The Record and Guide.
October 2&, 1887
1918—Prospect st, s s, 200 e Hamburg av, one
one-story frame sfcable, 25x30, tin roof; cost, $250;
Charles T. Stock, on premisesr; ar't, H. Voll-
vreiler; b'r, J. Rueger.
1919—Cleveland st, e s, 121 n Afclantic av, one
one-story frame woodhouse, 25x14, felt roof;
cosfc, $200; ow'r, ar'fc and b'r, C. J. Archer, on
1920—Meeker av, No. 96, s s, lODw North Heury
st, one three story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25
52, tin roof; cost, $5,000; Patrick O'Brien, 10
Russell st; ar't, Th. Engelhardt; b'rs, Sammis &
Bedford and W. Brazill.
1921—Meserole st. No. 23, het Union av and
Lorimer st, one three-story frame (brick filled)
store and tenem't, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $1,40^;
Moses May, Johnson av, near White sfc; ar't, F,
Holmberg; b'rs, Hahn Bros.
1922—Vanderveer st, n s, 185 e Bushwick av,
one three-story frame (brick filled) dweU'g. 20x
32, tin roof; cost, $2,200; F. Steinbacher. Bu&h¬
wick av and Vanderveer st; ar't and b'r, L,
1923—Himrod sfc, No. 81, one fcwo-story frame
(brick filled) dwell'g. 20x48, tiu roof; cost. $2,9( 0;
Louis Kublnaun, S3 Himrod st; ar't, F. Holm¬
berg; b'r, E. Loerch.
1924—Flushing av, s w cor Adelphi st, one
fcur-story brick tenem't, 20.5 and 20x73,2 and 76,
gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, $12,500; Fer¬
guson & Thomas; ar't, W. H. Burhans; b'rs,
Ferguson & Thomas.
1925—Grove sfc, s s, 95 e Central av, one three¬
story frame brewery, 40x40, tin roof; cost, $15,-
0(0: ow'rs and b'rs, Ibert & Eppig, 16 Melrose sfc;
ar'fc, Th, Engelhardt.
19J6—Quincy st, No. 27, n s, 175 w Clason av,
one two-story brick stable and dweU'g. 25x70,
gravel roof, brick cornice; cost, $2,400; Charles G.
Streefc, 236 Gates av; ar'ts, F. D. & A. F. Norris;
b'r, not selected.
1927—Evergreen av, e s, 100 n De ICalb av, one
onestory frame shed, 25x16, felt roof; cost, $50,
Hugh O'Brien, 1237 DeKalbav; bV,-----Arm¬
1928—Oak st, n s, 5^0 e Franklin st, one two¬
story brick Home for Aged, (fee, 65x25 and 26,
tin roof,*iron cornice; cost. $12,(K0; Ladies Benev.
Assoc. Greenpoint, 128 Noble et; ar't, Th. Engel¬
hardt; b'rs, I. & J. Van Kiper and S. F, Bartlett,
1929—Flushing av, n e cor Evergreen av, s-ix
three sfcory frame (brick filled) fcenem'ts, 25 3x56 9
and 53 3, tin roofs; cost, each, $4,.':0J; ow'r aud
b*r, Leopold Michel, Meserole st, cor Ewen st;
ar'fc, Th. Engelhardfc.
1930-Clason av, No, 118, being ISO n Park av,
one two-story frame coal pocket, 40x23, board
roof; cost, $1,400; Francis E, Frith. 60 Tompkins
av; ar't, I. E. Harris; b'rs, L, Maon and W.
1931—53d sfc, s p, 200 e 4th av, one two-story
frame dweU'g, 17.3x30, tiu roof; cost, $1,100; F.
Grau, 83 Carroll st; ar't aud b'r, C. Olsen.
1932—Greene av, n s, 20 w Patchen av, four
two-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 18x42, lin
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $4,700; ow'r
and b'r, James W, Stewart, 373 Quiucy st; ar'fc,
L D. Reynolds.
