October 3, 1914
George W. Short
Charles F. Porter
159 W. 125th STREET
Telephone Connections
J. Edgar Leaycraft & Co.
Real Estate Agents, Brokers, Appraisers
30 EAST 42d ST., S. W. Cor. Madison Avenue
Renting and Collecting a Specialty
Real Estate—Insurance— Mortgages
TeL: 1884-5-6-7 Cort. 95 Liberty Street
Real Estate
200 W. 23d STREET, Seventh Ave. Corner
years ago. Other deals involved the
Sonth Church property, at Park ave¬
nue and Eighty-sixth street, a costly
residence on Fifth avenue and a row of
flats opposite the Century Theatre.
The total number of sales reported
and not recorded in Manhattan this
week was 18 as against 15 last week and
17 a year ago.
The number of sales south of 59th
street was 7 as compared with 4 last
week and 5 a year ago.
The sales north of 59th street aggre¬
gated 11 as compared with 11 last week
and 12 a year ago.
The total number of conveyances in
Manhattan was 136 as against 107 last
week, 18 havine stated considerations
totaling $769,650. Mortgages recorded
this week number 59, involving $1,187,-
663. as against 38 last week, $419,791.
From the Bronx, 8 sales at private
contract were recorded, as against 11
last week and 7 a year ago.
The amount involved in Manhattan
and Bronx auction sales this week was
$369,966. compared with $324,464 last
week, making a total since January 1 of
$31,300,654. The figures for the corre¬
sponding week last year were $646,031,
and the total from Tanuary 1, 1913, to
Octol)er 4. 1913. was $41,156,827.
Reported Church Sale.
According to a current report, con¬
tracts are about to be signed for,
the sale of the new edifice of the old
South Church at the southwest corner of
Park avenue and 85th street, on plot
97.2x133.4, to the Church Extension Com¬
mittee of the Presbytery of New York.
If the deal goes through, it is likely that
a merger of congregations will be ef¬
fected between the sellers and the First
Union Presbyterian Church of Lexington
avenue and 86th street. The new home
of the Old South Church, which was for¬
merly situated at the southeast corner
of Madison avenue and 38th street, was
completed about two years ago from
plans by Cram, Goodhue & Ferguson,
and represents an investment of about
$600,000. At the offices of the^Douglas
Robinson. Charles S. Brown Company,
which is said to 1)0 negotiating the deal,
nothing definite could be learned regard¬
ing the transaction.
840 BROAJi5\f^AY
^ E COR i3~- ST-
House Supply
New work delivered
on short notice and
repairing done
J. Schwarzwalder & Sons, Inc.
^ , lo^l TT u 1 lorh and Jefferson Sts.
Tel- ioS2 ^°^°^^"- HOBOKEN. N J.
Steam and Hot Water Heating
Ventilation and
Sprinkler Systems
Tel. 4613 Bryant 130 West 46th St.
X A V p C Books now open for 1915.
-^-^tXJxLu^ Let -us represent you' anrl
lower them. Save considerable money. Ex¬
perts of long experience. No charge unless
successful. Immediate action necessary.
Tel. 3324 Cortlandt.
Park Row Building
chaser is the Lenox Club, George W.
Folsom, president, now situated in the
village near the Curtis Hotel. The two
clubs will be merged and the main
dwelling, remodelled for club purposes.
Shuberts Re-Purchase Flats.
Lee and Jacob Shubert. represented
by Eaward Margolies, have re-pur¬
chased the six five-story flats, 5-15 West
63d street, on plot 150x100.5, opposite
the Century Opera House, from the 63d
Street Realty Co.. James F. Meehan.
The property has been held at $350,000.
Mr. Meehan acquired the property last
.\pril from the Shuberts in an exchange
for the Cecil Spooner Theatre, which
forms one of the group of community
buildings which he erected at the
Southern Boulevard and 161st street, in
the Bronx. In the present transaction,
the purchase involves only a majority of
the stock in the 63d Street Co. and there
will be no change of title.
Jeweler Buys Westchester Estate.
David Kraus, James M. Woods and
Joseph P. Day sold for Earle C. Baker
to John W. Charlton, a Fifth avenue
jeweler, the country estate known as
The Hobby, at North Salem. Westches¬
ter County. The property is located on
the main highway between New York
and Connecticut, and comprises 55 acres,
with a 20-rooni mansion and various
nutl)uildings, and was held at $80,000. In
part payment the seller took 475 West
140th street, a 3-story dwelling on lot
18x99.11, opposite City College.
Fifth Avenue Home Buyer.
Hubert F. Parsons, secretary of the
F. W. Woolworth Co., has purchased
through Edward J. Hogan. from Bing
& Bing, the 5-story dwelling, 1071 __Fifth
avenue, on plot 30x127.8, with a 25-foot
"L" to 88th street. Mr. Livingston ac-
(uiired the property a few years ago
from the Pennington estate for a stated
consideration of^$220.000. The city at
that time assessed it at $275,000. The
house is on the block to the north of
the site belonging to the Trask estate,
for which plans were recently filed call¬
ing for its improvement \vith a 12-story
apartment house.
