November 30, 1907
general effett vvliich the paper will ultimately have when liung,
a small sample is very unsatisfactory. Some seven or eight
years ago American wall papers were eiijoying theír best popu-
larity in Mcxico. Since tlien increased prices and a real or
fancied decrease in the quality of the paper itself have laid them
open to severe competition, chiefly from French sources.
ture wili be 25x70 ft., and will be built of pressed brick with
limestone trimraings. Tbe cost of the building has not yet been
made public and no contracts have yet been awarded.
Buildíng Operations.
Statistics of Plans Filed.
The followlnp Is ĸ table of the n«w buiIdinBs and allsra-
tlons projected for Manbattan and th« Bronx wlth th« «atl-
mated cost, for the paat week and also for th« corresrondtng
we«k of 1906:
1907. 1906.
No. ot the new buildings tn Manliat-
tan and the Bronx............ 23 4ĩ>
Estimated cost o£ new buildíngs.. $1,145,200 í^l,706,450
Total estimated cost of alteratlons
for Manhattan and the Broni:.. $153,900 $114,800
Wilbiir S. lCnowles Plaiis New Jersey Hospital.
Wilbur S. Knowles, No. 1 West 34th st, Manhattan, has eora-
pleted plans for a quarter of a miUion dollar extension to St.
Mary's Hospital, in Centre st, Orange, New Jersey, The man-
agement of the hospital announces that the new structure, when
completed, will be the finest hospital building in the State of
NewJersey. The plans call for tbe most up-to-date contrivances
and arrangements for the care of the sick- The interior will be
of niodern pattern and there will be approximately 250 rooms,
Tbe general plan is for extensions or paviiions to the north and
south of tiie present buiĩding, with a tower six stories in height
in the rear of the preseiit building, The basement and six
stories will be divided up into sections for tbe general public
and private hospĩtal patients and on the sixth lloor of the tower
wiil be located a modern operating amphitheatre, . There wi!I
be meeting rooms for the various organizations connected with
the place, and quarters provided for entertainments, libraries,
Alfred G. Vandcrbilt's Building.
PABK AV.—The 21-sty structure which Alfred Gwynne Van-
derbilt is soon to erect on a plot at the southwest corner of
Park av, between 33d and 34th sts, fronting 107-6 feet on Park
av, and 80 ft. ĩn both 33d and 34th sts, on the site of the old
Cornelius Vanderbilt home, will not be a hotel buiĩding, as was
at first thought. The first five stories 'will be erected for beavy
manufacturing purposes, and tiie upper portion above the fifth
floor will be for oífices. Six buildings now occupying the site
will be demolished. The materiais for the first six stories will
be of light brick, terra cotta and liraestone, arehitecíural terra
cotta, marble and bluestone coping, slag roof, cast-iron copper
and glass windows, with steel fraraes, steam heating, electric
hghts, etc. The total height of the building wtll be 300 feet
above the sidewalk. The City Leasing Company, 54 Walĩ st, of
which Joseph W, Weleh, is president, is the lessee. Messrs.
Warren & Wetmore, 3 East 33d st, are the architects. (See also
issue Nov. 16, 1907.)
Arcliitects to Compete for Píew Post Oflice Plans.
The Treasury Department, in charge of public buildings, has
chosen the following .eight New Tork architects to submit com-
petitĩve plans for the new post-office building, which is to
be erected in Manhattan: The plans will be opened on'March
25, 1908. Those selected are: McKim, Môad & White, Carrere
& Hastings, George B. Post, Heins & LaFarge, Whitfleld &
King. K. M, Murchison, Cass Gilbert, and H. Van Buren Ma-
gonigle. The judges to pass on the plans are Henry F, Horn-
bostel, of Palmer & Hornbosteĩ, Manhattan; James G. Hîll,
Washington, D, C; Prank Miles Day, Philadelphia, Pa., and
E. M. Wheeiwright, of Boston, Mass.
F. T. Ncsbît & Co. to Build Greenpoint Theati-e.
GREBNPOINT, LONG ISLAND.—General contract has been
awarded to F. T. Nesbit & Co., 116 Nassau st, Manhattan, to
erect the new theatre building, wliich the Orpheum Theatre
Co. is about to build at Greenpoint, Long Island, to cost in
the neighborhood of ^200,000. William H. McEifatrick, 1402
Broadway, Manhattan, is the architect.
Clinton Avenue and ISOth Street Improvement.
CLINTON AV.—Building operations will be commenced soon
at the southeast corner of Clinton av and ISOth st, Bronx, a
plot of seven and one-third lots, 122x150 ft,, on which high-cláss
flat buildings will be erected. The names of the owner and
architect are for the present withheld- Leon S. Altmayer, 62
East 8Gth st, can inform. No contracts have yet been awarded.
Apartments, Plats and Tenementa.
