September 23, 1911.
■ EDGEMERE, L, I.—P. J. Brennan, 024 Madi-
^son av, K, Y. C. has received the general con¬
tract to erect the 1-sty frame church. 3{).\S7
ft. on the southwest corner of Graudview and
Edgemere avs. for St. Mary Star of the Sea
■Roman Catholic Church, of which tbe Rev.
Father H. H. Farrell, Clark av. Far Rock-
away. L, I,, is pastor. Plans are by Lehman
& O'Kane, Mott av. Far Roekaway, Bsliraated
cost is $15,000.
49TH ST.—S. Nlewenhous. Inc., 1 Madisou av,
has received the general contract lo erect the
2-sty brick pariah house in the north side of
40th st, 311 ft. west of Oth av. for the Roman
Catholic Church of the Assumption, 425 West
4Sth st. Rev. E. M. Sweeney, pastor. Pfenry A.
Koelbie. 71 Nasaau st, is tbe architect. Esti¬
mated cost, ,$15,000.
MASSAPEQUA. L. I.—Santoro Sc Henry, 1
-Madison sq. N. Y. C.. have received the general
couiract for the five 21/2-aty terra cotta block
and stucco residences to he creeled lor the
Queens Land & Title Co., of which George
Haight, Times Building. 42d st and Broadway.
N. Y. C. is president. W. S. Moore. 501 Slh
av, IN. Y. C, has prepared plans,
GRAND CONCOURSE.—J- Robinaon, 1391
Clinton av, has received the masonry for the
2',^-sly terra. cotta block and stucco resi¬
dence, aud 2-sty garage, at the nortbeast ior-
ner of lS2d st aud Grand Concourse, Poi-
.Alexander Wilson, owner. Ronald McAdams,
of 707 Bast IToth st, has received the car¬
penter work. Fred. Jaeger, 441 Tremont av,
is architect.
BROOKLYN.—Herman Veit. 258 Devoe st, has
received the masonry and carpenter work for
the 3-sty rectory. 64.\37 ft., in ilie north side of
14th St. near 4lh av, Brooklyn, for the Holy
Family R, G. Church, of which the Rev. F. X.
Bellinger, 23G 13lh st. Brooklyn, is pastor. F.
.1. Berlenbach, Jr., 200 Graham av, is archi¬
GLENDALE, L. L—C. Noli'z, 55 Madison av,
Glendale. has received the painting work on ten
residences to be erected by Talmon & Jalck, at
this place, to cost a total of $10.0UO. L, Berger
& Co., Brooklyn, prepared the plans.
.GUTTEND'ERG, N. J.—Johu T. Brady, 103 Park
av, N, y. C-. has received the general contract
to erect the 2-sty brick factory building on the
Boulevard, between Park and Bellevue avs, for
K. V. Lutz, of Park av, Guttenberg.
PARK AV,—Thomas Kennedy £ Co.. 431 East
154th st, have received the couiract for exca¬
vating the site on the west side of Park av,
between ]22d and 123d sts, for imprpovemenl
with au 8-siy factory building, 80x200 ft,, for
the Terry Se Tench Co.. owners.
120TH ST.-Adam Happel, 408 East 93d st,
has received the contract for steel work neces¬
sary for the warehouse addition in the south
side of 120th st, 169 ft. -n'est of the East River,
for the Standard Oil Co., of 20 Broadway. E,
A. Ellis, 20 Broadway, prepared these plans.
R, W. Smith, 242 East Slst st, ia general con¬
tractor. Estimated cost. $45.00(1.
MYRTLE AV.—Peter Guthy, 92G Broadway,
Brooklyn, haa received tlie general contraci to
erect an addition to the 2-sty brick atorage
building at Myrtle and Wyckolf avs, for WelK
Sc Zerweck, 1502 Myrtle av. H. A. Koelbie, IS
Nassau st, N. Y. C, is the architect.
ROCHESTER, N. Y.-The Indualrial Engiu-
ceriug Co., 100 State at., Albany, N. Y., has
received tbe general contract to erect Itie 4-sty
fireproof reinforced concrete manufacturing
plant, 50x100 ft, in Jones st, near Brown sq,
for tbe Rochester Stamping Co., George W.
