Pebrnary 20, 1896
Record and Guide.
to Heury E Jones, Newport, R I. ML
$1.30.000. Feb 24. nom
34tli st, No 308. s 8, 143.0 e 2d av. 21.3x
98.9, 4-sty brk tenem't. Foreclos.
George Landon to Jonas Cole. Fob 26.
3Uth St. 8 K. 02.6 e 6th .iv. 37.6x74.1. No 76.
2-sly brk store. No 74, 4-sty stone front
(Iwell'g. Fiireclos. Jobn M Tierney to
Albert J Adams. Feh'24, 63.000
36th st, No 346. a s, 75 w Ist av. runs w 25
X s 60 X e 20 X n 12.2 x e 5 x n 47.10, 5-
ijty brk tenem't. Joseph W Posthauer.
Mtlwankee, Wis, to Mary A Moran foim-
e.-ly Posthauer. ML $11,000. Feb 17. nom
41st sr. No 316, s s, 415 0 Ld av, runs e 17
. X s.75 X w 7 X a 17.0 x w 10 x n 92.9 to
■: ' beginning. 4-sly stono front dwell'g.
Matthew Nugent to Patk H McCatt'rey.
ML $4,500. Feb 20. 8,I00
. 4Ut8t, No7. n s. 144 e 5th av. 22x98 P.
4-sty Slone front dweU'g. Mary S Eng-
■ lisli and uno exra and trustees Harriet
H English to B Farciuhar Curti.s. Feb
24. 50.000
Same property. B Farquliar Curtis to
Anne A Curtis. 2-5 parts. Snb to mort
2-5 of ¥1.5.000. Feb 24. nom
42d St. No 334. a m, 3.'5 e Oth av. 25x08.9,
5-sty stone front tenem't with stores.
John Camnbell to Bridget Brennan.
Brooklvn. J/f. $23,000. Feb 24. 35.000
43d St. No 139. n s, 245.6 e Broadway, 20x
100.5, 5-sly stone frout dwell'g. Aline
S Gorren to Henry Keale, \i part. All
liens. Feb 25. 000
43d St. No 130. n a, 245.6 e Broadway, 20
xIOO.5. Henry Keale to Edwd H. Fannv
R and Adrien B Herzog. '.j part. Q C.
Feb 25. nom
47th St. No 113. Il s. 360 e 7th av. 20x
100.5. 5-sty stone frout dwell'g. Albert
and Alfred S Heidelliach exra Moses
Heidelbach to Timothy J Kieley. Feb
18. ■ 26,600
Same property. Albert and Seward Heidel¬
bach and Helene Rotten devisees will of
Moses Heidelbach to s.ime. Q C. Feb
, 18. noni
471 h sl. No 70, u e cor 6th av, 19x75.4, 4-
.sty stone front dwell'g with stores.
Catharine O'Donnell to Mary A Eaily.
ML $25,000. Feb 26. ' noin
52d St. Nos 1'23 and 1^5,n s, 205.9 e4th av,
42x100.5. two 3 sty stono front dweU'gs
with 2-sty brk and frame buildings on
rear. Catherine Dellamore to Ella Mc¬
Cormick. All lieus. Feb 25. nom
Same property. Ella wife of John McCor¬
mick to Geo B Juckett. J/f. $22,000.
Feb 24. nom
52d St. No 70. s s. 101.4 e Oth av. 20x100.5.
4-sty stone front dwell'g. Wm L Snyder
and ano exr Martha J Chavtor to William
Stevens. Feb 27. 20.0C0
52d St. No 399. n s. 60.3 e lst av. runs n
22 X w 0.3 X n 50 X e 20 X s 72 to st. x w
10.0. 3-sty stone front dweU'g. D.»vid
Kohler to Mary N Townshend. All
liens. May 7. 1805. nom
53d St. No 412. 8 ,9, 200 w Oth av. 25x
100 5. 5-sty brk teuem't v^iih stores.
Aelolph S Ellison and ano exrs Samuel
Jacobs to Calvin G Doig. J/f. $16.00t>.
