Record and Guide.
April 21,1894
by the 23d aud 24tli Waril.s. Cojiies miiy lie prociired fn
Davis, the corresponding secretary.
Albert K.
Out Among the Builders.
Seven arcbitects have been invited to submit jilaus for fhe ucav
buildiug of tbe Clearing House Association, to be erected on tbe site
acfjuired toAA-ard the close of last year in Cedar street. 'They are :
Mes.srs. George U. Post, Cyrus L. W. Eidlitz, R. .W. Gibson, R. H.
Robert.sou. McKim, Mead & Wbite, Peabody & Stearns and Eruest
Flagg. Designs are to be submitted by- the 24tli inst., Thursday
next. It is understood that the ucav building is to have accommoda¬
tions for a bank iu the fir.sf stor.v and that all above shall be used
excbisivelv for the jiurjioses of the cleiiriug bouse. Viiiilt .accommo-
ilitiou and fire-jirnof cnnstriK-tinn are tilso tobe imiiortant features
of the new edifice; the first is made alisiilntely necessary as a result
of the .system adopted last .veur of issuing cleuriiig house certificates
Sigainsc dejiosits of gold for the accouiuiodatioii of the ineinbers of the
association, and the .second is a matter of cour.se inn modern building
erected for such ;i purjiose. The iiriililem iiresented to the coiupetiiig
uichitects in the in-esent rugc for high linibliugs is ii very interestiiiir
one and flic solutions uttered will be closely studied.
Clarence True is prejiariug the pluiis for eight fonr-story American
liiisement houses, to be built by .lai ob .Skiniii-r, on St. Nicholas place,
ucar l.S3d street. The fronts of these hou.ses will be of lime.sfone
and specially uiude brick. The same architect bas also the plans for
lAS'o five-storv liniestnue und light brick AniPriciiu busenieiit liouses,
lo be built liy George .1. Cohen, on the north side of illth street,
between 8th and 9th avenues. Tbe last tAvo Avill be 13-foot front
houses and fleafed soinewhaf iu fhe same style as other small bouses
designed by this aribitcct. Mr. True will build for himself three five-
storv Anierieau ba.sement limestone front houses on the south side of
78th street, near the Riverside Drive. VU the bouses ure to contain
AA'hat is latest and best in the Avay of finish und fittings, and the 78tli
street bouses are to be particiilurly high-cluss.
Daniel Hennesse.A' will imjirove the ncAvlj-excavafed jdnt nn the
north side of S"Jil street. 210 east of Sfh avenue, by tbe erection of
four elegant English basement jirivate dwellings. Eac'n house will
haye a frontage of 2.5 feet iind be 65 feet deeji, with large puiitrv and
bath-room extensions. Tbe exteriors will be .simjile and dignified, the
material blue Indiana limestone. Avhite lunttleil brick and ferru cotta.
The bouses Avill be eiiuipjied with jiussenger ele A a tors and tbe
interiors will be finished in marble and choice hurdwonds thrnughniit.
The sanitaiy iirrangements tn be nf the highest griiib'. The jiluns are
being Jirejiared bv Heurv .Vndersnn. iirchitect, nf 1 Iso Broadwa.v.
The same arcliifeet has nearly fiuislied plans for the iin|ii-nyeiiient of
the uortliAvest corner nf S3d street and Cnluinliiis uvenne for Herinnu
Freund, avIio will erect on this jilot fnnr uiiartiueiit hniises Avitli stores
on the first flonr and avenue iiiirt nf buseiiient: also plans for the
iiiijirovcmeiit of the f Avo lots on 12iltli and 130th streets. 200 feef
west of Lenox avenne. for tAvo families on u finnr upuitnient hmises,
of whicb Leojiold Kahn is the owner.
L. Z. Bach will erect u .seveu-story" fire-jirnof fiut. on the snnthwest
cornerof Park avenue and sl.st street, on a pint 52x1(10. It Avill In-
steam heat, lighted b.v eb-ctricit.v and fiirnished w ith elevatiir und
all improvements, .lobn H. Kniiliel is iirejiuring the jilans. The
materials to lie used liaic not yet been selected. Init lirick uiiil irrunite
Avill likely 111- chosen.
L. W. .Armstrong bus the contract for the iiiiisnn wnrk on the
thirteeii-stor.v niiirble. brick and irnn udditinn tn the New York Life
buildiugon Leonard and Elm streets und Cutharine luue. Some
1 800 Jliles Avill have tn be driven tn secure the fnniiilatinn. Nnrcross
Bros, have contracted for the marlile wnrk. Post A VlcCord for tin-
iron Avnrk iind Iv. Hilliriiiiil Inr tin- i-uriii-iitr.v wnrk. S. II. lluti-b is
tbe arcliifeet.
Edwiird Wenz bus the plans in jireiiarafiou lorn I'niir-stnry luick
and stone stable. 44x9S, to be built on 101 st street, nortb side, LSO
feet west of t'oluinbi s avenne. for Geo. W. Egger.s. at a cost of
$'26,000: and for a five-story brick and .stone flat iviib stores and all
iniiiroveiiients, to be built for Hernian Scbmni-k on lOilth street,
south side, "250 feet eust of 3il avenue. It will be "25 feet front. 87 feet
deep and cost $23,000.
