'August 3, 1907
The Brussel Method of electrlc llght and
power wlring secures to the owner an ab-
solute guarantea against any defects.
Interior Telepfiones. Pumps, Elevators Installed
15 West 29th Street, N. Y.
Robitzelt, LiIIian A to Gerald J Earry. Tinton av, e s, 335.1 s
165th st, 21.9x100. P M. Prior mort $3,500. July 29, 3 years,
G%. Aug 1, 1907. 10:2609. 1,500
Robiũson, Mary E to Fielding L Marshall and ano trus for bene-
flt Susanna P L Sutphen will Susauna P Lees. Belmont st, n w
cor luwood av, runs n 126,8 x n w 168.6 to e s Featherbed lane
X s w 143,2 to McComb's Dam road x s 49.6 to st x e 230.6
lo beginning. July 29, 3 years, 6%. July 30, 1907. 11:2865.
Rechnitzer, Max to Wilbur Larremore referee. 170th st, s e oor
Lind av, 17.10x104x25x105.9. P M. May 28, 2 years, 5%. Aug
1, 1907. 9:2532. 1,592
Same to Wilubur Larremore, referee. Aqueduct av, e s, 150 s
Merriam av, 25x59x25,0x51; Merriam av, w s, 150 s Aqueduct
av, 21.3x—X—x51. P M. June 13, 2 years, 5%. Aug 1, 1907,
9:2534, 1,330
Rechnitzer, Max to Wiihur Larreniore referee. Aqueduct av. e s,
125 s Merriam av, 25x51 and 51 to Merrlam av, x25x42.9 and
42.9. P M. June 13, 2 ye ars, 5%. Aug 1. 1907. 9:2534.
Rohinson, Isidor to Morris H Hayman. Washington av, w s,
242 n 17Sth st, 107,7x145.9x107.6x146.3. Juiy 29, due Apr 1,
1908, 6%. , July 30, 1907. 11:3035. " 10,000
*Rese:U Roaity Co with Prault Gass. Mayaower av, w s, and being
lots 72 to 75 map 473 lots Haight Estate at Westchester. Ex-
tension mort. June 29. July 30, 1907. uom
*Reardon, John to Annje C Ruhl and ano, 7th st, n s, 300 w Av
B, 25x103. July 22. 3 years, 5t^%. July 30, 1907. 3,600
Ratensky, Isaac to Franz X Maiewslci. Morris av, No 479, w s,
25.4 s 14Sth st, 25.4xS4.ox2Í-í88.8. P M. July 31, 1907, 4
years, 0%, 9:2336. 7,060
Raisbeck, James J to Bronx Investment Co, Morris av, No 1859
(1858). w s, 71.6 n 176th st, 17.10x95. July 29, due July 29,
1910, 5%. July 31, 1907. 11:2827, 5,000
Realty Operating Co with City Mortgage Co. Park av, e s, 50 n
184th st, 75x100, Suhordinatlon agreement. July 25. July 26,
1907. 11:3039. nora
Ratf, Pishel to Adolph Rosenherg. Wendover av. No 758, s s,
176.10 e Washington av, 25.3x191x25x194.7. P M. July 22. 1
year, 6%, July 27, 1907. 11:2912, 200
*Ramos, Ada M of Brooklyn, N Y, to Regent Realty Co, Plot he-
gins 590 e White Plains road, at point 1,229.9 n along same from
Morris Parĩĩ av, runs n e 102.1 x n w 102.1 x s w 102.1 x s e
162.1 to beginuing, wĩth right of way over strip to Morris Park
av. July 24, 3 years, 6%. July 26, 1907. 2,200
*Rittman, Fredk to Blanche S Durell. Fugsley av, w s. 75 n
Benediet av, 25x96x25x97. July 24, 3 years, 5^%. July 26,
1907. 3,200
*,SiegeI, Ester to Land Co B of Edenwald. Doon av, e s, 350 n Jef-
ferson av, 25x100, Edenwald. P M. Juiy 27, 3 years, G%.