Robeson, president. Jobn W. Vickert. ,300 Sib¬
ley Bklg.. Rochester, is tbe archilect. Es¬
timated cost, .$50,000.
SPARROWS POINT, MD.—The Raymond Con¬
crete Pile Co., of New York and Chicago, has
received the contraci for the reinforced concrete
crane track foundations at the works of the
Maryland Steel Co., at Sparrows Point, Md. Geo.
C, Shepard, Chief Engineer, marine depart¬
COENTIES SLIP.—The Foundation Company,
115 Broadway, has just received the contract
for installing the fouadations ot the Seamen's
Church Institute, Coenties Slip and South st.
The architects are Warren & Wetmore ; engi¬
neers. Opdike & Deutsch. and John Downey,
general eoniractor. "The contract will consist of
installing caisson cofferdams around the entire
lot. which is approximately 90x100 ft.
MALONE, N. Y.-The coutract for the erec¬
tion of the new buildings of the Northern New
York Deaf Mute Institution, at Maloae, has
been let to Maurice Kantrowitz. oC Albany, who
offered to do the work for .$113,000. Work will
be started as soon as the contractor can get his
machinery on the ground, and must be com¬
pleted within one year.
HUDSON, N, Y.—Bogert & Carlbough, of Pat¬
erson, N. J,, have received the steel contract for
the Nurses' Homes and Surgical Hospital lo be
erected here from plans by Crow, Lewis Sc Wlck-
enhoefer. 200 olh av, N. Y. C. J- B. Roberts &
Co-, 1 Madison av, N. Y. C, have the general
CASTLETON, S. I.—Luke A, Burke Sc Son's
Co., 25 'West 42d st. N. Y. C, have received the
general contract t'o erect the Seaview Conval¬
escent Hospital, at this place, from plans by
R. F. Almirall, 185 Madison av. N. Y. C.
MONTREAL, QUE.—The George A, Fuller Co..
115 Broadway, N. Y. City, has just received the
general contract to erect the Ritz-Carlton Hotel
at this place, from plans by Warren Sc Wetmore,
3 Wesl 33d st, N, Y City.
STH AV,—The supervising architect, Waahing¬
ton, D, C, has accepted the bid of the Van
Wagoner Construction Co,, 1133 Broadway, N. Y.
C, for the installation of a conduit aud electric
wiring system in the new post oflice buildiug,
Manbaltan, at ,$55,720.
WALLINGFORD, CONN.-The contract for the
construction of the U. S. public building at
wallingford, Conn., has been awarded to the
Weatcbester Engineering Co.. 103 Park av N
Y. C. at $71.800; less for alternate B sub-
slituting limestone for all exterior marble ,$4 -
.57S; alternate G, substituting shingle tile for
copper, $;jUO; net amount, $G0,922 ; lime to com¬
plete Nov. 1, 1912.
1S9TH ST,—The Bottsford Dickinson Co. 1170
Broadway, has received the general contract lo
erect the 5-sty fireproof Public School, No, 45 at
lS9th St. Hoffman st and Lorillard pl for 'the
City of New Y^ork. Board of Education, 500 Park
av, to cost .$400,000. C. B, J, Snyder, Park av
and uO!h st, drew the plans.
STAPLETON, S. I.-J. F. Walsh, 193 Lexing¬
lon av, N. Y. C. has received the general con¬
tract lo erect the Academy of Our Lady of the
Blessed Sacrament at tbis place, from plans by
Boring Sc Tilton. 32 B'roadway. N. Y. C.
12TH ST.—L. Marcus, 310 Front st has re¬
ceived the contract lor excavating the siie in
the south side of 12th st, about 82 ft. east of
Av B. The plot is 10 be improved wilh new
Public School No. (il. Richard E. Heningham
1 Madiaon av, holds the general contract,
02D ST.—Wm. Young Co.. 5,=i0 West 41st st,
lias received tbe general contract for enlargisg
tbe u-sty scbool building. 35-37 East 62d st for
Cleveland H. Dodge, 90 Park av, from plans by
Parish & Schroeder. 12 West 31st sl. Esti¬
mated cost is ,$20,000.
