Record and Guide.
June 16, 1!
Cregin, Vice-President; W. C. Hands, M. D., Treasurer; P. P, Crasto,
Secretary. There will be a sale of money July 3d at Nos. 108 and 110 East
125th street.
P, Robitscher has sold tbe three-story, high 'stoop, dwelUng No. 667
Lexuigton aveuue, between 5.5th and 56th streets, size 20x58x78, on tei-ms
which have not transpu-ed.
The fiank of North America has leased the flrst fioor iu the new building
now being erected by the Equitable Life on the southwest corner of Nassau
and Cedar streets. About a mouth ago the bank sold the premises No. 44
WaU street for about $350,000.
Oppenheimer & Metzger have sold a plot 127.0x102,3, on tbe south side
of SGth street, 107.9 feet west of Pai'k avenne, to Samuel W, Waldron for
Beujamin Richards, of the firm of Richards Sc Sause, sailed on the Werra,
of the North German Lloyds, on Saturday last. Mi-. Richards, who is
accompanied by his family, will make a tour of the Continent and retm-n
to town in the faU,
The American Co-operative Savings and Loan Association has been
incorporated mider tbe law of 1887. George BretteU, President; C. A,
Mitchell Valentine has sold ten lots ou 1st avenue, 103d aud 104th streets,
toWm. A. Juch for improvement; flve are on the southwest corner of
1st aveuue and 104th street, and flve on the north side of lU3d sti-eet, 135
feet west of 1st avenue.
Dore Lyon has sold two four-story dwellings on tbe south side of 91st
street, between Sth and Otb avenues, for $30,000 each. Mrs. Jules Menken
and Mrs. Moore ai-e the purchasers. Mr. Lyon has also sold a three-story
dwelUng on the north side of 136th street, between Stb and St, Nicholas
avenues, for -515,500 to E. Vincent.
Mainhart Sc Lowe have sold for Nathan Bros, to Daniel P, Tiemann the
lot with frame dweUing thereon No. 108 La^vI■ence st, size 35x100, for $0,500.
Tbe Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment bave completed their
estimates relative to tbe opening of 99th street, from 3d avenue to itb
avenue, and the same wiUbe presented tothe SupremeCom-ton August 10th,
Pai-ties interested in the following matters should make their views
known to Department of Pubhc Parks : relative to giades of East 168th
street, from Webster to Pi-ankUn avenues, befoi'e June 23d; relative to
chauge of classification of Decatur avenue, from Brookline street to Mid¬
dlebrook Parkway, before June 37th; relative to change of map of Kings-
bridge District, bounded by Van Cortiandt Park, Sedgwick avenue,
Emmerich place. Heath avenue, Harlem River and Broadway, before
June 37th.
Corwith Bros, have sold the bouse No. 100 Oakland street for Mrs. F.
Jobnson to John C. Van Brunt for $4,500.
J. P. Sloane has sold for the McMahon estate the lot, 35x100, situate on
the north side side of India street, 150 feet west of Oakland street to David
Quinlan for $1,500; also for S. McHenry the thi-ee-story double tenement
situate No. 315 Oakland street to Anne Fagan for $5,150.
This afternoon, at 1 o'clock, Jere Johnson, Jr., vriU conduct a vary im¬
portant Brooklyn sale in the Sth Ward of this city. It will consist of 590
lots, flnely situated, adjoining the Hunt estate, and located betweeu 5-3d
and GOth streets, 7th and Oth avenues. Thousands of lots have beeu sold in
this neighborhood recently, and a vast improvement wiU have taken place
in tbis region by the next year or two. This is certainly, without exaggei--
ation, a splendid chance for investors to quadruple theii'equity in very
short time.
Tbe conveyances show an advance in the amoimt, tbe mortgages a
decrease and the projected buildings an advance of 137 per cent, over the
corresponding period last year, as wUl be seen from the tables:
1887. 1888.
Juue 10 to 16 inc. June 7 to 13 inc.
Number...................................... 393 258
Amount mvolved............................ $997,033 $l,122,rM
iNmnher nommal............................ 58 65
Nmnber....................................... 339 a)8
Amount mvolved............................. $1,200,289 $727,726
Numberat 5% oriess........................ 178 119
Amount iuvolved............................. $799,335 $505,806
1887. 1888.
