January 25, 1913
POUGHKEEPSIE. N. Y'.—Percival M. Lloyd,
architect, is drawing plans for a new depart¬
ment slore building to be erected in Main st.
ALBANY', N. Y.—F. F. Proctor contemplates
the erection of a theatre in this city. Howard
G'rabam is president of the Proctor Theatres
The site has not yet been decided on.
Contracts Awarded.
(All items following refer to general con¬
tracts, except those marked "sub.")
D5TH ST. (sub.).—The P. J. Exner Co.. lOS
Park av. has received the mason work for the
3-sty addition to the stock house at 417 East
iiSth St. for Peter Doelger, 407 East ,55th st,
owner. Mortenson & Co., 114 East 28th st, have
the general contract,
LY'.NCH ST.—F. Borleubach, 30 Suydam st,
Brooklyn, lias received the general contract for
changing the tenement and stable in the south
side of Lynch st, 225 ft east of Harrison av,
Brooklyn, for factory purposes, for Leonardo
Guardino. 226 Lynch st, owner. Chas. P. Can¬
nella. 60 Graham av. architect. Cost. $10,000.
OlST ST.—The Hasco Building Co.. 17 Mad¬
ison av, has received the general contract to
erect the 11-sty warehouse and offices, lOOx
100 ft., at 18-20 West 61st st, for Amos R, E.
Pincliot, GO Broadway, owner. The Locomobile
Co. of America, Broadw.iy and 7Gth st, is lessee.
Walter Haefeli, 17 Madison av, ie architect.
6SD ST,—C. T. Wills. Inc. 286 5th av. has
received the general contract to erect the 6-sty
brick and stone medical college and hospital.
4.5x140 ft,, at C.Sd st and Av A for the Flower
Hospital and N. Y'. Homeopathic Medical Col¬
lege. Av A between 6.3d and 64th sts. Delano
& Aldrich, 4 East SOth st, architects.
BELMONT. N. Y'.—P. C. Dentley, this place,
has received the general contract to erect the
1-sty Ijriclc bank building. 42x49 ft. for the
State Bank of Belmont. Dr. William H. Paul is
interested. Esenwein & Johnson. Ellicott sq.,
Buffalo, are architects. Cost, $20,000.
NEWARK. N. J.—J. B. Roberts & Co.. 1 Mad¬
ison av, N. Y'. C. have received the general
contract to erect the 1 and 2-sty church and
Sunday school, 167x04 ft, at Abington and Clif¬
ton avs. for the Third Presbyterian Church. Rev.
Dr. Robert Scott Inglis. pastor. ,30 Walnut st.
Cady & Gregory, 6 West 22d st. N. Y'. C are
the architects. Cost, about $75,000.
ALLENDALE, N. J.—S. T. Van Houten, Jr..
has received the general contract to erect the
new residence for H. C. Anthony on Park av.
FREEPORT, L. I.—Wm. M. Sheehan & Co,
have received the contract to extend the water
and light plants at $17,070. William R. Smith
is engineer.
ATLANTIC AV.—G. M. Ward. 5 East 42d st.
N. Y. C. has received the general contract sub¬
let by the Guarantee Construction Co.. 00 West
st, N. Y'. C, tor the 1-sty brick machine house,
25.x26 ft. to be erected at Ridgewood North Side
Pumping Station, Atlantic av and Logan st.
for the Department of Water Supply, Gas and
Electricity, 13-21 Park Row, Henry S. Thomp¬
son, commissioner.
ELIZABETH, N. J.—Evans Almirall & Co., of
N. Y. C., have received the general contract to
erect the new high school here. Richard D.
Kimball Co.. of New Y'ork. is engineer and C.
G. Poggi, of Elizabeth, architect. The estimated
cost is $34,822.
JAMAICA AV.—F. J. Kelly's Sons. 2.58 Broad¬
way, N. Y*. C.. have received the general contract
to erect the 2-sty brick addition to the stable
at .Tamalca av and Gillen pl. for the Frank
Byron Co., on premises, owner, J. S. Kennedy.
44 Court St. architect.
.AV. B,—The Reed Palmer Construction Co.,
11 East 50th st, has received the general con¬
tract to erect the 2-sty brick or concrete gar¬
age, 107x02 ft., at the southwest corner of Av
V. and East 20th st, for John W. Brookman.
Cost about .$55,000.