POMFRET, CONN. - The Anderson-Martin
Electric Co.. 1 Madison av, N. Y. C, has re¬
ceived Ibe electrical contract for underground
feeder system and transformer work on the
Pomfret School gymnasium building, at this
place, from plans by Ernest Flagg, architect, 35
Broadway, N. Y. C. The foundations have been
-4.V A.—Contracts have not yet been placed
for the garage, stable and shelter. 98.9x81.5 ft.
which the American Society for the Prevention
of Cruelly to Animals will erect at the south¬
west corner of Av A and 24th st. from plans by
Renwick, Aspinwall Sc Tucker. 320 5th av Esti¬
mated cost is $40,000.
CATSKILL. N. Y,—The Aiiderson-Martia Elec¬
tric Co.. 1 ftladison av. N. Y, C, has received
the electric work 00 the new Catskill station for
the New Y'ork Central & Hudson River Railroad
Co., from plans by Warren Sc Wetmore and Reed
& Stern, N. Y. C.
4,TH ST.—Cramp & Co.. 23 East 2Cth st, have
received the contract for extensive interior
chaugea to the 5-sty store building, 315-317
West 47th St. for Anua W. H, Nichols, of Brook-
line. Maas. Stuckert Sc Sloan, 23 Easl 2Gth st
5TII AV.-The Anderson-Martin Electric Co..
I Madisou av. bas received the electrical con¬
lraet for alterations to the 5-sty store building,
lis ,ith av and 2 West SOth st. for "Charles,"
ot London, interior decorator. Carrere & Hast¬
ings, i;25 5th av. prepared these plaus.
BROADWAY.—Herbert M, Baer, architect, has
awarded to F. D, Green Sc Co., 1123 Broadway,
tbe general contract to erect the new building
at 1G20 Broadway for the Cyrus Clarke Esiate.
4TH ST.—Walter S. Timmis. architect, has
awarded to F. D, Green & Co.. 1123 Broadway.
Ihe general contract for remodeling the DeVinne
Press Buiiding at 4th st and Lafayette pl.
MOUNNT VERNON. N. Y.-Jenkg Sc Plume
10 Prospect st. Mount Vernon, have received
the general contract to erect the 3-sty fireproof
addition to tbe brick aud stone bauk aud office
building at tbe corner of West Ist st and 5th av,
lor the First National Bank of Mount Vernon.
A. G. C, Fletcher, 103 Park av, N. Y. C, is the
BEACH ST.—Fountain & Choate, 110 East 23d
st, bave received the general contract to erect the
S-sty ioft building at 8 Beach st for S, Charlea
Welsh, of 25G Broadway. P. R. q^elley, 3 West
2:ilh st, is the architect,
40TH ST.—H. H, Oddie, 30 Church st, has re¬
ceived the general contract to erect the 12-sty
loft building at 15 Easl 40tb st for Mrs, Lilils
B'. Hyde, Aplhorp Apartments. 78lh st and
Broadway. N. C. Mellen, 20 West 34th st. is
(he architeci. Falk Sc Hager, 30 Church st, steel
engineers. The Anderson Auction Co.. 12 East
64th st', is the lessee.
4TH AV.—Mulliken Sc Moeiler. 103 Park av.
are preparing plans for the new mercantile
building lo be erected at the southwest corner
of 4th av and 32d st. oppdaite the Park Avenue
Holel. The corner has been bought by Ros¬
well F. Easton. who has been intcreated in sev¬
eral high-class improvements in the midtown lott
building section. The sellers were the Morrell
Estate. Ijie chief beneficiaries being Robert Lee
Morrell, Julia B. Peck and Isabel de P, Kelley.
II has a frontage on the avenue of 115.10 fl-
and on o2d st 8:3.8 ft. Negotiations, it waa
stated, are pending tor a lease of the proposed
building to one tenant. No building contract
has yet been issued.