Aug 1, 1907. 140
Seeger, Henry to Alice .-^uderson. Arthur av, No 2148. e s, 712.7 s
182d st, late Kingsbridge road, 16.8x100,4x16,8x100.2, except
part for Arthur av. Prior mort $1,600. July 31, 5 years, 5%.
Aug 1, 1907. 11:3070. 2,600
Schwab, Saml to IRVING SAVINGS INST. Washington av, No
1063, w s, 100 s 173d st, runs s 40.2 x w 140.1 x u 40 x e 45
X n 0,.3 X e 95 to beginning. July 31, 5 years, 5%, Aug 1, 1907.
11:2905. 27,500
Slomon, Saml to Harold Spielberg. 3(ĩ av, Nos 3985 and 3987, w s,
abt 100 n 173d st. 50x124.9x50x119.10 s s. Prior mort $40,000.
July 30. 2 years, G%. Aug 1, 1907. 11:2921. 2,500
Sehwartz, Adolph to Jas G Wentz. Kelly st, w s, 130.2 n 165th st.
50x100. Buildiug loan. July 25, demaud, 6%. July 26, 1907.
10:2705. 17,000
Spring, David H to Minnie Kroger, Longfellow av, w s, 125 s
172d st, 25x100. July 24, 3 yrs, 51/.%. July 20, 1907. 11:3000.
Same to Katharine P Beaton, Same property. Frior mort $5,000.
July 25, due, &c, as per bond. July 20, 1907. 11:3000. 700
Stern, Louis to IRVING SAVINGS INSTN. Simpson st. No 1001,
w s. 241,3 n Westchester av, 43.9x100. July 20, 5 years, 5%.
July 27, 1907. 10:2726. 30,000
*Sommer, Henry Jr to John P Everett, 5th st. n s, 380 w Av C,
25x108, Unionport. P M. July 25, due Sept 25, 1907, 6%. July
■ 26, 1907. 1,000
*Steinmetz, Amelia to Benj F Elgar. Hosedale av, e s, 100 n Mer-
rill st, 25x100. July 26, 1907, 3 years, 6%. 4,000
Spaulding, Anna A to Chrĩstine Eblers. 235th st, late WiIIard
st, s s, 300 e Kepler av, 50x100. P M. July 27, 3 years, 5%.
July 30, 1997. 12:3375, 1,400
Singhî, Henry U to Anne E Levey et al exrs, &c, Isaac Levy (or
Levey). . Aqueduct av East, 101.3 s 184th st, 12S.lx94.8xl03.2x
71.4. P M. July 22, 3 years, 4^%. July 30, 1907. 11:3209.
Same to same. lS4th st, n s, 90 w Grand av, 71 to e s old Croton
Aqueduct xl01.3x54,11x100. July 22, 3 years, 4^%. July 30,
1907, 11:3212. 5,600
*Spero, Sarah to Eliz K Dooliug. Commonwealth av, e s, 125 n
Mansion st, 25x100. July 20, 3 years, 5V.%. July 29, 1907.
*Shute, Mary E to Hudson P Rose Co, Eastchester road, e s,
54.0 s Seminole st, 27.3x95x24,7x100. P M. July 19, due Aug
1, 1907, 51^%. July 29, 1907. 425
Thornton Brothers Co to Eliz Gifford, Pindlay av, e s, 90 n 169th ,
st, 2 lots, together in size 41.5x100. 2 morts. each $5,000.
July 30, 3 years, 5%. July 31, 1907. 11:2782—2783. 10,000
Sarae to same. Sarae property. 2 certificates as to above morts.
July 31, 1907. 11:2782—2783. —
*Tay!or. Lydia to Annie V Taylor. Vine st, e s, 100 s Troy av,
100x160 and being lot 340 map Arden property, Westchester.
