April 28, 1906
HENRT ST.—Jonas Brothers sold to Ludwig Kohn 56 Htnry
st, a 6-sty tenement, 25x100.
JACKSON ST.—Shapiro, Levy Sc Starr resold to Goldberg &
Greenberg the northwest corner of Jackson and Front sts, frame
buildings, 70x80.
LAIGHT ST.—Anna Woerishoffer sold o( Laight st, southwest
corner of Collister st. a G-sly loft building, 25.3x88.6.
WATER ST.—Brody. Robinson & Co. sold 653 and 6oy Water
st, two 5-sly tenements, 50x70,
WASHINGTON SQ. NORTH.—The Blanchard estate sold 1
Washington sq North, northwest corner of University pl, a 4-sty
dwelling 27.Sx]6S,5x27.9xl66,7. Sailors' Snug Harbor leasehold.
3D ST.-Samuel Fine and Morris Abramson sold for Max Fme
315 and 317 East Third st, a 6-sty tenement, 48.6x100.
4TH ST.-Joseph L. Buttenweiser bought 22S West Fourth
st, a 6-sty triple flat, 26.6x100.1.
IOTH ST.—Voorhees & Floyd sold Cor William E. Finn 43
West 10th st, a 3-sty and basement house. 24.6x94.10.
12TH ST.—The Laughlin estate sold 241 West 12th st. a 3-sty
dwelling, 22x62. . ^
13TH ST.—Halprin & Federman sold to Levine & Nitkm 04*
and 546 Bast 13th st, a 6-sty tenement, 35.4.x70.
15TH ST —Milton B. Franklin bought from Haber. Dworko¬
witz & Haber the 5-sty tenement 610 East 15th st, 25x103,3.
17TH ST—Erody, Robinson & Co. sold for a Mr. Lowe 16A
East 17th St. a 5-sty tenement. 25x92, to Weiss and Schwartz,
and have resold the property to a Mr. Turchin.
19TH ST —Osk & Edelstein sold to Isaac and Charles Liber¬
man 410-412 West 19th st. being two 3-sty brick dwellings, 50x
92 N, Brigham Hall & Sons were the brokers.
21ST ST.—Wright Barclay sold for the estate of Henry A.
Barclay 323 West 21st st. a 4-sty brick stable, 25x98.9.
24TH ST.—Mo. Schwitzer sold for Catherine Devine 45 West
24th st, a 5-sty business building, 20.10x98.9.
27TH ST.—Max Hart sold for Freida Hart to Martin Engel
361 and 363 West 27th st, a 7-sty apartment house, the Albe¬
marle, 42.6x100. The price was $100,000.
34TH ST—L & A, Pincus bought through Thomas & Ecker¬
son from former Judge John Jaroloman 25S West 34th st, abut¬
ting the site of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
The Arts Club Sells.
34TH ST —The Bankers' Investing Co, bought from the Arts
Realtv Company, April 23, 39 West 34th st, a 4-story and base¬
ment brownstone building. 24x9S.9, which adjoins on tbe west,
the Thlrly-fourth Street National Bank. This property and
the adjoining building on the east. No. 37 West 34th st, are oc¬
cupied by the Arts Club. The brokers were Collins & Collins and
Chambers & Veiller.
A Record Pric« for Tliirty-Fourtli Straet.
34TH ST.—Richard V. Harnett & Co. sold (April 24) for Mrs.
Richard V. Harnett to Robert Smith No. 37 West Thirty-fourth
St. 4-sly brownstone dwelling, 24x98.9. It is occupied by the Arts
Club, which oue the previous day sold the adjoining house. No. 39.
which they also occupy, to the Bankers' Investing Co. The con-
sideralion'is given as $325,000. or about $137 a square foot, a rec¬
ord price for land in that section.
34TH ST.—Jacob Appell sold 312 West 34th st, a 4-sty build¬
ing, 25x9S.9, for Mrs. Helene E. Baehmann to William Sauter.
Neig'libor to tlie Arts Clab.
35TH ST.—The Albert Booth Cohn Co. and Albert B. Ash¬
forth sold Cor I. H. Kramer to the Bankers' Investing Co. 54
West 35th St. an altered building. 20x98.9, abutting the two
buildings now occupied by the Arts Club, 3T and 39 West 34th
st, th© westerly one having recently been purchased by the
Bankers' Investing Co.
StnrtMvaut Hvuse in a Bi^ D«al.
3oTH ST.—Leopold Weil sold for the Webster Realty Co. to
the Five Borough Realty Co, the 6-sty hotel property known as
the Sturtevant House on the north side of 35th st, between
Broadway and 7th ave, 86.8x100. In part payment the Five
Borough Realty Co. (which has been operating extensively in the
Bronx and Brooklyn but will henceforth devote its operating to
the mid-town section) gives to the seller 112 lots situate on the
east side of Aqu&duct av, and bounded by B. l"2d st and Feath¬
erbed Lane, Plimpton and Nelson avs. It will be recalled that
these lots just traded for are the remainder o£ the Ogden Estate
parcel, the larger portion of which the Five Borough Realty Co.
sold to the Convent of Sacred Heart some months ago. The to¬
tal consideration of the trade aggregates about half a million
35th ST.—Richard H. Derby sold 9 West 35th st, a 4-sty
dwelling, 18.9x98.9.
35th ST.—Albert B. Ashforth and the Albert Booth Cohn
Co. sold for I. H. Kramer to the Bankers' Investing Co. 54 West
Thirty-flfth st. a 4-sty building 20x98.9, abuting the two build¬
ings now occupied by the Arts Club, at 37 and 39 West Thirty-
fourth street, the westerly one of which was recently bought
by the Bankers' Investing Co.