1933-(3uincy st. No, 18, s s, abt 150 from
Downing st, one two and one-story brick wagon
room, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $5,.50U; F.
Loeser & Co.; ar't, W, H. Bmhans; b'rs, Otis &
1934—Myrtle av, n e cor Navy st, one fivestory
brick store and tenem't, 46x37.6 and 43, tin roof,
brick and iron cornice; cosS $18,(00; Isaac Levy-
son, 236 Clermont ap;ar't, Carl F. Eisenach; b'rs,
T. Donlon and W. Schepper.
1935—Steuben st, e s, 75 n Park av, one one¬
story frame stable, 45x14, gravel roof; cost, $150;
William Boice, on premises.
1936—Flushing av, s s, 25 w Marcy av, one one¬
story frame stable, 12x28, board roof; cust, $50;
Mr. Patterson, 5U8 Flubhiug av,
1937—4ch av, w s, 45 n 22d st, two three story
brick stores and teuem'ts, 27.6x55, tin roofs,
wooden cornices; cost, $6,0(.0; ow'r aud b'r, John
Kolle, 691 4th av.
1938—De Kalb av, n s, 150 w Stuj-vesant"av,
five three story brick stores and tenem'ts, 20x55,
liu roofs, wooden cornices; cost, $6,OJ0; ow'r and
b'r. Mrs. Posfc, Bushwick av, s w cor Lafayette
av; ar't, H, Vollweiler.
1939—Jamaica av, s s, 23.0 e Vermont av, one
onestory fiame shed, 23 and 21.6x45.9 and 53.6,
lin roof; cost, $300; Mr. Godde, Jamaica av, cor
Pennsylvania av; ar'fc, H. Vollweiler; b'r, nofc
1940-7th av, w s, 5) n Garfield pl, five four-
story brown sfcone aparfcraent houses, 20x60, tin
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $8,OJO; ow'r
and b'r, C. B. Sheldon, 158 7th av; ar't, W. M.
1941—7th av, n w cor Garfield pl, one four-
story browu stone store and apartmeut house, iO
x6 ', tin roof, woodeu cornice; cost, $lu,00O; ow'r,
ar'tand b'r, same as last.
1942—7th av, w s, 20 n Garfield pl, one four-
story brown stone store aud apartmeut house,
3Ux60, tiu roof, woodeu cornice; cost, $10,000;
ow'r, ar't and b'r, same as last.
1943—Miller av, n w cor Gleumore av, one
one-story brick store, 22x19, tin roof, wooden
cornice; cost, $700; Jno. Ravmond, on premises;
ar't, J. W.:Bailey; b'rs, H. M. Smith and W. C.
Ander&on, ,
1944—Van Voorhis sfc, s s, 150 e Hamburg av,
one one story frarae shop, 20x40, tin roof; cost,
$400; T. J. Scharfenberg, 191 Cooper av.
1015—Herkimer sfc, n s, 40 e Kingston av, four
fcwo-story and basemeut dweU'gs, 18x40 tin roofs,
wooden cornices; cost, $4,0)0; Henry J. Brown,
389 Herkimer st; ar't, A. Hill.
1940—Greene av, n w cor Patchen av, one
three-story brown stone store and flats, 20x60,
tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $8,000; ow'r aud
b'r, Jnmes W. Stuart, 873 Quincy sfc; ar'fc, I. D.
■----------------4 »»
Plan 1865-lStb sfc. No. 305 W., hall w'nlow in
east wall of church to have pill cut down to floor
and door put in west wall of parsonage to have
opening cut Ihrougb, iron beams; cost, $250; Trus
tees of the M. E. Church, E. Berriin, president,
354 West 18fch sfc; E. Berrian, iron contractor; b'r,
W, D. Wines.