Feb 24. 21.300
53d St. No 414. s s. 225 w Oth av, 25x
100 5, 5-sty brk te'iem't with stores.
Same to Gottlob Trctlinger. ML $16,000.
Feb 24. 23.800
54th St. n s, 225 w 5tb av. SOx 100.5. vacant.
St Lnkes Hospital to Josephine S wife of
James J Goodwin. Feb 26. lUO.OOO
55th st, s 8, 200 w 5ib av, 100x100.5.
portion cf 3-sty brk hospital and vacaut.
St Lukes Hospital to WmR Moutgoniery.
Feb 26. 155.000
55th sr. a s, 260 w 5th av, 40x100.5.
portion of 3-sty Ink hospital. Wm R
Montgomery to Heurv F VValker. Ml.
$43,400. Feb 26. 62.000
57tb St. No 14, s s. '250 e 5th av, 29.4x
100.5. 4 sly stoue front, dwell'g. James
Seligman to Leonard Lenlsohn. Jan 16.
58th .St. No 322, s s. 302 e 2il av. 26x100.5.
5 Btv sloue front Hat. Kosa Schreiber to
David Goldsmith. Feb I. 29.500
ooth St. No i:i4. a s. 70 w Li>xington av.
20xli'0 5. 3 sty brk stable. Edgar Logan
to Hcniv O Havemeyer. ML .$10,000.
July II. 1895. nom
l>7th st. No 128. s s. 276 e Amsterdam av.
26x100.5. 5-3ty brk Hat. Kngeno tiaert.
Yonkers, N Y. to En ily R Partridge. ML
$23,000. Feb 26. nom
67th St. a s. 3-^0 w Central Paik Weat.
Agi'oement as to encroachment on e e.
Frederick De P Foster with Lizzie W
Wright. Dec 10. 1805. (Corrects error
in last issue when it appeared as 77th st.)
eSth st, Nos 24 aud 20. a a. 175 w Ceutral
lark West, 50x100.5. l-sly frame
buildiug and vacant. .John F Twombly
and Frances T Pope formerly Twomliiy
to Peter Wagner and Robert Wallace.
Jau 31. 20.000
7l9t st.No 170. s s. 125 w 3d av, 16.8x
100.5. 3-sty stone front dwell'g. Parti¬
tion. Eugene Durniii to Terence Lough-
ran. Feb 14. 10.000
Same property, .lesaie 0 Wood, Mt Kisco,
N Y. to same. Q C and C a G. Feb 14. nom
S,inio pronerty. Abel R W^ood to same.
Q C. Feb 17. uom
71st st, No 10. 8 s, 165 wCeutialPark
West, 20x100.5. 4-sty atone from dwell's.
Clotilde Girardev to John B Smilh. Ml.
$35.OOO. .Jan 20. uom
72d St. No 35. n s, 250 o Columbus av, 25x
102.2, 4-sty brk dwell'g. Aliraham H
Kohn, Chicago. IM. to .lacob S Bern¬
heimer. ML $75,000. Feb 7. 100
76th at, n a. 259 e 5th av. 19x102.2. Re¬
lease mort. William Hall's Sons to Wm
WHall. Feb 20. nom
77th St. No 311. n s. 138 w West End av.
17x102 2. 4 stv stoue front ilwell'g.
Florence C Flvnn to .lames V S U oolley.
Feb 25. See Riverside av. noni
77th St. No 56. 8 s. 82.6 e Madisou av. 12 6
xl02.'2. 4-sty stone front dwell'g. Ma¬
thilde S wife of .lamea Mackintosh to
Ellen Heath. .Vf. $15,000. Feb 15. nom
SOth St. No 154. s 8, 51.3 e Lexington av.
19 3x102 2, J-sty brk dweU'g witb 2-sty
brk stable on rear. .lohnnnette Gerber
to Isidor Blank. J/f. $16,000. Feb 19. nom
SOth at. No 206. s s. 150 w Amsterdam a\,
25xl0'>.2. 5-sly brk Uat. Henry E Ste¬
vens. Jr, to Murdo Tolmie. Mt. $25,000.