PITKIN AV.—Samuel Sass, 23 Park Bow, has completefl
plans for four 4-sty flats, to be situated at southweat cor
Pitkin av and Grafton st, Brooklyn, for David Spain, 201 Di-
vision st,
AVE, E,—Samuel Sass, 23 Park Row, has completed plana
for a G-sty store and tenement building, 47x93 ft., to be erected
at the northeast corner of Ave B and lOth st, for Sam Golding,
230 Grand st. Estimated cost is $60.000.
MBTROPOLITAN AV—Samuel Sass, 23 Park Row, has
plans for a O-sty store and flat 50x97 ft., to be erected at 245-247
Metropolitan av, Borough of Brooklyn, for Mrs. S, Willner, 67
Jay st, Brooklyn. Estimated cost is $50,000.
H. Van Buren Magonigle, 7 West 38th st, Manhattan, is pre-
paring plans for a church to be erected at Aubum, N. T,, for
the Grcek Catholic congregation,
F. J, Berlenbach, Jr., Brooklyn, has completed plans for a
church for the Church of the Assumption, Rev, Dr. Donaldson,
pastor, to be erécted in BrooMyn to cost $150,000.
Bishop John J. O'Connor has approved plana prepared by Jas.
F. Bagnell, of Bayonne, for the edifice which is to be erected
for the St. Joseph Slavish €1. C, Church at Avenue B and 25th
st, Bayonne, N, J., at a cost of $50,000.
EAXTER ST,—Owner and architect, Jacob Finelite, 864 Lex-
ington av, will make alterations to No, 18 Eaxter st.
12TH ST-—Abraham Weiss, 130 Broome st, will make altera-
tions to No- 302 East 12th st. Erwin Rossbaek, 1947 Broadway,
is architect,
IST AV,—B. Sackheim, 1900 Beyer st, Brooklyn, is preparing
pians for alterations to No. 176 Ist av, for Carmela De Benedittis,
156 Sullivan st,
115TH ST,—Antonio Cápo, 2329 Ist av, will make alterations
to Nos 319-321 East U5th st, for which Otto L. Krauss, West-
chester av, Eronx, is planning-
IST AV.—Otto L, Spannhake, 233 East 78th st, is preparing
plans for $4,000 worth of improveraents to No, 1466 Ist av, owned
by S. Grodginsky, 60 East 93d sl.
WEST BND AV.—Messrs. Janes & Leo, 125 West 45th st, are
preparing plans for $4,000 worth of alterations to No. 925 West
End av, owned by Mary J. Thiley, on premises,
lOTH AV.—John E. Rogers, 180 West 64th st, Í3 preparing
plans for $0,000 worth of changes to the northwest corner of
lOth av and 38th st, for Barbara Porges, and P, M. Brooks, 36
Rivington st.
Ofiace Bnilding for Union HÍU.
Jacob Platoff, of Union HiII, will shortly start work on the
erection of a hîgh offlce building on Bergenline av, between
Franklĩn and Jefferson sts, Union Hill, New Jersey. The struc-
Messrs. Howells & Stokes, 100 Wilfiam st, Manhattan, have
been eommissioned to prepare plans for an offlce building to be,
erected at Seattle, Wash.
The erection of an immigrant statlon on Governor's Island
to cost about $250,000 is reported under consideratĩon by the Im-
migra.tÍon Dept. at Washington, D. C.
Messrs. Stephenson & Wheeler, No. 1 East 27th st, Manhattan,
have completed plans for a S-sty school building for the board
of education, Chappaqua, N. T-, to cost $20,000.
Bobins & Oakman, 27 East 22d st, Manhattan, have com-
pleted plans for a coal unloading house and coal conveyor ,
bridge, at Jersey City, for the Hudson Companîes.
Messrs, Hale & Rogers, 11 East 24th st, Manbattan, have
been engaged to prepare plans for a $50,000 school to be erected
in place of the present building on Cedar av, Montclalr, N. J.
An ordinance providing an issue of $200,000 for aecurins an ar-
chitect to prepare plans and specifications for new penitentiary
buildings on Riker's Island, has been approved by the Mayor.
Kstimates KeceiTable.
Kenneth M, Murchison, 320 5tb av, Manhattan, wÍU re-
ceive bids about Dec. 15 for the 2-sty restaurant building, 85x
120 ft, to be erected at Hoboken, N. J., for tbe Hoboken Land
&-Improvement Co.
John W. Ingĩe, 109 West 43ã st, Manhattan, wil! receive bids
about Dec, 15, for tbe 4-sty T. M. C. A. buiĩding, to be ereoted
for the Long Island Baĩlroad Co., at Long Island Cĩty. The
cost is placedat about $85,000.
Eids wiil soou be called for by the city for $12,000 worth of
aĩterations to the 3-sty engine house, No, 91 Ludlow st; also
for $16,000 worth of changes to a similar buildlng No. 83 Law-
rence st. Alexander Stevens, 157-159 East 67th st, has plans
ST- NICHOLAS AV,—No contracts have yet been awarded
for the storage structure, 76x102.10 ft, whlch Callahan & Paul,
643 St. Nicholas av, will erect at Nos, 641-643 St. NÍcholaÆ
av, to cost $10,000. A, L. Kehoe, 206 Broadway has plana