July 10, 3 years, 6%, July 31, 1907. 500
Timmons, Wm J to Louise Booss, 164th st, Nos 846 and 848, s s,
116,8 w Trinity av, 33.4x100. July 26, 1907, due, &c, as per
bond. 10:2632. 8,000
Ten Broolc. Prank A and Chas F Streeter to Amerioan Mortgage
Co. Bathgate av, e s, 128.6 n 175th st, runs n 83 x e 99.7 x s 8
X w 0.1 X s 99.1 to beginning. Building loan. July 26, 1 year,
6%. July 27, 1907, 11:2923. 60,000
'*Terrusa, Rosario to A Shatzkin & Sons ĩnc, Tilden av, w s, 50 s
215th st. 25x100. Laconia Park. P M. July 26, due July 1.
1908, G%. July 27, 1907. 360
*TiBtĩale, James R to Ghas C Maaning. Unionport road, ■iv s,
249.5 s Morris Park av, 25.5x98.0x25x93.7. July 31, due July 1,
1910, 5V2%. Aug 1, 1907, 5,300
*TavaIacci, Antonio to Joseph C Luke, Plot begins S40 e White
Piains road at point 870 n along same from Morris Park av,
runs e 100 x n 25 x w 100 x s 25 to beginning, wĩth right of way
over strip to Morris Park av. P M. Prior mort $3,009. Juĩy 30,
3 years, 0%. Aug 1, 1907. _ 800
Tesoro, Joseph to Prank D Hunter. Hoffman st, e s, 243.10 n
184th st, 32x119.1. July 27, due, &c, as per bond. July 3IJ,
1907, 11:3065, 2,000
Vollmer, Louis to TĨTLE GTJARANTEE & TRUST CO, Prospect
av, s w cor 179th st, 20x100. July 30, due, &c, as per hond,
July 31, 1907. 11:3093. 5,000
*Wackler, George to Ohas Kolbe and ano. Eastehester road, n e
cor Rhinelander av, 51.3x100; Rhinelander av, n s, 100 e Éast-
chester road, 16.7x93.10x40.3x98. July 26, 3 years, 5ĩ^%. July
27, 1907. _ 3,500
Wolf, Johann A to Wm Stalker. Arthur av. late Broad st, s e cor
170lh st, iate Woodruff av, 100.5x160x100x160, except part tor
176th st. Due Feb 1, 1908, 5%. Aug 1, 1907. 11:2945.
Walsh, Annĩe, of Riverdale, N Y, to Elleu A CarroII. Tyndall
av, No 214, w s, 322.2 s 259th st, 50x100. P M. July 2,
3 years, 6%. July 29, 1907. 13:3423. 2,000
Delancey st. No 238. G-sty brk and stone tenement. 25.1x85.1; cost,
$30.000; Chas I Weinstein, 21 E 104th st; ar't, Geo Fred Pelham,
r>03 5th av,—576.
Hudson st, Nos 147-149, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse; cost, $200;
Mary A Kehoe, 149 Hudson st; ar't, Wm S Boyd, 561 Hudson st.—
Hamilton pl, s e eor 140th st, 6-sty hrk and stone tenement, 59.6x
86-11: cost, $100.000; Joseph H Davis, 311 W 97th st; ar't, Geo
Fred Pelham, 563 5lh av,—577.
Rlvington st, Nos 173 aud 175, 0-sty brk and stone store and tene-
meut, 40x67 and 86.8; cost. $40,000; Abraham L Kass, 122 Bs-
sex st; ar't. Samue! Sass, 23 Park row.—;.iS7.
Waverĩy pl, Nos '164 and 106, 6-sty brk and stoue tenement, 43,8x
84,1; cost, $40,000; Jacob Kata, 70 E lllth st; ar'ts, Bernstein
& Bernstein, 24 E 23d st,—580.
West st. Nos 503-505, 5 and 7-sty brk and stone Seamen's Home.