Feb 10. Seo 'vVcst Knd av. nom
SOth St. No 206. s 8, 150 w Amslerdaiii av.
25x102 2. 5-stv brk H^it. Henrv E
Stevena, .Ir, to Murdo Tolmie. ML $25.-
000. Feb 10. See West Eudav. (This
deed giveu toexpress Irueconsideralion i
SOth st. No 67, n 8. 101 w Park av, 15 8x
102.'2. 4-sty stone front dwell'g. Jacob
S Ritterbarid to .loanna Ritterband his
wife. Allliens. Oct 2:>, 1805. nom
Slat at. No 448. s a, 105 w Av A. I7xl02.'2.
3-sty brk dweli'g. Elise Hildenbrand to
PaulWille. J/f. $3,500. Feb 27. nom
.slst St. No 208. 8 s. 101.8 e 3d av. 25 5x
102.2. 2-sty brk and frame store, atable,
&c. Norman L Niverto Margt A Niver.
J/f. $0,082. Feb 26. 11.000
«4th at. No 441, s 8. 168.6 w Av A. lO.Ox
102.2. 5-sty brk flat. Henrietta Vogel to
Ambrose Blank and Sophie his wife, ten¬
ants in common. ML $10,000. Feb '^7.
Sllh st. No 25.5. n 8, 213 e West Eud a v. Ki
x75. 3-s1.y brk dweU'g. Marv N wife aud
David J Newland to John McKeou. Mt.
$11,000. Feb 24. nom
88th St. No 130, n a. .'178 o A'lslerdain av.
23x100.8. 4-stv Ink dwell'g. Ueo H
Coutts exr Johu Holmes to Robt TV
Holmes. Feb 26. 52,000
87th st. No 35. n s. 350 e Columbus av. 20
xlOO.S, 4-sty stone front dweU'g. Re¬
leasemort. Alfred r Leward. Brooklyn,
to Frederick Aldhous. Feb 10. 16.000
Sauio property. Frederick Aldhojslo Karo¬
line wife of Aarou Buchsbaum. Ml.
$28,000. Feb 10. nom
SSth St. No 48. 8 a. 262 e Columbus av. 20
XlOO.S. 4-8ty stone front dweU'g Peter
Duryea to Anna F Crossmoud. Ml. $27.-
000. Feb 25. nom
ooth st. No 24, s a. .325 w Central Park
West, 20x100.8. Release mert. Henry
D Winana to Johu B Smith. Feb 24. 5.000
92d St. No 62. s a. 224.8 e Columbus av. 22
xlOO.S. vacant. Mary wifeof and Michael
O'Neill to Wm E Stillwell. ML $6,000.
Feb 14. nom
93d St. No 177. n s, 220.6 w 3d av. 29.11 x
100.8, 4-stv stono front ttat. Cora C Rus¬
sell to Bertha Feldmark. Q C. Feb 17. 100
93d at. a s, 119 e West End av. 17x100.8.
Release mort. Francia P Furnald to
Frank L Smitb. March 15. 18!t5. nom
97th St. n s. 95 e Lexington av. l.OOx
100.11. vacaut. Jacob M Newman to
Wm H Hall. ML $15,000. Feb 21. nom
9ath St. No 150. s 8. 200 w 3d av. 25x
100.11. 4 aty stone front tenem't. Adam
Moran to Edward O'Beirne. Feb 20. nom
98tb St. No 113. n a. 176.5 w Columbus av.
25x100.11. 5-sty stone front flat. I'on-
fract. Jacoli Jnng and Jacob Mohr with
Hermann G Unger. Dec 20. 1805. 25.250
98lh St. s s. 100 e 2d av. 25x100.0. vacant.
Theodor Von Ganther to Bertha Smith.
ML $4,000. Feb 20. uom
OHth St. Nos 164 aud 160. s s, 150 e Amster¬
dam av. 40x100.11. Iwo 5.8ly brk Hats.