.JohnC. Burne is the arcliitect fiirlvMi lirsf-cbiss live-story brown¬
.stone front ajiartment bouses, 25x93, to be built ou the north side of
Mist streef, 70 feet east of 6fb avenue, aud to cost, exclusive of
lots, $56,000. Messrs. Cniilin A (bilinnn are the OAVuers.
The .Metrnpnlitan Tractinn Coinjiuny iutends tn erect u lirick jiiiwer-
hiinse some time in the future forthe Lexington avenne cable road,
nil the Jilot bounded by Lexiiigtoii und Piirk avenues uud 99tb and
I OOth streets.
NORIIl siDl-;.
Edward Wenz has plans on the boards for tAvo four-story brick
and stone flats with stores, which Hermau Schmuck avIU build on
the .southeast coruer of Westchester aud Union avenues. The corner
one Avill be 31x66. the adjoining one 25x70. and they will enst
A James Fake will erect a f Avo-stor.v and attic frame dwelling,
about 20x40 feef. on the Kingsland estate, Morris Heights. It will
contain all iiuprovements and hot-air beating.
The Ncav York Ar Northern Railroad Compiiii.v conti'uijilate the erec¬
tion of a new .station between Morris and Fordham Heights, to be
kiioAvn as University Heights station.
J. M. Cornell Avill erect a tAvo-stiiry brick and iron store liuilding.
30x149 feet, on tbe Avest side of 3d aveuue, .50 feef north of 145tli
sfrcet. It Avill contain all improAenients and steuiii beating.
Out of Town.
Pater.son. N. .1.—John F. Drai-e has the coutiact to build a Iavo-
stor.v and attic franie IdAvelliiig, 22x41 feet, at No. 43s East 30fli
streef. for Walter Freestone. tMiarles E. Sleight is the urchitect.--
.V two-sfory and attii- frame (hvelliiig, 23x42 feet, has been .started
at No. 457 lltb street for C. Hartman. It Avill ciintiiin all inijirove¬
ments.—E. Vau Houten is building a one-stor.v friime ottice building.
15x15 feet, af No. 398 River street.—T. Malice has a lAvo-sfory and
attic frame dwelling. 23x38 feet, unib^r way at No. 141 Riji Vau
Winkle avenue. It Avill contiiin all iinproveineut.s>nil hot air beat-
ting.—A E. Ellis is building a two-sfory and attic fiame ilAvcUing.
23x42 feet, on the corner of Riji Van Winkle iivenue und
North 9th street. It aaIU contain all iuiprovemaiits aud
hot air beating.—Post A Ohnie.v are at Avork on a three-
story brick (lAvelling. 23.6x60 feet, af No. 48 Bridge .street
for 'Walliice T. Mooney. It Avill ciiiitain all inijirovements.
Florence Bros, ure the arcbifect,s.—Louis Sjirong has jirejiared jilaus
for a two-story and attic franie dwelling, to be erected at No. 400
River streef, for .Vlbert Bohl : it Avill contiiin all iniiiroveineufs.—.V
two-.storj- frame dwelling, 24x3s feet, confiiiuing all iuiiiiovements.
is under Av.ay at No. 58 Jettersiin street, for C. Veeusfraw.—Coleman
Ciiiy has Jirejiared plaus for u two-story und uftic frame dwelling, to
be erected at Totuwii uvenne, for|M. Dwyer It will cniituin all
inijirovements and hot air heating—.V two-story frame dAvelling, "22x
45 feet, cniitaining all iin|irnveiiieuts, is gniiig up af No. 766 East
26tb street, for Denton A; Greenwood.-.V two-story frame dAvelling.
25.x40 feet, is in course of'erection on the corner of Ctirnev street
und Crosbv uvenne, for Mrs. Churity .Vi-orii. It will contain all
imiirovements and hot air heuting.—M. Cole is liuilding u two-.story
frame dwelling, 22.2x45 feet, cnntuiniiig nil iuiiirovemeuts. at No.
161 Putnam avenue.—.V two-story and uttii- fruiiii- dAvelling. 25x43
feet, is going UJI at No. 232 4th avenue, for Mr. Hnitzeu. It will
cnntaiii all i njirnveineiifs iiiiil hot air heating.
I'ASSAIC, N. .I.-Cnrnelius Kevitt bus the cnntruct tn erei-f a two-
story and attic friiine dAvelling. on the curner of'2d and E.ssex streets,
lor George P. Rust. It Avill cnntuiii uU imiirnveuieiits und hot air
heating. Diiniel Demarest is the architei i.
I'.l.i/.AiiEiH, N. .1.—The PeiiiisylAania Ruilrnuii Ciiiii|iuii\ bus cnni-
meiiccd till-ereclinii III' 11 iii-AA niodern stutioii ;iii the north side of
their trucks.