65.7x127, tile, gravel and copper rooE; cost, $150,000; American's
Seamen's Priend Society, 76 Walĩ st; ar'ts. Boring & Tilton, 32
llth st, No 333 E, two I.-stybrk and stone outhonses, 5.10x18.2 and
6.6x30.2; total cost, $8,000; J S Dalton, S12 Eagle av; ar't, O
Reissman, 30 Ist st.—.580.
17th st, No 11 W. 12-sty brk and stone loft building, 27x81, slag
roof; cost, $70,000; E W Browning, 18 W 17th st; ar't, Otto
Strack, 121 E 23d st,—568,
32d st, Nos 12-14 West, 12-sty brk and stone store and office build-
ing, 33.8x85, slag roof; cost, $206,609; Pacilic Realty Co, 9il7
Broadway; ar'ts, Rouse & Sloan, 11 E 43d st.—588.
33d st, Nos 35-39 W, 6-sty brK and stone store and loft huilding, 67
x91, plastic slate roof; cost. .tiSO.OOO; Eldaen Realty & Construe-
tion Co, 1 W 34th st; ar't, Oscar Lowinson, 18-20 E 42d st,—570.
33d Bt, Nos 527-529 W, 1-sty concrete and hrk storage shed. 50x98,9,
plastio slate rooí; cost, $1,500; Michael Fogarty, 531 W 33d st;
ar't, James W Cole, 403 W 51st st,—585.
37th st, Nos 236-23,8 E, 2-Bty brk and stone stable and garage, 40x
87,9, eomposition felt and slag roof; cost, $20,009; Wm R H Mar-
tin. Greenwich, Conn; ar'ts, Townsend, Steinle & Hasltell, 29 East
19th st.—571.
40tb st, No 111 E. 5-sty brk and stone dwelling. 18.9x50, slate and
tiũ roof; eost, $10,000; o%v'r and ar't, Ernest Flagg, 3o Wall st,—
59th st, s s, 75 e Av A, 3-sty brk and stone boiler house, 75x100,
slag roof; cost, $119,000; New York Steam Co, 90 West st; ar't,
C C Upham, 90 West st.~584.
Ist av, s w cor 56th st, 4-Bty hrk and stone school, 53.4x100, tar
and gravel roof; cost. $80,000; Church of St John the Evangelist,
.351 E 55th st; ar'ts, Pranklin A Green and John V Van Pelt, As-
sociated, 333 4th av.—569.
65th st, Nos 41-43 E, two 5-sty hrk and stone dwellings, 19x62.4;
total cost, $100,009; Mahel Clarke McCrea, Lawrence, Nassau Co,
L I; ar't, Robert W Gihson, 76 Wiiliam st.—581.
122d st. Nos 319-323 E, 1-sty brk and stone store huilding, 60x75,
plastic slate roof; eost, $6.000; Chas Preys, 305 Columbns av, Jer-
sey City; ar't, David W King, 147 E 125th st,—507.
Madison av. s e cor 64th st, 10-sty brk and stone apartment house,
121.8x100,5, sĩag roof; cost, $800,000; Sixty-Fourth Street Co,
624 Madison av; ar't. Wm E Mowbray, 624 Madison av.—578.
-5th av, n e cor 92d st, 6-sty brk and stone residence, 56x74, tile and
eopper roof; cost, $260,600; Frieda S Warburg, 18 E' 72d st; ar't,
C P H GiFbert, 1123 Broadway,—589.
West End av, s w cor .87th st, 6-sty brk and stone school, S0,8x
61.4, tile and gravel roof; cost, $256,000; New York Protostant
Episcopal Public School, 63 Wall st; ar't, Wm A Boring, 32 Broad-
127th Bt, Nos 136-140 E, 5-sty brk and stone hotel. 40.8x94.11,
tile roof; cost, $100,000; The Children's Aid Society, 105 E 22d st;
ar'ts, Parish & Schroeder, 5 W 31st st.—573.
134th st, n s, 10 w Madison av, 1-sty brk wagon shed. 60x99.11;
cost, $2,0(X); James Everard, 12 E 133d st; ar't, James W Cole,
403 W 51st st.—572,
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