November 23, 1901.
[ Manhattan]
Wright. Julia S to Gilbert M Speir. Sth av. e s. 50.11 n 122d at, 2o
xll.Ill, Nov 15, 1901, 8.000
2abiuski, David to Moses Goodman. 78ih st, n s, 225 w 3d av, lOx
102.2. Nov 21. 1901. ■aom
Alhrecht. Louise to Franz Fuchs. Tintcn av, w s. 125 n Cedar st,
16.S-\110. Nev IS, 1901. I'COl^
*BeII. John J to Lucy G Barnard. Bay av. s s, 75 w .Main st, 75x
100, City Island. Nov 21, 1801, 618
City Mortgage Co tn Continental Trust Co, 164th sl, s w cjr Steb¬
bins av, 03,11x73.6x85.8x77, Nov 15, 1901. nom
Dooling, Jrhn T lo Anna W Hine, 1-12 part. 152d or Kelly st,
n a. 185 e Robbins av. 25xl4.5-5-<27,llxl33. Nov 18, 1901, 1,000
Hariem Savings Bank to Nineteenth Ward Bank. Samuel st, nes,
119,2 3 e Prcspect av, 31x00,1, Nov 18, 1801. 1.S01
•Havilaud, Mary J to Lillian W Johnson, Ciasson av, w s, 150 n
Mansicn st. 50x101.4x50x101.7. We^t Parma. Nov 19, 1901.
Harlem Savings Bank to Lizzie B Tcoker. Assigns 2 morts. ISlst
at, s a, at boundaiT Hue bet iots 207 and 208 map Prcspect Hiil
estate, Pordham, runs s 100 x w 50 x s 49.1 xne 101.3 to new w
s of Vanderbilt av x n 140,6 to 181st st x w 54,2 to beginning.
Nov 21, 1901. 4,028
Ives, John H and Andres M Companioni as exrs and trustees Emilio
Del Pino to Jchn H Ives and Andrea M Compani-ni trustees for
Rose Del Pino Hedden. Jennings st, s s, 94.6 w Stebbins av, 22.6
x77,3x26.3x03-9- Nov 20, 1801. nom
Knox, Efie V V to Martha H Gilchrist. 1-3 parL 156th st, o e cor
Union av, 2.5x94x44,6x86.5. Nov 18, 1901. 6,000
Latting, Chaa P to Isabella C Latting. Mosbolu av, a s, 214,4 e
Fieldstone road, centre line, 75x272,3x79,6x294.5. Nov 19, 1901.
Linde, Ada V and ano exrs Fredk C Linde to Edgar MacLaury
guardian of Ella M MacLaury. 147th st, n s, 5S3.5 w Brook av,
27x100. Nov 19, 1901. omitted
Linde, Ada V and Edward S Clinch exrs Frederick C Linde to Aug¬
ustus M Ryon guardian of Frederick L Ryon. 147th st, n s, 475,5
w Brook av. 27x100. Nov 15, 1901. 16,000
McGibbon, Eliz M to Twelfth Ward Bank. Sedgwick av, e s, 476,11
a 167th st, 75x100 to Lawrence av. Nov 15. 1901. nom
*Myers, Mary A to Jane McKown. Rosedale av, w a, being lots 469
and 470 in block P amended map of Mapes estate. West Farms.
Nov 19, 1901, _ 1,500
*Myers, Mary A to Rudolf Unnever, Ciasson av, w s, 4oO n Man¬
sion st, 25x100, Nov 20, 1901. 300
Manbattan Mortgage Co to Frederick W Pitcher. Assigns 2 morts.
Ford st, n s, 175 w Westchester av. 50x100; also Stebbins av, e s,
378.9 n Westchester av, 50x80, Nov 20. 1901. nom
*Manhattan Mutual Co-operative Savings and Loan Assoc to Franklin
Society for Home Building and Saviugs. Balcom av, w s, being lots
433 to 435 on map of 368 beautiful lots part Seton homestead.