35TH ST.—Julian Benedict sold for Hochstetter & Kratzen¬
stein to Daniel W. Richman 56 and 58 W^est 35th st. two re-
improved dwellings 41x98.9, The price paid was another hi^h
rpcqr^ for this block.
38th ST.—J. A. Fischer sold for S. May to P. J. Flannery
the southwest corner 38th st and 6th av, a 4-sly building, on lot
24.8x60; three years ago the same broker sold this corner for
Judge P. Henry Dugro to Mr. May at .f;95,000, and Mr. May re¬
sold at a substantial profit.
41ST ST.—J. Arthur Mandeville sold for C, Wilhelm 446 West
41st st, 4-sly front and rear tenements, 25x98.9, to Ralph E.
49th ST.—Jobn Merz sold to William Marionhoff 548 West
49th st, a 4-sty tenement, 25x100.5.
5STH ST.—Harry E. Zittel sold for the estate of Celia Steiner
327 East 5Sth st, a 5-sty flat, 25x100.5.
Tlte Steivart nuildin^ Purcliase.
BROADWAY.—The Stewart Building sale can without doubt
be called one of the greatest cash investments of the year. The
holding price was $4,500,000, and the sellers received about that
figure for the parcel. The Stewart Building, once used for a
wholesale dr>- goods house by A. T. Stewart, was later turned
into an oiflce building, which was not very successful. Felix
Isman, the buyer, has recently organized a real estate syndicate
with strong financial backing, for which he is undoubtedly buy¬
ing in a bold, determined way. Some attention has been at¬
tracted on account of the liberal flgures paid for the property.
Much speculation as to the result of the venture has been heard.
5TH av.—George Nicholas sold 557 5th av, a 6-sty business
building, 25x100, to an out-of-town client of Winston H. Hagen
for an investment. The negotiations were made through his
New York brokers. Messrs. Wetmore & Magill, under the direc¬
tion of Mr. Hagen.
LEXINGTON AV.—Mrs. O. E, Akely sold tbe 4-sty dwelling
355 Lexington av, northeast corner of 40th st, 19.9x85.
63d st,—T. Ortmann has sold for Mrs. Franziska Kick the
three 5-sty flats 151-133-155 West G3d st, 60x100.5, to Mr.
August W. Mehler.
06TH ST.—Pease & Elliman have sold for Richard M. Hoe
to William E. Lowe 67 East 66th st, a 4-Ety and basement
dwelling, 18x100.5.
66TH ST.—Richard M. Hoe sold to William E. Lowe 67 East
66th st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, 18x100.5.
TOTH ST.—J. Romaine Brown & Co. sold for Louise Living¬
ston the 5-sty American basement dwelling 219 West TOth st,
TOTH ST.—Pease & Elliman sold for G. W. Betts, Jr., 174
East TOth st, 3-sty high stoop brownstone dwelling, 18x100,5, to
PI. Livingston Reeve, who T\-ill occupy the house,
T3D ST.—Isaac Goldberg bought 424 Bast 73d st, a 5-sty tene¬
ment, 25x102.2.
T4TH ST.—Samuel Silverman sold 421 to 425 East T4th st,
three 5-sty tenements, 62.4x75x irregular.
74TH ST.—Isaac Goldberg sold 345 East T4th st, a 5-sty
tenement, 25x98.
Judgre Hlott Honse S0ld.
77TH ST.—The estate of John O. Mott, the late City Magis¬
trate, sold through Pease & Elliman 67 East 77th st, a 4-sty
and basement brownstone front dweiling. 18.9x102.2.
81ST ST.-—Frederick T. Barry sold for a client to Joseph
Weiss, for occupancy, 125 East Slst st, a 3-sty and basement
brownstone front dwelling, 17x102.2.
82D ST.—T. Greenbaum sold to Agnes McCahili 120 Bast 82d
st, a 5-sty flat, 25x102.2.
SSD ST.—B. P. Hamilton & Co. and C. C, MacCubbin sold
to C. Grayson Martin 326 West S3d st, a 6-sty apartment house,
S4TH ST,—Morris Kite sold 418 West S4th st, a 4-sty tene¬
ment, 20x102.2.
S7TH ST.—George A. Bowman sold for Barnard Karsch to a
client for occupancy the 4-sty high stoop brownstone dwelling,
20x100, 36 West S7th st.
OOTH ST.—The City Boroughs Realty Co. bought from Adolph
Scheibel 5-sty double flat 135 "West OOth st, 27x100.8,
92D ST.—Frank C, McLain sold 307 West 92d st, a 4-sty
dwelling, 17x75.
lOlST ST.—G. Tuoti & Co. sold for Charles Cohen 219 East
101st st, a 4-sty flat, 25x100.
103D ST.—^Jacob Robbins and Charles Gerst bought 59 Bast
103d st, a 5-sty flat, 25x100.11. The building will be altered and
stores put in,
113TH ST,—Lowenstein, Papae & Co. sold for J. & N.
Schneider 107 and 111 West 113th st, two 5-sty double flats,
each 25x100.11,
116TH ST.—J, A. Kehoe sold for Bloch Eros, to B. Pernetti
441-445 East 116th st.
119TH ST,—H. Cohn and E, Levy sold to I. Syrop the 6-sty
teneinent, with stores, 302 and 304 East 119th st, 50x60.10,
120TH ST.^George A. Bowman sold for a client 148 West
120th st, a 3-sty and basement brownstone. dwelling* 16,8x100.
to John W. Armstrong.
121ST ST.—Mark Blumenthal bought from Mary McGrotty
232 East 12l5t st, a 4-sty double flat/^.tl\ stope, 25x100.11.