MADISON AV,—Riley Sc Corrigan. 140 Wesl
I2d St. has received Uie masonry for the G-Sty
brick store and Ioft building, to be erected
at 1-13 Madison av. for tbe Terry Sc Tench Co..
of Lexington av and ISlst st. Tbe owners will
do tbe carpenter work.
FAR ROCKAWAY. L. I.-R. H. Carman. Myr¬
tle av, Jamaica, L. 1., bas received the gen¬
eral conlraet lo erect the 2-sty brick, lime¬
stone and terra cotta bank building, on the
Pln;^a. for the National Bank of Far Rock-
away, H. G, Heyson is president and chair¬
man of the buikling committee. Joseph L.
Steinam. 10 East 33d st, N. Y. C. prepared
these plana. The eslimated cosl is $100,OuO.
5TH AV.-The Geo. A. Just Co.. 239 Verona
av, Greenpoint, has received the iron work
necessary for $30,000 worth of alterations to
the store and loft building, 184 5th av for
Louis M. Gerry, of 2 East Olst sl, J. C. Wes-
tervell, 36 West 34lh n. Is architect.
BROADWAY.-The Jones- Construction Co. 1
Union sq has received the general contract
for alterations to the office building, northeast
corner of Broadway and 4tb st, for the EC
Schermerhorn Estates, 25 Liberty st, from
plana by Geo. B. Poal & Sons. 341 4tb av
,.,7'?'^ ?T,—Tbe Madiaon Iron Works, 410 East
T-f \ ^^^ received the steel -work for tbe
l^-?^,'w'■^''"'^ '°" '^"il'ii'iS. 00x10(1 ft., at
b..M-tl west 21st st, tor the Phoenix Holding
Co-, from plans by George Fred Pelham .51)7
J'l^'^ iM'"'^^'' ^' ^' S^« Elevator Co. has
art fnr ^h/r'^'^^f *" ^^"^^^ elevators neces¬
sary (or the two store bui dings. 057 and (itil
'lion '"of 10' n^ }'^^^^Ma Investors Coipora-
-r h,n ^'^^'r.^o"?,""'^*'' to t-ost $400,000. John
li. Duncan. 2ij8 ;jlh av. is arcbitect
LAFAYETTE ST.-The A. B'. See Elevator Co
has received the elevator contraci for the 11-aiy
lot building, southeast corner of Lafayette
ami Howard sts, lo cost S325.O0O. The steel
work IS now up to tbe fifth story. The In ver-
neaa Realty Co., T. G. Day, 40 Wall st is
icA'^'B^F^rn^^ Quinby 99'^Nassau'st, Irch"
i-eti B. l. Golden. oOS Pearl at, eeneral con-
ractor; C. Blayer, 20 Bradhurst av roofing -
^Sy^^-^!J% -^/Jitf^g-''-'^-"-^^^
'>'■. fiiteTSoa, N. J., has rece ved tbe eener^i
contract to erect the 7U-sty brick and rem
forced concrete lofl buildiug at Academy and
o,"^* i'^ /°'" t^e I'lduslrial Buildrng Go VAd
te^l'an^lfee^r':"" "'''^ ^''^"'■■"■'' '^ ^'^-
POUGHKEEPSIE. N. Y'. - A contract wis
c oaed lasl week between the ODonnell Con¬
struction Co. and M, S. Rosen and s"mon icfng
for the erection of a new theatre here ThI
bo;-Lrio7'^2i!oa?.^''™°'' ^"^ '"^^'" '^^ -'^'-
- "^7"'^?- f^: ^ ^' ^"''^ e of Convent av two
cot/m,''nno'-?°'^'"^°''',^^^.^''^l' ^^^S roof;'total
cost, $80,000; owner the Schuck Realty & Con¬
struction Co.. 19 St. Nicholas pl ; arcbitecL J