Westchester, 75x—. Filed and discharged Nov 18, 1901. nom
*Same to same. Lots 376 to 378 on same map. Filed and dis¬
charged Nov 18, 1901. nom
Mahler, Louis P to Pauline May. 13Gth st, n s, 450 w Home av, 150x
100. Nov 21, 1901. nom
*Phelps, Annie N to Kate B Belloni, Arnold av, e s, 175 s James st,
25x100, Throggs Neck, Nov 20, 1901. 1,500
*Prouty, John G to The Mount Morris Bank. Elizabeth av, n s, SOO
w Main st. 275 to highwater mark of waters of Eastchester Bay
xl00x254xl00. City Island. Nov 15, 1901. 8,300
Preisa, Ferdinand to Pauline Preiss- Lot 8 map of Woodstock.
Nov 21, 1901- nom
•Roae. Hudaon P to Pred S Williams. Lot 188 section 2. St Ray¬
mond Park. Nov 20, 1901. 2,000
'Silverman. George to George Freeman. McGraw av, s s. 50 e
Cottage Grove av, 50x100. Nov 19, 1901. nom
Siosson, Margt W guardian William Siosson an infant to said Will¬
iam Slosaon. Wocdy Crest av, e s. 275 s lG4th st, 30x100. Nov
18, 1901. nom
Stanton, Jerome I and Chaa A Brewster firm of Stanton & Brewater
to Joseph Wolf. Union av, w s, 50 a, 40x90. Filed an^
discharged Nov 18. 1901. 2.*«;
Siegman, Richard to City Real Estate Co. Morrisania av, e s, 133-J
s 164th st, 100-10x98.5 to w s Grant av xl00x84.5- Nov 21, 1901.
Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Eliz M McGibbon. Sedgwick av,
e s, 47G.11 a 167th st, 75x100 to Lawrence av. Nov 15, 1901. 2,000
Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Robt D Bronson as committee for
Fredericka Echarte. Beck st, w s, 425 n loOtb st. 2.5x100, Nov
20, 1901. 6,008
Same to Grace M Bencre as guardian John M Beuore. Thomas st.
s s, 50 e Welch st, 100x84x100x98, Nov 20, 1901. 7,500
Thornton, Cbas H and Edwd A to Lizzie Van Riper. St Paula pl.
No 709. Nov 15, 1901. 3,105
United States Savinga Bank to Elizabeth Stevenson. Union av, a e
cor 160th at, 39.3x172.8. Nov 20, 1901, 29,300
*Wick3, Jacob, Jr, to Patrick F Griffin. Lots 15, 16 and 17 map of
Claaona Point, Westchester, Nov 20, 1901, 12,550
Watson, Clara individ and as extrx of Marston Watson to Edward
M Scudder, Prospect av, e s, 420 n lG7th st, 84,6 to s s Horae st
xl02,11x133.3x73.7. Nov 19, 1901. 6,000
Same as extrx of devisee under will of Marston Watson and guard¬
ian of Lucy L Watson to Edward M Scudder. Same property.
Nov 19, 1901. 6,000
Wolf, Joseph to Ferdinand Hecht and Siraon Uhlfelder. Union av,
w s, 50 a 166th st, 40x90, Filed and discharged Nov IS, 1901. 2,405.
The flrat name la that if the owner; ar't atanda for architect; m'n
for maaon; c'r for carpenter, and b'r for builder.
When character o froof Is not mentioned, it Is to he understood that
the roof la to be of tin.
16.3.?—Mercer sl. s w cor Waverley pl, lO-sty and basement brk and
.stone mercantile building, 25x82.10, plastic slate roof; cost, ¥175,000;
ow'r and m'n, Philip Goerlitz. 242 E 51st st; ar't, .41fred Zucker, 32
Waverley pl; c'r. Christian Benjes, 333 Otb at,
1662—7th st, Nos 219 a:.d 221 E. t)-sty brk tenement 44x84,6; cost
>.Jo,000; Max Gold, 37 W llStb st; ar'ts, Horenburger Se Straub, 122
1651—24th El, Nos 408 to 410 E. 1-sly frame shed, 30x15: cosi, $50;
ow'r aud ar't, A S Cameron Steam Co, on premises,
105!'—7th av, a e cor 23d st, 2-Ely brk and iron stares and offices,
175x80 and 14S.1; cost. .t;iS,U0O; Gustavus L Laurence. 178 Franklin
st; ar't. G P Peibam. 503 oth av.
