May 8, 1915
YOUNG MAN, 22, H years' experience in
the mana&t-niunt and coHection of tene¬
ment property, knowledge of bookkeep¬
ing typewriting^ and office routine work,
desires position. Box 574, Record & Guide.
LOFT TO LET, 25x95, large elevator,
heat, excellent light. Telephone Murray
mil 3121. , ,, ,
MHOWN. 30G E. 40th St., New York.
OI^D Kstablished Keal Estate Corpora¬
tion, located on west side, below 42d
street, will take over an agency business
and the services of the owner of the same
upon satisfactory arrangement. Oppor¬
tunity for real estate man controlling
some agencv business to consolidate with
reliable concern. Communications treated
confidentially. Address MIUTOWN, Box
5S4, Kecord and Guide.
Advertiser, who is now developing a
large tract of Roton Heisrhts in the heart
of South Norwalk, Conn., will make _ an
attractive proposition to responsible
builder. Demand for homes by far ex¬
ceeds the supply. WALTER SCHULZE,
1170 Hroadway, New York City. Tel.,
Madison Square 3879.
RR.\L ESTATE Salesman, successful in
large transactions wanted in uptown east
side office on salary and commission
basis- excellent opportunity, with good
future, for right man. Applying, stating
terms, confidential. Box 5S6, Record and
tluide. _____^^^^^^^^^^^^______.
CHAUFFEUR, 25, single; experienced;
references; can do repairs; reasonable
salary; will not object to working in the
country Box 582, Record and Guide.
THOROUGHLY experienced Real Estate
man desires connection with live concern
or an estate. Specialist in managing prop¬
erty and collection of rents. Highest
credentials. Box 580, Record and Guide.
TO LET—Sixty Wall Street, fine liglit
private room in law office, particularly
desirable for real estate or insurance
broker. $30 a month, also desk room, ex¬
ceptionally private. Address S. D. JONES,
60 Wall Street^______________^________
Have responsible client with a well es¬
tablished furnished apartment business
who wishes to lease small apartment
house suitable for furnishing in respect¬
able neighborhood. Address DAY, box 572
Record and Guide.
STENOGRAPHER and typewriter, re¬
fined voung woman, Christian, with long
experience in building line, rapid and
neat, capable and reliable. First class
references. Box 578, Record and Guide.
66"Tt>67» STS.
90* »T AND
R)R ValUaBlu
American Real Estate Company
Founded 188S
Owner of
Harriman National Bank Build¬
ing. 44th St. and Fifth Ave.
Stockton Building. 5-9 E. 31st St.
Arena Building, 39-41 W. 31st St.
Hendrik Hudson Apartments,
Broadway, 110th Street, River¬
side Drive.
Developer of A-R-E-CO dis¬
tricts. The Bronx, and Park
Hill. Yonkers.
On these types of properties arc based
its 6% Bontfs, offered to investors in
Coupon form for direct investment, and
in Accumulative form purchasable by
Correspondence Invited.
Amrrifau iRral Eetatr (gotnyanij
Capital and Surplus, $3,247,789.13
527 Fifth Avenue, New York
IGOTH ST.—Theodore Bertsch sold through
G'eorge K. Denhart the 5-sty fiat, 507 West IGUth
^t, on lot I'oxlOO.
AMSTEKUAM AV.—The Surety Land Co. has
bought the plot lUOxlOU, at the southwest corner
of noth st uud Amsterdam av, from the Oothout
estate. The buyer is said to be a subsidiary of
the Columbus Circle CoasLructioa Co.
DUOAUWAY.—J. Allen Townsend sold to the
Seaman Cunstruction Co., through Hall J. Uow
Sl Co. the plot 12c»xliJ0, at the southwest corner
ot liroadway and 2u7th st, for improvement
with two apartment houses.
WADSWOltTH AV.—Baptist City Missionary
Society has purchased from William Hobson the
1-sty buildiug 124-I2ii Wadsworth uv,
2D AV.' -Jacob Kaplon sold, through Ames &
Co. 1100 2d av, a O-sty tenement, on lot 25x88.6.
FOX ST.—Isaac Lowenfcld sold to Jenny
Pisch llGb Fox st, a 3-sty flat on lot 25x09x
PARKSIDE PL.—George L. Schoen haa pur¬
chased the plot lUOxOO, ou the west side ot Park-
side pi, 2:i0 ft. north of 207th st.