Lenox Clubs f Merge.
Mrs. Adeline Greenleaf ha-s sold
through the Payson McL. Merrill Co..
her property on Yokum avenue and
Clififwood street, Lenox. Mass.. consist¬
ing of about 125 acres, with a dwelling
and numerous outbuildings. Over 100
acres of the property are under lease to
the Lenox Golf and Tennis Club, of
which William D. Sloane is president,
and are improved with a clubhouse, a
golf course and tennis courts, - The pur-
Washington Heights Block Sold.
The Heslock Realty Co., William E.
Wheelock, president, sold through
Sharp & Co., the Bolton apartments, oc¬
cupying the block front on the west
s[de of Amsterdam avenue, between
176th and 177th streets. The structvtres
are six stories high, with elevators, and
are on a plot fronting 200 feet on the
avenue and 100 feet in each street. They
are arranged for 120 families and have
thirteen stores on the avenue front. They
have been held.at $450,000.
Heights-Long Island Trade.
John T. Schramme sold through Du¬
bois & Taylor and Matthew Briggs, the
five and six-story apartment house, "Le-
onia," at the southeast corner of St.
Nicholas avenue and West 153d street,
through to and taking in the southwest
corner of St. Nicholas place. The buyer
is the Northport Realty Corporation,
which gave in part paj^ment a 4S-acre
tract at Farmingdale, L. I.
Furniture Concern Buys Leasehold.
W. W. & T. M. Hall have sold to the
Grand Rapids Furniture Co., the lease¬
hold property. 18-20 East 50th street, on
plot 56.2x100.5. The Messrs. Hall se¬
cured the property under a long lease
several years ago from the owner, Helen
B. Garvey. Three and five-story dwell¬
ings occupy the plot, which will be al¬
tered by the new owners of the lease
into showrooms and salesrooms for
their own use.
Manhattan—South of 59th St.
DIVISION' ST.—A. Goldman & Sons, cloak and
suit manufacturers, have purchased from F.
Libman. the 4-sty building, 105 Division st.
FRONT ST.—Warren & Skillin h'xve resold for
Ennis & Sinnott 240 Front st, a 4-sty business
building, on lot 18.10x62. The sellers acquired
the property together with two other uptown
parcels, last May from W^oodbury Landgon, in
trade for the apartment house at 1505 and 1507
St. Xicholas av.
20TH ST.—Douglas Robinson. Charles S.
Urown Co. sold for Ellen J. Curran and Emily
C. Rourke the 4-sty dwelling at .331 West 20th st.
on lot 24.9x92. This is the first transfer of the
|)roperty in 35 years.
49TH ST.—Meyer Schneider purchased through
.Joseph F. Seitz the 5-sty tenement 306 East
49th St. on lot 25x100.
53D ST.—William B. May & Co. sold for
Harry J. Luce, the 5-sty dwelling. 16 East 53d
st, on lot 25x100.5. acquired by Mr. Luce about
a year ago from Jenny K. Stafford in an ex¬
change. B. Ogden Chisholm has the house un¬
der lease, and it is reported that he is the buyer.
Manhattan—North of 59th St.
(i5TH ST.- Douglas L. Elliman A- Co. sold
the former Dr. Henry Bosch property, at 25
East G5th st. on plot 100x25 at the northwest
corner of Madison a v. The property was re¬
cently acquired by the Greenwich Savings B^nk.
the present sellers, in foreclosure proceedings
for .$135,000.
OOTH ST.—The 4-sty dwelling. 13 West 90tb
St. on lot 20x100.8. has been reported sold.
The owner of record is Sellah R. Van Duzer.
154TH ST.—Mitchell A. C. Levy bought from
the Fleischmann Realty & Construction Co..
through Jarob Leitner, the four 6-sty new-law
bouses 218-260 West 1.54th st, on plot 150x99.11.
180TH ST.—Heil & Stern have sold for the
Brandreth estate the 5-stv apartment house,
.504-505 West ISOth st, on plot 37.6x100.
IfiOTH ST.—Joseph Shenk bought from the
Weber-Turek Building -Co. ^:he 5-sty. oO-fami!y
anartment house, on plot SOxlOO. 'at 607 West
190th St.
B'ROADWAY.—Elizabeth A. Daly has sold the
northeast corner of Broadway and lS5th st, &
plot 64x127, occupied by a cafe, which will be
continued under the management of the new
BECK ST.—J. Clarence Davies _soIiUifDri-K.
Wolkenherg the 2-sty dwellins,-7*>1 Beck s^, on
lot 25x100, ' ' . --. -.1- o