John Casey to Jane V Butlrr. ML $40.-
000. Feb 24. val consid and 100
OOth at. No 250. u s. 200 w Boulevard, runs
n 100 X w 13,5 X s to OOth st at point
18.7 w from point of beginning, x e to
beginning. 3-sly stone front dweU'g.
Henry E Stevens to William Smith. AU
liens. Dec 20.1805. iii.m
100th st. Nos 150-158. 8 s. 200 0 IOth av.
100x100.11. 1-sty trame bnilding-i. An¬
drew J Peters. Boston. Mass. to Eliza R
R Knapp. Ml. $28,000. All interest,
.lan 8. 1 3.581
Same property. Harold Peteis, Boston.
Mass. by Guy Van A-niinge apecial
guard to same. Infant's share. Feb 21.
Same property. Release dower. Mary R
Peters, Boston, Mass, to same. ,fan 8.
102d st, No 12. ss. 108 w Central Park
West. '-17x100.11. 5 sty stone frout fl.1t,
Philip Braender to Hermau A Bente. Feb
26. nom
102d8t. Nos 12. s .s, 198 w Central Park
West, 27x100.11. Herman A Bente to
Philip Braender. J/f. $21,000. Feb 26.
104th St. No .306. a .s, 120 w West End av.
20x100.11, 3-8ty stone front dweU'g,
Vieuna D Gano to Sarah F Porter. VI
$21,500. Feb 21. See Manhattan av. exch
106th st.n s. 200wAmstordam av. —xI07
Gustavus L Lawrence witii Elizabeth
McKinlay. Receipt for amt due for erec¬
tion of party wall. Feb 18. ___
107lh st, a s. 150 e Amaterdam nv. 50x
100.11. two 5-sty brk flats. John Rankin
to Joseph McFarland. Feb 26. nom
.Same properly .loseph McKarland to Jobu
Hankin. J/f. $36,000. Feb 26. nom
107lh st.s s. 100 e 5lh av, 06 3x100 11,
I liroo ,5-sty .stone front ttats. Ida Miller.
Brooklyn, to Wm P Youngs. i.> part.
All liens. Feb 4. - ' "om
107tU sf. n 8. 200 w Aiusterdam av, 54x
I0(). 11. vacant. New Vork Investment
aud Improvement Co to Charles Bicliter-
mann. Loug Islaud City. LI. C a O.
Febi;t. 20,,500
I07th St. n s, 2.54 w Amsterdam av, 46x
loo.Il, vacjint. Same to same. CaG.
*■'■'•-I- 17.500
107lh st / begius 107lh st. n a, 200 w Am-
lOHthatS sterdam av. runs u 201.10 lo
I0Sthst,xw75 X s 100.11 x w 25 x s
ItiO.U to I07th at. X e K'O. vacaui.
I'rank L Smith to The New York Inveit-
uient and Improvemeut Co. ML $42,000.
Ocl 18. ^ 'uom
I IOth St. No 152. ss. 25 e Lexington av
2.1X100.11. .1 Sly stoue front tenem't.
Duricl Mederto .loseph Steinert. Hicka¬
ville, L 1. J/f. $13,000, laxes 180.5. Feb
-'^' 17,000
110th st / begins 1 IOth st, n s. 225 w Lenox
lllth st S av, runs n 201.10to 11 Ithst, x
w 200 X 8 100.11 X e 25 X s 100.11 to
1 IOth St. \ e 175, vacant. Frank L Smitb
to Tho New Vork Investment and Im¬
provemeut Co. J/t $100,000. JanO. uom
II 1th st.No 151. s a. 33.4 e Lexingtonl
av. 16.2x100.11, 3-sty stone front I
dweU'g. J.
122d St. No 218. s s. 220 w 7th av. 1.5x (
100.11. 3-stv stone fiout dwell'g. )
William Hoey to Helena 0 Hoey his wife
••'*''> 7. uom
llltb St. No 16. a s. 164 e 5th av. 27x
100 11. 5-ily stone front flat. Contract.
Edward Lnttrell with Lvdia Johanning.