10;JD ST.—Schlessinger & Gillman bought from
Lowenfeld & i'rager the plot, lOl.OxllO.Oxirreg.
at the northwest corner of 103d st and Stebbins
av. They will erect two 5-sty apartment houses,
170TH ST.—Joseph Herzog sold for the An¬
thony Ave. Improvement Co, the two li-fam.
houses, 311-313 East 170th st, ou plot 05xl20.3x
CLINTON AV.—Esther Realty Co. bought
from Emma A. Oesting, the plot lllxlUO, at the
southeast corner of Clinton av and Jefferson pl.
FULTON AV.—Roseff Building Corporation
has purchased from the Zeltner estate, the plot
ijU.\l)0, at 13S5 Fulton av.
RIVER AV.—Thomas D. Malcolm sold,
thi'ough Joseph A. Wasserman, the liV^-sty
dwelling, 11^:^3 River av.
SOUTHERN BLVD.—The Moorehead Realty &
CoustrutLion Co. sold the 5-sty apartment house
at ::US1 Southern blvd to Ellen Elizabeth Blazer,
who gave in part payment the vacant plot, 50x
jUO, on the south side of Tremont av, 25 ft. west
of Cliuton av.
GARFIELD PL.—Jerome Property Corpora¬
tion sold 159 G'arfield pl, a -l-sty apartment
house, for M. Mullee and oS9 lUth av, a 3-sty
h;juse. for E. O'Connell.
18TH ST.—Bulkley & Horton Co. sold 1480
Earit ISth st, a ^Va-sty residence on plot 33x100,
for the Miawood Associates to Mrs, Mary E.
12TH AV.—Frank A. Seaver & Co. sold 5 lots
at the northwest corner of 12th av and SOth st,
Dyker Heights, for William Rafferty.
15TH AV.—I. Salzberg sold for the C. W.
Construction Co. the 3-sty cottage at the north¬
east corner oi 15th av and 47th st to S. Robins
aud the 3-sty cottage at the northwest corner of
15th av and 47th st to H. Levy.
ROSEDALE.—New York Suburban Land Co.
sold 40x100 in Dale pl to Charles Spalding and
OOxlOO on Park av to August Goldsmith,
ARROCHAR.—The Bethlehem Orphans and
Half Orphans Asylum of College Point, L. I.,
has purchased the Alexander H. Barrett estate
of about 20 acres on Fingerboard rd, for im¬
provement. The brokers were John Lucker,
Douglas Robinson, Charles S. Brown Co. and
J. Sterling Drake.
DONGAN HILLS.—Cornelius G. Kolff sold
for the heirs of W. W. Crawford, 2 lots on
Liberty av, near Hancock st, to Carmena De
Rosa, who owns adjoining property.
Nearby Cities.
NEWARK, N. J.—Feist & Feist, Inc.. sold for
E. Augustus Ryan, his 11-room house on plot
50x1(10, at 772 Lake st, to William C. Symmous,
who will occupy and build a garage in the rear.
NEWARK. N. J.—Louis Schlesinger (Inc.)
sold for Miss Catherine J. Demarest. the 3-sty
factory, 91 New Jersey Railroad av to Patrick
J. Kelly, who leased it to the Glacey Paper Box
Co. Thc same broker also sold for Mrs. Mary E.
Campbell and Miss Kathryn Stokesberry to Dr.
Fortunate Soriano, the two 3-sty dwellings, 49-
53 Sth av.
Rural and Suburban.
BRONXVILLE, N. Y'.—Fish & Marvin sold
for John Utz to Edward Wise, a one-acre estate
at Pondlield rd and Argyle pi, which has been
held at $10,000.
BRONXVILLE, N. Y.—Fish & Marvin sold
for Mrs. J. Finelli her property in Gifford st,
Gilford Park, to William N. Ferrin.
GARWOOD. N. J.—New York Suburban Land
Co. sold 20x100 on Myrtle av to E. Hilly and GOx
100 on Spruce av to E. S. Gill.
RONKONKOMA. L. L—Kurz & Uren. Inc.,
havo sold a 14-acre farm known as the "Rohrig
Farm"" on Ocean av and Pond rd, with a dwell¬
ing and outbuildings.
KYE, N. Y.—Charles Field Griffen & Co. sold
for the estate of Edward C. Haviland to Joseph
Brewster 20 acres on the South side of West¬
chester av.
SCARSDALE, N. Y.—Robert K. Painter sold,
through Fish & Marvin, the 2-acre country »place
at the corner of Park and Oxford rds to Dr, A.
Edward Davis.
TARRYTOWN, N. Y.—Joseph P. Day sold for
303 5th Av Corporation, to the Chevrolet Motor
Co., a tract of 17 acres fronting on the Hudson
River, lying between the Beekman av and Kings-
land Point plants of the buying company.