June 11 to 17iuc. June 8 to 14 inc.
Number of buildings........................ 84 113
Estimated cost................................ $41ii,318 $988,050
Out Among the Builders.
A new church ivill soon be erected fay the Dutch Reformed Chm-ch, Rev.
Dr. Wm. Westerfleid, minister, on 14.5th street, at Convent avenue. Size
of plot, 75x100.
We hear that a Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews of New York wiU be
erected ou 100th street, south side, 300 feet west of 9th avenue, 196.4x200 to
105th s-treet, xl7.9x —.
W. B. TutbUlbasplansforthreethree-etoryandbasement dweUmgs, each
16.8x34, of brick and stone, to be erected by James I. BaiT on the east side
of Waverly place, between Bank aud West llth streets.
WilUam Graul is preparing plans for five flve-story atore and apartment
boiises, each 35x90, to be erected by George and Jobn Schreiner, Jr., at
Nos. 08 to lOij Suffolk street; also two improved apartment houses on the
north side of East 31st street, between Lexingtou and Sd avenues, one to be
3t.tix9S feet, and one 19.6x98 feet, five stories in height, for George Reichert,
W. A. Juch wiU spend $198,000 on improvements at 103d and 104tb
streets and 1st avenue. Work wiU be commenced at once. The improve¬
ments are to consist of eleven flve-story brick, stone and ten-a cotta flats:
One, 25x71 feet, wUl be at tbe southwest comer of 1st avenue and 104th
sti-eet; tbree, with stores, 25x60 each, will adjoin on the avenue; five wUl
be on 103d street west of 1st avenue and two others on the south side of
104th street, west of 1st avenue. Schneider & Herter have made the plans.
Lorenz Weiber wUl spend about $100,000 in improvements ou 10th ave¬
uue and 151st street. On the southeast corner he wiU erect a flve-story flat
with stores, of brick, stone and terra cotta, 25.7x96, costing 825,000; and on
the soutb side of the street adjoining the avenue, five residences with im¬
provements, costing $75,000, Schneider Se Herter will be the arcbitects.
The PoUsh Synagogue on the southeast cornei' of Stanton and Forsyth
streets is to be altered intemallyand eiternaUy at a cost of $10,000. Schnei
der & Herter, arcbitects.
Rentz and Lange have plans fora flve-story brick and stone double flat,
witb all improvements, which F, W. Fi-ericbs will build at No, 81 Riving¬
ton street at a cost of $17,000; also for alterations to No. 27 Rutgers place
for S, Langer, to cost $3,000.
A. B, Ogden & Son have the plans under way for a five-story flat, 35.2x
96, to be built by Bemard Havanagh on the northeast comer of Oth avenue
and 100th street. It wiU have steam heat, partial cabinet trim and various
improvements, and will cost about $38,500. The front wiU be of light
brick aud Carlisle stone. The same architects have plans for a five-story
brick, terra cotta and Ohio stone front improved tenement, 25x83, to be
built by Richard Johnston ou the south side of 87th sti-eet, 125 feet oast of
Sd avenue, at an estimated cost of $18,000.
Ed. Wenz is drawing plansfor a five-story brick and brown stonefront
tenement, 25x06, wbicb Mrs. Marie Schaefer wiU buUd at No. 445 East
13.5tb street. It wiU have two stores, and wiU cost about $15,000.
Roswell Smith, the pubUsher of the Century magazine, and Theo, L,
Devinne, contemplate the erection of au addition to the large printing office
on the northeast coruer of Lafayette place and 4th street, on two lots to
whicb they bave just taken title adjoining tbat structure.
The Unity Congregational Society, a rising Harlem Unitarian congrega¬
tion, who now worship in Arthur's HaU, on Lenox avenue, between 120th
and 127tb streets, wiU shortly commeuce the erectiou of a handsome church
on the soutb aide of.l33d street, 80 feet west of Lenox avenue, opposite the
Dutch Reformed Church recently completed. The Rev. St, Croix Wright
is the minister, and MUo A. Richardson treasurer.