1S66-Fulton av, w s, 50 s 163th sfc, one-story
stone extens-ion, 11x12.6, tin roof, door to replace
one window; cost, $^00; Henry Z Itner, 17(ith st,
near 3d av; ar't, A. Pfeiffer; b'r, not selected,
1!^G7—Sfc. Anns av, No. 662. an additional story
to be added aud internal alterations; cost, $5t)0;
Maria L. Mason, on premises; ar't, A. E, Davis.
1868-44th st, Nos. 337 and 329 E., celler exten¬
sion, 31.6x80, iron beams; ccst, $3,5C0; F, Opper-
raann, Jr , 154 East 46th st; ar'ts, C. StoU & Son;
m'u, Jobn Goerlitz,
1869—Brookline st, n s, 225 w Berrian av, new
foundation and new rooms partitioned off; cost,
$300; C. B. Schujler, Fordham.
1870—119th st, Nos. 213 and 215 E,, and 120th
st, Nos, 210 and 212 E., to be connected, also a
threestory aud cellar stone extension, 50x52.5,
tin roof, and other alterations; cost, $l(t,(CO;
Richard Webber, 307 East 120th &t; ar't?, Hor¬
nung Bros.
1871 —Oih av, No. 943, new show window, &c.;
cost. $30U; Christina Schreyer, Germany; lessee,
F. W. Strubbe, on premises; ar't, J. W. Cole.
1872-Fifth av, No. 29. dumbwaiter to extend
two stories, second story inclosed with iron frames
covered on outside with corrugated iron; cost,
$250; Daniel Marning, on pretnises; ar'fc, W, J.
Fryer, Jr.
1873*—82d sfc. No. 310 E,, two sfcories to be added-
also a one and threestory stone extension, 25x
12.8 and 7.4, tin roof, also other extensive altera¬
tions; cost, $7,0C0; W. E. Seitz, on premises; ar't,
A. H. Blankenstein.
1874 -2il av, No. 1610, wooden washroof covered
with tin built, also wooden tank; cost, $400;
Mrs. Maria Ueckermann, 342 East 80lh st;ar'r,
F, EbeUng.
1875—Elm st. No. 126, new flue, partitions, iron
beams, posts, &o.; cost, $2,0i)(); M. J, Adriau, 308
East Broadway; lessee, S. Niewenhous, 100 7th
st; ar't, Wm. Graul.
1876—llSlh st, s w cor Pleasant av, sheds to be
removed; cost, abfc $150; Dempsey & Fredricks,
484 Easfc 79fch st; ar't, E, Wenz.
1877—19th st. No. ISO W., extension to be
raised, also other alterations; cost, $i,40i}; Edward
Jansen, 155 West 79th st; ar't, Wm. Thomson,
1878-West st, bulkhead pile platform bet piers
27 and 28. foot of Park p!, new gravel roof, new
doors on inner and outer ends, skylights added,
&c.; cost, $1,5(0; N. Y. C. & H, R. R. R..
Grand Central Depot; ar'fc, Walter Katte, Chief
Engineer of Co,
1879~lst av. No. 850, two-story stone exten¬
sion, tin roof, iron beamsand columus; cost, $5ui;;
Phillip Fischer, 335 Easfc 18th st; le£?ee, Max
Brand, 349 Easfc 50th st; ar'fc, C. H. Dalhauser;
b'r nofc selected.
1?80—Great Jones st, No. 47, front alteration;
cosfc, $125; ow'r, ar'fc and b'r, C. B. Fitzpatrick,
76 Rush st, Brooklyn,
1881—9th av, s e cor 44th st, to ba connected,
also a two-story stone exten&ion, 40.2x40, tiu
roof, &c.; cost, $6,00U; Albert Adaras. .361 West
Slst st: lessee, Fritz Wendel, on premises; ar'ts,
Thom & Wilson; b'r, not selected.
