm of Stras-
burger. Inc.. dealers in lamps, who for some
time have been located at 561 Sth av and
who recently took a long lease of 758 Sth av.
near SSth st, in the Plaza bank building. The
lessees will remodel the Lexington avenue build¬
ing, using the two lower floors as wholesale
warerooms and the two upper floors f8r man¬
ufacturing. James A. Dowd was the broker in
the transaction.
PEPE & BROTHER leased for Walter E. Mc¬
Donnell 50 Morton st. a private dwelling.
PORTER & CO. leased the motion picture
theatre at 64 West 125th st, together with
the frame building and lot in rear, 61 West
124th st, to be used as an exit.
CO. leased for the Graf Realty Co.. 10 000
sq ft of floor space In 119 to 125 West 24th
st to G. H. & E. Fredberg, for a term of
THE LOUIS BECKER CO. leased for a term
of years, for the Riverside Viaduct Realty Co.,
the large store in 1960 Amsterdam av to H.
M. Koerpel. who will occupy same as a first-
class gents' furnishing store. This store im¬
mediately adjourns the entrance to the Palace
theatre at the northwest corner of lS7th st
and Amsterdam av.
SPEAR & CO. rented for the Max Gold-
frank estate 5,000 ft In 20OVi Greene st to
Harry Tarnower; also a loft in 13 East 17th
st to the Mutual Cloak & Suit Co. for Eliza¬
beth Armstrong, and for the Jacob New Realty
Co. a loft in 688 Broadway to M. W. Wins¬
SAMUEL H- MARTIN leased for Nathan
Ottinger the store in 29 Columbus av to John
WILLIAM J. ROOME & CO. leased an apart-'
ment in 116 East SSth st to Erskine M. Smith ;
also apartments in 178 Madison av to Cyril
Hatch and Dwight Moore; also apartments in
177 Madison av to Oscar B. Van Zant, Helen
M. Marks, Leonard Snider and Beatrice Bros¬