1652—S9th St. No 20S E. 5-Ety brk loft building, 20x79; cost, $18,-
000; Wm Rhinelander, 27 William st; ar't, Hy A Koelble, 07 W
125th al.
1656—Av A, s w cnr 6Sth sl, G-sty brk warehouse, 55,4x150, grave!
roof; cost, i|i80,000; Alfred M Rau, 115 Broadway; ar't, Louis Korn,
37 Maiden lane.
1057—S5th st. No 14 E. l-sty brk squash court, 18.11x37.5; cost,
$2.o00; A Laufear Norrie, 13 E 85lh at; ar't, Renwick Aspinwall and
the owner, 307 5th av,
1600—OOth st, n a, 92 e 3d av, 1-sty frame school' tor motormen, 160x
31, asphalt roof; cost, $3,000; Manhatian'Ry Co, 195 Brradway; ar't.
Geo H ppgraro, 195 Broadway,
1654—Amsterdam av. u w cor 79th st, 9-sty brk and slone hotel,
160x102.2, plastic slate roof; cost, .');360,60ll; Thos F Doherty, 69
.Amsterdam av; ar't, Hy Andersen, 11.83 Bradway.
1055—Brradway, s w cor 77th st, 10-sty brk and stone hotel. 119-10
x98.8, plastic slate roof; cost. ^liOO.OOO; Albert Saxe, 92 5th av; ar'ts,
Stein, Cohen Se Roth. 92 3th av.
1653-lS3d st, n s, 116.6 e Prospect av, 2-sty frame dweiling, 18.6x
56; cost, $4,009; Joseph Leitner, 938 B 183d st; ar't, W C Dickerson,
3d av and 149th st.
1061—lS3d st, a a, IOO e Park av, three 3-aty frame dwellinga, 16,8x
(;5; total cost, $lo.OOO; Fred M Mellert, 1092 Monroe av; ar't, John B
Kerby, 722 Tremont av.
166.3—Westchester av, n s, 30 e Stebbins av. 1-sty frame shop, 30x
80; cost, .^2,500; Caroline Spaeth. 1651 Fox st; ar't, Jobu De Hart,
1039 Fox sl.
2563—Hudson st, Nos 177 aud 179. erect lank on roof; coat, .'i'SOO;
Wiiliam C Dewey, 3 East 14th st; ar't and b'r, The Rusling Co, 26
Cortlandt st.
2504—Madiaon av. No 1004, 1-sty and baaement extenaion, 15.2x
2.8; cost, ,^3,000; Kate Doran, 67 W 44th at; ar't. John Hauser, 1961
itb ay; b'r, .Andrew A Smith. 69 B 91at st.
250a—Thomaa st. Nos 51 to 55, new elevator; cost, .$3,000; H B
Claflin Co, 51 Thoraas st; ar't, Robt T Lyons, 41 Union sq.
2366—Broadway, Nos 480 and 4S2, new elevator; cost, $2,500;
Roosevelt Hospilal, care truatee, 34 Pine st; ar'l, Robt T Lyons,
41 Union sq.
25G7—Av A, No 81, 2-sty extension, 25x50.8; oost, $2,000; Simon
Manges, on premises; ar'ts, J Bockell & Son, 54 Bond at.
25iiS—48lh at, n a, 125 w Ilth av, new floor beama and girders; cost,
^HilO-; National Gum and Mica Co, 508 W 45th sl; ar't, Sami M Potter,
165 10th av,
25G9—5th av. No 305, new stairs; cost, $100: Auguatus A Healy,
90 Gold sf; ar't. J 0 Whitenack. 6 Suilivan st.
2570—6th at. No 227 E. new store front; cost, $300; Adolt Mayer,
10S6 Lexington av; ar'ls, Horenburger & Strauh, 122 Bowery.
2571—2d av. No 2066, new tciiet; cost, $506; Geo W and Sophia
Sauer, Garrettsons. S I; ar't. W C Dickerson, 3d av and 149th st.
2572—7th av. No 252, 1-aty extension, 15x17; coat, $3,000; George
Kern, 496 9th av; ar't, John H Knubel. 318 W 42d st.
2575—Thompson at. No 183, new partition and steel heama; coat,
$250; Edwd Ney. on premises; ar't, Geo M McCabe, 102 E 17th st.