1882-lOth st. No. 231 E,, altered as lo the
height, also new stud partitious, also new front
wall, &c.; cost, $2,500; Henry Reinhardt, 105 Av
B; ar't, F. Ebeling,
18S3—43d st. No. 62 W,, one storv stone exten¬
sion, 12x15, gravel roof; cost, $21)0; E. B. Voor¬
hees, 51 West 42d sfc; m'n, O. W. Cook; c'r, Ed¬
ward DowUng.
1884—iOthst, No, 356 W,, one aud three-story
stone extension, 10,11x56 and 43, felt, tar and
gravel roof, also other alterations; cost, $3,500;
John Unger, 3:i4 West 52d st; ar't, Joseph Wolf;
c'r, day's wo»'k,
1885—Rivington st, No. 132, rear, one-story
brick extension, 5x11, tin roof; cost, $120; Pefcer ;
Fleckenstein, on premises; ar'ts, Kurtzer &
Roehl; m'n, Frank Merk.
1886-Monroe st. No. 283, walls rebuilt, &c.;
cost, $800; Frederick Mueller, 841 East 15th st;
ar'ts, Kurtzer & Roehl,
1887—135th st, No, 603 E,, an additional sfcory
builfc, also a one-story brick extension, 10x10, tin
roofs, also raised to conform with grade of st;
cost, $2,500; John Kelly, on premiaes; b'r, James
1888-3d av, e s, 200 n Grove st, two-story
stone extension, 18x45, tiu roof, also other altera¬
tions; cost. $1,600; George Keller, 2112 Main st;
ar't aud bV, E. Stichler.
1889—Westchester av, No. 730, building to be
separated from adjoining building, &c.; cost,
$500; Ann Hanlon, 3033 3d av; b'rs, Gilbert &
1890—Goldst, Nos,33 43, basement and four ad¬
ditional stories added, also a six-stoi'y brick exten¬
sion 86.2 and 20.8x45. brick arches covered with
board and tin for roofing, iron beams; cost, abt
$100,0C'0; Excelsior Steam Power Co., C. L, Heins.
secretary, 1053 9th av; ar'fc, Wm. C. Gunnel, civil
engineer, 99 Nassau st; b'r, R. L. Darragh.
1891—Union sq, No. 6, new store front; cost,
$800; L, I. Suydam, 163 Broadway; lessee, D.
Brubacher, on premises; ar'ts, Rentz & Lange.
1892—Broadway, s w cor 47th st, shore wall,
&c.; cost, $500; J. S. Sutphen, 160 West 72d st;
m'n, L. N. Crow.
18.13-Uth st. No. 300 E., new store front; cost.
$400; John Gerken, 113 East Ifith sfc; ar% L. F.
Heinicke; c'rs. Langenhop & Scheider.
1894—23d st. No, 147 E., onestory and base¬
ment rear stone and brick estens^inn, 25x44, ti-j
roof, and other alterations; cost, 46,000; Elias P.
Needham, 218 East 19th st; ar'fc, F. Stanley; cV,
A. E. Fountain.
1S95—Maiden lane, No. 36, window builfc on
f-ide; cost, $50; estate Francis Dubois, Misa Lidia
Dubois, exti x , 205 South 9.h sfc, Brooklyn, E. D.;
c'r, J. Brophy,
1896—Tinton av, w s, 25 n 16Ufc st, basement
added; cost. $6l)U; J. VV. Large, 7 West 34lh st;
■ar't. A, Pfeiffer; b'rs, Becker & Roth.
1897—Bi'oadway, No. 1214, new sfcore fronfc,
stairs widened, &c.; cosfc. $l,2J0; H. J. Bangs,
on premises; ar't, M. C. Merritfc.
Plan 1031—Sands sfc. No. 154, fivestory brick
extension, 23 4x92, on e s of building, gravel
roof, brick cornice, window alterations; cosfc,
$15,000; Adams & Son, 154 Rands sfc; ar'ts, Par¬
fitt Bros.; m'ns, J. Stevenson & Son; c'r, L. W.