YONKERS, N. Y.—Plots have been purchased
at Nepperhan Heights, on Fairview av. by A.
E. Elbert and John Peck and on Morningside
rd by Charles Gilbert.
WEST HOBOKEN, X. J.—Arbi Realty and
Construction Co. sold to David Lngler 141-155
Palisade av, West Hoboken, six 4-sty apartment
houses, occupying the entire frontage on Pali¬
sade av from Demott to Courtland st. The
buyer gave in part payment 73 Adams st, Ho¬
boken, a 4-sty loft building, and 4iX) to 400
Newark st, Hoboken, six frame store buiidings.
The transaction involved about $200,000.
$600,000 Estate for "Movies."
Nelson. Lee & Green have leased, to
the Vitagraph Company of America, the
200-acre estate of Samuel K. Jacobs,
known as the "Oaks," at Bayside, L. I.
The property contains a manor house, a
large lake, greenhouses, woodland and an
inlet connecting with Long Island Sound.
On the estate, which is said to be held at
$600,000, moving picture plays will be
China Firm To Move,
William Guerin & Company, French
china, of 33 Park place, have leased new
quarters at 43-45 West 23d street,
through to 24-28 West 24th street, in the
building formerly occupied by Flint &
Company. The firm has taken the en¬
tire seventh floor. The brokers were the
firm of L, J. Carpenter and Stephen H,
Tyng, Jr., Company,
Restaurant to Enlarge.
J. Arthur Fischer has leased for Dr.
E. Harrison Griffin, at an aggregate
rental of about $110,000, the three build¬
ings, 110-112-114 West 45th street, to
Charles L'Homme, restaurateur, who
is at present the occupant of Nos. 110-
112. The lessee will make extensive
alterations to No. 114 and use the same
in connection with his present build¬
Leases City Pier.
The City of New York has leased to
the United States Steel Products Com¬
pany, a subsidiary of the United States
Steel Corporation, the 1,200-foot pier
which is being built at the foot of 29th
street, Brooklyn. The lease is for ten
years at an annual rental of $35,000, with
the privilege of two renewals for similar
terms at a 10 per cent, advance.
Lease in Old Slip.
The firm of Leonard J. Carpenter
leased for Ellen S. Auchmuty and F.
Augustus Schermerhorn to Arnold &
Aborn. teas and coffees, the two four-
story buildings, 37 and 39 Old Slip,
which are to be converted into one and
modernized for the business of the
WINTHROP AMES leased for 20 years from
Vincent Astor the dwelling at 244 West 44th
st, adjoining the Little Theatre. It is reported
that the theatre is to be enlarged.
BASTINE & CO. rented offices in 235 Sth av
to Adolf Hirschfeld, of 29 Liberty st; to Max
Davidson and Victor Nielson, of 440 4th av.
BASTINE & CO., as agents of 31-33 West 21st
St. have rented the 1st loft to the American
Marabou Co. of 24 East 22d st: the store and
basement through N. Brigham Hall Sl Wm. D.
Bloodgood. Inc., to Frederick Hacker & Co. of
15 West 17th St.; through M. & L. Hess the
2d loft to Bernstein & Breave, and the
5th loft to Strobing Bros, of 45 Broome st;
through M. Forman & Co. the 5th Ioft to Leo
Wertheim of 71 Mercer st; and the 10th loft
through Heil & Stern to S. Mitchell & Co. of
5S West 15th St. This completes the renting
of the building.
Front st for Mary B. Caswell to Waterbury
Chemical Co., of 37 Pearl st; and offices in 136
to 140 Front st to L. Littlejohn & Co., of 12*>
Front st.
CARSTEIN & LINNEKIN leased the Oth flooi
at 11 East 3Gth st to the Cheltenham Press
of 1.50 5th av; the 5th Ioft at 15 Spruce st
to Frank B. McBreen; additional space at
450 4th av to the Presbrey Syndicate; space
at ll.S Bast 2Sth st to Johnson. Adams & Grea¬
cen ; at 347 5th av to the Ball Library Ser¬
vice Inc., and Aimee Osbourne: at 874 Broad¬
way to M. Rothchild and the Lane Mfg. Co.;
at 1161 Broadwav to John H. Anderson, and
at IS East 41st st for Cross & Brown Co. to
William H. W'ellman.
CLARK, CHILDS & CO.. members New Tork
Stock Exchange, now at 111 Broadway, have
taken the entire 2d floor in the New York Title
Insurance Co. Building at 135 Broadway, and
will take possession today.