C. Cocker. 2017 5fh av. Plan No. 593. ^
5TH AV s w cor lllth st. 6-sty brick aud
'. ™noo'"""'°'' ^^-■'^O' P'^'^^i^ ^'ate roof,' cost,
.>lM 00 o-wner Chaa. I. Weinstein, 17 West
Vv \^^l i^^V<^f^- ^^°- ^^^'^ Pelham, 507 5tli
av. Plan No. 504. Owner builds
i--sty buck apartmeut house, 120x100.8 slag
rooi ; cost $C0O,000 ; owner, Midas Realty (?o
["-.J °"'' 'Jl^Sst and Central Park West; archi^
505 ■ lri;:^"^^T*='"°"''-;%' -'^^ '^^- Plan No,
VJl" c,^??^'^ ^- ^^yy^ ^f5 ^'h av. president;
uref. ^^''^°^' secretary; E. M. Levey, treas-
liOTH ST. s e cor Audubon av. G-stV brick
nrsim^' "'^All^SS-e^-^osl, $20,000? owner. Mor-
na Simon Construction Co.. 94 Audubon av-
arehitect. Max Zipkea. 103 Park av Plan No'
tract '^ ■ ^* Audubon av, has con-
RIVERSIDE DRIVE, n e cor U4th st, 12-sty
oriut and stone apartmeut bouse. 76.1x184 4
Dr?ve RclitvT' |,1'W(W0; owneK R/versi ie
Drive Really Co.. Broadway, s w cor ll'^h st -
5'S Not Pet."'"""' ^ ^''^' ''^"^ '' "'^" Lo¬
west END AV, No. 430, 13-sty brick and
'^5^^'o,fn".^"''"''"' \''?'"' ™^10^' slas roofT cost,
rn '9 w ?!""?'■ ^^^^ ^^'^^^ ^ West End Av
10-5' D Y^^ ^^ architects. Mulliken Se Moeiler
nres - Fre^"-/'?." ^°' '"'»' ^^"^^ ^' Mulliken
pres. , Fred C, Kronmeyer, secy.
1.11TH ST, s s. 80 w 2d av. 3-sty brick aud
li?.T o-^^->n^ ■^.-."^^ ^"^ dormitory, GOxSO : exten¬
sion. 2.j\20, tile and slag roof; cost ,$76 700"
owner. Fire Dept,, City of N. Y. ; krJhitects'
Hoppin & Koen. 244 -oth av. Plan No q04
PULTO.N ST, n s. :33 w Church st 3-story
,^ir ^-u^'-oo^""^ engine house and dormitory;
cos , .^,!4.ij00 ; owner. Fire Dept., City of N Y '
arcbitects, Hoppin & Koen, 244 5tb av. ■pian
ISIST ST.. n s, 100 e Audubon av, 3-sty brick
and stone engine liouse and dormitory 70x75 -
extension 2:^x10; cost. $.83,500; owner, Pire
■Il n^ Z°^^,- ^V,^'"^.?'fects, Hoppin & Koen.
244 -jth av. Plan No. 606,
LEXINGTON AV a e cor ,50tb sl. -S-story brick
aud stone engine houae and dormitorv 4.5x7,t-
cxtens.oi, 27x25; cost, ,$5:?,S00; owner. Fire
°eP'" „C^,'ty "E N. Y. ; architects. Hoppin &
Koen, 2-14 oth av. Plan No. 607.
tJ-v'^'^on^iTv ^,°^- ^ll-^^-^ "^est. 1-sly brick fac-
toiy 20x40. slag roof; cost. $1,SOO; owner Mrs
A. Bouthin, Passaic, N J : architpct M a
Cantor 20 West 42d'st. Plan No 59a' Stan:
dard Cleaning Sc Dyeing Co., 145 West 45th sl-
HORATIO ST, Kos- 105-107, 7-story brick aud
reinforced concrete storage warehouse, 52 1x818
felt, concrele and lile roof; cost. $65,000; owner
Estate Eugene A. Hoffman. 258 Broadway ■ arch-^
itect. J. Graham Glover. 166 Slate st. Brooklyn
Plau No, 60S. Manhattan Refrigerating Co
Horatio, West and Gansevoort sts. lessee. Not
FRONT ST, n w cor Jackson st, 5-sty brick
and stone hospilai, 70.3x60.6, waterproofed con¬
crete roof; cost, $100,000; owner. Servants' Re-