Raymond Concrete Pile Co.. 140 Cedar st. N. Y'.
C, and Chicago, has received the contract for
placing 1,S17 standard Raymond concrete piles
for the foundation of a new building for Sears.
Roebuck & Co. at North Kansas City. Mo. This
building is the first unit of the large improve¬
ment contemplated by Sears, Roebuck & Co. at
this location. George C. Nimmons is the archi¬
tect. The Swenson Construction Co. has the
general contract for the building.
52D ST.—Patrick Reynolds. 102 East 12th st.
has received the general contract to erect the
4-sty store and lott building, 50x100 tt. at 15
East .52d st. for Harley T. Procter, 27 Pine st.
owner. Mme. L. Thurn. 426 Sth av. is lessee.
Donn Barber. 25 East 26th st, architect.
13TH ST.—Gustav Steiger, 11 East 128th st,
has received the general contract for altera¬
tions to the building at 105-107 East 15th st
for restaurant purposes tor August Luchow, 110
East 14th st, owner. Frank Wennemer, 21.30
Honeywell av, architect. Cost about ,$45,000.
Campbell, this place, have received the gen-
oral contract to erect the 2-sty brick and stucco
Record Building for Eugenics, tor the Eugenic
Society, of this place, owner. Peabody, Wilson
& Brown, ,^S0 5tla av. N. Y. C.. are architects.
NORFOLK ST, 82-6, 6-sty tenement, lOOx
27, slag roof; cost, ,$:i5,0UO ; owner, Chas. Karg,
58 St. Andrew's pl. Y'onkers; architect, Adolph
F. Leicht, 9 East 42d st. Plan No. 25.
25TH ST, 324-26 West, 6-sty tenement. 40x
.85, slag root; cost, $55,000 ; owner, Crest Hold¬
ing Co.. Abe Weinstein. pres.. Flora Weinstein.
treas., 1200 Madison av; architects. Gronen¬
berg & Leuchtag, 303 Sth av. Plan No. 2G.
lOOTH ST. n e cor Ft Washington av, 6-sty
tenement. 102.2x111.3; cost. .$175,000; owner.
Saranac Const. Co., Max Liebeskind, president;
Henry D. Davis, secretary, 3785 Broadway ;
architect. Goo. Fred. Pelham, 507 Fifth av.
Plan No. 27.
181 ST ST, 702 West, 6-sty tenement, 92x125;
cost, $225,000 ; owner. Alex. Grant Co., 701 West
17Sth et ; Alex. Grant, pres,, Wm. Adams,
treas., 25 Broad st; architects, Schwartz &
Gross, 347 Sth av; carpenter, Wm. Adams, 25
Broad st. Plan No. 29.
.STH AY', e s, bet 70th and 71st sts. .3-sty dwell¬
ing. 180x110; cost, $500,000; copper over felt
and T. C. block roof ; owner, Henry Clay Frick.
IliO Sth av; architect, Thos. Hastings, 225 Sth
av. Plan No. 24.
HUDSON ST, 76, 1-sty storeroom, 20.6x72.3;
cost. .$200; owner. John Karl, 76 Hudson st;
architect. Max Muller, 115 Nassau st. Plan
.No. 30.
47TH ST, 601-603 West, lltb av, 645-651, G-
sty warehouse building, 12.5x100.5; cost, $50,-
(H'O ; owner. Model Fireproof Tenement Co., 109
Broad st ; Sheperd K. De Forest, pres.. 109
Broad St. Arthur T Sutcliffe, sec. & treas., 109
Broad st; architect, Ernest Flagg, 109 Broad
St. Plan No. 28.
OTH AV, 4-8, 6-sty warehouse, 51x77.4 ; cost,
.«;:;S.nuO ; owner, Vincent Astor, 2S West 20th st;
architects. La Farge, Morris & Cullen, 25 East
26th St. Plan No. 33.
29TH ST, 110 & 12t East. 7-sty hotel, ,S0x
.88.0; cost, $100,00; owner, Fred. L, Merriam,
Tarrytown. N, Y. ; architects, Valentine & Kiss-
am. S16 4th av. Plan No. .31.
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