December 12, igo8
Big Office and Store Building for AVasli-
i ngt on Heiglits.
ST. NICHOLAS AV.-The Record and
Guide was informed on Friday that plans
for a large 10-sty fireproof offlce and
store building are now in course of prep¬
aration to be constructed in the northern
section of Washington Heights, at the
southwest corner of St. Nicholas av and
ISIst st, immediately opposite the ISlst
st station of the subway. The proposed
building is the first large undertaking
of this character on the Heights, The
plans are being drawn by Architect Geo.
Fred Pelham, of No. 503 Sth av, and wiil
be completed on or about January 1. The
building will contain ten stories, and will
cover a plot measuring 100x119. ft. The
-chief materials for the exterior will be
light brick and terra cotta. There wiil
be electric elevators and ali the usual ap¬
pliances such as are found in a building
of this type. The cost will flgure in the
neighborhood of $400,000. Mr. Gustavus
L. Lawrence (real estate), of 2228 Broad¬
way, will be the owner. The steel will
be erected under the supervision of R. E.
Moss, of 12 Elm st. Both owner and
architect will take bids.
Pell & Corbett Win Competition.
& Corbett, No. 122 East 25th st, Manhat¬
tan, Iiave just been appointed to design
plans for the new municipal buildings to
be erected on Court Square, Springfleld,
Mass. The estimated cost will be in tbe
neighborhood of $1,100,000. The suc¬
cessful architects were selected by com¬
petition in whicii over one hundred arch¬
itects submitted plans. The accepted de¬
signs provide for three structures—a
municipal huilding, a town hall and a
clock tower 274 feet in height. The
buildings will be erected separately, and
it is proposed that tlie municipal build¬
ing, costing $500,000, be erected first and
the other two in the near future. It has
not been decided if the facade will be of
limestone or marble. The municipal
building and the town hall will both be
bf similar size, 110x175 ft. No building
contracts have yet been^ signed.
Marvin & Daiis, Architects for Newark
NEWARK, N. J.—Architects Marvin &
Davis, 1133 Broadway, Manhattan, are
preparing the plans for the new 16-sty
office building, to measure 43x67 ft., for
the Firemen's Insurance Co., of which
D. H, Dunham is president, to be erected
at Broad and Market sts, Newark, N, J.
The estimated cost is around .$375,000.
No awards have yet been placed. The
flnal decision to erect a new structure
was recently reached by the finance com¬
mittee, whicii has had the plans in hand.
The building wiil be of. handsome design,
and will replace the iron-frame building
that has been occupied by the company
for many years, (See issue Nov. 21, IOOS.)
Arbnckle Bros, to Erect New Ware¬
BROOKLYN.—Operations will be begun
in early spring on the new 10-sty ware¬
house, to measure 209x192 ft., which Ar¬
buckle Brothers (coffee dealers) are to
erect on the block fronting on Pearl,
John, Jay and Plymouth sts. in Brook¬
lyn. Plans are being prepared by Archi¬
tect Wiiiiam Higginson, Nos, 13-21 Park
Row, Manhattan, The construction will
be of the besi fireproof methods, consist¬
ing of reinforced concrete, flreproof doors
and windows, with a tar and gravel roof.
The cost will approximate $700,000. So
far as can be learned no building con¬
tracts, have yet been issued, or figures
taken. - ..
$400,000 Business Building for 22d St.
22D ST.—Louis Korn and Maximilian
Zipkes, associate architects, 353 5tli av,
have been commissioned by the Elka
Realty Company to prepare plans and
specifications for a 12-sty store and loft
building to be erected at Nos, 40 and 42
West 22d st, on a plot 40x100 ft. The
building will contain two electric eleva¬
tors, and will be lighted by electricity.
Tliere will be steam heat and all modern
improvements, including ventilation sys¬
tem and a sprinkling system. The oper¬
ation represents an outlay of .$400,000.
The architects will be ready to take esti¬
mates about January 1, 1909.
Plans Out for Another AVest Side Loft
27TH ST. — Architects Cleverdon &
Putzel, of 41 Union sq, have completed
pians and are now taking figures among
builders for the construction of another
high-class 12-sty loft and store building,
to measure 100x00 ft., and to ba erected
at Nos. 31 to 37 West 27th st, for Mr.
Max Cohen. The building will be fire¬
proof, with a facade of light brick, lime¬
stone and terra cotta, Mr. Rudolph P.
Miller, of 527 Sth av, will be the con¬
sulting engineer. It is expected that the
contract wiil be given out shortly.
Two Washington Heights Apartments.
BROADWAY.—Plans are now in pro¬
gress at the oflices of Geo. Fred. Pelham,
No. 503 Sth av, for the erection of two
O-sty high-class apartment houses for
Fleischman Brothers. 507 Sth av, to be
situated on the west side of Broadway,
between 156th and 157th sts, Washing¬
ton Heights. The plot the buiiding wiil
cover measures 200x180x100 ft., and has
connection with the subway at 157th st.
Plan.'? are tc be ready about January 1.
The Fleischman Bros, are the builders.
1'he cost is estimated at $300,000.
L-itest Slst Street Iniprovement.