(iKAMiE. N. .1.—The work of buildiug the iii-v^-elnb-hoiise for the
(Iruiige Riding Cllili, ut Brick Chni-ch. is tn be stiirteil at mice
Sniithuuiiitnii.—Griiiind bus been lirnken lor the tAVo-stnl-.v aud attic
fi-iime dwelling on Meeting Hnuse lane, fnr b'lifns .^sii.vre.-Henr.v H
1'n.st is at Avnrk nn u tivo-storv-uud uttic fruiiii- cnttiige nn Little
Plains rnad.
Have Your Kecords Bound!
We will bind collies nf Tin: Rei'orii ami Giide iu Hj morroco. 6
months,per voL, $2 ^-.j sheep, $1.75.—Binding Department, Rki^ord
AMI Guide, 14 iiud 16 Vesey street
For additional lirooklyn matter, see lirooklyn Itepurlmcul inimediately
following New .Jersey recfirds {paiie 64"2.1
The following are the sides for the week ending
April "20.
* Indicates that Ihe jirojnrty described hus been bid
in forpltitnli.Ts uccount.
This list does not include jirnjierlies bid in or with¬
drawn by the oicners.
1-ETEK F. MEYER .t 111.
Liberty st. Nos 10-40, ii e cor Nassiiu st,
70.4x13.7 x71 X 1-2.S, 5-sty brk store.
Brooklyn Life Ins Co. (Partitiou sule)..i)!l:i5.500
.Madisou uv. No IOI. e s. 74.1 s 33d st, '24.8
kIOO 4-sly stoue front dweU'g. Kd .\
Maurice (Partition sule).................4'2,0(l(i
.Mudisou uv. No I0:i. i- «, 40.4 » 3:iil st, 24.s
xioo. 4-st.\- stoue front ilweU'g. Sauic.
To be sold subicct to leases, &c. (Parti¬
tion sulci................................... ti.OOO
(Iriind 8t, Nos 309 iind 311. s e cor Allen st,
inns c 64 X s SO x e "23.6 x s 20 x w 87.0
to .Vlleu st, X n IOO fo beginuiug. 4-sty
brk store, snli.ieet t.o lease. *c, F Sey¬
nionr. (Purtitioii sale)..................."210,
1 llh st.No '215 W, -20x00, 3-stv lirkdweirg
Avith store und extension and 1-sty stable
in reur. Robert Beutt\....................17.
Tilth st. No 40 AV, -JOxIOO.S, 1-stv und base¬
menl sloue iri.ut dwell'g. T M Briicher.. -25
-Jlth st. No 10(1 AV. -2(l\!l(l. 4-sty brk stoic
Iillll teueiu't. Jidins .1 Lyons. i.\iiit due
li(l'2,S'24).....................................1 t.Ollo
Olstst, Nos 33-2 uud 334 E, 10x100,5, lAvo
5-st.v brk teuem'ts and stores. Julius
AVeil und Beruhard Mayer. (Anit due
iCl :f,"2S-2 ; prior mort if:Is,0OO)..............'2M,(ioo
OOth .Ht, Nils 47-51 W, 50,4x100.8, Oiree
4-sty stoue frout dweirgs. S flntAvilltg.
(Auit due $37,775 ; prior mort, $23,000.) 01,7.50
4(lth .St. No 115 E, -20x100.5, 3-sry stone
front ilwcH'g. (icorgie MctUui-e. (Parti-
liou sale)....................................1.3,3(Ki
noth st. No 4:i5 K. 23\10(i.ll, 3-sty brk
dwell'g. E O Biruett. (rurtition sale)... 1(1,000
S4rh St. No tfol E. -20x10-2.-2, 3-sty stoue
front dweU'g. (ieo AV Adain-s. (Partitiou
loSil St. s s.-250 AV (ourtlundt uv, 50x100.
Jacob Kiehl, (Purtitiou sale)............. .t,o-j.-i
1 37th st, s s. 350 c VVillis uv. -25x100. AViu
H AIiicv. Jr. etui exrs. (Amt due .-((l 4.sin ) It.ooo
sOtli st, N'os 81 aud S3 VV, 03x75. two S-sti
brkflats. Thos S OliA-e. (.\iut due $15,-
199; Jirior uiorts $-----).....................01.341
7th uv. No 43, e s, 104.7 s Uth sl, 10.1.\
IOO, 5-stv stoue front ihA-ell'g. AVilliiiin G
HoAvensfinc. (Purtitiou sule).............l(i.O(KI
.59tll St. No 57 E. lO.MxKIO.o, 4-sty stone
front divell'g. Ottiuger Bros. (Amtdue
Walker st, Nos ss uud !I0, u s, 48.0 w Elm
st, 49,3x88,3x49,7xs2.7, 7-stv Ink store,
..... i ......... t;......M. l».l......... .,........; ...
sub to lease. Fredk I'tluger. (Purtitiii
Centi-e st. No '210. c s, ISO s (iraiul si.
'24,10x39.5x"23,8x37.s, S-sty brk store
Johanna Herrniann. (rurtitiou sule)....!