2578—84th st, Nos 213 to 219 W, erect iron fence; cost. $300;
Bordena Condenaed Milk Co, 71 Hudaon st; ar't, Rudolph Schneider,
220 Cornelia st. Brooklyn.
25S0—Peck alip, Noa 25 and 2i, enlarge elevator; cost, $300; Ijams
& Gilmore, ou premises; ar't, Ghas E Reid, 105 S 14th at.
25S1—Worth at, Noa 61 and 63, new elevator; cost, $3,000; Mer-
chp^i Real Estate Co, on premises; ar't, Richard Berger, 309 B'way,
:flK."—White st, Nos 83 and S5, new stairs; cost, $500; Dixon Sc
MeLi..Alfe, 29 W 49th at; ar't, Richard Berger, 309 Broadway.
2583-32d st, Nos 523 and 525 W, new stairs; coat, $200; John H
Pool & Macy, GS Broad st; ar't. Chas E Miller, 111 Nassair st,
2584—10th av, Nos 568 and 570, new water closets; cost, $600;
Geo W Wickersham, 34 Pine st; ar't, Chas F Wingate, 1 William st,
2s8.5—122d st, No 115 W, 2-sty and baaement extension, —xl5;
cost, $4,000; Geo T Leand, 2d9 Lenox av; ar't, Chas B Meyers. 1
Union sq; m'ns, Reinhardt Bros, 643 5tb st,
2586—52d st, Nos 112 to 118 W, raise building 1 sty; coat, $15,900;
Rutb A Wallace, Amesbury, Mass; ar'ts, C Baxter Se Son, 2580 3d av.
2587-9th at. No 34 E, new show windows; cost, $2,000; Geo H
Masten, 37 B Sth st; ar't, Wm C Somraerfeld, 29 or 59 W 117tb st,
2588—86th at. No 333 W, enlarge flues; cost, $200; Emmelein C
Baxter, on premises; ar'ts, Newman & Duncan, 242 W 14th at.
2588—5th av, a w cor 19th sl, rear of building raised 8 ft; cost
$7,000; estate Elizabeth C Stokea. care A D Juilliard, 79 Worth at;
ar't, Robt Maynicke, 725 Broadway.
25i;0—Franklin st, Nos 116 and 118, new elevator; cost. $4,000;
Jesse H j.nA Pbehe A Campbell, 32 Liberty st; ar't, Richard Berger,
309 Broadway.
2591—Hudson at, n e cor lllh at, new store front; cost, $350; S G
Blakery, 489 9th st, Brooklyn; ar't, Jobn H Goetschin, 539 Hudaon st,
2.392—119th st, Nos 214 and 216 E, new partitions; cost,'^.?25; Fran¬
cis W Ford, 5 Mt Morris Park West.
2593—5th av, s e cor SSth st, build bulkhead on roof; cost, $600;
Mason Jones estate, 733 oth av; ar't, B W Berger, 121.Bible House.
2596-Cliff at, No 24, new elevator; cost, $4,000; Isaac H Cary, 200
Fulton st, Brooklyn; ar't, Howard S Hadden, 136 W^iilow st, Brookiyn;
b'r, Roht Dickson, Brookiyn.
2598—49th st. s s, 360 w 10th av, new water-closets; cost, $800;
Chas E De Jbnge, 76 E Slst st; ar't, Chas Drechul, 712 E 144th st.
'2599—Riverside Drive, n e eor Slst st, new window and hrk wall;
cost, $2,000; Mrs Grace A Duff, 925 Madison av; ar'ts, Jardine, Kent
&. Jardine, 1202 Broadway; b'r, E G Hantsche, 733 1st av,
2604—Stanton st. No 54, new show window; cost, $3,000; Irving
Bachr_ach, 31 Nassau sl; ar't, M Bernstein. Ill Broadway,
2603—Eldridge st. No 19, new show window; cost, $300; Saml
Shapiro, 114 Eldridge st; ar't, M Bernstein, 111 Broadway.
2600—17th st. No 510 E, extension raised 1 story; coat, $3,000; John
Miller Se Co, on premises; ar't, Fred Ebeling, 97 7tb at.