J. C. Bui-ne has the plans ou the boards for fom- flve-story brick, stoue
and terra cotta front apartment bouses to be buUt on tbe southwest corner of
Madison avenue and 110th street, the corner to be S5x9G and tbe others
35x83 each, their cost being estimated at $50,000, Also for a single flat,
19x83, on the west side of Madison avenue, 34,10 feet south of 110th street, to
cost about $30,000, and to accommodate oue family per floor. He has the plans
also for a flve-story flat-evith store, 26x06, to be built on tbenortbeast comer
of Lexington avenue and 104th street, to cost $16,000; a similar building
adjoining on the street, 25x60, with extension 19x37, to cost about $10,000,
and three flve-story brick, stone aud ten-a cotta front single apart¬
ment houses, 16.8x48.6, witb 11.6-foot extensions, to cost $42,000. All these
buildings will be put up by John S, Scott.
Andi-ew Speuce has the plans under way for two five-story bi-ick, stone
and terra cotta front flats, 23x71 each, to be buUt on the south side of 135th
street, 335 feet west of 5th avenue, by Joseph C, Pinckney. They wiU have
steam heat and other improvements and wiU cost about $40,000, The same
architect has plans for a four-story single flat, 25x36, to be biult at No, 160
East llflth street, for John P. Hunt, to cost $8,000.
George E. Harding & Co. and N, Le Bnui & Son have been invited to
send in plans for the Twenty-second Regunent Ai-moi-y in addition to the
architects recently mentioned in this column.
M, V, B. Ferdon has plans for a flve-story flat. 3.5x88.4, which Walker &
Son wUl build on the north side of 104th street, 350 feet west of Oth aveuue;
also plans for a fiveetory flat, 2.5x89.10, to be erected on the south side of
83d street, 375 feet west of Oth aveuue, by Ellon M. Harlen.
Kurtzer & Rohl bave plans on the board for two bi'ick, brown stoue and
terra cotta flata, each 35x91, to cost $32,000, for Henry GottUeb, wbo wiU
build on the north side of 83d street, 375 feet east of 2d avenue.
H. J. MUler has the plans for a fom--story tenement and store to be built
on the westside of 3d avenue, 165 feet north of 170th atreet. It vriUbe 36,4x
97 deep, the lot being 137.3 feet in depth. Owner, Mrs. Louisa P. Heumann.
Bart. Walther has the plaus for a five-story apartment house, 30x90, to
be buUt for Mrs. Anne ReiUy on tbe south side of 112th street,-265 feet east
of 1st avenue.
Architect D. T, Atwood intends to buUd two flve-story flats, 26x80 each,
on the north side of 115th street, 150 feet east of Sth avenue.
P, Ebehng has plansfor Cbarles Mogren who will buUd a five-story flat,
27.4x87.11 at No. 126 Henry street.
The house to be built by Wm. A, FiUton, as reported ou tbe 2d inst., wiU
be erected on the east side of St. Nicholas avenue, opposite 147th sti-eet.
Charles C. Haight is making plans for -the interior decoration of the
Down-Town Club.
Thom & WUson are drawing the sketches for three flrst-class apartment
houses and stores, to be built by McDonald Sc Stewart on the southwest
coi-ner of 9th avenue and 94th sti-eet. Tbo comer wiU be 30x96, one
35x87.4 and one 35x88.4. Two will have brick and stone fronts and one aU
stone. They wiU have steam beat, cabinet trim, &c,, and wiU cost about
Johu Steinmetz will erect six flve-story apartment bouses on tbe east side
of 9th avenue, between lOSd and 104tb streets, the entire fr-ont being cov¬
ered. The two comers wUl each be 40x96, and the four inside buildings
30x85. E. L, AngeU is making the plans.
Samuel W. Waldi-on is about to build several fii-st-class flats at Noa. 64 '
to 72 East 86tb street.
Dore Lyon has just broken gi-ound for fourteen houses which he will
erect on the east side of Manhattan avenue, betweeu 119th and 120th streets.
They wUl be three stories high, of brick and stoue. Twelve wiU front on
the avenue aud one on each sta-eet. Architect W, H, Boylan bas the plans.
Mr. Lyon is also building sixteen three-story houses on 112th and 113th
streets, between Sth and Manhattan avenues.
Parfitt Bros, are preparing plans for extensive interior alterations to the