21 ST ST.—Messrs. Maynicke & Franke,
29S Sth av, have been commissioned to
prepare plans for the 12-sty mercantile
building which Henry Corn, the well-
known operator, is to erect on the Chis¬
holm property, which he recently pur¬
chased, at Nos. 54-58 West 21st st, meas¬
uring G4x9S.9 ft. The Title Guarantee
and Trust Company has made Mr. Corn
a buiiding loan of $300,000. No contract
has been awarded or figures taken.
Ten Modern Plats for Simpson Street,
SIMPSON ST.—Operations wiil soon be
under way for the construction of a row
of ten 5-sty modern flat huildings, to be
built by the American Real Estate Co.,
in the east side of Simpson st, near 163d
st, Bronx, which will cost in the neigh¬
borhood of .fiOO.OOO. Clarence S. Shum-
wag, Westchester av and the Southern
Boulevard, has completed the plans. Al!
improvements will be installed.
Costly Apartments for 136th Street.
I30TH ST.—Architects Schwartz &
Gross, 347 Sth av, are completini: speci¬
flcations and plans for two 6-sty high-
class apartment houses, measuring IOOx
86.li ft., to be constructed in 136th st,
south side. 175 ft, east of Broadway, to
cost approximately $300,000. The Ana¬
conda Realty & Const. Co., 8 West 3yth
st, is the owner. Figures on the terra
cotta work are now being received by
the owner.
IIO.S ft. at the southeast corner of Broad¬
way and 57th st for the United States
Realty & Improvement Co., the owners of
the property. A. T. Demarest & Co, and
the Peerless Motor Car Co. will occupy
the buildings. No figures have yet been
invited, or contracts let.
Broadway and 57th St. Corner.
BROADWAY.-Francis H. Kimball, 71
Broadway, is preparing plans for two 9-
sty buildings to be erected on the plot 66x
Apartments, Flats and Tenements.
2D AV.—J. H. Friend, 148 Alexander
av, has plans for alterations to the 4-sty
tenement, No. 2198 2d av, owned by A.
Fechteler, SSth st and Broadway.
123D ST.—Thain & Thain, 4 East 42d
st, have plans under way for a 6-sty
tenement, 37x87.10 ft., for the Chelsea
Realty Co., 135 Broadway, to be erected
at Nos. 413-415 East 123d st, to cost
160TH ST.—Neville & Bagge, 267 West
125th st, are completing plans for a 5-sty
flat building. 50x87.6 ft., for the Vander¬
bilt Tile Co., 150 Sth av, to be erected
in the south side of 16Q,th st, 125 ft. east
of Broadway, to cost $55,000.
EDGECOMBE AV.—Plans are ready for
the new apartment house, 130x100 ft.,
for J. H. Davis, to be situated on the
east side of Edgecombe av, near 145th
st, at a cost of $275,000. Geo. Fred. Pel¬
ham, 503 5th av, is the architect.
, BROADWAY.—Geo. Pred. Pelham, 503
Sth av, has completed plans for a 6-sty
.$300,000 apartment house, 100x150 ft, to
be erected at the southwest corner of
Broadway and 144th st, for George A.
Fisher Co., of New Roehelle, N. Y.
3D AV.—James F. Egan, 5-7 East 42d
st, has received the contract for interior
changes to the two 5-sty teneraents
owned by Elizabeth Kennedy, situated at
3d av, northwest corner 43d st. Charles
Popkin, 04 Ann st, prepared the plans.
178TH ST.—The Alcazar Realty Co,, A.
Sehwoerer, Jr., president. No. 538 East
SOth st, will erect a 5-sty flat, 50x100 ft.,
in the north side of 17Sth st, near St.
Nicholas av, to cost about $60,000. Geo.
Fred. Pelham, 503 Sth av. is the archi¬
97TH ST.—Samuel Sass, 23 Park Row,
is preparing pians for three 6-sty flats,
4S.10, for the Iron Master Realty &
Construction Co., 93 Nassau st, to be
erected in the north side of 97th st, 100
ft. west of Park av, to cost a total of
HUGHES AV.—Plans arc now in pro¬
gress for a new tenement and stores to
be erected at the southeast corner of
Hughes av and 188th st, for Jacob Dan-
sen. Messrs. Young & Gronenberg, of
67 West SOth st, are making the plans.
Brick and stone. 4-stys, ahout 43x77 ft.
BROADWAT.—Plans are ready for the
6-sty apartment house, 99.11x115 ft.,
wbich Henry T. Bulman, 21 Fort Wash¬
ington av, will erect at the southwest
corner of Broadway and 164th st, from
plans by Schwartz & Gross, and B. N.
Marpus, 347 Sth av. Estimated cost is
MADISON AV.—Mr. H. Vogel, care of
Frederick Barry, No. 649 Madison av,
is taking bids for alteration to his bach¬
elor apartments at 697 Madison av.
Young & Gronenberg have made the
plans, whicii provide for a brick and
stone building. 5-stys, about 17x41, Ap¬
proximate cost, $9,000.
174TH ST.—C. B. Meyers, 1 Union sq.
is preparing plans for a 26-fami!y flat
buiiding, 5-stys. 75x90 ft., for the Hel¬
ene Realty & Construction Co., Solomon
Simon, president, No, 198 Broadway, to
be erected in the north side of 174th st,
150 ft. west of Amsterdara av. There
will be no stores.
SCHENECTADY, N. Y.—Plans are in
progress for a new apartment house, to
be erected on Lafayette av, Schenectady,
N. T., for Samuel E. Danes, of Schenec-