Hoboken. N .1. Feb 13.' -jH 590
I Mth 8t, No 60. n s. 225 w Park .iv. 25s
100.11, 5-8ty brk Hat. Contract. I.saac
Mayer and Julins irith
John Morau. Feb 26. 20.000
115lh st.n 8.100 e 8ili av. 10,1x100.11
vacant. Louis S Bruah. Pauline Myers
anrt Leah S King to Monis Steinhiirdl.
Fell 21. val consid and IOO
Same property. Morris .'^teiuhardt fo
George Hessels and Thos W Cowmau.
ML $25,000. Feb 26. val consid and 100
119th at, No 63, n a. 543.4 w 5th av. 16 8x
loO.ll. 3-sty stone frout dwell'g Abbie
B Clarkson to Sarah Hamill. ML $10.-
000. Feb 21. 13,000
120th st, No 102. s .s, 85 w Lenox av. 18x
100.11. Releisemort. Cornelia Kamping
to Henrietta Fletcher. Jnne 22,1894. nom
120th St. No 123, n s. 310 w Lenox av. 20
XlOO.ll, 3-sty stouo front dwell'g. An-
Ihonv Smyth to (» Wright 1/f
$16,000. Feb 20. "8 000
12lst St. No 145, n s. 501.2 w6th av. 20.U>
XlOO. II. 3-sty slone frout dwell'g.
Heury Hanson to Minnie A Hanson. Ml
$13,000. t-Hxes, Ac. Feb 25. nom
12'2d sl. No 422. s s. 308.4 w Pleasant av
16 8s 100.11, .'i-sly stone front dweli'g!
Solou P Roth.scbild to Barbara Roth¬
schild. J/f. $5.0(10. Feb 26. nom
12'2d St. No 119. n .s. 237.11 e lst av. Ki.Sx
100,-1 Ir.3-sly stone flout dwell'g. .Joseph
Roth to Samuel Roth. Ml. $8,500. Feb
2'''- 13.200
l'2.3d St. No 327. n s. 272 e 2d
av. I8x
100.11. 3aty stone frontdwell'g. Sam¬
uel (ireeuberg to Henry Greenberg I4
int. Nov 24, 1894. nom
Same property. Gertiude Greenberg to
Nathan Piukn.s. I4 iut. Feb 14. nom
S.ime property. Henry Greenberg and
Paulino his wife to Natlian Pinkiis. .\.\\
title. Feb 15. ^om
123d St. sa, 200 w lOtli av. 200x100.11
Istv frame building and vacant. Tbeo
W Myers to Henry S Thompson. Feb 25.
124th st.Nos 226 and 228. s s. 4.50 e Sth
av. 50x100.11. two 5-Ntv brk tenem'ts
witb store.s. Adolph S Ellison and ano
exrs Samuel .lacobs to Adolphus Otten¬
berg ML $32 000. Fell 24. 49 7(10
126th St. No 312.
."^-^ly Ink flat Louisa Lutjens to Daviii
(Quigley. All lieus. Feb 20. i 0111
12Vttli sl. Nos 124 and I'.'li. a s. 2"0 w 6tli
av. 50x00.11. 4-sty brk dwelTg, Fore¬
clos. Lawrence Godkin to Francis
Doran. Feb 24. 4'7 OOO
Same proporty. Francis Koran to WmD
Bruns. B & S. C a 0. ML $52,000
Fell 24. ,„„„
I3Ist St. No 101. s s, 106.8 w Lenox av
16 8x00.11, 3-sty stoue front dwell'""
Columbus .'^prot to to Wm H Board. Ml
$S.0OO. Feb'25. 16 I.'iO
135th st. No -233. u s, 2'75 e Sth av 25x
00.11, 5-aty brk Hat. Foreclos. ilohii
Houe. Jr. to ,Iuhn C Barth. ML $27.00O
and int $850. Feb'J5. 2 500
137lli st, Nos 55 anil 57, n s. 275 e 6th av
old line. 50x!i!i.II. vacaut. W«i >'
Cronin to Caroline E Robert, Ma.stic
Ll, J/f. $7,500. Feb III. uom