Seaman, Jr,
1032—Hull st, s s, 175 e Broadway, two-story
frame exten&ion, 14.8x30, lin roof, alter entrance;
cost, $1,100; Jno. Murphv, Couway sfc, near
Broadway; ar't, Jno, E, Dwyer; c'r, Geo. W.
1033—Hambir^ rv. No. 156, building raised
and frame s:ory erected underneafch; cost, $375;
Mrs. Barker, on premises; c'r, H, Wolbeck,
1034—Boerum st, s e cor White st, one sfcory
frame extension, 4-5.10x70, gravel roof; cost, $800;
Jos. Binns, 156 Hewes sfc; c'r. C, Bott.
1036-Cambridge pl. No. 22, two-story brick
extension, 13x15, tin roof; cost, $700; Dr. S. Fox,
63 South Portland av; ar'fc and c'r, W. H. Bent¬
ley; m'ns, Tasker & Kane.
1037—Bainbridge st, s s, 140 e Patchen av, one-
sfcory frame exfceusion, 8x12, tin roof; cost, $250;
Mrs. Cord, 304 Bainbridge st; ar'C and c'r, R.
1038—Hicks st, No. 775, building raised and
parfc of foundation placed underneath; cosfc, $50;
Thos, Lyons, on premises.
10£9—De Kalb av, n e cor Bushwick av, build¬
ing to be raised aud a story buUt underneath,
add a tbree-story frame extension, 38x54, fcin roof;
co?t, $3,2U0; Howard & Morse, on premises; ar't
and b'r, J, N, Smith.
1040—Glenmore av, n s, 50 w New Jerssy av,
a flat tin roof sub3tituted, new store front; cost,
$1,1/75; Chas. Rabus, 157 New Jersey st; ar'tand
c'r, C Gertrum.
1P41—South llth st, s w cor Berry sfc, add fcwo
brick stories; cost, $^,000; Jno, McLoughUn;
ar'c, VV. H. Gaylor; m'n, J. Rodwell.
1042—Atlantic av, n e cor MUler av, one-story
frame extension, 14x20; tin roof; cosfc, $200; Jas.
McCormick; c'r, G. Conine.
1043-Fulton st, n w cor Georgia av, Internal
aUerations; cost, $150; A, Bookman, East New
York av, near WiUiams av; c'r, G. Gertrum.
1044—Ellery sfc, s s, 60 w Broadway, underpin
east gable with brick; cost, $150; b'r, J, G, Por¬
1045—Broadway, No. 1355. dig cellar aud stone
foundation; cost, $150; P. W. Ledoux, lOOi Hal¬
sey st; b'r, I. D. Mason.
1046—Bradford st, No. 74 stone wall uuder exten¬
siou, also new basement floor and beams; cost,
$300; Henry French, 70 Bradford st; b'rs. Cook
1047—Marion sfc, No, 145, one-story frame ex¬
tension, 15x20, tin roof; cost, $100; John Ripp, on
premises; b'r, B. Lawrence.
1048—Tompkins av, n w cor Halsey sfc, one-
sfcory brick extension, 20x4.9, tin roof; cost. $625;
H. S. Hayes, 1415 Fulfcon st; ar't and b'r, R. Van
1049—Huntington st. No. 59, raised 4 feet on
posts; cost, $5(j; David Wallace, 59 Huntington
st; ar't, J. Myers; b'rs, C. Brady and J. Donner.
1050—Myrtle av. No, 474, one-story brick ex¬
tension, 20x39, tin roof; cost, $1,250; George Kis¬
sam, 16 Court st; ar't and b'r, A. A. Fardon.
1051—Atlantic av. No. 297, new store fronfc;
cost,-----; J. Dietrich. Atlantic av, near Smith
st; ar't, C. Werner; b'r, E. G. Vail.
10.52—Raymond sfc, No. 141, add one story,
also onestory biick extensiou, 25x13.6, gravel
roof; cost, $350; ow'r aud ar't, Jos. G. Pollard,
on premises; b'r, J, GaUagher.